changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/btstack/avctp/common/Avctp.h	Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+#ifndef AVCTP_H
+#define AVCTP_H
+#include <es_prot.h>
+#include <bluetoothav.h>
+#include <e32hashtab.h>
+#include "btsockettimer.h"
+#include "avctpcommon.h"
+#include <es_prot_internal.h>
+namespace SymbianAvctp
+const static TUint KServiceInfo =
+	KSIConnectionLess | KSIReliable | KSIInOrder | 
+	KSIDatagram | KSIGracefulClose;
+const static TInt KServiceTypeInfo = 
+	ESocketSupport | ECantProcessMBufChains | EUseCanSend;
+const static TInt KMaxNumSocketsInProtocol = 10;
+} // end of namespace SymbianAvctp
+// ok to not have in namespace
+const static TL2CAPPort KAvctpSecondChannelPSM = 0x1b;
+const TInt KAvctpSecondaryChannelOutboundMTU = 0xffff;
+const TInt KAvctpSecondaryChannelInboundMTU = 0xffff;
+// forward declarations
+class CAvctpSap;
+class CAvctpTransport;
+class CAvctpMuxerStateFactory;
+class CAvctpConnection;
+class CAvctpPacketMgr;
+class HAvctpIncomingSdu;
+class HAvctpOutgoingSdu;
+class CAvctpSubConDeviceErrorEvent;
+class CAvctpSubConEventConnectCfm;
+class CAvctpSubConEventConnectInd;
+class CAvctpSubConEventDiscCfm;
+class CAvctpSubConEventDiscInd;
+class MAvctpSDUSender;
+	{
+	TClientItem(TUint16 aClientId);
+	void AttachPrimaryChannel(MSocketNotify& aNotify);
+	void AttachSecondaryChannel(MSocketNotify& aNotify);
+	void DetachSecondaryChannel();
+	TUint16 ClientId() const;
+	MSocketNotify* PrimaryChannel() const;
+	MSocketNotify* SecondaryChannel() const;
+	TBool IsSecondaryChannelAttached() const;
+	TUint16					iClientId;
+	MSocketNotify*			iPrimaryChannel;
+	MSocketNotify*			iSecondaryChannel;
+	TBool					iIsSecondaryChannelAttached;
+	TInt					iRefCount;
+	};
+The AVCTP Protocol object.  Used by BT_v2.prt to create a CProtocolBase object
+for ESOCK, so ESOCK can create AVCTP sockets.
+This is the object created by ESock to give access to AVCTP services
+  @internalAll
+  @see CProtocolBase
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAvctpProtocol) : public CBluetoothProtocolBase
+    {
+	// Factory functions
+    static CAvctpProtocol* NewL(CBTSecMan& aSecMan, RBTControlPlane& aControlPlane, CBTCodServiceMan& aCodMan);
+    static CAvctpProtocol* NewLC(CBTSecMan& aSecMan, RBTControlPlane& aControlPlane, CBTCodServiceMan& aCodMan);
+	// Functions from CProtocolBase
+	virtual void InitL(TDesC& aTag);				// need to get a state factory
+	virtual void StartL();							// check we're bound
+	virtual void BindToL(CProtocolBase* aProtocol);	// bind to lower protocol (L2CAP)
+	virtual void CloseNow();
+	virtual void Open();
+	virtual void Close();
+	virtual void Identify(TServerProtocolDesc* aProtocolDesc) const;
+	virtual CServProviderBase* NewSAPL(TUint aSockType);
+	// Functions  from CBluetoothProtocolBase
+	virtual TInt BearerConnectComplete(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, CServProviderBase* aSSP);
+	virtual TInt ControlPlaneMessage(TBTControlPlaneMessage aMessage, TAny* aParam);
+	// Other general protocol functions	
+	TInt StartProtocolListening();
+	void DoStartAvctpListeningL();
+	static void ProtocolIdentity(TServerProtocolDesc* aDesc); // Static query function used by Identify
+	TInt SetPreauthorisation(const TBTDevAddr& aPreauthoriseAddress, TBool aSetPreauthorisation);
+	// AVCTP specific functions
+	CAvctpMuxerStateFactory& MuxerStateFactory() const;
+	// Interface to the muxer
+	TInt ProvideTransport(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr, TUint16 aClientId, MSocketNotify& aControlSocket);
+	TInt ActiveExtendTransport(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr, TUint16 aClientId, MSocketNotify& aSecondChannelControlSocket);
+	void AwaitForExtendedTransport(TUint16 aClientId, MSocketNotify& aSecondChannelControlSocket);
+	void PrimaryChannelRefuseAttach(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr, TUint16 aClientId);
+	void SecondaryChannelRefuseAttach(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr, TUint16 aClientId);	
+	TInt AttachInboundConnectionToTransport(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr, CServProviderBase* aL2CAPConSAP);
+	TInt GetChannelMtu(TInt aChannel, const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TInt& aMtu);
+	TInt ReleaseTransport(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr, TUint16 aClientId);
+	TInt ReleaseExtendedTransport(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr, TUint16 aClientId);
+	void PrimaryChannelIncomingRemoteDisconnection(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr);
+	MAvctpSDUSender* GetSDUSender(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr, TInt aChannel);
+	CAvctpTransport* FindTransport(const TBTDevAddr& aDevAddr);
+	void AwaitTransport(TUint16 aClientId, MSocketNotify& aControlSocket);
+	TInt PrimaryChannelAgreeAttachment(TUint16 aClientId, const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr);
+	TInt SecondaryChannelAgreeAttachment(TUint16 aClientId, const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr);
+	// Interface to all Saps provided for the muxers
+	TBool SapsHaveDataFor(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr);
+	void  SignalCanSendToSaps(CAvctpPacketMgr& aPacketMgr);
+	void  SignalNewDataToSaps(HAvctpIncomingSdu* aSdu, TInt aChannel);
+	void  SignalMuxerDownToSaps(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr);
+	// Que Management
+	TInt AddSap(CAvctpSap& aSap);
+	void RemoveSap(CAvctpSap& aSap);
+	CAvctpSap* FindSap(TUint16 aClientId);
+	TInt AddTransport(CAvctpTransport& aMuxer);
+	void RemoveTransport(CAvctpTransport& aMuxer);
+	CAvctpTransport* FindOrCreateTransport(const TBTDevAddr& aDevAddr, TInt aChannel, CServProviderBase* aL2CAPConSAP = NULL);
+	void SetSecondChannelCtrlNotify(TUint16 aClientId, MSocketNotify& aSecondChannelControlSocket);
+	void NotifyLinkUp(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TBool aIsSecondChannel);
+	CAvctpProtocol(CBTSecMan& aSecMan, RBTControlPlane& aControlPlane, CBTCodServiceMan& aCodMan);
+	void ConstructL();
+	~CAvctpProtocol();
+	// Close Functions
+	void CheckForIdle();
+	TBool IsIdle();
+	void QueIdleTimer();
+	void DequeIdleTimer();
+	const TClientItem* AddClientItem(TUint16 aClientId, MSocketNotify& aNotify);
+	const TClientItem* ClientItem(TUint16 aClientId) const;
+	static TInt TryToClose(TAny* aProtocol);
+	// Ipid Response Callback functions
+	static TInt IpidAsyncCallBack(TAny* aProtocol);
+	inline void StartSendIpidAsyncCallBack();
+	inline void CancelIpidAsyncCallBack();
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+	void LogSaps();
+	void LogMuxers();
+	/** The state factory for the lightweight AVCTP SAP states */
+	CAvctpMuxerStateFactory*		iMuxerStateFactory;
+	// Queues
+	/** All AVCTP Service Access Providers are owned by esock. 
+	    This queue is for Saps that have been assigned a PID 
+	    to allow us to enforce the 1 SAP / PID rule */
+	TDblQue<CAvctpSap> iSaps;
+	/** All AVCTP transports are owned by the protocol.
+	    This queue is for Muxers that have been assigned a remote address
+	    to allow us to enforce the 1 Muxer / remote address rule */
+	TDblQue<CAvctpTransport> iTransports;
+	/** This is a Que of IPID responses to remote devices 
+		These are owned by the protocol */
+	TDblQue<HAvctpOutgoingSdu> iIpidResponses;
+	// Stuff for close callbacks, etc.
+	/** Whether we are about to die */
+	TBool					iClosePending;
+	/** An entry in the BT protocol family delta timer queue
+		The idle timer is something that runs to prevent the protocol going down and 
+		then being brought up again immediately because this is costly. Instead we 
+		stay alive for a small amount of time to try and smooth out the Opening and
+		closing */
+	TDeltaTimerEntry		iIdleTimerEntry;
+	TBool			iIdleTimerQueued;
+	CAsyncCallBack*	iIpidResponseAsyncCallBack;
+	CIncomingConnectionListener*	iSecondChannelListener;
+	RHashMap<TInt, TClientItem>		iClientItems;
+	};
+#include "avctp.inl"
+#endif // AVCTP_H