--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothmgmt/btmgr/BTManServer/BTRegistrySQL.cpp Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "BTRegistryDB.h"
+#include <bluetooth/logger.h>
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+const TInt KMaxLengthConstraintInitial = 60; // constraint length is initially this
+const TInt KMaxLengthConstraintIncrement = 60; // - then we extend as necessary by this amount
+ Required for non-default constructed RTextBuf
+ {
+ }
+void RBTDbQuery::Close()
+ {
+ iQueryBuf.Close();
+ }
+const TPtrC RBTDbQuery::QuoteEscapeLC(const TBTDevAddr& aBDAddr) const
+ {
+ TBuf<6> wideAddr; // needed to stop implicit converstion back to DevAddr!
+ wideAddr.Copy(aBDAddr.Des());
+ return QuoteEscapeLC(wideAddr);
+ }
+const TPtrC RBTDbQuery::QuoteEscapeLC(const TDesC& aDes) const
+ Can't search for a string in SQL with a quote (') in un-escaped
+ Escape by putting extra quote in for every quote in the descriptor
+ {
+ const TUint16 KEscapeCode = 0x0027; // SQL escape value
+ // maximum size of new descriptor will be twice the original (if it contained all quotes!)
+ HBufC* escaped = HBufC::NewMaxLC(2*aDes.Length());
+ TPtr escapedPtr= escaped->Des();
+ TInt i=0;
+ TInt escapedIndex = 0;
+ while (i<aDes.Length())
+ {
+ const TChar& element = aDes[i++]; // copes with narrow and wide
+#pragma warning (disable : 4244) // conversion - its ok here
+ escapedPtr[escapedIndex++] = element;
+#pragma warning (default : 4244)
+ if (element == KEscapeCode)
+ {
+ escapedPtr[escapedIndex++] = KEscapeCode;
+ }
+ }
+ escapedPtr.SetLength(escapedIndex); // bring down from the MaxLength
+ return escapedPtr; // returns ownership of the HBuf via cleanupstack
+ }
+void RBTDbQuery::FindDeviceL(const TBTDevAddr& aBDAddr)
+ Construct a simple SQL query to see if the device is present
+ {
+ // this is used to see if the device is in the registry
+ TBuf<KMaxConstraintLen> constraint;
+ constraint.Append(KColName_DeviceAddress);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLEqual);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLQuote);
+ constraint.Append(QuoteEscapeLC(aBDAddr));
+ constraint.Append(KSQLQuote);
+ iQueryBuf.SetMaxLengthL(constraint.Length() + KSQLSelectAllConstrained().Length() + KDeviceTable().Length());
+ iQueryBuf.Text().Format(KSQLSelectAllConstrained, &KDeviceTable, &constraint);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // address buffer
+ }
+void RBTDbQuery::FindCommPortL(TUint32 aUnitNumber)
+ Construct a SQL query to find the virtual serial port with aUnitNumber
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxConstraintLen> constraint;
+ constraint.Append(KBTCOMMColName_Port);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLEqual);
+ constraint.AppendNum(static_cast<TUint>(aUnitNumber), EDecimal);
+ iQueryBuf.SetMaxLengthL(constraint.Length() + KSQLSelectAllConstrained().Length() + KCSYTable().Length());
+ iQueryBuf.Text().Format(KSQLSelectAllConstrained, &KCSYTable, &constraint);
+ }
+void RBTDbQuery::MatchLinkKeyTypeL(TBTLinkKeyType aLinkKeyType)
+ Construct a SQL query to find entries that have a link key of a specific type.
+ {
+ TBuf<KMaxConstraintLen> constraint;
+ constraint.Append(KDeviceColName_LinkKeyType);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLEqual);
+ constraint.AppendNum(static_cast<TUint>(aLinkKeyType), EDecimal);
+ iQueryBuf.SetMaxLengthL(constraint.Length() + KSQLSelectAllConstrained().Length() + KDeviceTable().Length());
+ iQueryBuf.Text().Format(KSQLSelectAllConstrained, &KDeviceTable, &constraint);
+ }
+const TDesC& RBTDbQuery::QueryBuf() const
+ {
+ return iQueryBuf.Text();
+ }
+TPtrC RBTDbQuery::ConstraintBuf() const
+ {
+ TInt index = QueryBuf().Find(KSQLWhere);
+ return (index==KErrNotFound) ? TPtrC() : QueryBuf().Mid(index+KSQLWhere().Length());
+ }
+void RBTDbQuery::ExtendForAnotherTokenL(RTextBuf& aSQLBuf, TUint aMask)
+ Sees if the token 'AND' is required in a constrained search
+ If so, add into the SQL query
+ If the buffer is getting small, extend it
+ {
+ if (aMask)
+ {
+ // need an AND - more constraints follow
+ aSQLBuf.Text().Append(KSQLAnd);
+ //Need to increase the size of the bufferno
+ // RTextBuf::SetMaxLengthL is bad as it closes the textbuf
+ RTextBuf copy;
+ copy.SetMaxLengthL(aSQLBuf.Text().Length());
+ CleanupClosePushL(copy);
+ copy.Text().Append(aSQLBuf.Text());
+ aSQLBuf.SetMaxLengthL(aSQLBuf.Text().Length()+KMaxLengthConstraintIncrement);
+ //copy back from the copy to the aSQLBuf
+ aSQLBuf.Text().Append(copy.Text());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ }
+ // else do nothing - no further constraint to follow
+ }
+void RBTDbQuery::SearchL(const TBTRegistrySearch& aPattern)
+ Converts a search mask into SQL search tokens
+ {
+ // do the catch all first - saves time
+ if (aPattern.iSearchMask & TBTRegistrySearch::EAll)
+ {
+ iQueryBuf.SetMaxLengthL(KSQLSelectAll().Length() + KDeviceTable().Length());
+ iQueryBuf.Text().Format(KSQLSelectAll, &KDeviceTable);
+ return;
+ }
+ // we have a constrained search; formulate the SQL
+ // we use a RTextBuf that can grow as needed (to reduce stack usage)
+ RTextBuf constraintBuf;
+ constraintBuf.SetMaxLengthL(KMaxLengthConstraintInitial);
+ TPtr& constraint = constraintBuf.Text();
+ TUint toSearch = aPattern.iSearchMask;
+ if (toSearch & TBTRegistrySearch::EAddress)
+ {
+ constraint.Append(KColName_DeviceAddress);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLEqual);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLQuote);
+ constraint.Append(QuoteEscapeLC(aPattern.iDeviceAddress));
+ constraint.Append(KSQLQuote);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // address buffer
+ toSearch &= ~TBTRegistrySearch::EAddress;
+ ExtendForAnotherTokenL(constraintBuf, toSearch);
+ }
+ if (toSearch & TBTRegistrySearch::ECoD)
+ {
+ constraint.Append(KDeviceColName_CoD);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLEqual);
+ TUint cod = aPattern.iDeviceClass.DeviceClass();
+ constraint.AppendNum(cod, EDecimal);
+ toSearch &= ~TBTRegistrySearch::ECoD;
+ ExtendForAnotherTokenL(constraintBuf, toSearch);
+ }
+ if (toSearch & TBTRegistrySearch::ECoDMajorDev)
+ {
+ constraint.Append(KDeviceColName_CoD_MajorDev);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLEqual);
+ TUint majDev = aPattern.iDeviceClass.MajorDeviceClass();
+ constraint.AppendNum(majDev, EDecimal);
+ toSearch &= ~TBTRegistrySearch::ECoDMajorDev;
+ ExtendForAnotherTokenL(constraintBuf, toSearch);
+ }
+ if (toSearch & TBTRegistrySearch::ECoDMinorDev)
+ {
+ constraint.Append(KDeviceColName_CoD_MinorDev);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLEqual);
+ TUint minDev = aPattern.iDeviceClass.MinorDeviceClass();
+ constraint.AppendNum(minDev, EDecimal);
+ toSearch &= ~TBTRegistrySearch::ECoDMinorDev;
+ ExtendForAnotherTokenL(constraintBuf, toSearch);
+ }
+ if (toSearch & TBTRegistrySearch::EBTName)
+ {
+ constraint.Append(KDeviceColName_BluetoothName);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLEqual);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLQuote);
+ TBuf<KMaxBluetoothNameLen> widened;
+ widened.Copy(aPattern.iBluetoothName);
+ constraint.Append(QuoteEscapeLC(widened));
+ constraint.Append(KSQLQuote);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); //name
+ toSearch &= ~TBTRegistrySearch::EBTName;
+ ExtendForAnotherTokenL(constraintBuf, toSearch);
+ }
+ if (toSearch & TBTRegistrySearch::EFriendlyName)
+ {
+ constraint.Append(KDeviceColName_FriendlyName);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLEqual);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLQuote);
+ constraint.Append(QuoteEscapeLC(aPattern.iFriendlyName));
+ constraint.Append(KSQLQuote);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // name
+ toSearch &= ~TBTRegistrySearch::EFriendlyName;
+ ExtendForAnotherTokenL(constraintBuf, toSearch);
+ }
+ if (toSearch & TBTRegistrySearch::EProcess)
+ {
+ constraint.Append(KColName_ProcessSID);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLEqual);
+ constraint.AppendNum(MAKE_TUINT64(0,aPattern.iCurrentProcessSID.iUid), EDecimal);
+ toSearch &= ~TBTRegistrySearch::EProcess;
+ ExtendForAnotherTokenL(constraintBuf, toSearch);
+ }
+ if (toSearch & TBTRegistrySearch::EBonded)
+ {
+ constraint.Append(KDeviceColName_LinkKey);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLIsNotNull);
+ toSearch &= ~TBTRegistrySearch::EBonded;
+ ExtendForAnotherTokenL(constraintBuf, toSearch);
+ }
+ if (toSearch & TBTRegistrySearch::ETrusted)
+ {
+ // check global security for no authorisation AND authentication
+ constraint.Append(KSQLOpenParentheses);
+ constraint.Append(KDeviceColName_GlobalSecSecurity);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLEqual);
+ // we do this here in case TBTDeviceSecurity changes
+ // trusted device = 'NoAuthentication'=No (MUST authenticate!),
+ // 'NoAuthorisation'=Yes
+ // 'Encryption' could be either.
+ // 'Banned' =No (!)
+ TBTDeviceSecurity noEncryption(EFalse, ETrue, EFalse, EFalse);
+ constraint.AppendNum(static_cast<TUint>(noEncryption.SecurityValue()));
+ constraint.Append(KSQLOr);
+ constraint.Append(KDeviceColName_GlobalSecSecurity);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLEqual);
+ TBTDeviceSecurity encryption(EFalse, ETrue, ETrue, EFalse);
+ constraint.AppendNum(static_cast<TUint>(encryption.SecurityValue()));
+ constraint.Append(KSQLCloseParentheses);
+ toSearch &= ~TBTRegistrySearch::ETrusted;
+ ExtendForAnotherTokenL(constraintBuf, toSearch);
+ }
+ if (toSearch & TBTRegistrySearch::ELastSeen)
+ {
+ constraint.Append(KDeviceColName_LastSeen);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLGreaterEqual);
+ constraint.AppendNum(aPattern.iLastSeen.Int64());
+ toSearch &= ~TBTRegistrySearch::ELastSeen;
+ ExtendForAnotherTokenL(constraintBuf, toSearch);
+ }
+ if (toSearch & TBTRegistrySearch::ELastUsed)
+ {
+ constraint.Append(KDeviceColName_LastUsed);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLGreaterEqual);
+ constraint.AppendNum(aPattern.iLastUsed.Int64());
+ toSearch &= ~TBTRegistrySearch::ELastUsed;
+ ExtendForAnotherTokenL(constraintBuf, toSearch);
+ }
+ if (toSearch & TBTRegistrySearch::EUiCookie)
+ {
+ constraint.Append(KDeviceColName_UiCookie);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLLike);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLQuote);
+ static const TUint8 KCookieBinaryRepresentationWidth = 32; // 32bits encoded as binary string.
+ TBuf<KCookieBinaryRepresentationWidth> cookiePattern;
+ cookiePattern.NumFixedWidth(aPattern.iUiCookie, EBinary, KCookieBinaryRepresentationWidth);
+ TUint32 shiftedMask = aPattern.iUiCookieMask;
+ for(TInt i=KCookieBinaryRepresentationWidth-1; i>=0; --i)
+ {
+ if(!(shiftedMask&1)) // check the bottom bit (we loop through them all by shifting.)
+ {
+ // bit "i" isn't masked, and so we should ignore it.
+ cookiePattern[i] = '?';
+ }
+ shiftedMask >>= 1;
+ }
+ constraint.Append(cookiePattern);
+ constraint.Append(KSQLQuote);
+ toSearch &= ~TBTRegistrySearch::EUiCookie;
+ ExtendForAnotherTokenL(constraintBuf, toSearch);
+ }
+ if(toSearch)
+ {
+ // There is an unhandled search attribute that has been provided by the user.
+ // If left the trailing SQL "AND" would trigger the KErrArgument error anyway.
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ iQueryBuf.SetMaxLengthL(constraint.Length() + KSQLSelectAllConstrained().Length() + KDeviceTable().Length());
+ iQueryBuf.Text().Format(KSQLSelectAllConstrained, &KDeviceTable, &constraint);
+ }