changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetooth/gavdp/public/gavdp.h	Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// forms the basis of the control plane for (Bluetooth) AV apps.
+#ifndef _GAVDP_H
+#define _GAVDP_H
+#include <bluetoothav.h>
+class MGavdpUser
+Mixin class for GAVDP-related events.
+To enforce thinking about the sequence of GAVDP events, these are pure
+	{
+Callback when a signalling channel has successfully been created
+Note this can be called by GAVDP without the client having called RGavdp::Connect
+The reason being that as soon as a GAVDP session is created AVDTP begins listening
+Therefore a remote device can connect to us.
+The GAVDP client can check the address to confirm if the device is that they originally Connect()ed
+@param aDeviceAddr the Bluetooth device address for which a signalling channel has been created
+	virtual void GAVDP_ConnectConfirm(const TBTDevAddr& aDeviceAddr) =0;
+Callback when a remote SEP has been discovered
+@param aSEP the details of the remote SEP
+@see TAvdtpSEPInfo
+	virtual void GAVDP_SEPDiscovered(const TAvdtpSEPInfo& aSEP) =0;
+Callback when no more SEPs have been discovered on the remote device.
+This may be called without GAVDP_SEPDiscovered being called if the remote has no SEPs
+(such a remote would be in contravention of the specification however)
+	virtual void GAVDP_SEPDiscoveryComplete() =0;	
+Callback when a capability from a remote SEP has been retrieved
+The client takes owenership of the capability given
+@param aCapability pointer to a capability. Ownership is transferred to the MGavdpUser implementor
+@see TAvdtpServiceCapability
+	virtual void GAVDP_SEPCapability(TAvdtpServiceCapability* aCapability) =0; // transfers ownership
+Callback when remote SEP has no more capabilities to be discovered
+	virtual void GAVDP_SEPCapabilityComplete() =0;	
+Callback when the locally-initiated Abort stream has successfully completed
+	virtual void GAVDP_AbortStreamConfirm()=0;
+Callback when the locally-initiated Start stream has successfully completed
+	virtual void GAVDP_StartStreamsConfirm()=0;
+Callback when the locally-initiated Suspend stream has successfully completed
+	virtual void GAVDP_SuspendStreamsConfirm()=0;
+Callback when the locally-initiated Security Control message successfully completed
+@param aResponseData The data returned by the ACP - may be the same or different to that supplied by INT
+	virtual void GAVDP_SecurityControlConfirm(const TDesC8& aResponseData)=0;
+Callback when locally-initiated (re)configuration procedure successfully completes
+	virtual void GAVDP_ConfigurationConfirm()=0;	// configuration complete and SEP selected *AND* reconfigure confirm
+Callback when remote is beginning to configure a local SEP
+This cannot be rejected by the client at this stage - it must examine each
+capability proposed by the GAVDP peer.
+@param aLocalSEID the SEID of the local SEP being configured
+@param aRemoteSEID the SEID of the remote SEP configuring us
+	virtual void GAVDP_ConfigurationStartIndication(TSEID aLocalSEID, TSEID aRemoteSEID) =0;
+Callback when each capability is being proposed by the peer during configuration
+Each capability can be refused, but doing so completes whole configure operation
+@return the client's result - eg whether it is accepting or rejecting the configuration
+@param aCapability The capability being proposed. Ownership transferred to client,iff processes in the function return KErrNone.
+	virtual TInt GAVDP_ConfigurationIndication(TAvdtpServiceCapability* aCapability) =0;
+Callback when remotely initiated configuration of local SEP is completed	
+The client can still error, as the local side may have expected to see more capabilities proposed
+@return The client's acceptance or rejection of the whole configuration
+	virtual TInt GAVDP_ConfigurationEndIndication() =0;
+Callback when the remote is trying to Start a stream
+@param aSEID the SEID of the local SEP being started
+@return The client's acceptance or rejection of the stream start. The return value should reflect the outcome
+of the client's ability to handle this command.
+The allowable error codes are defined in the Bluetooth SIG AVDTP specification and profiles design to operate
+above that layer, such as GAVDP. However those "local" error code values should be offset by the Symbian
+KErrAvdtpSignallingErrorBase (-18045) to convert to system-wide, absolute error codes.
+For example; the error code for NOT_SUPPORTED_COMMAND = 25
+Therefore, the system code would be (-18045)-25 = -18070
+	virtual TInt GAVDP_StartIndication(TSEID aSEID) =0;
+Callback when the remote is trying to Suspend a stream
+@param aSEID the SEID of the local SEP being suspended
+@return The client's acceptance or rejection of the suspension. The return value should reflect the outcome
+of the client's ability to handle this command.
+The allowable error codes are defined in the Bluetooth SIG AVDTP specification and profiles design to operate
+above that layer, such as GAVDP. However those "local" error code values should be offset by the Symbian
+KErrAvdtpSignallingErrorBase (-18045) to convert to system-wide, absolute error codes.
+For example; the error code for NOT_SUPPORTED_COMMAND = 25
+Therefore, the system code would be (-18045)-25 = -18070
+	virtual TInt GAVDP_SuspendIndication(TSEID aSEID) =0;
+Callback when the remote is sending Security Control information
+@param aSEID the SEID of the local SEP for which security control is for
+@param aSecurityDataInOut Security Data inbound. The client may change this descriptor for the outbound response
+@return The client's acceptance or rejection of the security control indication.
+	virtual TInt GAVDP_SecurityControlIndication(TSEID aSEID, TDes8& aSecurityDataInOut) =0;
+Callback when the remote has Aborted the stream
+@param aSEID the SEID of the local SEP which has been Aborted
+	virtual void GAVDP_AbortIndication(TSEID aSEID) =0;
+Callback when the remote end has Released a stream
+The user-plane bearers will subsequently error with KErrDisconnected.
+@param aSEID the SEID of the local SEP which was been released
+	virtual void GAVDP_ReleaseIndication(TSEID aSEID) =0;
+Callback when a bearer has been created for a session in the stream.
+The session the bearer is for can be examined from the socket address given in the callback
+Each socket created in this way is created on the client's socket server session,
+and responsibility for socket closure is ceded to the client.
+@param aSocket the socket created on the client's socket server session.
+@param aAddress the socket address (containing SEID, Session type)
+@see TAvdtpSockAddr
+	virtual void GAVDP_BearerReady(RSocket aSocket, const TAvdtpSockAddr& aAddress)=0;
+Callback when a GAVDP error occurs
+@param aError system-wide or GAVDP or AVDTP error code, for example 
+			  KErrDisconnected if the signalling channel is disconnected
+			  KErrNotReady if GAVDP or AVDTP is not in a valid state to perform an action
+			  KErrUnknown if a stream is not currently known to AVDTP.  This is likely to occur 
+						  in the case where a user has closed their bearer socket(s) and GAVDP
+						  tries to perform an operation requiring a stream.  
+			  KErrDied if an unrecoverable internal error occurs (in which case clients should re-start GAVDP)
+			  Clients should note that for system wide error codes the reasons given are for
+			  errors generated by AVDTP.  There is a small chance that they can be passed up in 
+			  another situation if the error originates from a call on another part of the system.
+@param aErrorData extra data relating to the error - the client can deduce the nature based on their GAVDP state and the spec
+@see TAvdtpConfigRejectPckgBuf as an example of what may be passed back
+	virtual void GAVDP_Error(TInt aError, const TDesC8& aErrorData) =0;
+	};
+class CGavdp;
+Represents a single GAVDP session to a remote device.
+If an app wishes to (eg) listen after connecting a GAVDP link it should 
+instantiate another RGavdp.
+Note this class uses internal active objects to provide the underlying 
+services. Clients should be careful to allow these objects to run.
+One RGavdp represents one remote device.
+If an inbound connection is made then a new RGavdp must be instantiated to 
+form a stream to another device.
+Once RGavdp instance may be used to manage more than 1 local SEP. This is 
+useful if the client only ever intends to support one active stream, but 
+wishes to select from >1 codec.
+Alternatively >1 instance of RGavdp may be created, with a desire to manage 
+each local SEP with each RGavdp instance. This would allow >1 active stream.
+	{
+	IMPORT_C RGavdp();
+	IMPORT_C TInt Open(MGavdpUser& aServiceUser, RSocketServ& aSocketServer);
+	IMPORT_C TInt Listen();
+	IMPORT_C void Close();
+	IMPORT_C void Cancel();
+	IMPORT_C void Connect(const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr);
+	IMPORT_C void DiscoverRemoteSEPs();
+	IMPORT_C void GetRemoteSEPCapabilities(TSEID aSEID, const TAvdtpServiceCategories& aInterestingCategories);
+	IMPORT_C TInt RegisterSEP(TAvdtpSEPInfo& aInfo);
+	IMPORT_C TInt BeginConfiguringRemoteSEP(TSEID aRemoteSEID, TSEID aLocalSEID);
+	IMPORT_C TInt BeginConfiguringLocalSEP(TSEID aSEID);
+	IMPORT_C TInt AddSEPCapability(const TAvdtpServiceCapability& aCapability);
+	IMPORT_C void CommitSEPConfiguration();
+	IMPORT_C void StartStream(TSEID aSEID);
+	IMPORT_C void SuspendStream(TSEID aSEID);
+	IMPORT_C void AbortStream(TSEID aSEID);
+	IMPORT_C void SendSecurityControl(TSEID aSEID, const TDesC8& aSecurityData);
+	IMPORT_C TInt CreateBearerSockets(TSEID aSEID, TBool aIgnored1, TBool aIgnored2);
+	IMPORT_C TInt MaxSecurityControlLength();
+	IMPORT_C TInt CreateBearerSockets(TSEID aSEID);
+	IMPORT_C TInt Shutdown();
+	void UnbindBody();
+	CGavdp*			iGavdpImp;
+	};
+Panics = client doing something wrong
+enum TGavdpPanic
+	{
+	EGavdpBadState = 0,
+	EGavdpResponseDataExpected = 1,
+	EGavdpSEPMustBeRegisteredBeforeListen = 2,
+	EGavdpSEPMustBeRegisteredBeforeConnect = 3,
+	EGavdpAlreadyOpen = 4,
+	EGavdpNotOpen = 5,
+	EGavdpUserSuppliedBadSEID = 6,
+	EGavdpBadRemoteAddress = 7,
+	EGavdpClientHasRepliedInCorrectly = 8,
+	/** @deprecated Should use EGavdpShutdownNotPermittedAfterRemoteSEPConfigured instead */
+	EGavdpShutdownNotPermittedWhenStreaming = 9,
+	EGavdpShutdownNotPermittedAfterRemoteSEPConfigured = 9,
+	/**Reference value used to determine if error value is below max panic value */
+	EGavdpMaxPanicErr = -940,
+	/**Panic used when the user attempts to create a bearer whilst one is already open */
+	EGavdpOpenInBadState = -999,
+	/**Reference value used to determine if error value exceeds min panic value */
+	EGavdpMinPanicErr = -999,
+	};
+#endif //_GAVDP_H