changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
child 15 16aa830c86c8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/btstack/rfcomm/rfcommsap.h	Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef RFCOMMSAP_H
+#define RFCOMMSAP_H
+#include <es_prot.h>
+#include <bttypes.h>
+#include <bt_sock.h>
+#include "BtSap.h"
+#include "rfcommtypes.h"
+#include "secman.h"
+class CRfcommMuxer;
+class CRfcommProtocol;
+class TRfcommState;
+class CAsyncErrorKicker;
+   The socket service access point.
+   This class forms the major interaction point with sockets.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRfcommSAP) : public CBluetoothSAP
+	{
+friend class CRfcommProtocol;
+friend class CRfcommMuxer;
+	// All states are friends
+friend class TRfcommState;
+friend class TRfcommStateError;
+friend class TRfcommStateDefault;
+friend class TRfcommStateClosed;
+friend class TRfcommStateWaitForMux;
+friend class TRfcommStateWaitForPNResp;
+friend class TRfcommStateWaitForUA;
+friend class TRfcommStateListening;
+friend class TRfcommStateCloned;
+friend class TRfcommStateWaitForSABM;
+friend class TRfcommStateIncomingSecurityCheck;
+friend class TRfcommStateOutgoingSecurityCheck;
+friend class TRfcommStateWaitForStart;
+friend class TRfcommStateCloseOnStart;
+friend class TRfcommStateConnecting;
+friend class TRfcommStateOpen;
+friend class TRfcommStateDisconnect;
+friend class TRfcommStateDisconnecting;
+	// Creation
+	static CRfcommSAP* NewL(CRfcommProtocol& aProtocol);
+	~CRfcommSAP();
+	// CServProviderBase functions
+	virtual void Start();
+	virtual void LocalName(TSockAddr& aAddr) const;
+	virtual TInt SetLocalName(TSockAddr& aAddr);
+	virtual void RemName(TSockAddr& aAddr) const;
+	virtual TInt SetRemName(TSockAddr& aAddr);
+	virtual TInt GetOption(TUint aLevel,TUint aName,TDes8& aOption) const;
+	virtual TInt SAPSetOption(TUint aLevel,TUint aName,const TDesC8 &aOption);
+	virtual void Ioctl(TUint aLevel,TUint aName,TDes8* aOption);
+	virtual void CancelIoctl(TUint aLevel,TUint aName);
+#ifndef __WINS__
+#ifndef __GCC32__
+	//unhide the other overloads
+	using CServProviderBase::Write;
+	using CServProviderBase::GetData;
+	virtual TUint Write(const TDesC8& aDesc,TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* aAddr=NULL);
+	virtual void GetData(TDes8& aDesc,TUint aOptions,TSockAddr* aAddr=NULL);
+	virtual void ActiveOpen();
+	virtual void ActiveOpen(const TDesC8& aConnectionData);
+	virtual TInt PassiveOpen(TUint aQueSize);
+	virtual TInt PassiveOpen(TUint aQueSize,const TDesC8& aConnectionData);
+	virtual void Shutdown(TCloseType aOption);
+	virtual void Shutdown(TCloseType aOption,const TDesC8& aDisconnectionData);
+	virtual void AutoBind();
+	// End CServProviderBase functions
+	// Notifications from the mux
+	void LinkDown();
+	void DISC();
+	void UA();
+	void DM();
+	void RPN(const TRfcommRPNTransaction* aRPNTransactionPtr, CRfcommMuxer& aMuxer, TUint8 aDLCI);
+	void RPNRsp(const TRfcommRPNTransaction& aRPNTransaction);
+	void PN(TRfcommPortParams& aParams, CRfcommMuxer& aMuxer, TUint8 aDLCI);
+	void PNResp(TRfcommPortParams& aParams);
+	void MSC(TUint8 aSignals);
+	void RLS(TUint8 aStatus);
+	void Data(const TDesC8& aData);
+	void CanSend();
+	void IoctlComplete(TInt aErr, TUint aLevel, TUint aName, TDesC8* aBuf);
+	void SABM(CRfcommMuxer& aMuxer, TUint8 aDLCI);
+	// Notifications from the protocol
+	void MuxUp();
+	// Notifications from sent frames awaiting a response
+	TBool HandleFrameResponseTimeout();
+    // Other functions
+	enum TErrorTypes
+		{
+		EErrorOperation,   // The operation in progress failed
+		EErrorGeneral,      // This screws up all operations
+		EErrorFatal         // Very bad ju-ju
+		};
+	void Error(TInt aErrorCode, TErrorTypes aType);
+	TBool ServerChannelValid() const;
+	TRfcommChannel ServerChannel() const;
+	TUint8 DLCI() const;
+	TUint16 MaximumMTU() const;
+	TBool IsCloned();
+	TBool CTS() const //< Are we clear to send?
+			{return iClearToSend;}
+	void CTS(TBool aState)
+			{iClearToSend=aState;}
+	TBool CTR() const  //< Are we clear to receive?
+			{return iClearToRecv;}
+	void CTR(TBool aState)
+			{iClearToRecv=aState;}
+	enum TSendBlockedBy
+		{
+		ESendOK = 0,
+		EBlockedByMux = 0x01,
+		EBlockedByRemote = 0x02,
+		EBlockedByBoth = 0x03
+		};
+	TInt SendBlocked() const  //< Is send currently blocked
+			{return iSendBlocked;}
+	void SendBlocked(TInt aState)
+			{iSendBlocked=aState;}
+	TRfcommRemotePortParams LocalPortParams()
+		{return iLocalPortParams;}
+	void SetLocalPortParams(TRfcommRemotePortParams aPortParams)
+		{iLocalPortParams = aPortParams;}
+	TInt LowTideMark()
+		{return iLowTideMark;};
+	void SetLowTideMark(TInt aLowTideMark)
+		{iLowTideMark = aLowTideMark;};
+	TInt HighTideMark()
+		{return iHighTideMark;};
+	void SetHighTideMark(TInt aHighTideMark)
+		{iHighTideMark = aHighTideMark;};
+	TUint8 Signals()
+		{return iSignals;};
+	void SetSignals(TUint8 aSignals)
+		{iSignals = aSignals;};
+	CRfcommMuxer* Mux();
+	CCirBuffer& DataBuffer();
+	TInt UnusedBufferSpace() const;
+	TUint16 NegotiatedMTU() const; //< Returns the negotiated MTU
+	TUint16 UsableMTU(TUint8 aCredit) const; //< Returns the actual maximum information field size available (which with CBFC will be one less than the negotiated MTU)
+	TBool ListeningTo(const TBTSockAddr& aBTSockAddr) const;
+	inline const CRfcommSAP& ListeningSAP() const {return *iParentSAP;};
+	void DisallowCBFC();
+	void AllowCBFC();
+	TUint8 FreeCredit();
+	TUint8 FreeCreditCalculation() const;
+	TInt ProxyForRemoteCredit() const;
+	void SetProxyForRemoteCredit(TInt aCredit);
+	void ProxyForRemoteCreditDecrement();
+	void ProxyForRemoteCreditAddCredit(TUint8 aCredit);
+	TInt LocalCredit() const;
+	void SetInitialLocalCredit(TInt aCredit);
+	void LocalCreditDecrement();
+	void LocalCreditAddCredit(TUint8 aCredit);
+	TBool BoundTo(const TBTSockAddr& aBTSockAddr) const;
+	// Creation
+	CRfcommSAP(CRfcommProtocol& aProt);
+	void ConstructL();
+	TInt PassiveAutoBind(TRfcommSockAddr& aAddress);
+	//	Cloning support
+	//	(NB. Only a SAP may clone itself)
+	CRfcommSAP* CloneMe();
+	//	Functions called on a Parent SAP by a cloned child
+	void ChildConnected(CRfcommSAP& aRfcommSAP);
+	void ChildConnectFailed(CRfcommSAP& aRfcommSAP);
+	void ChildStarted(CRfcommSAP& aRfcommSAP);
+	//	From MAccessRequestResponseHandler
+	void AccessRequestComplete(TInt aResult);
+	//	Functions called on cloned child SAPs by their parent
+	void ParentClosed();
+	//
+	void StopListening();
+	TBool IsValidServerChannel(TInt aChan) const;
+	static TInt NotifyNewDataCallback(TAny* aSAP);
+	// Data incoming
+	CCirBuffer iDataBuffer;
+	TInt       iHighTideMark;
+	TInt       iLowTideMark;
+	CAsyncCallBack*		iNotifyNewDataCallback;
+	CAsyncErrorKicker*	iErrorKicker;			//	Used to asynchronously error a SAP
+	TInt		iNewDataToNotify;
+	TUint8     iDLCI;
+	TUint8     iServerChannel;
+	TBool      iClearToSend;   //< Set to true if we can send
+	TBool      iClearToRecv;  //< True if we haven't switched off the remote
+	TBool	   iReceivedMSC;  //< For a new connection, we should get an MSC before any user data
+	TInt       iSendBlocked;  //< Reason sending by ESOCK is blocked, if at all
+	TInt	   iLocalCredit;	// in units of the MTU
+	TInt	   iProxyForRemoteCredit;		// in units of the MTU - is it symmetric ?
+	#ifdef _DEBUG
+	TInt	   iLocalCreditsSupplied; //total credits received in incoming frames
+	TInt	   iLocalCreditsUsed; //total credits used in sending data packets
+	TInt	   iProxyForRemoteCreditsSupplied; //total credits sent in outcoming frames
+	TInt	   iProxyForRemoteCreditsUsed; //total credits used in receiving data packets
+	#endif
+	TUint8     iSignals;  //< Current signals that we send for MSC cmd
+	TUint8	   iRLSstatus;	//< Current status that we send for RLS cmd
+	TUint8	   iRemoteModemStatus; //< Remote end's signals from last MSC received
+	TBool iClosePending;
+	// Links
+	CRfcommProtocol& iProtocol;
+	CRfcommMuxer*  iMux;
+	TRfcommState*  iState;
+	TDblQueLink    iLink;	//	Used by Muxer to keep track of the SAPs it is linked to
+	TDblQueLink    iListeningLink;	//	Used by the protocol to keep track of listening SAPs
+	TDblQueLink	   iBoundLink;		//	Used by the protocol to keep track of bound SAPs
+	TUint16			iMTU;	//	Maximum data size for this SAP
+	TUint16			iUserDefinedMTU;	//	User defined MTU (0=No restriction)
+	//	Members used by listening SAP
+	TInt			iMaxClonesWaitingForStart;
+	TInt			iClonesWaitingForStart; // SAPs that were listening, have connected but haven't been Accept()ed - owned by ESOCK
+	RPointerArray<CRfcommSAP> iClonedChildren; // SAPs that are listening but not connected - owned by parent SAP
+	//	Member used by cloned SAP
+	CRfcommSAP*		iParentSAP;
+	TBool iCloned; // Indicates if this is a cloned SAP
+	TRfcommRemotePortParams iLocalPortParams;	// Local Port Params for RPN commands/responses
+	TUint8			iDisconnectMSCSignal;	// signal state that will cause a disconnect error
+	// Used only when CBFC is employed.
+	// Defaults to EFalse.
+	// When EFalse, if the remote overflows us, we disconnect.
+	// When ETrue, if the remote overflows us, we just drop the data and 
+	// maintain the connection.
+	// See option KRFCOMMForgiveCBFCOverflow. The default behaviour is for to 
+	// be used by clients which require reliable transfer, e.g. OBEX. The 
+	// 'forgiving' behaviour is to be used by clients which aren't worried 
+	// about reliability at our level and would rather the connection stayed 
+	// up. 
+	TBool iForgiveCBFCOverflow;	
+	};