changeset 0 29b1cd4cb562
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/irda/irdastack/SSRC/client-side/IASResponse.cpp	Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalAll
+#include <ir_sock.h>
+#include "client_util.H"
+EXPORT_C TIASResponse::TIASResponse()
+/** Default constructor. Marks the response type as missing.
+@see TIASDataType */
+	{
+	SetLength(1);
+	operator[](0)=EIASDataMissing;
+	}
+void TIASResponse::SetToInteger(TUint anInteger)
+// set the response data to the specified integer
+	{
+	SetLength(5);
+	operator[](0)=(TUint8)EIASDataInteger;
+	BigEndian::Put32(WPtr()+1,anInteger);
+	}
+void TIASResponse::SetToCharString(const TDesC8& aCharString)
+// set the response data to the specified integer
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aCharString.Length()<=256,IrdaUtil::Panic(EIASResponseDes8Overflow));
+	SetLength(3);
+	operator[](0)=(TUint8)EIASDataUserString;				// Type field
+	operator[](1)=(TUint8)EIASCharSetUserStringASCII;		// Character set
+	operator[](2)=(TUint8)aCharString.Size();				// String Size
+	Append(aCharString);
+	}
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+void TIASResponse::SetToCharString(const TDesC16& aWideString)
+// set the response data to the specified integer
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aWideString.Size()<=256,IrdaUtil::Panic(EIASResponseDes8Overflow));
+	SetLength(3);
+	operator[](0)=(TUint8)EIASDataUserString;				// Type field
+	operator[](1)=(TUint8)EIASCharSetUserStringUnicode;		// Character Set
+	operator[](2)=(TUint8)aWideString.Size();				// String Size
+	TUint8* narrowPtr = (TUint8*)(aWideString.Ptr());
+	TPtr8  narrowString(narrowPtr,aWideString.Size(),aWideString.Size());
+	Append(narrowString);
+	}
+void TIASResponse::SetToOctetSeq(const TDesC8& aBinData)
+// set the response data to the specified integer
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aBinData.Length()<=256,IrdaUtil::Panic(EIASResponseDes8Overflow));
+	SetLength(3);
+	operator[](0)=(TUint8)EIASDataOctetSequence;			// Type field
+	BigEndian::Put16(WPtr()+1,(TUint16)aBinData.Length());
+	Append(aBinData);
+	}
+// Suck out an octet sequence if there is one.
+EXPORT_C TInt TIASResponse::GetInteger(TInt &aResult,TInt anIndex) const
+/** Returns the response integer.
+This is called if the response type indicates an integer.
+@param aResult On return, contains the 32-bit response integer value. 
+@param anIndex Reserved for future use. This argument must be allowed to default 
+to 0 and must not be overriden. 
+@return KErrNone, if successful. KErrCorrupt, if the response type is not an 
+integer. */
+	{
+	if (Type()!=EIASDataInteger)
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	// IAS Integers are 4 bytes, zero indexed with one length byte.
+	if (Length()<5+anIndex*4)
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	aResult=BigEndian::Get32(Ptr()+1);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+// Suck out an octet sequence if there is one.
+EXPORT_C TInt TIASResponse::GetOctetSeq(TDes8 &aResult,TInt anIndex) const
+/** Returns the response binary data.
+@param aResult On return, contains the the binary data. The number of bytes 
+returned can never be greater than (KMaxQueryStringLength - 3). 
+@param anIndex Reserved for future use. 
+@return KErrNone, if successful. KErrCorrupt, if the response type is not binary 
+data. KErrNotSupported, if a non-zero value has been specified for anIndex. */
+	{
+	if (anIndex>0)
+		return KErrNotSupported;
+	if (Type()!=EIASDataOctetSequence)
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	aResult.Copy(Ptr()+3,operator[](2));
+	return KErrNone;	
+	}
+// Suck out an ASCII/ISO string if there is one.
+EXPORT_C TInt TIASResponse::GetCharString(TDes8 &aResult,TInt anIndex) const
+/** Returns the response string.
+This is called if the response type indicates a string.
+@param aResult On return, an 8 bit modifiable descriptor containing the response 
+string. The length of the response string can never be greater than the value 
+of (KMaxQueryStringLength - 3). 
+@param anIndex Reserved for future use. This argument must be allowed to default 
+to 0 and must not be overriden. 
+@return If successful, one of the TIASCharSet enumerator values defining the 
+character set encoding of the response string. KErrNotSupported, if a non-zero 
+value has been specified for anIndex. KErrCorrupt, if the response type is 
+not a string. 
+@see TIASResponse::Type() */
+	{
+	if (anIndex>0)
+		return KErrNotSupported;
+	if (Type()!=EIASDataUserString)
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	TUint8 charSet = operator[](1);
+	TInt returnValue = static_cast<TInt>(charSet);
+	aResult.Copy(Ptr()+3,operator[](2));
+	return returnValue;
+	}
+// Suck out an ASCII/ISO string if there is one.
+EXPORT_C const TPtrC8 TIASResponse::GetCharString8(TInt anIndex) const
+/** Returns a non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing the response string.
+This is called if the response type indicates a string.
+@param anIndex Reserved for future use. This argument must be allowed to default 
+to 0 and must not be overriden. 
+@return A non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing the response string. 
+If the response type is not a string or the string is flagged as being UNICODE, 
+then this pointer descriptor is empty, i.e. it has zero length. 
+@see TIASResponse::Type() */
+	{
+	TPtr8 p(NULL,0);
+	if (anIndex>0)
+		return p;
+	if (Type()!=EIASDataUserString || operator[](3)==EIASCharSetUserStringUnicode)
+		return p;
+	p.Set(WPtr()+3,operator[](2),operator[](2));
+	return TPtrC8(p);
+	}
+// Suck out a unicode string if there is one.
+EXPORT_C TInt TIASResponse::GetCharString(TDes16 &/*aResult*/,TInt /*anIndex*/) const
+/** Gets a TDes16 string of unicode characters from the TIASResponse object. */
+	{
+	if (Type()!=EIASDataUserString && operator[](3)!=EIASCharSetUserStringUnicode)
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+// Suck out a unicode string if there is one.
+EXPORT_C const TPtrC16 TIASResponse::GetCharString16(TInt /*anIndex*/) const
+/** Gets a TPtrC16 string of unicode characters from the TIASResponse object. */
+	{
+	return TPtr16(NULL,0);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TBool TIASResponse::IsList() const
+	{
+	return operator[](0)>0;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TIASResponse::NumItems() const
+	{
+	return operator[](0);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TIASDataType TIASResponse::Type() const
+	{
+	if ((operator[](0)>EIASDataMissing)&&(operator[](0)<=EIASDataUserString))
+		return  (TIASDataType)operator[](0);
+	else
+		return EIASDataMissing;
+	}
+// EOF