--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/btstack/l2cap/L2CapSDUQueue.cpp Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <bluetooth/logger.h>
+#include "L2CapSDUQueue.h"
+#include "L2CapDataController.h"
+#include "l2util.h"
+#include "l2sap.h"
+#include "L2CapDebugControlInterface.h"
+#include "btsockettimer.h"
+#include <es_prot_internal.h>
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+CL2CapSDUQueue* CL2CapSDUQueue::NewLC(CL2CAPConnectionSAP& aL2CapSap,
+ TL2CAPPort aLocalCID,
+ TL2CAPPort aRemoteCID,
+ CL2CAPMux& aMuxer,
+ TUint16 aPDUSize,
+ TUint8 aOutboundQueueSize,
+ TL2CapDataControllerConfig* aConfig,
+ TUint16 aFlushTimeout,
+ TUint16 aMaxOutgoingMTU,
+ TUint16 aMaxIncomingMTU,
+ TBool aCanDropSdus)
+ {
+ CL2CapSDUQueue* self = new(ELeave) CL2CapSDUQueue(aL2CapSap, aOutboundQueueSize, aPDUSize, aFlushTimeout, aMaxOutgoingMTU, aMaxIncomingMTU, aCanDropSdus);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aLocalCID, aRemoteCID, aMuxer, aConfig);
+ return self;
+ }
+CL2CapSDUQueue* CL2CapSDUQueue::NewL(CL2CAPConnectionSAP& aL2CapSap,
+ TL2CAPPort aLocalCID,
+ TL2CAPPort aRemoteCID,
+ CL2CAPMux& aMuxer,
+ TUint16 aPDUSize,
+ TUint8 aOutboundQueueSize,
+ TL2CapDataControllerConfig* aConfig,
+ TUint16 aFlushTimeout,
+ TUint16 aMaxOutgoingMTU,
+ TUint16 aMaxIncomingMTU,
+ TBool aCanDropSdus)
+ {
+ CL2CapSDUQueue* self = NewLC(aL2CapSap, aLocalCID, aRemoteCID, aMuxer, aPDUSize, aOutboundQueueSize, aConfig, aFlushTimeout, aMaxOutgoingMTU, aMaxIncomingMTU, aCanDropSdus);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::ConstructL(TL2CAPPort aLocalCID, TL2CAPPort aRemoteCID, CL2CAPMux& aMuxer, TL2CapDataControllerConfig* aConfig)
+ {
+ iDataController = CL2CapBasicDataController::NewL(aLocalCID, aRemoteCID, aMuxer, *this, aConfig);
+ TCallBack canSendCB(CanSendAsyncCallBack, this);
+ iCanSendAsyncCallBack = new (ELeave)CAsyncCallBack(canSendCB, EActiveMedPriority);
+ TCallBack sdusSentCB(SDUsSentAsyncCallBack, this);
+ iSDUSentAsyncCallBack = new (ELeave)CAsyncCallBack(sdusSentCB, EActiveLowPriority);
+ TCallBack qClosingCB(QueueClosingAsyncCallBack, this);
+ iQueueClosingCallBack = new (ELeave)CAsyncCallBack(qClosingCB, EActiveHighPriority);
+ }
+CL2CapSDUQueue::CL2CapSDUQueue(CL2CAPConnectionSAP& aL2CapSap,
+ TUint8 aOutboundQueueSize,
+ TUint16 aPDUSize,
+ TUint16 aFlushTimeout,
+ TUint16 aMaxOutgoingMTU,
+ TUint16 aMaxIncomingMTU,
+ TBool aCanDropSdus)
+ : iL2CapSap(aL2CapSap),
+ iOutboundQueueSize(aOutboundQueueSize),
+ iOutgoingSDUs(_FOFF(CL2CapSDU, iLink)),
+ iOutgoingPulledSDUs(_FOFF(CL2CapSDU, iLink)),
+ iFlushTimeout(aFlushTimeout),
+ iCurrentPDUSize(aPDUSize),
+ iMaximumPDUSize(aPDUSize),
+ iNegotiatedPDUSize(aPDUSize),
+ iMaxOutgoingMTU(aMaxOutgoingMTU),
+ iMaxIncomingMTU(aMaxIncomingMTU),
+ iCanDropSdus(aCanDropSdus)
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ TDblQueIter<CL2CapSDU> ogSDUIter(iOutgoingSDUs);
+ CL2CapSDU* sduPtr;
+ while((sduPtr = ogSDUIter++) != NULL)
+ {
+ delete sduPtr;
+ }
+ TDblQueIter<CL2CapSDU> ogPulledSDUIter(iOutgoingPulledSDUs);
+ while((sduPtr = ogPulledSDUIter++) != NULL)
+ {
+ delete sduPtr;
+ }
+ // Free any incoming SDU's in the list.
+ iIncomingSDUs.Free();
+ iCurrentIncomingSDU.Free();
+ // If the outgoing queue has not been closed then the
+ // data controller needs to be deregistered. iDataController
+ // can be NULL if CL2CapSDUQueue is created and deleted immediately
+ if(iDataController)
+ {
+ iDataController->DeregisterFromMuxer();
+ }
+ delete iDataController;
+ delete iCanSendAsyncCallBack;
+ delete iSDUSentAsyncCallBack;
+ delete iQueueClosingCallBack;
+ CancelOutgoingQueueClosingTimer();
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::ProcessFlushTimerExpiry(CL2CapSDU& aL2CapSDU)
+ {
+ CL2CapSDU* sduPtr;
+ TBool done = EFalse;
+ TBool dataPlaneFlushRequired = EFalse;
+ if(!iOutgoingSDUs.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ // Check the SDU that is first in line to be sent. It may
+ // have already been partially sent in which case it must be
+ // flushed. If it has not been sent at all then just delete it.
+ sduPtr = iOutgoingSDUs.First();
+ if(sduPtr == &aL2CapSDU)
+ {
+ // The flushed SDU is first in line to be sent.
+ if(sduPtr->IsSDUEmpty())
+ {
+ // None of the SDU has been pulled yet.
+ delete sduPtr;
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(UpdateFlushCounters(L2capDebugInfo::ESDUFlushQueuedSDUFlushed));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Some of the SDU has been sent. Remove it from
+ // the OG queue so no more is sent.
+ sduPtr->iLink.Deque();
+ iOutgoingPulledSDUs.AddLast(*sduPtr);
+ dataPlaneFlushRequired = ETrue;
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(UpdateFlushCounters(L2capDebugInfo::ESDUFlushPartialSentSDUFlushed));
+ }
+ done = ETrue;
+ }
+ // If its not the first SDU check the rest of the outbound queue.
+ TDblQueIter<CL2CapSDU> ogSDUIter(iOutgoingSDUs);
+ // Start from 2nd element in the queue.
+ ogSDUIter++;
+ while(!done && ((sduPtr = ogSDUIter++) != NULL))
+ {
+ if(sduPtr == &aL2CapSDU)
+ {
+ // Flushed SDU found. None of this SDU has been
+ // sent yet so it can just be deleted from the
+ // outbound queue.
+ delete sduPtr;
+ done = ETrue;
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(UpdateFlushCounters(L2capDebugInfo::ESDUFlushQueuedSDUFlushed));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(done)
+ {
+ // The SDU has been found and removed from the outgoing
+ // queue.
+ SDURemovedFromOutboundQueue();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If the SDU is not found in the outgoing queue it must have already
+ // been sent
+ dataPlaneFlushRequired = ETrue;
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(UpdateFlushCounters(L2capDebugInfo::ESDUFlushSentSDUFlushed));
+ }
+ if(iDataController && dataPlaneFlushRequired)
+ {
+ iDataController->ProcessFlushTimerExpiry();
+ }
+ }
+HL2CapPDU* CL2CapSDUQueue::GetPDU()
+ {
+ HL2CapPDU* pduPtr = NULL;
+ if(!iOutgoingSDUs.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ CL2CapSDU* sduPtr = iOutgoingSDUs.First();
+ // If the outbound queue is suspended, and this is the start
+ // of a new SDU. Then don't send a PDU.
+ if(!(iOutboundQueueSuspended && sduPtr->CurrentPDUIsFirstPDU()))
+ {
+ TBool lastPDU = sduPtr->GetPDU(pduPtr);
+ if(lastPDU)
+ {
+ sduPtr->iLink.Deque();
+ iOutgoingPulledSDUs.AddLast(*sduPtr);
+ SDURemovedFromOutboundQueue();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return pduPtr;
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::PutBFramePDU(RMBufChain& dataFrame)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDataController->IsBasicDataVersion(),
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidFrameType));
+ // Trim off the PDU header and store the SDU data.
+ HBFramePDU::RemoveHeaderBytes(dataFrame);
+ iIncomingSDUs.Append(dataFrame);
+ iCurrentInboundQueueLength++;
+ iL2CapSap.NewData();
+ }
+TInt CL2CapSDUQueue::PutIFramePDU(RMBufChain& aDataFrame)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iDataController->IsBasicDataVersion() == EFalse,
+ Panic(EL2CapPDUInvalidFrameType));
+ TL2CapSAR sar = HIFramePDU::SAR(aDataFrame);
+ if (sar == EStartOfL2CapSDU)
+ {
+ // SDU length and minimal StartOfSdu I-Frame length as per 2.1 Core Spec Addendum 1:
+ // 3.3.7 Invalid Frame Detection Algorithm steps 4a&c.
+ TInt err = HIFramePDU::CheckStartSduLength(aDataFrame, iMaxIncomingMTU);
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ aDataFrame.Free();
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ if(HIFramePDU::IsStartOfSDU(aDataFrame))
+ {
+ // TODO: Commented out until RTM and FC are fixed not to call this method
+ // once they're notified we're full.
+// __ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentInboundQueueLength < KInboundQueueFlowCtrlThreshold,
+// Panic(EL2CAPPutIFrameCalledWhenSDUQFull));
+ if(!iCurrentIncomingSDU.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ aDataFrame.Free();
+ // The previous SDU has not been completed. Take the
+ // required action, and remove the SDU from the queue.
+ return HandleIncompleteSDU(iCurrentIncomingSDU);
+ }
+ // A new SDU needs to be started.
+ if(sar == EStartOfL2CapSDU)
+ {
+ iCurrentIncomingSDULength = HIFramePDU::SDUSize(aDataFrame);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Unsegmented PDU.
+ iCurrentIncomingSDULength = static_cast<TUint16>(HIFramePDU::PDUPayloadLength(aDataFrame) - (HL2CapPDU::KControlFieldLength + HL2CapPDU::KFCSFieldLength));
+ }
+ HIFramePDU::RemoveHeaderAndFCSBytes(aDataFrame);
+ iCurrentIncomingSDU.Assign(aDataFrame);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HIFramePDU::RemoveHeaderAndFCSBytes(aDataFrame);
+ // The existing SDU should not be empty.
+ if(iCurrentIncomingSDU.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ aDataFrame.Free();
+ return HandleIncompleteSDU(aDataFrame);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Add to the existing SDU.
+ iCurrentIncomingSDU.Append(aDataFrame);
+ if(sar == EEndOfL2CapSDU)
+ {
+ // Check the expected length matches the actual length.
+ if(iCurrentIncomingSDU.Length() != iCurrentIncomingSDULength)
+ {
+ return HandleIncompleteSDU(iCurrentIncomingSDU);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(iCurrentIncomingSDU.Length() == iCurrentIncomingSDULength)
+ {
+ // Note: the two lines below should sit next to each other to be atomic wrt.
+ // a call to Read(), in whose context we may be executing right now.
+ // (Read() frees up space in the queue, calls iDataController->SetIncomingSduQFull,
+ // which in turn calls PutIFramePDU for buffered frames).
+ iIncomingSDUs.Append(iCurrentIncomingSDU);
+ iCurrentInboundQueueLength++;
+ if(iCurrentInboundQueueLength >= KInboundQueueFlowCtrlThreshold)
+ {
+ iDataController->SetIncomingSduQFull(ETrue);
+ }
+ // SDU is complete, signal new data.
+ iL2CapSap.NewData();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(iCurrentIncomingSDU.Length() > iCurrentIncomingSDULength)
+ {
+ // The incoming SDU has exceeded the length.
+ return HandleIncompleteSDU(iCurrentIncomingSDU);
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CL2CapSDUQueue::Write(RMBufChain& aSDUData)
+ {
+ TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+ if(aSDUData.Length() <= iMaxOutgoingMTU)
+ {
+ CL2CapSDU* sduPtr = NULL;
+ if(!iOutboundSendingBlocked &&
+ (iCurrentOutboundQueueLength < iOutboundQueueSize))
+ {
+ TRAP(rerr, sduPtr = CL2CapSDU::NewL(aSDUData, *this, iCurrentPDUSize, iDataController->IsBasicDataVersion(), iFlushTimeout));
+ if(rerr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iOutgoingSDUs.AddLast(*sduPtr);
+ iCurrentOutboundQueueLength++;
+ iDataController->OutgoingPduAvailableOnSduQ();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iOutboundSendingBlocked = ETrue;
+ rerr = KErrNotReady;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Attempt to send a SDU larger than the negotiated MTU size.
+ rerr = KErrTooBig;
+ }
+ return rerr;
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::FlushCurrentlyAssembledSdu()
+ {
+ iCurrentIncomingSDU.Free();
+ iCurrentIncomingSDULength = 0;
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::FlushOldestIncomingSdu()
+ {
+ if (!iIncomingSDUs.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ RMBufChain sdu;
+ //Check on return value of iIncomingSDUs.Remove() is unnecessary, since we've checked iIncomingSDUs.IsEmpty()
+ static_cast<void>(iIncomingSDUs.Remove(sdu));
+ sdu.Free();
+ iCurrentInboundQueueLength--;
+ }
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::Read(RMBufChain& readData)
+ {
+ if(!iIncomingSDUs.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ //Check on return value of iIncomingSDUs.Remove() is unnecessary, since we've checked iIncomingSDUs.IsEmpty()
+ static_cast<void>(iIncomingSDUs.Remove(readData));
+ iCurrentInboundQueueLength--;
+ if (iDataController && iCurrentInboundQueueLength < KInboundQueueFlowCtrlThreshold)
+ {
+ // Note: ERTM will call PutIFramePDU() for each buffered frame, in the context of the
+ // call below.
+ // Conclusion 1: flow control may be on again when returning from this call.
+ // Conclusion 2: this method (Read) and PutIFramePDU need to be reentrant with respect
+ // to each other: iIncomingSDUs.Append/Remove and corresponding iCurrentInboundQueueLength++/--
+ // need to be "atomic".
+ iDataController->SetIncomingSduQFull(EFalse);
+ }
+ // Check if this is the last SDU in the incoming queue.
+ if(iSDUQueuesClosing && iIncomingSDUs.IsEmpty())
+ // Note: see comment in CloseSDUQueue for why we don't need to check for incoming data
+ // in the data controller.
+ {
+ iIncomingQueueClosed = ETrue;
+ TryToCloseQueue();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::CloseSDUQueue(TIncomingSDUQueueCloseAction aIncomingQueueAction,
+ TOutgoingSDUQueueCloseAction aOutgoingQueueAction)
+ {
+ iSDUQueuesClosing = ETrue;
+ if (aIncomingQueueAction == EImmediatelyCloseIncomingQueue ||
+ iIncomingSDUs.IsEmpty())
+ // ^- note it's the remote's responsibility to only initiate disconnection when
+ // all it's outgoing data has been delivered, which on receiveing side means
+ // we don't have to check the data controller for pending incoming data -
+ // everything that's been acknowledged is always in the SDU Q.
+ {
+ iIncomingQueueClosed = ETrue;
+ }
+ if (aOutgoingQueueAction == EImmediatelyCloseOutgoingQueue)
+ {
+ iOutgoingQueueClosed = ETrue;
+ }
+ else if (iOutgoingSDUs.IsEmpty() &&
+ !iOutgoingQueueClosed)
+ // ^- iDataController may be NULL if the outgoing Q has been closed.
+ // It'll happen if the remote initiates the disconnection, we close the outgoing
+ // Q and delete the data controller but still have unread SDUs in the incoming
+ // Q, and then our application calls Shutdown without reading the SDUs.
+ {
+ // Some of the data may still be waiting for transmission/acknowledgement
+ // in the data controller's outgoing queues. If it's a reliable mode data controller
+ // then we need to make sure all data has been delivered.
+ iOutgoingQueueClosed = iDataController->DeliverOutgoingDataAndSignalToSduQWhenDone();
+ }
+ else // draining & have outgoing SDUs
+ {
+ // Start a guard timer to ensure the shutdown of the outgoing queue.
+ StartOutgoingQueueClosingTimer();
+ }
+ TryToCloseQueue();
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::DataControllerDeliveredOutgoingData()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iSDUQueuesClosing && iOutgoingSDUs.IsEmpty(),
+ Panic(EL2CAPStrayCallToDataControllerDeliveredOutgoingData));
+ // Use the async callback instead of deleting directly - spares us having to inform
+ // the data controller that it's been deleted and thus having a special exit path
+ // inside it.
+ iSDUSentAsyncCallBack->CallBack();
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::TryToCloseQueue()
+ {
+ // If the outgoing queue is not closed nothing can
+ // be done.
+ if(iOutgoingQueueClosed)
+ {
+ // The outgoing queue is closed. Remove the
+ // data controller from the muxer list, it is no longer required.
+ CancelOutgoingQueueClosingTimer();
+ if(iDataController)
+ {
+ // If we initiated the Shutdown, then we don't care about incoming data.
+ // If the remote initiated the shutdown, then it has delivered the data
+ // it wants us to read and it's now in the incoming SDU Q (because everything that
+ // we've acknowledged is). In both cases we can delete the data controller now.
+ iDataController->DeregisterFromMuxer();
+ delete iDataController;
+ iDataController = NULL;
+ }
+ // If both queues are closed signal back to the SAP.
+ if(iIncomingQueueClosed)
+ {
+ iQueueClosingCallBack->CallBack();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/*static*/ TInt CL2CapSDUQueue::QueueClosingAsyncCallBack(TAny* aSDUQueue)
+ {
+ CL2CapSDUQueue* sduQueue = static_cast<CL2CapSDUQueue*>(aSDUQueue);
+ sduQueue->SDUQueueClosed();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::SDUQueueClosed()
+ {
+ iL2CapSap.SDUQueueClosed();
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::SDURemovedFromOutboundQueue()
+ {
+ iCurrentOutboundQueueLength--;
+ if(iOutboundSendingBlocked &&
+ (iCurrentOutboundQueueLength < iOutboundQueueSize))
+ {
+ iOutboundSendingBlocked = EFalse;
+ iCanSendAsyncCallBack->CallBack();
+ }
+ // Check if any sent SDUs need deleting and if we can close the outgoing queue
+ // now (if we're in shutdown at all).
+ iSDUSentAsyncCallBack->CallBack();
+ }
+/*static*/ TInt CL2CapSDUQueue::CanSendAsyncCallBack(TAny* aSDUQueue)
+ {
+ CL2CapSDUQueue* sduQueue = static_cast<CL2CapSDUQueue*>(aSDUQueue);
+ sduQueue->CanSend();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::CanSend()
+ {
+ iL2CapSap.CanSend();
+ }
+/*static*/ TInt CL2CapSDUQueue::SDUsSentAsyncCallBack(TAny* aSDUQueue)
+ {
+ CL2CapSDUQueue* sduQueue = static_cast<CL2CapSDUQueue*>(aSDUQueue);
+ sduQueue->SDUsSent();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::SDUsSent()
+ {
+ // Check the pulled SDU queue and remove all fully sent SDU's.
+ CL2CapSDU* sdu = NULL;
+ while(!iOutgoingPulledSDUs.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ sdu = iOutgoingPulledSDUs.First();
+ if(sdu->IsSDUEmpty())
+ {
+ delete sdu;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the queue is waiting to close and nothing is left to be done close it.
+ if(iSDUQueuesClosing && iOutgoingSDUs.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ // Take the data controller's outgoing PDU queues into account.
+ // In reliable modes all data needs to be acknowledged by the peer before we can close.
+ iOutgoingQueueClosed = iDataController->DeliverOutgoingDataAndSignalToSduQWhenDone();
+ TryToCloseQueue();
+ }
+ }
+/*static*/ TInt CL2CapSDUQueue::OutgoingQueueClosingTimerExpired(TAny *aSDUQueue)
+ {
+ CL2CapSDUQueue* sduQueue = reinterpret_cast<CL2CapSDUQueue*>(aSDUQueue);
+ sduQueue->HandleOutgoingQueueClosingTimerExpired();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::StartOutgoingQueueClosingTimer()
+ {
+ if(!iOutgoingQueueClosingTimerRunning)
+ {
+ TCallBack cb(OutgoingQueueClosingTimerExpired, this);
+ iOutgoingQueueClosingTimer.Set(cb);
+ BTSocketTimer::Queue(KOutgoingQueueClosingTimer * KL2ProtocolSecondTimerMultiplier, iOutgoingQueueClosingTimer);
+ iOutgoingQueueClosingTimerRunning = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::CancelOutgoingQueueClosingTimer()
+ {
+ if(iOutgoingQueueClosingTimerRunning)
+ {
+ BTSocketTimer::Remove(iOutgoingQueueClosingTimer);
+ iOutgoingQueueClosingTimerRunning = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::HandleOutgoingQueueClosingTimerExpired()
+ {
+ iOutgoingQueueClosingTimerRunning = EFalse;
+ // The outgoing queue closing timer has expired. Force the outgoing
+ // queue to close. Pending data will NOT be sent.
+ iOutgoingQueueClosed = ETrue;
+ TryToCloseQueue();
+ }
+TInt CL2CapSDUQueue::HandleIncompleteSDU(RMBufChain& aIncompleteSDU)
+ {
+ // This method is the starting point for reporting errored / incomplete SDU's to
+ // the socket. At present this functionality is not implemented and the buffer
+ // is just freed.
+ aIncompleteSDU.Free();
+ iCurrentIncomingSDULength = 0;
+ L2CAP_DEBUG(UpdateFlushCounters(L2capDebugInfo::EIncompleteErroredSDUReceived));
+ // This function is always called when SAR bits in the received I-Frame are unexpected.
+ // Need to close the connection as per 2.1 Core Spec Addendum 1: 3.3.7 Invalid Frame
+ // Detection Algorithm point 4b.
+ return iCanDropSdus ? KErrNone : KErrL2CAPIncomingSduSegmentationError;
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::ResumeSDUQueue(TL2CapDataControllerConfig* aConfig,
+ TUint16 aFlushTimeout,
+ TUint16 aPDUSize,
+ TUint16 aMaxOutgoingMTU,
+ TUint16 aMaxIncomingMTU)
+ {
+ // Update the data controller.
+ iDataController->UpdateConfig(aConfig);
+ // Update internal members.
+ iFlushTimeout = aFlushTimeout;
+ iMaxOutgoingMTU = aMaxOutgoingMTU;
+ iMaxIncomingMTU = aMaxIncomingMTU;
+ iMaximumPDUSize = aPDUSize;
+ iNegotiatedPDUSize = aPDUSize;
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ // If the max PDU size has been increased or remained the same
+ // none of the existing SDU's need to be modified.
+ if(iNegotiatedPDUSize < iCurrentPDUSize)
+ {
+ // For each completely unsent SDU. Adjust the PDU size.
+ // Check if there are any un-sent SDU's
+ CL2CapSDU* sduPtr = NULL;
+ if(!iOutgoingSDUs.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ // The first SDU on the outgoing queue might be partially sent. If it is
+ // it can't be re-segmented.
+ TDblQueIter<CL2CapSDU> ogSDUIter(iOutgoingSDUs);
+ while((sduPtr = ogSDUIter++) != NULL)
+ {
+ if(sduPtr->CurrentPDUIsFirstPDU())
+ {
+ err = sduPtr->ChangeSDUSegmentation(iDataController->IsBasicDataVersion(), iNegotiatedPDUSize);
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ ErrorD(err);
+ delete sduPtr;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iCurrentPDUSize = iNegotiatedPDUSize;
+ // Allow the outbound queue to send again, and tell the data
+ // plane if SDU's are available.
+ iOutboundQueueSuspended = EFalse;
+ if(iCurrentOutboundQueueLength)
+ {
+ iDataController->OutgoingPduAvailableOnSduQ();
+ }
+ } // ... else we're a zombie.
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::ErrorD(TInt aErrorCode)
+ {
+ // We'll get deleted down the call chain.
+ iL2CapSap.DataPlaneError(aErrorCode, MSocketNotify::TOperationBitmasks(MSocketNotify::EErrorSend | MSocketNotify::EErrorRecv));
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::UpdateChannelPriority(TUint8 aNewPriority)
+ {
+ if (iDataController)
+ {
+ iDataController->UpdateChannelPriority(aNewPriority);
+ }
+ }
+TBool CL2CapSDUQueue::IsBasicDataVersion() const
+ {
+ TBool rValue = EFalse;
+ if (iDataController)
+ {
+ rValue = iDataController->IsBasicDataVersion();
+ }
+ return rValue;
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+TInt CL2CapSDUQueue::GetDataPlaneConfig(TL2DataPlaneConfig& conf) const
+ {
+ TInt rerr = KErrNone;
+ // Populate the debug structure.
+ if(iDataController)
+ {
+ rerr = iDataController->GetDataPlaneConfig(conf);
+ if(rerr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ conf.iOutboundQueueSize = iOutboundQueueSize;
+ conf.iFlushTimeout = iFlushTimeout;
+ conf.iMaximumPDUSize = iCurrentPDUSize;
+ conf.iMaxOutgoingMTU = iMaxOutgoingMTU;
+ conf.iMaxIncomingMTU = iMaxIncomingMTU;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rerr = KErrNotReady;
+ }
+ return rerr;
+ }
+void CL2CapSDUQueue::PretendIncomingSduQFull(TBool aIncomingSduQFull)
+ {
+ if (iDataController)
+ {
+ iDataController->SetIncomingSduQFull(aIncomingSduQFull);
+ }
+ }