// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).// All rights reserved.// This component and the accompanying materials are made available// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"// which accompanies this distribution, and is available// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".//// Initial Contributors:// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.//// Contributors://// Description:// Define the interface to the Bluetooth protocol module// //#ifndef BT_H#define BT_H#include <es_prot.h>#include "secman.h"#include "debug.h"#include "blogger.h"#include "btsockettimer.h"#include "codman.h"// This is the factory that ESOCK usesclass CBluetoothProtocolBase;class CL2CAPProtocol;class CRfcommProtocol;class CBlogger;class CIncomingConnectionListener;typedef TLinkType TPhysicalLinkPort;enum TBTControlPlaneMessage { EOverridePark, EUndoOverridePark, EArbitrateForNew, EArbitrateForClosed, EPresent, EPreauthoriseDevice, // used for multiple SAPs operating in one usecase (eg AVRCP and GAVDP); ESubscribePhysicalLink, EUnsubscribePhysicalLink, EOverrideLPM, EUndoOverrideLPM, ETryToAndThenPreventHostEncryptionKeyRefresh, };/**Struct used for protocol control-plane message EPreauthoriseDevice, ECancelPreauthoriseDeviceExample: a headset may (in any order) connect AVCTP and AVDTP connectionsWe do not want to have the user see a double-authorise.Care should be taken by protocol implementers when using this functionality*/struct TOverrideAuthorise { TBTDevAddr iPreauthorisedRemoteAddress; TInt iAuthorisingProtocol; // for checking TInt iAuthorisingPort; // for checking TBool iPreauthorise; };enum TPhysicalLinkPresent { EYes, // there is a non-parked, physical link to a device EYesParked, // there is a physical link, but it is parked ENo, // no physical link in place ENoWay, // no physical link and no way to create one };enum TBluetoothFamilyPanic { EBTPrtProtocolCannotListen, };class MBluetoothControlPlaneToken {public: static void Release(MBluetoothControlPlaneToken*& aToken);private: virtual void Release() = 0; };NONSHARABLE_CLASS(RBTControlPlane) {public:// control-plane management void AttachProtocolL(TInt aProtocolNum, CBluetoothProtocolBase& aProtocol); void DetachProtocol(CBluetoothProtocolBase& aProtocol); void Close();// control-plane services TInt ModifyPhysicalLink(TBTControlPlaneMessage aMessage, const TBTDevAddr& aAddr) const; void TryToAndThenPreventHostEncryptionKeyRefresh(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, MBluetoothControlPlaneToken*& aOutToken); TPhysicalLinkPresent PhysicalLinkPresent(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr) const; TInt Preauthorise(TInt aTargetProtocolNum, const TOverrideAuthorise& aSetPreauthorisation); TInt SubscribePhysicalLink (MPhysicalLinkObserver& aObserver, TBTDevAddr aAddr) const; TInt UnsubscribePhysicalLink(MPhysicalLinkObserver& aObserver, TBTDevAddr aAddr) const;private: CBluetoothProtocolBase* Protocol(TInt aProtocolNum) const;private: struct TBTProtocol { CBluetoothProtocolBase* iProtocol; // non-owned TInt iProtocolNum; }; RArray<TBTProtocol> iProtocols; };NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBTProtocolFamily): public CProtocolFamilyBase {private: CBTProtocolFamily(); public: static CBTProtocolFamily* NewL(); virtual TInt Install(); virtual TInt Remove(); virtual CProtocolBase* NewProtocolL(TUint aSockType,TUint aProtocol); virtual TUint ProtocolList(TServerProtocolDesc*& aProtocolList); virtual void Open(); // must always override Open and Close together virtual void Close(); static TInt Destruct(TAny* aProtocolFamily); // callback ~CBTProtocolFamily();private: void ConstructL();private: CBTSecMan* iSecurityMgr; // owned by family for all protocols SBtTls iBTTls; CAsyncCallBack* iCallback; RBTControlPlane iControlPlane; TInt iBTRefCount; CBTCodServiceMan* iCodServiceMan; };NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBluetoothProtocolBase) : public CProtocolBase/** Abstract class forming the base classes for all Bluetooth protocol objects Provides the basics such as listening and security**/ {public: virtual TInt BearerConnectComplete(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, CServProviderBase* aSSP) =0; virtual TInt ControlPlaneMessage(TBTControlPlaneMessage aMessage, TAny* aParam); virtual TInt StartProtocolListening(); virtual void StopProtocolListening(); inline CBTSecMan& SecMan() const; inline RBTControlPlane& ControlPlane() const; inline TBool IsListening() const; inline CIncomingConnectionListener& Listener() const; inline CProtocolBase* LowerProtocol() const; inline CBTCodServiceMan& CodMan() const; TInt IncrementListeners(); // called by any object that is prepared to listen at layer n void DecrementListeners(); // called by any object that is prepared to listen at layer n virtual void Error(TInt aError,CProtocolBase* aSourceProtocol=NULL);protected: CBluetoothProtocolBase* iLowerProtocol; CIncomingConnectionListener* iListener;protected: TInt StartListening(TUint aPort, TUint aSockType, TUint aQueSize, TUid aUid); CBluetoothProtocolBase(CBTSecMan& aSecMan, RBTControlPlane& aControlPlane, CBTCodServiceMan& aCodMan); ~CBluetoothProtocolBase();private: void DoStartListeningL(TUint aPort, TUint aSockType, TUint aQueSize, TUid aUid);private: CBTSecMan& iSecMan; RBTControlPlane& iControlPlane; TInt iListeningEntities; CBTCodServiceMan& iCodMan; };inline CBTSecMan& CBluetoothProtocolBase::SecMan() const { return iSecMan; }inline RBTControlPlane& CBluetoothProtocolBase::ControlPlane() const { return iControlPlane; }inline TBool CBluetoothProtocolBase::IsListening() const { return(iListeningEntities > 0); }inline CProtocolBase* CBluetoothProtocolBase::LowerProtocol() const { return iLowerProtocol; }inline CIncomingConnectionListener& CBluetoothProtocolBase::Listener() const { return *iListener; }inline CBTCodServiceMan& CBluetoothProtocolBase::CodMan() const { return iCodMan; }#endif