// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <bluetooth/hcicommandeventobserver.h>
#include <bluetooth/hcicommandqueue.h>
#include <bluetooth/hci/hciopcodes.h>
#include <bttypes.h> // For THCIConnHandle
#include <bluetooth/hci/hcicmdqueuedecisioninterface.h>
class CHCICmdQueueDecisionPlugin;
class CHCICommandQItem;
class MHCICmdQueueDecisionInterface;
class MHCICmdQueueEventModifierInterface;
class MHCICommandAllocator;
class MHCICommandQueueClient;
class MHardResetInitiator;
class MHCTLInterface;
class MLinkMuxNotifier;
class MPhysicalLinksState;
class CHCICmdQStarvationTimer;
class CHciUtil;
// Callback interface for the timer.
virtual void CompletionTimeoutFired(TUint aUncompletedCmdId) = 0;
virtual void StarvationTimeoutFired(TUint aNextPendingCmdId) = 0;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CHCICmdQController) : public CBase,
public MHCICommandEventObserver,
public MHCICommandQueue,
public MHCITimerClient,
public MHCICmdQueueUtilities
public: // exported
IMPORT_C static CHCICmdQController* NewL();
IMPORT_C ~CHCICmdQController();
IMPORT_C void SetHCTLInterface(MHCTLInterface& aHctlInterface);
IMPORT_C void SetHCICommandAllocator(MHCICommandAllocator& aCommandAllocator);
IMPORT_C void SetLinkMuxNotifier(MLinkMuxNotifier& aLinkMuxer);
IMPORT_C void SetHCIUnmatchedEventObserver(MHCICommandQueueClient& aUnmatchedEventObserver);
IMPORT_C void SetHardResetInitiator(MHardResetInitiator& aHardResetInitiator);
IMPORT_C void SetPhysicalLinksState(const MPhysicalLinksState& aStackInfo);
IMPORT_C void Initialise();
IMPORT_C void Reset();
IMPORT_C void Start();
IMPORT_C void DoSend();
public: // un-exported virtuals from MHCITimerClient
virtual void CompletionTimeoutFired(TUint aUncompletedCmdId);
virtual void StarvationTimeoutFired(TUint aWasNextPendingCmdId);
public: // virtuals from MHCICommandQueue
virtual TUint MhcqAddCommandL(CHCICommandQItem* aQueItem);
virtual TUint MhcqAddCommandL(CHCICommandBase* aCommandData, MHCICommandQueueClient& aCmdProgressRecipient);
virtual TUint MhcqAddPriorityCommandL(CHCICommandQItem* aQueItem);
virtual TUint MhcqAddPriorityCommandL(CHCICommandBase* aCommandData, MHCICommandQueueClient& aCmdProgressRecipient);
virtual TUint MhcqAddInitCommandL(CHCICommandQItem* aQueItem);
virtual TUint MhcqAddInitCommandL(CHCICommandBase* aCommandData, MHCICommandQueueClient& aCmdProgressRecipient);
virtual TInt MhcqRemoveCommand(TUint aCommandId, const MHCICommandQueueClient& aCmdOriginator);
virtual void MhcqRemoveAllCommands(const MHCICommandQueueClient& aCmdOriginator);
virtual TUint MhcqMaxHciCommandTimeout() const;
virtual TAny* MhcqQdpPluginInterface(TUid aUid) const;
private: // virtuals from MHCICommandEventObserver
virtual void MhceoEventNotification(const THCIEventBase& aEvent);
// Helpers
void RemoveAllCommands(TDblQueIter<CHCICommandQItem> aIter,
const MHCICommandQueueClient& aCmdOriginator,
TBool aCanDelete);
void HandleCommandRemoval(CHCICommandQItem& aCmd, TBool aCanDelete);
void HandleCommandRemoval(CHCICommandQItem*& aCmd, TBool aCanDelete);
void CleanUpQueue(TDblQueIter<CHCICommandQItem> aIter);
private: // virtuals from MHCICmdQueueUtilities
void MhcquiInjectEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent);
CHCICommandQItem* MhcquiFindOutstandingCommand(THCIOpcode aOpcode);
Command queue block bit flags.
ENoBlocks = 0x00000000,
Indicates that there is a workaround command on the sent
queue, so another command cannot be sent
EWorkaroundBlock = 0x00000001,
Indicates the current head of the non-priority queues has been
blocked from MHCICmdQueueDecisionInterface::MhcqdiCanSend()
ECanSendBlock = 0x00000002,
Indicates that the current head of the non-priority queues has the
same opcode as one on the sent queue.
EDuplicatedOpcodeBlock = 0x00000004,
Indicates that the current head of the non-priority queues does not have
enough HCI credits.
EInsufficientCreditBlock = 0x00000008,
Indicates that there is a resent command on the sent queue, so
another command cannot be resent.
EResendBlock = 0x00000010,
Indicates that an HCTL send request
(MLinkMuxNotifier::TryToSend) is in progress, so another
command cannot be scheduled until we get a DoSend() callback.
ETryToSendBlock = 0x00000020,
EAllBlocks = EWorkaroundBlock |
ECanSendBlock |
EDuplicatedOpcodeBlock |
EInsufficientCreditBlock |
EResendBlock | ETryToSendBlock,
These three are different from the TryToSend, Resend and Workaround
blocks in that they only cache the effect of the last call to OkToSendCommand
for the most recently processed non-priority command. This means that
when they're all 0, OkToSendCommand needs to be called to re-evaluate
corresponding conditions.
ECachingCommandBlocks = ECanSendBlock |
EDuplicatedOpcodeBlock |
Do not include the Resend block for any of the queues waiting to send a command
for the first time. Regardless of whether the Resend block is set we would need
a credit to send a command and if we get more than one credit (the first
potentially being used by a resent command) then we should use them.
ESendQueueBlocks = EAllBlocks & ~EResendBlock,
For the Resend queue we do not want to include the Workaround block as it maybe
a workaround command being resent.
EResendQueueBlocks = EAllBlocks & ~EWorkaroundBlock,
Command queue controller state
enum TCmdQControllerStates
Power down state state. In this state no commands will be sent or queued.
Any attempt to queue a new command will fail.
Reached on completion of async Reset() if in EResetting state.
EUninitialised = 0,
Asynchronous reset pending state.
Reached by calling Reset().
EResetting = 1,
Asynchronous reset pending state.
Reached by calling Initialise() while async Reset() outstanding.
EResetInit = 2,
Initialisation state. In this state only initilisation commands will be
sent, normal and priority commands are held on their queues.
Reached by Initialise() or completion of async Reset() if in
EResetInit state.
EInitialising = 3,
Operational state.
Reached by calling Start().
EStarted = 4,
void ConstructL();
inline TBool Blocked(TUint aBlocksToCheck, TUint aBlocksToBypass);
inline TBool Blocked(TUint aBlockStatus, TUint aBlocksToCheck, TUint aBlocksToBypass);
inline void ClearBlock(TUint aBlocks);
inline void SetBlock(TUint aBlocks);
inline TUint ValidBlocks(TUint aBlocks);
inline TUint InvalidBlocks(TUint aBlocks);
inline TUint CmdBypassBlocks(const CHCICommandQItem& aCmd);
inline void UpdateCommandCredits(TUint8 aCommandCredits, TBool aNOP);
inline TUint NextCommandQueueItemId();
inline TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem>* ActiveRegularQueue();
inline CHCICommandQItem* FirstQueueItem(TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem>& aQueue);
inline CHCICommandQItem* LastQueueItem(TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem>& aQueue);
inline void StorePurgeMarks();
inline void PurgeAllQueues();
void PurgeQueue(TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem>& aQueue, CHCICommandQItem* aMark);
inline CHCICommandQItem* ScanQueueByOpcode(TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem>& aQueue, THCIOpcode aOpcode);
inline CHCICommandQItem* ScanQueueByQId(TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem>& aQueue, TUint aCmdId);
#ifdef _DEBUG
void LogQueue(TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem>& aQueue);
#endif // _DEBUG
inline TBool CanAddCommands();
inline TBool CmdsQueued(TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem>* aQueue);
inline TBool AnyCmdsToSend();
inline TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem>* QueueSendingNext();
inline TBool NextCommandChanged(const TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem> &aQueue);
void DoReset();
void TryToSend();
TBool ProcessResendQueue();
TBool ProcessWorkaroundQueue();
TBool ProcessPriorityQueue();
void ProcessRegularQueue(TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem>& aQueue);
void SetUpNextWorkaroundCmd(CHCICommandQItem* aPreviousCmd, const THCIEventBase* aPreviousCmdResult);
void UpdateStarvationTimer();
TUint DoAddCommandL(CHCICommandQItem& aQueItem, TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem> &aQueue, TCmdQControllerStates aActiveState);
void DeleteCommand(CHCICommandQItem* &aItem);
TBool OkToSendCommand(CHCICommandQItem*& aCmdQItem, TUint aBypassBlocks);
void SendCommand(CHCICommandQItem& aCmdQItem);
void ProcessMatchedEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent, CHCICommandQItem* aCmd, TBool aConcludesCmd);
void ProcessMatchedErrorEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent, CHCICommandQItem* aCmd, TBool aConcludesCmd, TBool aSendToQdp);
void ProcessUnmatchedEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent, TBool aSendToQdp);
void ProcessCommandCompletionTimeout(CHCICommandQItem* aCmd);
void ProcessEvent(const THCIEventBase& aEvent, TBool aSendToQdp);
// Static async CallBack methods.
static TInt AsyncCallBackForReset(TAny* aCmdQController);
static TInt AsyncCallBackForSend(TAny* aCmdQController);
TUint iMaxHciCommandTimeout;
TUint iQueueStarvationTimeout;
const static TUint KDefaultMaxHciCommandTimeout = 60000; // 60 seconds.
MLinkMuxNotifier* iLinkMuxer;
MHCICommandQueueClient* iUnmatchedEventObserver;
MHCTLInterface* iHctl;
MHardResetInitiator* iHardResetInitiator;
MHCICommandAllocator* iCommandAllocator;
MHCICmdQueueDecisionInterface* iQdp;
MHCICmdQueueEventModifierInterface* iQdpEventModifier;
This timer gets reset every time the next command to send changes.
If that command stays the same for too long, we probably have a deadlock of some sorts.
CHCICmdQStarvationTimer* iQStarvationTimer;
The queue of initialisation commands that have not yet been processed.
TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem> iInitCommandQ;
The queue of normal commands that have not yet been processed.
TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem> iNormalCommandQ;
The queue of priority commands that have not yet been processed.
Note: it's not FIFO - the order of execution of commands is determined
TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem> iPriorityCommandQ;
The queue of workarounds for commands on the other queues.
A command is moved here when time comes to execute it but QDP deems it to
be in need of workaround.
TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem> iWorkaroundCommandQ;
The queue of commands that have been sent to the controller but have not
yet had a response.
TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem> iSentCommandQ;
The queue of commands that are waiting to be re-sent to the controller.
TDblQue<CHCICommandQItem> iResendCommandQ;
Recorded tails of the queues for Reset processing.
CHCICommandQItem* iInitQPurgeMark;
CHCICommandQItem* iNormalQPurgeMark;
CHCICommandQItem* iPriorityQPurgeMark;
CHCICommandQItem* iWorkaroundQPurgeMark;
Currently processing send command. This is maintained to ensure both that the
correct command is processed by DoSend, and that there is only ever one outstanding
call to MLinkMuxNotifier::TryToSend at any given time
CHCICommandQItem* iSendingCommand;
Currently processing parent command. This is maintained to simplify priority
command processing while a workaround is in progress, and to ensure that
the parent's iQdpData is available to the QDP until the workaround completes.
CHCICommandQItem* iParentCommand;
Number of HCI command packets the queue controller can send to the HCI. This
corresponds to the Num_HCI_Command_Packets event parameter. This is decremented
whenever a command is sent to the HCTL, and is updated on receipt of Command Status
and Command Complete (including NOP) events.
TUint8 iCommandCredits;
The CHCICmdQController state variable
TCmdQControllerStates iCmdQControllerState;
This is a bit mask of the possible TQueueStateBits states
TUint iCommandQState;
The QDP that the Command Queue will use.
CHCICmdQueueDecisionPlugin* iQdpPlugin;
A counter generating IDs to uniquely identify commands.
TUint iNextCommandQItemId;
HCI Utility library
CHciUtil* iHciUtil;
Async Callbacks
CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCallBackForReset;
CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCallBackForSend;