changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothcommsprofiles/btpan/bnep/RBnepFrame.cpp	Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1021 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <bluetooth/logger.h>
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <bttypes.h>
+#include <es_mbuf.h>
+#include "RBnepFrame.h"
+#include "bneputils.h"
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+const TUint8  KEBit = 0x80;
+const TUint16 KQTag = 0x8100;
+// 'minTypeValue' from section of the 802.3-2002 specification
+// Subtract one, as the constant in the spec is for the first non-length value.
+const TUint16 K802_3MaxLength = 1536 - 1;
+void doResetControl(TAny* aControl)
+    {
+    /**
+       Reset and destroy an RBnepControl object.
+    */
+    RBnepControl* control = static_cast<RBnepControl*>(aControl);
+    control->Free();
+    delete control;
+    }
+        : iCommandQueue(_FOFF(RBnepControl, iLink))
+    {
+    /**
+       Construct and initialise (reset) a BNEP frame.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    Reset(); 
+    }
+void RBnepFrame::BuildBnepControlFrameL (RMBufChain& aChain)
+    {
+    /**
+       Build a BNEP control frame from the encapsulated data.
+       @param aChain The target to build the frame into.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    TUint8 frameType = EBnepControl;
+    // There have to be items in the command queue 
+    if(iCommandQueue.IsEmpty())
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // If the last item is also the first one, there must be
+        // one and only one item in the queue.
+        // If there is more than one, then the ebit must be set.
+        // Note: there is no checking done here that the queue items are
+        // small enough to fit into an extension header.
+        TUint8 ebit = static_cast<TUint8>(((iCommandQueue.IsLast(iCommandQueue.First())) ? 0 : KEBit));
+        frameType |= ebit;
+        RBnepControl* buffer = iCommandQueue.First();
+        buffer->CopyL(aChain);
+        iCommandQueue.Remove(*buffer);
+        buffer->Free();
+        delete buffer;
+        aChain.PrependL(sizeof(TUint8));
+        TPckgBuf<TUint8> pkgFrameType(frameType);
+        aChain.CopyIn(pkgFrameType,RBnepControl::KControlTypeOffset);
+        if(ebit) // We have at least one extension
+            {
+            TSglQueIter<RBnepControl> iter(iCommandQueue);
+            iter.SetToFirst();
+            RBnepControl* element;
+            while ((element = iter++), element)
+                {
+                TPckgBuf<TInt8> aLength(static_cast<TInt8>(element->Length()));
+                element->PrependL(sizeof(TInt8));
+                element->CopyIn(aLength);
+                element->PrependL(sizeof(TUint8));
+                if(iCommandQueue.IsLast(element))
+                    {
+                    TPckgBuf<TUint8> extFrameType(static_cast<TUint8>(EBnepExtensionControl));
+                    element->CopyIn(extFrameType);
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    // The extension bit must be set.
+                    TPckgBuf<TUint8> extExtFrameType(static_cast<TUint8>(EBnepExtensionControl | KEBit));
+                    element->CopyIn(extExtFrameType);
+                    }
+                aChain.Append(*element);
+                }
+            }
+        LOG1(_L8("Final Chain length = %d"),aChain.Length());
+        Reset();
+        }
+    }
+void RBnepFrame::BuildBnepDataFrameL(RMBufChain& aChain, 
+                                     const TBTDevAddr& aLocalAddr, 
+                                     const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr,
+                                     TBool aFilterEthernetPayload)
+    {
+    /**
+       Build a BNEP data frame from the encapsulated data.
+       The method deals with compressing off any unnecessary address data based on
+       the parameters supplied.
+       @param aChain The target to build the frame into.
+       @param aLocalAddr The address of the bridge (local side of BNEP link).
+       @param aRemoteAddr The address of the remote end of the BNEP link.
+    */
+    // If the command queue has items in it, we need to build extension headers.
+    TUint8 frameType;
+    TBool sendDest = (aRemoteAddr != iDestAddr);
+    TBool sendSrc  = (aLocalAddr  != iSrcAddr);
+    TInt headerLength;
+    if (sendDest && sendSrc)
+        {
+        frameType = EBnepGeneralEthernet;
+        headerLength = KGeneralEthernetHeaderLength;
+        LOG(_L8("frameType = EBnepGeneralEthernet;"));
+        LOG1(_L8("headerLength = %d"),headerLength);
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        if (sendSrc)
+            {
+            frameType = EBnepCompressedEthernetSourceOnly;
+            headerLength = KCompressedEthernetSourceOnlyHeaderLength;
+            LOG(_L8("frameType = EBnepCompressedEthernetSourceOnly;"));
+            LOG1(_L8("headerLength = %d"),headerLength);
+            }
+        else 
+            {
+            if (sendDest)
+                {
+                frameType = EBnepCompressedEthernetDestOnly;
+                headerLength = KCompressedEthernetDestOnlyHeaderLength;
+                LOG(_L8("frameType = EBnepCompressedEthernetDestOnly;"));
+                LOG1(_L8("headerLength = %d"),headerLength);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                frameType = EBnepCompressedEthernet;
+                headerLength = KCompressedEthernetHeaderLength;
+                LOG(_L8("frameType = EBnepCompressedEthernet"));
+                LOG1(_L8("headerLength = %d"),headerLength);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    aChain.AllocL(headerLength);
+	if(Includes(EExtensionHeaders))
+		{
+		frameType |= KEBit;
+		}
+    LOG1(_L8("Setting type to %02x"), frameType);
+    TInt offset = 0;
+    TPckgBuf<TUint8> pkgFrameType(frameType);
+    aChain.CopyIn(pkgFrameType, offset++);
+    if (sendDest)
+        {
+        LOG_BT(_L8("Inserting destination address %S"), iDestAddr);
+        aChain.CopyIn(iDestAddr.Des(), offset);
+        offset += KBTDevAddrSize;
+        }
+    if (sendSrc)
+        {
+        LOG_BT(_L8("Inserting source address %S"), iSrcAddr);
+        aChain.CopyIn(iSrcAddr.Des(), offset);
+        offset += KBTDevAddrSize;
+        }
+	// Set-up the protocol ID to use for this packet.
+	TUint16 protocol = (aFilterEthernetPayload ? 0x0000 : iProtocol);
+    aChain.AppendL(KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength);
+    TBuf8<KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength> protocolBuf;
+    protocolBuf.SetMax();
+    if (Includes(EHas1Q))
+        {
+        BigEndian::Put16(&protocolBuf[0], static_cast<TUint16>(KQTag));
+        }     
+    else
+        {
+        BigEndian::Put16(&protocolBuf[0], static_cast<TUint16>(protocol));
+        }
+    aChain.CopyIn(protocolBuf, offset);
+    offset += KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength;
+    // Cannot just append the ethernet payload mbufs, because if this is a 
+    // multicast frame, this will corrupt it for others
+    RMBufChain finalPacket;
+    CleanupStack::PushL(finalPacket); // This will call Free() as its cleanup
+    iFramePayload.CopyL(finalPacket);
+	// Filter out the ethernet payload if required.
+	if(aFilterEthernetPayload)
+		{
+		TInt payloadOffset = 0;
+		// Find the start of the ethernet payload.
+	    TBuf8<KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes> buf;
+		buf.SetMax();
+		TUint8 ebit = ETrue;
+		while(ebit)
+			{
+			// The extension must be long enough for the header.
+	        if((payloadOffset + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes) > finalPacket.Length())
+	            {	
+	            User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+	            }
+			// Move the offset to the next extension header.
+	    	finalPacket.CopyOut(buf, payloadOffset);
+			ebit = buf[0] & KEBit;
+			payloadOffset += (buf[1] + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes);
+			}
+		// If the packet includes IEEE 802.1Q fields then these should remain.
+		// The network protocol field should be set to zero. 
+	    if(Includes(EHas1Q))
+	        {
+			if((payloadOffset + KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength + KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength) > finalPacket.Length())
+				{
+				User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+				}
+			protocolBuf[0] = 0;
+			protocolBuf[1] = 0;
+        	finalPacket.CopyIn(protocolBuf, payloadOffset + KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength);
+			payloadOffset += (KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength + KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength);
+	        }
+		// The extension headers are finished.  Remove any remaining data.
+		finalPacket.TrimEnd(payloadOffset);
+		}
+	// Append will take ownership of finalPacket
+	CleanupStack::Pop(); // finalPacket
+	// Add any payload onto the chain.
+    aChain.Append(finalPacket);
+    LOG1(_L8("RBnepFrame::BuildBnepDataFrameL final Chain length = %d"),aChain.Length());
+    }
+void RBnepFrame::BuildBnepFrameL(RMBufChain& aChain, const TBTDevAddr& aLocalAddr, const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr, TBool aFilterEthernetPayload)
+    {
+    /**
+       Build a BNEP frame from encapsulated data.
+       Processes the data carried by this frame to build a frame which can
+       be sent to a remote PAN device.  This involves compressing off any
+       addresses which are not required for this link and inserting any
+       extension headers.
+       @param aChain The target MBufChain to build into.
+       @param aLocalAddr The address of the local PAN node.
+       @param aRemoteAddr The address of the remote PAN node.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    if (Includes(EControl))
+        {
+        BuildBnepControlFrameL(aChain);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        BuildBnepDataFrameL(aChain, aLocalAddr, aRemoteAddr, aFilterEthernetPayload);
+        }
+    }
+void RBnepFrame::BuildEthernetFrameL(RMBufPacket& aChain)
+    {
+    /**
+       Builds an ethernet frame from the BNEP frame.
+       This function ignores away any control data present and simply inserts all
+       addresses, protocol and 802.1Q data, as well as the data payload.
+       This function always builds an Ethernet II format frame.  This should be
+       accepted by the ethernet NIF, even if it is configured to send in LLC/SNAP
+       format.  This behaviour is unlikely to change as it would be valid for a
+       remote wired station to send a mixture of packet formats.  As the packet
+       driver has no way of knowing which format has been configured, our options
+       here are limited.
+       @param aChain The MBufPacket to build the packet into.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    // WARNING! Potential for a memory leak follows. 
+    // Remember to free this RMBufChain before you exit.
+    RMBufChain tempFrame;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(tempFrame);
+    LOG(_L8("Attempting to copy payload"));
+	// Check there is a valid payload 
+    if(iFramePayload.IsEmpty())
+        {
+        LOG(_L8("No payload"));
+        User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
+        }
+	iFramePayload.CopyL(tempFrame);
+    // Any extensions need to be removed.
+    if(Includes(EExtensionHeaders))
+        {
+	    TBuf8<KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes> buf;
+		buf.SetMax();
+		TUint8 ebit = ETrue;
+		while(ebit)
+			{
+			// The extension must be long enough for the header.
+	        if((KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes) > tempFrame.Length())
+	            {	
+	            User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+	            }
+			// Move the offset to the next extension header.
+	    	tempFrame.CopyOut(buf, 0);
+			ebit = buf[0] & KEBit;
+			tempFrame.TrimStart(buf[1] + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes);
+			}
+        }
+	// Check there is some data to send.
+	if(Includes(EHas1Q) && (tempFrame.Length() <= (KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength + KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength)) ||
+	   tempFrame.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		LOG(_L8("No data to send pass up."));
+		User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
+		}
+	// Add protocol.
+	TUint16 protocol = (Includes(EHas1Q) ? KQTag : iProtocol);
+    TBuf8<KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength> protocolBuf;
+    protocolBuf.SetMax();                                                                                                      
+	tempFrame.PrependL(KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength);
+    BigEndian::Put16(&protocolBuf[0], static_cast<TUint16>(protocol));
+    tempFrame.CopyIn(protocolBuf);
+	// Add addresses
+	tempFrame.PrependL(KBTDevAddrSize);
+    LOG_BT(_L8("Inserting source address %S"),iSrcAddr);
+    tempFrame.CopyIn(iSrcAddr.Des());
+	tempFrame.PrependL(KBTDevAddrSize);
+    LOG_BT(_L8("Inserting destination address %S"),iDestAddr);
+    tempFrame.CopyIn(iDestAddr.Des());
+	// This should be removed when defect DEF066321 is fixed.
+	TInt alignLength = Min(tempFrame.Length(), KMBufSmallSize);
+	if(tempFrame.Align(alignLength) != alignLength)
+		{
+		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+		}
+	RMBufQ tempQueue;
+	tempQueue.Assign(tempFrame);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();		// Remove tempFrame from the cleanup stack
+	CleanupStack::PushL(tempQueue);
+	aChain.CreateL(tempQueue); 	
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();		// Remove tempQueue from the cleanup stack
+							// As RMBufQs provide support for normal cleanup stack 
+							// usage, this will cause the Q to be Free()ed.
+	// Create the flags field for the packet info header.
+	// Mark the packet as being from BNEP
+	TUint flags = KBnep;
+	// Check if this packet can be forward to DHCP / NAPT
+	if(iUplinkAccessAllowedForBnepLink)
+		{
+		flags |= KBnepForwardingAllowed;
+		}
+	aChain.Info()->iFlags = flags;
+    aChain.Pack();
+    }
+const TBTDevAddr& RBnepFrame::DestAddr () const
+    {
+    return iDestAddr; 
+    }
+RBnepFrame::TDestAddrType RBnepFrame::DestinationType () const
+    {
+    /**
+       Return the type of destination for the frame (local, multicast address,
+       or a specified machine).
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    if (TBTDevAddr(0) == iDestAddr) 
+        {
+        return ELocal;
+        }
+    if (BnepUtils::IsMulticast(iDestAddr)) 
+        {
+        return EMulticast;
+        }
+    return ENormal; 
+    }
+TBool RBnepFrame::Includes (TPacketContents aContent) const
+    {
+    /**
+       Accessor function for contents of packet.
+       @param aContent The type of content to check for.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    return (iPacketContents & static_cast<TUint8>(aContent));
+    }
+void RBnepFrame::InsertControl (RBnepControl* aCommand)
+    {
+    /**
+       Inserts and takes ownership of a BNEP command.
+       @param aCommand The command to insert into the frame.  The method takes
+       ownership of the object, which should be heap based.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    //iCommandQueue.AddLast(*aCommand);
+    iCommandQueue.AddLast(*aCommand);
+    SetContents(EControl); 
+    }
+TBnepPacketType RBnepFrame::ParseBnepFrameL (RMBufChain& aInboundChain, const TBTDevAddr& aLocalAddr, const TBTDevAddr& aRemoteAddr)
+    {
+    /**
+       Parse a supplied BNEP frame.
+       Parses the provided BNEP frame, separating data and control messages and
+       resolving any source and destination addresses.
+       @param aInboundChain The frame received from the remote device
+       @param aLocalAddr The address of the bridge (the local PAN node and possible
+       destination of the packet)
+       @param aRemoteAddr The address of the remote PAN node (the possible source
+       of the packet)
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    if(aInboundChain.Length() < 1)
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrUnderflow);
+        }
+    Reset();
+    // Extract the packet type and the Extension bit.
+    TBnepPacketType type = static_cast<TBnepPacketType>(aInboundChain.First()->Ptr()[0]);
+    aInboundChain.TrimStart(sizeof(TUint8));
+    // Test the extension bit
+    TBool ebit = type & KEBit;
+    // Discard the extension bit
+    type = static_cast<TBnepPacketType>(type & (~KEBit));
+    LOG1(_L8("Type 0x%02x"),type);
+    LOG1(_L8("Ebit 0x%02x"),ebit);
+    // Based on the packet type, determine whether to extract addresses
+    TBool dest = EFalse;
+    TBool src = EFalse;
+    switch (type)
+        {
+        case EBnepGeneralEthernet:
+            // General ethernet -- both source and destination present
+            LOG(_L8("Type = EBnepGeneralEthernet"));
+            SetContents(EDataFrame);
+            dest = ETrue;
+            src = ETrue;
+            break;
+        case EBnepControl:
+            // Control -- no addresses present (or any data)
+            LOG(_L8("Type = EBnepControl"));
+            break;
+        case EBnepCompressedEthernetDestOnly:
+            // Comressed destination only -- only destination present
+            LOG(_L8("Type = EBnepCompressedEthernetDestOnly"));
+            SetContents(EDataFrame);
+            dest = ETrue;
+            break;
+        case EBnepCompressedEthernetSourceOnly:
+            // Compressed source only -- only source present
+            LOG(_L8("Type = EBnepCompressedEthernetSourceOnly"));
+            SetContents(EDataFrame);
+            src = ETrue;
+            break;
+        case EBnepCompressedEthernet:
+            // Compressed -- no addresses present
+            LOG(_L8("Type = EBnepCompressedEthernet"));
+            SetContents(EDataFrame);
+            break;
+        default:
+            // Unknown packet type
+            LOG(_L8("RBnepFrame[%x]: Type = Unknown"));
+            User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);   
+            break;
+        }
+    if (iPacketContents & EDataFrame) // Data present
+        {
+        if (dest)
+            {
+            TrimBTAddrL(aInboundChain, iDestAddr);	// Address in packet, extract
+            LOG_BT(_L8("Extracted destination address %S"), iDestAddr);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iDestAddr = aLocalAddr;					// No address in packet, assume.
+            LOG_BT(_L8("Defaulting destination to %S"), iDestAddr);
+            }
+        if (src)
+            {
+            TrimBTAddrL(aInboundChain, iSrcAddr);	// Address in packet, extract
+            LOG_BT(_L8("Extracted source address %S"), iSrcAddr);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iSrcAddr = aRemoteAddr;					// No address in packet, assume.
+            LOG_BT(_L8("Defaulting source address to %S"), iSrcAddr);
+            }
+        // Extract protocol
+        TrimUint16L(aInboundChain, iProtocol);
+		if(iProtocol == KQTag)
+			{
+			SetContents(EHas1Q);
+			}
+        LOG1(_L8("Extracted protocol %04x"), iProtocol);
+        }
+    ParseL(aInboundChain, type, ebit);
+    if(EBnepControl != type)
+        {
+        // Extract data from the incoming frame that might (depending on any filters
+        // need to be forwarded.
+        iFramePayload.Assign(aInboundChain);
+        LOG1(_L8("Extracted %d bytes of payload data"), iFramePayload.Length());
+        }
+    return type;
+    }
+void RBnepFrame::ParseEthernetFrameL (RMBufChain& aFrame)
+    {
+    /**
+       Parse an ethernet frame.
+       @param aFrame The ethernet frame received from the higher
+       networking layers.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    Reset();
+    // Extract the source and destination addresses.
+    TrimBTAddrL(aFrame, iDestAddr);
+    TrimBTAddrL(aFrame, iSrcAddr);
+    LOG_BT(_L8("Extracted destination address %S"),iDestAddr);
+    LOG_BT(_L8("Extracted source address %S"),iSrcAddr);
+    // Pull out protocol, and, if present, 802.1Q data
+    TrimUint16L(aFrame, iProtocol);
+    LOG1(_L8("Extracted protocol (or type) %04x"), iProtocol);
+    if (iProtocol <= K802_3MaxLength)
+    	{
+    	// 'Protocol' field is overloaded.  In 802.3, it actually contains the payload
+    	// length.  We can therefore use this field to detect an 802.3 format packet,
+    	// and behave accordingly.  Payload type numbers are guaranteed to be greater
+    	// than available packet lengths (by design, in order to allow this distinction.)
+    	// 802.3 requires additional headers to carry the required data.  Most of this
+    	// is essentially constant, especially as we only ever parse ethernet frames
+    	// provided by the Symbian NIF.
+    	//
+    	// Expected values:
+    	//  LLC
+    	//  DSAP:    aa
+    	//  SSAP:    aa
+    	//  Control: 03
+    	//
+    	//  SNAP
+    	//  OUI:     00 00 00
+    	//  Type:    varies
+    	//
+    	// We can therefore trim the next six bytes of the supplied data, then extract
+    	// the protocol type.  If we were really keen, we could try to verify that the
+    	// trimmed bytes are as expected.
+    	aFrame.TrimStart(6);
+		TrimUint16L(aFrame, iProtocol);
+		}
+    if (KQTag == iProtocol)
+        {
+        SetContents(EHas1Q);
+	    TBuf8<KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength> protocolBuf;
+		protocolBuf.SetMax();
+		if(aFrame.Length() < KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength + KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength)
+			{
+			aFrame.Free();
+			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+			}
+    	aFrame.CopyOut(protocolBuf, KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength);
+		iProtocol = static_cast<TUint16>((protocolBuf[0] << 8) + protocolBuf[1]);
+        LOG1(_L8("Found 802.1Q header, real protocol %04x"), iProtocol);
+        }
+    // Extract frame payload
+    SetContents(EDataFrame);
+    iFramePayload.Assign(aFrame);
+    LOG1(_L8("Extracted %d bytes of payload data"), iFramePayload.Length());
+    aFrame.Free();
+    }
+void RBnepFrame::Reset ()
+    {
+    /**
+       Reset a BNEP frame.
+       The object can be allowed to go out of scope only after a call to this
+       function.  Note also that some data fields will still contain data after
+       this function returns, so the object should either be destroyed or
+       re-initialised based on another data frame.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    // Reset contents flag
+    iPacketContents = 0;
+    // Free any payload data
+    iFramePayload.Free();
+    // Remove, free and delete all commands
+    while(!iCommandQueue.IsEmpty())
+        {    
+        RBnepControl* element = iCommandQueue.First();
+        iCommandQueue.Remove(*element);
+        element->Free();
+        delete element;
+        }
+	// By default remote devices are not permitted to use the uplink
+	iUplinkAccessAllowedForBnepLink = EFalse;
+    }
+const TBTDevAddr& RBnepFrame::SrcAddr () const
+    {
+    return iSrcAddr; 
+    }
+void RBnepFrame::TrimBTAddrL (RMBufChain& aChain, TBTDevAddr& aAddr)
+    {
+    /**
+       Populate a Bluetooth address from the front of an MBufChain.
+       Extract the bluetooth address and remove it from the MBufChain.
+       @param aChain The MBufChain starting with a Bluetooth address.
+       @param aAddr The Bluetooth address to populate.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    TPtr8 ptr = aAddr.Des();
+    if (aChain.Length() < KBTDevAddrSize)
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+        }
+    aChain.CopyOut(ptr);
+    aChain.TrimStart(KBTDevAddrSize);
+    }
+void RBnepFrame::TrimUint16L (RMBufChain& aChain, TUint16& aInt)
+    {
+    /**
+       Read a TUint16 from an MBufChain.
+       Reads and removes a TUint16 from the front of an MBufChain.
+       @param aChain The MBufChain starting with a TUint16.
+       @param aInt The TUint16 to populate.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    if (aChain.Length() < static_cast<TInt>(sizeof(TUint16)))
+        {
+        User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+        }
+    TBuf8<sizeof(TUint16)> buf;
+	buf.SetLength(sizeof(TUint16));
+	aChain.CopyOut(buf);
+    // To handle endian issues, copy int out bytewise
+    aInt = BigEndian::Get16(buf.Ptr());
+    aChain.TrimStart(sizeof(TUint16));
+    }
+void RBnepFrame::ParseL(RMBufChain& aInboundChain, TBnepPacketType aType, TBool aExt)
+    {
+    /**
+       This method does all the donkey work sorting out the controls and possible extensions on the packet.
+       @param aInboundChain the rest of the packet
+       @param aType the calling method needs to know the packet type when it calls this method
+       @param aExt the calling method needs to know about the existence of extensions when it calls this method.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    TInt offset = 0;
+    TInt length =0; 	
+    if(aType == EBnepControl)
+        {
+        LOG(_L8("A control"));
+        if(aExt)
+            {
+            LOG(_L8("With extensions"));
+            // This is a control packet with extensions.
+            // We're going to have to apply a little bit of intelligence to this one,
+            // because the spec is a bit unhelpful here (like - how long is the 
+            // control part of the message supposed to be BEFORE we start 
+            // pulling out the extension headers?)
+            TUint8 uuidSize;
+            TUint16 maListLength;
+            TUint16 ntListLength;
+            TBnepControlType type = static_cast<TBnepControlType>(aInboundChain.First()->Ptr()[0]);
+            LOG1(_L8("TBnepControlType = 0x%02x"), type);	
+            switch (type)
+                {
+                case EBnepControlCommandNotUnderstood:
+                    LOG(_L8("EBnepControlCommandNotUnderstood"));
+                    length = 2*sizeof(TUint8); // Control type byte + 1 byte response message
+                    ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
+                    break;
+                case EBnepSetupConnectionRequestMessage: 
+                    LOG(_L8("EBnepSetupConnectionRequestMessage"));
+                    uuidSize = aInboundChain.First()->Ptr()[1];
+                    length = 2*sizeof(TUint8) + 2*uuidSize; // Control type byte + UUIDsize byte + 2 UUIDs
+                    // Note, this NOT where we check that UUIDSize is within bounds. That is done later.
+                    ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
+                    break;
+                case EBnepSetupConnectionResponseMessage:
+                    LOG(_L8("EBnepSetupConnectionResponseMessage"));
+                    length = sizeof(TUint8) + sizeof(TUint16); // Control type byte + 2 byte response message
+                    ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
+                    break;
+                case EBnepFilterNetTypeSetMsg:
+                    LOG(_L8("EBnepFilterNetTypeSetMsg"));
+                    ntListLength = BigEndian::Get16(aInboundChain.First()->Ptr() + 1);
+                    length = sizeof(TUint8) + sizeof(TUint16) + ntListLength; // control type byte + length word + list of filters
+                    ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
+                    break;
+                case EBnepFilterNetTypeResponse:
+                    LOG(_L8("EBnepFilterNetTypeResponse"));
+                    length = sizeof(TUint8) + sizeof(TUint16); // Control type byte + 2 byte response message
+                    ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
+                    break;
+                case EBnepFilterMultiAddrSetMsg:
+                    LOG(_L8("EBnepFilterMultiAddrSetMsg"));
+                    maListLength = BigEndian::Get16(aInboundChain.First()->Ptr() + 1);
+                    length = sizeof(TUint8) + sizeof(TUint16) + maListLength; // control type byte + length word + list of filters
+                    ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
+                    break;
+                case EBnepFilterMultiAddrResponseMsg:
+                    LOG(_L8("EBnepFilterMultiAddrResponseMsg"));
+                    length = sizeof(TUint8) + sizeof(TUint16); // Control type byte + 2 byte response message
+                    ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
+                    break;
+                default: // We don't really want to execute this bit of code ever.
+                    LOG(_L8("Unknown control type - leaving!"));
+                    User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // This one's quite simple because we know that the packet contains a 
+            // control and only a control. So the format is pretty simple to stash 
+            // as a command for future processing.
+            LOG(_L8("Without extensions"));
+            length = aInboundChain.Length();
+            ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
+            }
+        }
+    if(aExt)
+        {
+		// Extension headers are present.
+        LOG(_L8("Extensions embedded"));
+        offset = ParseExtensionL(aInboundChain);
+        }
+	// If the packet includes IEEE 802.1Q info then the real protocol field must be
+	// extracted and stored for filtering purposes.
+    if(Includes(EHas1Q))
+    	{
+		offset+=KIEEE802_1QTagFieldLength;
+    	// Store the extra protcol information.
+		if((offset + KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength) > aInboundChain.Length())
+			{
+			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+			}
+	    TBuf8<KNetworkProtocolTypeFieldLength> protocolBuf;
+		protocolBuf.SetMax();
+    	aInboundChain.CopyOut(protocolBuf, offset);
+		iProtocol = static_cast<TUint16>((protocolBuf[0] << 8) + protocolBuf[1]);
+    	}	
+    }
+TInt RBnepFrame::ParseExtensionL(RMBufChain& aInboundChain)
+    {
+    /**
+       Helper method to extract control extension headers from a packet.
+       Non-Control extension headers will remain in the inbound chain
+       @param aInboundChain the rest of the packet
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    TUint16 offset = 0;
+    TUint16 lastExtensionHeaderOffset = 0;
+    TBool ebit = ETrue;
+	TBool removeExtensions = EFalse;
+    TBuf8<KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes> buf;
+	buf.SetMax();
+    // Used to verify that the extensions are in assending order.
+    TBnepExtensionType lastExtensionType = EBnepExtensionControl;
+    while(ebit)
+        {
+        // Extension headers are 2 bytes long.
+        if((offset + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes) > aInboundChain.Length())
+            {	
+            User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+            }
+    	aInboundChain.CopyOut(buf, offset);
+        // Extract the extension header type and e-bit.
+        TBnepExtensionType type = static_cast<TBnepExtensionType>(buf[0]);
+		ebit = type & KEBit;
+        type = static_cast<TBnepExtensionType>(type & (~KEBit));
+		if(type < lastExtensionType)
+			{
+			// Extensions are not in assending order.  Remove all subsequent
+			// extensions from the packet.
+			if(!removeExtensions)
+				{
+				// The previous extension header bit must be set to zero
+				removeExtensions = ETrue;
+				TBuf8<KSizeOfBnepExtensionType> exTypeBuf;
+				exTypeBuf.SetMax();
+				aInboundChain.CopyOut(exTypeBuf, lastExtensionHeaderOffset);
+				exTypeBuf[0] &= ~KEBit;
+				aInboundChain.CopyIn(exTypeBuf, lastExtensionHeaderOffset);
+				}
+			}
+		lastExtensionType = type;	
+        // Extract the length of this extension header
+        TUint8 length = buf[1];
+        LOG4(_L8("Found extension header, type %02x, ebit %02x, length %d, offset %d"),
+    			      type, ebit, length, offset);
+        if((length + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes) > (aInboundChain.Length() - offset))
+            {	
+            User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+            }
+		if(type == EBnepExtensionControl && !removeExtensions)
+			{
+			// Remove the BNEP extension control header (i.e., [ebit]0x00, Length). 
+			aInboundChain.TrimStart(KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes);
+			// Control extention headers need to be extracted.
+			ExtractControlL(aInboundChain, length);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if(!removeExtensions)
+				{
+				// If the extension has not been removed adjust the offset.
+				lastExtensionHeaderOffset = offset;
+				offset += (length + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes);
+				// Note that an extension header is present in the payload.
+				SetContents(EExtensionHeaders);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Remove the extension.
+				RMBufChain tempBuf;
+				// Split the buffer so that aInboundChain includes everything before
+				// the extension to be removed and tempBuf includes everything after
+				// including the extension to be removed.
+				aInboundChain.SplitL(offset, tempBuf);
+				// Remove the extension from tempBuf.
+				tempBuf.TrimStart(length + KExtensionHeaderHeaderBytes);
+				// Re-join the two buffers
+				aInboundChain.Append(tempBuf);
+				}
+			}
+        }
+	return offset;
+    }
+void RBnepFrame::ExtractControlL(RMBufChain& aInboundChain, TInt aLength)
+    {
+    /**
+       Helper method to extract the control portion of a packet.
+       @param aInboundChain the rest of the packet.
+       @param aLength the size of the control portion to be extracted.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    LOG1(_L8("Extraction length = %d bytes"),aLength);
+    if(0 == aLength)	
+        {
+        LOG(_L8("Zero length buffer - leaving!"));
+        User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+        }
+    if(aLength > aInboundChain.Length())
+        {
+        LOG(_L8("Corrupted buffer - leaving!"));
+        User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+        }
+    RBnepControl* command = new(ELeave) RBnepControl();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(doResetControl, command));
+    // MBuf SplitL is a bit awkward here, as it splits off the end of the chain
+    // into the supplied parameter.  So move the MBuf data to all be with the
+    // command MBufChain, then split back into the original MBufChain.
+    command->Assign(aInboundChain);
+    command->SplitL(aLength,aInboundChain);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(command);
+    LOG1(_L8("Storing new command 0x%08x in queue"),command);
+    iCommandQueue.AddLast(*command);
+    SetContents(EControl);
+    }
+void RBnepFrame::ExecuteControl (MLinkManager& aController)
+    {
+    /**
+       Helper method that pushes the controls in the queue up to the controller for handling 
+       and response.
+       @param aController The controller object to pass the control messages to.
+       @internalComponent
+    */
+    while(!iCommandQueue.IsEmpty() &&
+          !aController.AwaitingResponse())
+        {    
+        RBnepControl* element = iCommandQueue.First();
+        iCommandQueue.Remove(*element);
+        LOG(_L8("Passing command up to controller"));
+        // The controller will now own the control and will become responsible for its memory management
+        aController.Execute(element); 
+        }
+    // If we reached the end, then show that the packet no longer contains control extensions.
+    if (iCommandQueue.IsEmpty())
+    	{
+    	iPacketContents &= ~EControl;
+    	}
+    }
+TInt RBnepFrame::PayloadLength() const
+	{
+	return iFramePayload.Length();
+	}
+void RBnepFrame::SetUplinkAccessAllowedForBnepLink(TBool aUplinkAccessAllowedForBnepLink)
+	{
+	iUplinkAccessAllowedForBnepLink = aUplinkAccessAllowedForBnepLink;
+	}