author Christophe Porcel <>
Wed, 28 Jul 2010 17:24:32 +0100
changeset 37 f53839ff73b7
parent 0 29b1cd4cb562
permissions -rw-r--r--
Broadcom H4 contribution

// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:



#include <e32base.h>

// To Turn on window debuggng #define _DEBUG_WINDOW

class CHCTLBcspSequencer;
class CHCTLBcsp;
class CTxHctlBcspFrame;

Window and associated functions to contain a queue of frames
handles acknowledgement of a particular received frame and moves the window onwards
within the scope of total number of sequence IDs

Is only used by CHCTLBcspFrameQueue
	static CHCTLBcspWindow *NewL(TInt aWindowSize, TInt aFrameSize, TInt aNumberOfSeqIds);

	TInt FreeFrames();

    CTxHctlBcspFrame* WriteFrame(); // Gets the write frame and moves the WritePosn
	CTxHctlBcspFrame* ReadFrame();  // Gets the read frame and moves the ReadPosn

	TBool Acknowledged(TInt AckNo);
	TInt StartOfWindow() const;
 	void Reset();

	void ConstructL(TInt aFrameSize);
	CHCTLBcspWindow(TInt aWindowSize, TInt aNumberOfSeqIds);

	// Two simple inline private methods to reduce complexity of code whilst maintaining
	// efficiency
	TInt ToSeqId(TInt aIndex) const;
	TInt ToWindowIndex(TInt aSeqId) const; 
	void IncrementSeqId(TInt &aSeqId) const;
	CTxHctlBcspFrame *GetFrame(TInt aIndex);

	// Internal consistency checking for the class
    void __DbgTestInvariant() const;
	void TraceQueue();
	void TraceWindowVars() const;

	TInt iStartOfWindow;
	TInt iReadPosition;
	TInt iHighReadPosition;
	TInt iWritePosition;
	TInt iEndOfWindow;
	TInt iWindowSize;
	TInt iNumberOfSeqIds;
	TSglQue<CTxHctlBcspFrame> iFrameQue;

	// This class stores most of its indices as SequneceIds, the only exception being
	// iWindowSize which is used in the conversion between SequenceIds and WindowIndex.
	//   SequenceIds          Window Index
	//                     |
	//   iStartOfWindow    +   .
	//                     |   .
	//   iReadIndex        |   .
	//                     |   .
	//   iHighReadIndex    |   .
	//                     |   .
	//   iWriteIndex       |   .
	//                     |   .
	//   iEndOfWindow      +   iWindowSize
	//                     |
	//                     |
	//                     |
	//   iNumberOfSeqIds   |

NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CHCTLBcspFrameQueue) : public CBase
This is used by CHCTLBcsp to queue frames for transmission
the frames queued are stored in CHCTLBcspWindow
there are two windows used 
	one for reliable frames
	one for unreliable frames
	static CHCTLBcspFrameQueue* NewL(CHCTLBcsp &aBcsp);

	void SetSequencer(CHCTLBcspSequencer& aSequencer);

	// Methods called by sequencer
	// Gets the next frame for sending 
	// (aFrame is the slip encoded frame
	//  returned by this method)
	// returns: -
	// KErrNone          - all is fine
	// KErrNothingToSend - nothing 
	//                     available to
	//                     send
	// KErrMaxRetries    - exceeded max 
	//                     retries for a
	//                     frame
	TInt GetNextFrame(TDesC8* &aFrame, TBool& aIsReliable);

	TBool AckReceived(TInt aAckValue); // Ack has been Received
	void AckTimeout();                 // Rx Ack Timer has expired

	// Methods called by CHCTLBcsp
	TInt AddReliableFrame  (const TDesC8 &aData, TUint8 aProtocolId);
	void AddUnreliableFrame(const TDesC8 &aData, TUint8 aProtocolId, 
												 TUint8 aAck,
												 TBool aCRCEnabled);

	void AddUnreliableFrame(TUint8 aProtocolId, 
							TUint8 aAck,
							TBool aCRCEnabled);
	void Reset();

	void CanSend(); 
	void ConstructL();
	CHCTLBcspFrameQueue(CHCTLBcsp& aBcsp);

	// Not owned by this class
	CHCTLBcspSequencer* iSequencer; // For calls to Wakeup()
	CHCTLBcsp& iBcsp; // For calls to CanSend()

	// Owned by this class
	CHCTLBcspWindow* iReliableQueue;
	CHCTLBcspWindow* iUnreliableQueue;

	HBufC8* iSlipEncodedFrame;