--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothapitest/bluetoothsvs/T_BTSockAPI/inc/T_CBluetoothSocketData.h Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#if (!defined __T_CBLUETOOTH_SOCK_DATA_H__)
+// User Includes
+#include "DataWrapperBase.h"
+#include "T_BluetoothSocketNotifier.h"
+const TInt DATASIZE = 128;
+class CT_CBluetoothSocketData : public CDataWrapperBase, private MBluetoothSocketNotifier
+ {
+ /**
+ * Public destructor
+ */
+ ~CT_CBluetoothSocketData();
+ /**
+ * Two phase constructor
+ */
+ static CT_CBluetoothSocketData* NewL();
+ /**
+ * Returns the RSocketServer instance needed so that session sockets can be created correctly
+ */
+ RSocketServ& GetRServer();
+ /**
+ * Process a command read from the ini file
+ *
+ * @param aCommand The command to process
+ * @param aSection The section in the ini containing data for the command
+ * @param aAsyncErrorIndex Command index for async calls to return errors to
+ *
+ * @return ETrue if the command is processed
+ *
+ * @leave System wide error
+ */
+ virtual TBool DoCommandL(const TTEFFunction& aCommand, const TTEFSectionName& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ /**
+ * Return a pointer to the object that the data wraps
+ *
+ * @return pointer to the object that the data wraps
+ */
+ virtual TAny* GetObject();
+ /**
+ * Set the object that the data wraps
+ *
+ * @param aObject object that the wrapper is testing
+ *
+ * @leave KErrNotSupported if the the function is not supported
+ */
+ virtual void SetObjectL(TAny* aObject);
+ /**
+ * The object will no longer be owned by this
+ *
+ * @leave KErrNotSupported if the the function is not supported
+ */
+ virtual void DisownObjectL();
+ inline virtual TCleanupOperation CleanupOperation();
+ CT_CBluetoothSocketData();
+ void ConstructL();
+ // MBluetoothSocketNotifier implementation
+ virtual void HandleConnectCompleteL(TInt aErr);
+ virtual void HandleAcceptCompleteL(TInt aErr);
+ virtual void HandleShutdownCompleteL(TInt aErr);
+ virtual void HandleSendCompleteL(TInt aErr);
+ virtual void HandleReceiveCompleteL(TInt aErr);
+ virtual void HandleIoctlCompleteL(TInt aErr);
+ virtual void HandleActivateBasebandEventNotifierCompleteL(TInt aErr, TBTBasebandEventNotification& aEventNotification);
+ // Implementation of DoCommandL for each of the commands
+ inline void DoCmdAccept(const TDesC& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ inline void DoCmdActivateBasebandEventNotifier(const TDesC& /*aSection*/,const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ inline void DoCmdActivateSniffRequester();
+ inline void DoCmdActivateParkRequester();
+ inline void DoCmdAllowLowPowerModes(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdAllowRoleSwitch();
+ inline void DoCmdBind(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdCancelAccept();
+ inline void DoCmdCancelAll();
+ inline void DoCmdCancelBasebandEventNotifier();
+ inline void DoCmdCancelConnect();
+ inline void DoCmdCancelIoctl();
+ inline void DoCmdCancelLowPowerModeRequester(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdCancelRead();
+ inline void DoCmdCancelRecv();
+ inline void DoCmdCancelSend();
+ inline void DoCmdCancelWrite();
+ inline void DoCmdCloseSocketServer();
+ inline void DoCmdConnect(const TDesC& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ inline void DoCmdGetDisconnectData();
+ inline void DoCmdGetOpt(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdInfo(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdIoctl(const TDesC& aSection,const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ inline void DoCmdListen(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdLocalName(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdLocalPort(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdName();
+ inline void DoCmdNewL(const TDesC& aSection,TBool aUseLC);
+ inline void DoCmdPhysicalLinkState(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdPreventLowPowerModes(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdPreventRoleSwitch();
+ inline void DoCmdRead(const TDesC& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ inline void DoCmdRecv(const TDesC& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ inline void DoCmdRecvFrom(const TDesC& aSection,const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ inline void DoCmdRecvOneOrMore(const TDesC& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ inline void DoCmdRemoteName(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdRequestChangeSupportedPacketTypes(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdRequestMasterRole();
+ inline void DoCmdRequestSlaveRole();
+ inline void DoCmdSend(const TDesC& aSection, const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ inline void DoCmdSendTo(const TDesC& aSection,const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ inline void DoCmdSetAutomaticSniffMode(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdSetLocalPort(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdSetOpt(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdSetOption(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdSetRsocketServerFromCBTSocket(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdSetTransferAble();
+ inline void DoCmdShutdown(const TDesC& aSection,const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ inline void DoCmdSetNotifierL(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdTestMBSN_ExtensionInterfaceL(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdTransfer(const TDesC& aSection);
+ inline void DoCmdWrite(const TDesC& aSection,const TInt aAsyncErrorIndex);
+ static void CleanupOperation(TAny* aAny);
+ CT_BluetoothSocketNotifier* iData;
+ TBuf8<DATASIZE> iDataToRead8;
+ TBuf8<DATASIZE> iDataAtDisconnect8;
+ TBuf8<DATASIZE> iDisconnectDes8;
+ TBool iHasConnectDataToExpect;
+ TBuf<DATASIZE> iConnectDataToExpect;
+ TBool iHasAcceptDataToExpect;
+ TBuf<DATASIZE> iAcceptDataToExpect;
+ TBool iHasReceiveDataToExpect;
+ TBuf<DATASIZE> iReceiveDataToExpect;
+ TBuf8<DATASIZE> iConnectData8;
+ TPckgBuf<TUint16> iMTUOptionBuffer;
+ TInt iConnectIndex;
+ TInt iAcceptIndex;
+ TInt iShutdownIndex;
+ TInt iIoctlIndex;
+ TInt iNotifierIndex;
+ TInt iReceiveIndex;
+ TInt iSendIndex;
+ TBool iConnectFlag;
+ TBool iAcceptFlag;
+ TBool iIoctlFlag;
+ TBool iNotifierFlag;
+ TBool iReceiveFlag;
+ TBool iSendFlag;
+ TBool iReadFlag;
+ TBool iRecvFlag;
+ TBool iWriteFlag;
+ };
+#endif /* __T_CBLUETOOTH_SOCK_DATA_H__ */