author William Roberts <>
Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:28:40 +0100
changeset 28 85bf606b6d29
parent 0 29b1cd4cb562
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix GCC linker problem by adding IMPORT_C to TPanConnection::TPanConnection() - Bug 3012

// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

#include <es_sock.h>
#include <bttypes.h>
#include "btsocketpanic.h"

static const TUint8 KBluetoothBaseUUID[] =
	/*Replaced by short UUID: 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00*/
	0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00,
	0x00, 0x80, 0x5F, 0x9B, 0x34, 0xFB

static const TUint8 KSymbianBaseUUID[] =
	/*Replaced by TUid: 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00*/
	0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00,
	0x00, 0x00, 0x1B, 0x20, 0xC7, 0xAE

Default constructor.
Sets the UUID to all zeros.

Construct UUID from TUint32.
The Bluetooth base UUID will be appended to the value passed.
Use this form of constructor for building 16 or 32 bit short-form
@param aLong is a Big-endian format TUint32 containing the UUID.
	BigEndian::Put32(iUUID.Begin(), aLong);
	Mem::Copy(iUUID.Begin()+4, KBluetoothBaseUUID, sizeof(KBluetoothBaseUUID));

128 bit UUID constructor.
Use this constructor to build full length 128 bit UUIDs.
@param	aHH Highest order word (bits 96 - 127) in its Big-endian format
@param	aHL Second highest order word (bits 64 - 95) in its Big-endian format
@param	aLH Secong lowset order word (bits 32 - 63) in its Big-endian format
@param	aLL Low order word (bits 0 - 31) in its Big-endian format
EXPORT_C TUUID::TUUID(TUint32 aHH, TUint32 aHL, TUint32 aLH, TUint32 aLL)
	BigEndian::Put32(&iUUID[0], aHH);
	BigEndian::Put32(&iUUID[4], aHL);
	BigEndian::Put32(&iUUID[8], aLH);

Set Bluetooth UUID from an EPOC UUID.
Uses a well known reserved range. This defines a one-to-one
mapping between all EPOC UIDs and and a range of Bluetooth UUID.

Base UUID used is 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00001B20C7AE; the first four
bytes are replaced by the 32 bit Sybmian OS Uid, in big-endian form.

@param aUid	EPOC UID to set this Bluetooth UUID from
	BigEndian::Put32(iUUID.Begin(), aUid.iUid);
	Mem::Copy(iUUID.Begin()+4, KSymbianBaseUUID, sizeof(KSymbianBaseUUID));

Set the UUID from a binary descriptor.
Can accept a 2, 4, or 16 byte descriptor.
Any other value will cause a leave with @c KErrArgument.
If a 2 or 4 byte descriptor is set, the rest of the UUID will be filled
with the Bluetooth well-known base UUID.

@param aDes The binary descriptor. Note that the descriptor is interpretted to be in Big-endian format,
i.e. index 0 holds the most significant byte.
@leave This method will leave if an error occurs.
EXPORT_C void TUUID::SetL(const TDesC8& aDes)
	TPtr8 dst(iUUID.Begin(), KSdpUUIDMaxLength);
	// only 2 bytes given - so fill first two terms in iUUUD array with zeros
	// then fall through to fill next two terms with contents of aDes
	// then last 12 terms with default extension
	case 2:
		dst.FillZ(2); //fill first two bytes of 'dst' with zeros
	// if fall through to here see comment above 'case 2'
	// otherwise: 4 bytes given - so fill first four terms in iUUUD array with contents of aDes
	// then last 12 terms with default extension
	case 4:
		dst.Append(KBluetoothBaseUUID, sizeof(KBluetoothBaseUUID));
	// all 16 bytes given - copy them all to the iUUID array.
	case 16:

Returns the full 128 bit version of the UUID.
@return The long form version of the UUID.
EXPORT_C const TPtrC8 TUUID::LongForm() const
	return TPtrC8(iUUID.Begin(), KSdpUUIDMaxLength);

Get the smallest version the UUID will compress down to.
Might be 2, 4, or 16 bytes.
If 2 or 4 bytes, the ommitted bytes are implicity those
from the Bluetooth base UUID.
@return TPtrC8 pointing to 2, 4, or 16 bytes of significant address.
EXPORT_C const TPtrC8 TUUID::ShortestForm() const
	TPtrC8 uuid=LongForm();
	TInt minSize = MinimumSize();
	switch (minSize)
		case 16:
			// 128 bit
			return uuid;
		case 4:
			// 32 bit
			return uuid.Left(4);
	// 16 bit version
	return uuid.Mid(2,2);

// HACKME used to hack the size of the TUUID returned, see AttrValue
EXPORT_C const TPtrC8 TUUID::Des() const
	return ShortestForm();

 * Return the UUID with a specified length.
 * If 2 or 4 bytes, the ommitted bytes are implicity those from the Bluetooth
 * base UUID.
 * @param aLength The required length (2, 4 or 16 bytes).
 * @return TPtrC8 pointing to 2, 4, or 16 bytes of significant UUID data.
 * @leave KErrArgument The UUID length requested is invalid.
 * @leave KErrTotalLossOfPrecision The UUID minimum size is less than the requested size.
 * @deprecated use TUUID::SpecifiedLengthL() that implements the right size comparison logic
EXPORT_C const TPtrC8 TUUID::FixedLengthL(TInt aLength) const
	TPtrC8 uuid=LongForm();
	TInt minSize = MinimumSize();
	if (minSize < aLength)
	switch (aLength)
		case 2:
			return uuid.Mid(2,2);
		case 4:
			return uuid.Left(4);

		case 16:
			// Will always be sufficient to represent this UUID.
			// Rather than returning directly, break out of switch
			// to convince compiler that function will always return a value.

	return uuid;

 * Returns the minimum size of this UUID.
EXPORT_C TInt TUUID::MinimumSize() const
	TPtrC8 uuid=LongForm();

	TInt minSize = 16;
	if (uuid.Mid(4) == TPtrC8(KBluetoothBaseUUID, sizeof(KBluetoothBaseUUID)))
		minSize = 4;
	if ((minSize == 4) && (BigEndian::Get16(uuid.Ptr()) == 0))
		minSize = 2;
	return minSize;
Comparison operator.
@param aUUID Object to compare to this.
@return ETrue is aUUID is the same as this, EFalse if not.
EXPORT_C TBool TUUID::operator==(const TUUID& aUUID) const
	return Mem::Compare(iUUID.Begin(), KSdpUUIDMaxLength, aUUID.iUUID.Begin(), KSdpUUIDMaxLength)==0;

Inequality operator.
@param aUUID Object to compare to this.
@return EFalse is aUUID is the same as this, ETrue if not.
EXPORT_C TBool TUUID::operator!=(const TUUID& aUUID) const
	return !(*this==aUUID);

Access a single element of the UUID.
@param aIndex The index of the element to access.
@return The element.  The reference remains valid as long as this object is in scope.
EXPORT_C const TUint8 &TUUID::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
	return iUUID[aIndex];

Access a single element of the UUID.
@param aIndex The index of the element to access.
@return The element.  The reference remains valid as long as this object is in scope.
EXPORT_C TUint8 &TUUID::operator[](TInt aIndex)
	return iUUID[aIndex];

 * Return the UUID with a specified length.
 * Does not allow compressing a UUID to less than its shortest form.
 * If 2 or 4 bytes, the ommitted bytes are implicity those from the Bluetooth
 * base UUID.
 * @param aLength The required length (2, 4 or 16 bytes).
 * @return TPtrC8 pointing to 2, 4, or 16 bytes of significant UUID data.
 * @leave KErrArgument The UUID length requested is invalid.
 * @leave KErrTotalLossOfPrecision The UUID cannot be compressed to the requested length.
EXPORT_C const TPtrC8 TUUID::SpecifiedLengthL(TInt aLength) const
	TPtrC8 uuid=LongForm();
	TInt minSize = MinimumSize();
	if (aLength < minSize)
	switch (aLength)
		case 2:
			return uuid.Mid(2,2);
		case 4:
			return uuid.Left(4);

		case 16:
			// Will always be sufficient to represent this UUID.
			// Rather than returning directly, break out of switch
			// to convince compiler that function will always return a value.

	return uuid;

Set the UUID from a binary descriptor containing Little-endian format UUID.
Can accept a 2, 4, or 16 byte descriptor.
Any other value will cause a leave with @c KErrArgument.
If a 2 or 4 byte descriptor is set, the rest of the UUID will be filled
with the Bluetooth well-known base UUID.

@param aDes The binary descriptor. Note that the descriptor is interpretted to be in Little-endian format,
i.e. index 0 holds the most significant byte.
@leave This method will leave if an error occurs.
EXPORT_C void TUUID::SetFromLittleEndianL(const TDesC8& aDes)
	TBuf8<KSdpUUIDMaxLength> buf;
	TInt length = aDes.Length();
	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(length <= KSdpUUIDMaxLength, User::Leave(KErrArgument));
	for(TInt i = length - 1; i >=0 ; i--)

// ------ RUUIDContainer --------------------------------------------------------------------------

EXPORT_C void RUUIDContainer::Close()

EXPORT_C void RUUIDContainer::Reset()

EXPORT_C TInt RUUIDContainer::Count() const
	return iUUIDs.Count();

Check if a particular TUUID is present in the RUUIDContainer
@param aUuid the TUUID to be looked up in the container class
@return ETrue if it is present otherwise EFalse
EXPORT_C TBool RUUIDContainer::IsPresent(const TUUID& aUuid) const
	TBool ret = EFalse;
	TUint count = iUUIDs.Count();
	for (TUint i = 0; i < count; i++)
		if (aUuid == iUUIDs[i])
			ret = ETrue;
	return ret;

Add an TUUID into RUUIDContainer
@param aUuid the TUUID to be added into the container class
@return a system wide error code.
EXPORT_C TInt RUUIDContainer::Add(const TUUID& aUuid)
	if (!IsPresent(aUuid))
		return iUUIDs.Append(aUuid);
		return KErrAlreadyExists;

Access a single UUID.
@param aIndex The index of the UUID to access.
@return The UUID.  The reference remains valid as long as this object is in scope.
EXPORT_C const TUUID &RUUIDContainer::At(TInt aIndex) const
	return iUUIDs[aIndex];

Access a single UUID.
@param aIndex The index of the UUID to access.
@return The UUID.  The reference remains valid as long as this object is in scope.
EXPORT_C const TUUID &RUUIDContainer::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
	return iUUIDs[aIndex];

Access a single UUID.
@param aIndex The index of the UUID to access.
@return The UUID.  The reference remains valid as long as this object is in scope.
EXPORT_C TUUID &RUUIDContainer::operator[](TInt aIndex)
	return iUUIDs[aIndex];

EXPORT_C void RExtendedInquiryResponseUUIDContainer::Close()

Retrieve the UUID container class.
@return RUUIDContainer, the UUID container class, which contains a set of UUIDs.
EXPORT_C RUUIDContainer& RExtendedInquiryResponseUUIDContainer::UUIDs()
	return iUUIDs;

Check if the Extended Inquiry Response has a complete set of UUIDs.
@param aType a specifc type of UUID. It indicates which type of UUID the check will be carried upon.
This could be 16 bit, 32 bit or 128 bit TUUID.
@return the result of the check, ETrue means it's a complete set of UUIDs, otherwise EFalse.
EXPORT_C TBool RExtendedInquiryResponseUUIDContainer::GetCompleteness(TUUIDType aType) const
	// Check the bit for this UUID type. If set,
	// data is partial, else data is complete
	TInt completeness = iCompleteness & aType;
	if (completeness > 0)
		return EFalse;
	return ETrue;

Set the completeness for a set of specific type UUID (16, 32 or 128 bit UUID) in Extended Inquiry Response.
@param aType a specifc type of UUID. This could be 16 bit, 32 bit or 128 bit TUUID.
@param aIsComplete ETrue means it's a complete set of UUIDs, otherwise EFalse.
EXPORT_C void RExtendedInquiryResponseUUIDContainer::SetCompleteness(TUUIDType aType, TBool aIsComplete)
	TInt setcomp = 0;
	if (aIsComplete == EFalse)
		setcomp = aType;
	// Set or clear the bit for this UUID type.
	// If set, data is partial, else data is complete
	iCompleteness &= ~(aType);
	iCompleteness ^= setcomp;