// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).// All rights reserved.// This component and the accompanying materials are made available// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"// which accompanies this distribution, and is available// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".//// Initial Contributors:// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.//// Contributors://// Description://#include <bluetooth/logger.h>#include "Avctp.h"#include "avctputils.h"// KLogComponent defined locally below to prevent multiple declarations/**Set iIsClearToSend to EFalse to signify the lower protocol sap is blockedfrom writing data@internalComponent*/inline void CAvctpTransport::SetSendBlocked(TInt aChannel) { iIsClearToSend[aChannel] = EFalse; }/** Set iIsClearToSend to ETrue to signify the lower protocol sap is no longerblocked from writing data@internalComponent*/inline void CAvctpTransport::SetClearToSend(TInt aChannel) { iIsClearToSend[aChannel] = ETrue; }/** @return whether or not the muxer is able to send data via it's lowerprotocol sap.@internalComponent*/inline TBool CAvctpTransport::IsClearToSend(TInt aChannel) const { return iIsClearToSend[aChannel]; }inline const TBTDevAddr& CAvctpTransport::DevAddr() const { return iRemoteAddr; }/**Start the asynchronous callback to continue processing later @internalComponent*/inline void CAvctpTransport::StartSecondChannelNewDataAsyncCallBack() { iNewDataAsyncCallBack->CallBack(); }/**Cancel the asynchronous callback @internalComponent*/inline void CAvctpTransport::CancelSecondChannelNewDataAsyncCallBack() { iNewDataAsyncCallBack->Cancel(); }/** @internalComponent*/ inline CAvctpPacketMgr& CAvctpTransport::PacketMgr() { __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iPacketMgr, Panic(SymbianAvctp::ENullPacketMgr)); return *iPacketMgr; }