changeset 60 5a90ee674b42
parent 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
child 61 b376866b09e6
equal deleted inserted replaced
58:af1ed19cc0e4 60:5a90ee674b42
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "elffilesupplied.h"
    17 #include "pl_elfexecutable.h"
    18 #include "errorhandler.h"
    19 #include "pl_dso_handler.h"
    20 #include "deffile.h"
    21 #include "pl_elfexports.h"
    22 #include "pl_dllsymbol.h"
    23 #include "elf2e32.h"
    24 #include "staticlibsymbols.h"
    26 #include <algorithm>
    27 #include <iostream>
    28 #include<hash_set>
    30 using namespace std;
    32 /**
    33 Constructor for class ElfFileSupplied to initialize members and create instance of class DSOHandler
    34 @param aParameterListInterface - Instance of class ParameterListInterface
    35 @internalComponent
    36 @released
    37 */
    38 ElfFileSupplied::ElfFileSupplied(ParameterListInterface* aParameterListInterface) : UseCaseBase(aParameterListInterface) ,
    39 	iNumAbsentExports(-1),iExportBitMap(NULL),iE32ImageFile(NULL), iElfExecutable(NULL),  \
    40 	iExportDescSize(0), iExportDescType(0)
    41 {
    42 	iElfIfc = new DSOHandler(aParameterListInterface);
    43 }
    45 /**
    46 Destructor for class ElfFileSupplied to release allocated memory
    47 @internalComponent
    48 @released
    49 */
    50 ElfFileSupplied::~ElfFileSupplied()
    51 {
    52 	iSymList.clear();
    53 	delete iElfIfc;
    54 	delete [] iExportBitMap;
    55 }
    57 /**
    58 Execute Function for the Elf File Supplied use case
    59 @return 0 on success
    60 @internalComponent
    61 @released
    62 */
    63 int ElfFileSupplied::Execute() 
    64 {
    65 	ReadElfFile();
    66 	iElfIfc->ProcessElfFile();
    67 	try
    68 	{
    69 		ProcessExports();
    70 	}
    71 	catch(SymbolMissingFromElfError& aSme)
    72 	{
    73 		/* Only DEF file would be generated if symbols found in
    74 		 * DEF file are missing from the ELF file.
    75 		 */
    76 		WriteDefFile();
    77 		throw aSme;
    78 	}
    79 	GenerateOutput();
    80 	return 0;
    81 }
    83 /**
    84 Function to read ELF File
    85 @internalComponent
    86 @released
    87 */
    88 void ElfFileSupplied::ReadElfFile() 
    89 {
    90 	char * aElfFileName = UseCaseBase::InputElfFileName();
    92 	iElfIfc->ReadElfFile(aElfFileName);
    93 	iElfExecutable = iElfIfc->ElfExecutableP();
    94 }
    96 /**
    97 Function to process exports
    98 @internalComponent
    99 @released
   100 */
   101 void ElfFileSupplied::ProcessExports() 
   102 {
   103 	ValidateExports(NULL);
   104 	CreateExports();
   105 }
   107 /**
   108 Function to write DEF File
   109 @internalComponent
   110 @released
   111 */
   112 void ElfFileSupplied::WriteDefFile() 
   113 {
   114 	char * aDEFFileName = UseCaseBase::DefOutput();
   115 	DefFile deffile;
   117 	deffile.WriteDefFile(aDEFFileName, &iSymList);
   118 }
   120 /**
   121 Function to create exports
   122 @internalComponent
   123 @released
   124 */
   125 void ElfFileSupplied::CreateExports()
   126 {
   127 	if (iElfExecutable->iExports || GetNamedSymLookup())
   128 	{
   129 		CreateExportTable();	
   130 		CreateExportBitMap();
   131 	}
   132 }
   134 /**
   135 Function to validate exports
   136 @param aDefExports - List of export symbols from Def file and/or sysdef.
   137 @internalComponent
   138 @released
   139 */
   140 void ElfFileSupplied::ValidateExports(SymbolList *aDefExports)
   141 {
   142 	/**
   143 	 * Symbols from DEF file (DEF_Symbols) => Valid_DEF + Absent
   144 	 * Symbols from ELF file (ELF_Symbols) => Existing  + NEW
   145 	 * 1. if the set {Valid_DEF - ELF_Symbols} is non-empty then, symbols are missing
   146 	 *			from Elf and it is an error if the mode is UNFROZEN
   147 	 * 2. if the intersection set {Absent,ELF_Symbols} is non-empty, absent symbols
   148 	 *			are exported from Elf..warn for this
   149 	 * 3. if the set {ELF_Symbols - Valid_DEF} is non-empty, these are the NEW symbols
   150 	 * 4. if there are symbols marked absent in DEF file but exported in ELF,
   151 	 *		add them into the new list retaining the ordinal number as of the
   152 	 *		absent symbol(using PtrELFExportNameCompareUpdateOrdinal).
   153 	 **/
   155 	PLUINT32 aMaxOrdinal = 0;
   156 	int len = strlen("_ZTI");
   158 	typedef SymbolList::iterator Iterator;
   160 	Iterator aPos, aEnd;
   162 	//SymbolList *aDefExports, aDefValidExports, aDefAbsentExports, aElfExports;
   163 	SymbolList aDefValidExports, aDefAbsentExports, aElfExports;
   165 	//aDefExports = iDefIfc->GetSymbolEntryList();
   166 	if (aDefExports)
   167 		{
   168 		aPos = aDefExports->begin();
   169 		aEnd = aDefExports->end();
   171 		while(aPos != aEnd)
   172 			{
   173 				if( (*aPos)->Absent() ){
   174 					aDefAbsentExports.insert(aDefAbsentExports.end(), *aPos);
   175 				}
   176 				else {
   177 					aDefValidExports.insert(aDefValidExports.end(), *aPos);
   178 				}
   180 				if( aMaxOrdinal < (*aPos)->OrdNum() ){
   181 					aMaxOrdinal = (*aPos)->OrdNum();
   182 				}
   183 				aPos++;
   184 			}
   185 		}
   187 	iSymList = aDefValidExports;
   189 	if (iElfIfc->ElfExecutableP()->iExports)
   190 		iElfIfc->GetElfExportSymbolList( aElfExports );
   191 	else if (!aDefExports)
   192 		return;
   194 	// REVISIT - return back if elfexports and defexports is NULL 
   196 	aDefValidExports.sort(ElfExports::PtrELFExportNameCompare());
   197 	aElfExports.sort(ElfExports::PtrELFExportNameCompare());
   199 	aDefAbsentExports.sort(ElfExports::PtrELFExportNameCompare());
   201 	//Check for Case 1... {Valid_DEF - ELF_Symbols}
   202 	{
   203 		SymbolList aResult(aDefValidExports.size());
   204 		Iterator aResultPos = aResult.begin();
   206 		Iterator aMissingListEnd = set_difference(aDefValidExports.begin(), aDefValidExports.end(), \
   207 			aElfExports.begin(), aElfExports.end(), aResultPos, ElfExports::PtrELFExportNameCompareUpdateAttributes());
   209 		std::list<String> aMissingSymNameList;
   210 		while (aResultPos != aMissingListEnd) {
   211 			// {Valid_DEF - ELF_Symbols} is non empty
   212 			(*aResultPos)->SetSymbolStatus(Missing); // Set the symbol Status as Missing
   213 			aMissingSymNameList.push_back((*aResultPos)->SymbolName());
   214 			aResultPos++;
   215 			//throw error
   216 		}
   217 		if( aMissingSymNameList.size() ) {
   218 			if (!Unfrozen())
   219 				throw SymbolMissingFromElfError(SYMBOLMISSINGFROMELFERROR, aMissingSymNameList, UseCaseBase::InputElfFileName());
   220 			else
   221 				cout << "Elf2e32: Warning: " << aMissingSymNameList.size() << " Frozen Export(s) missing from the ELF file" << endl;
   222 		}
   223 	}
   225 	//Check for Case 2... intersection set {Absent,ELF_Symbols}
   226 	{
   227 		if(aDefAbsentExports.size())
   228 		{
   229 			SymbolList aResult(aDefAbsentExports.size());
   230 			Iterator aResultPos = aResult.begin();
   232 			Iterator aAbsentListEnd = set_intersection(aDefAbsentExports.begin(), aDefAbsentExports.end(), \
   233 				aElfExports.begin(), aElfExports.end(), aResultPos, ElfExports::PtrELFExportNameCompareUpdateAttributes());
   235 			while( aResultPos != aAbsentListEnd ) 
   236 			{
   237 				// intersection set {Absent,ELF_Symbols} is non-empty
   239 				iSymList.insert(iSymList.end(), *aResultPos);
   240 				cout << "Elf2e32: Warning: Symbol " << (*aResultPos)->SymbolName() << " absent in the DEF file, but present in the ELF file" << endl;
   241 				aResultPos++;
   242 			}
   243 		}
   244 	}
   246 	//Do 3
   247 	{
   248 		SymbolList aResult(aElfExports.size());
   249 		Iterator aResultPos = aResult.begin();
   251 		Iterator aNewListEnd = set_difference(aElfExports.begin(), aElfExports.end(), \
   252 			aDefValidExports.begin(), aDefValidExports.end(), aResultPos, ElfExports::PtrELFExportNameCompare());
   254 		bool aIgnoreNonCallable = GetIgnoreNonCallable();
   255 		bool aIsCustomDll = IsCustomDllTarget();
   256 		bool aExcludeUnwantedExports = ExcludeUnwantedExports();
   258 		while( aResultPos != aNewListEnd ) 
   259 		{
   261 			if( !(*aResultPos)->Absent() ) 
   262 			{
   263 				/* For a custom dll and for option "--excludeunwantedexports", the new exports should be filtered,
   264 				 * so that only the exports from the frozen DEF file are considered.
   265 				 */
   266 				if ((aIsCustomDll || aExcludeUnwantedExports) && UnWantedSymbolp((*aResultPos)->SymbolName()))
   267 				{
   268 					iElfExecutable->iExports->ExportsFilteredP(true);
   269 					iElfExecutable->iExports->iFilteredExports.insert(iElfExecutable->iExports->iFilteredExports.end(),(DllSymbol *)(*aResultPos));
   270 					aResultPos++;
   271 					continue;
   272 				}
   273 				if (aIgnoreNonCallable)
   274 				{
   275 					// Ignore the non callable exports
   276 					if ((!strncmp("_ZTI", (*aResultPos)->SymbolName(), len)) ||
   277 					    (!strncmp("_ZTV", (*aResultPos)->SymbolName(), len)))
   278 					{
   279 						iElfExecutable->iExports->ExportsFilteredP(true);
   280 						iElfExecutable->iExports->iFilteredExports.insert(iElfExecutable->iExports->iFilteredExports.end(),(DllSymbol *)(*aResultPos));
   281 						aResultPos++;
   282 						continue;
   283 					}
   284 				}
   285 				(*aResultPos)->SetOrdinal( ++aMaxOrdinal );
   286 				(*aResultPos)->SetSymbolStatus(New); // Set the symbol Status as NEW
   287 				iSymList.insert(iSymList.end(), *aResultPos);			
   288 				if(WarnForNewExports())
   289 					cout << "Elf2e32: Warning: New Symbol " << (*aResultPos)->SymbolName() << " found, export(s) not yet Frozen" << endl;
   290 			}
   291 			aResultPos++;
   292 		}
   293 	}
   295 	//Do 4
   296 	{
   297 		if(aDefAbsentExports.size())
   298 		{
   299 			SymbolList aResult(aDefAbsentExports.size());
   300 			Iterator aResultPos = aResult.begin();
   302 			Iterator aAbsentListEnd = set_difference(aDefAbsentExports.begin(), aDefAbsentExports.end(), \
   303 				aElfExports.begin(), aElfExports.end(), aResultPos, ElfExports::PtrELFExportNameCompareUpdateAttributes());
   305 			DllSymbol *aSymbol;
   306 			bool aAbsent = true;
   307 			while( aResultPos != aAbsentListEnd  ) {
   308 				//aElfExports.insert(aElfExports.end(), *aResultPos);
   309 				aSymbol = new DllSymbol( *aResultPos, SymbolTypeCode, aAbsent);
   310 				iElfExecutable->iExports->Add(iElfExecutable->iSOName, aSymbol);
   311 				//aElfExports.insert(aElfExports.end(), (Symbol*)aSymbol);
   312 				iSymList.insert(iSymList.end(), (Symbol*)aSymbol);
   313 				aResultPos++;
   314 			}
   315 			aElfExports.sort(ElfExports::PtrELFExportOrdinalCompare());
   316 			iSymList.sort(ElfExports::PtrELFExportOrdinalCompare());
   317 		}
   318 	}
   320 	if(iElfExecutable->iExports && iElfExecutable->iExports->ExportsFilteredP() ) {
   321 		iElfExecutable->iExports->FilterExports();
   322 	}
   324 	aElfExports.clear();
   325 	aDefAbsentExports.clear();
   326 	aDefValidExports.clear();
   328 } 
   330 /**
   331 Function to generate output which is E32 Image file, DEF File and DSO file, if
   332 exports are available.
   333 @internalComponent
   334 @released
   335 */
   336 void ElfFileSupplied::GenerateOutput() 
   337 {
   338 	if (iElfExecutable->iExports)
   339 	{
   340 		Elf2E32::ValidateDSOGeneration(iParameterListInterface, ETargetTypeNotSet);
   341 		WriteDefFile();
   342 		WriteDSOFile();
   343 	}
   344 	Elf2E32::ValidateE32ImageGeneration(iParameterListInterface, ETargetTypeNotSet);
   345 	WriteE32();
   346 }
   348 /**
   349 Function to write DSO file.
   350 @internalComponent
   351 @released
   352 */
   353 void ElfFileSupplied::WriteDSOFile()
   354 {
   355 	char * aLinkAs = UseCaseBase::LinkAsDLLName();
   356 	char * aDSOName = UseCaseBase::DSOOutput();
   357 	char * aDSOFileName = UseCaseBase::FileName(aDSOName);
   359 	iElfIfc->WriteElfFile( aDSOName, aDSOFileName, aLinkAs, iSymList );
   360 }
   362 /**
   363 Function to write E32 Image file.
   364 @internalComponent
   365 @released
   366 */
   367 void ElfFileSupplied::WriteE32()
   368 {
   370 	const char * aE32FileName = OutputE32FileName();
   372 	iE32ImageFile = new E32ImageFile(aE32FileName, iElfExecutable, this);
   374 	try
   375 	{
   376 		iE32ImageFile->GenerateE32Image();
   378 		if (iE32ImageFile->WriteImage(aE32FileName))
   379 		{
   380 			//GetELF2E32()->AddFileCleanup(aE32FileName);
   381 			delete iE32ImageFile;
   382 		}
   383 	}
   384 	catch (...)
   385 	{
   386 		delete iE32ImageFile;
   387 		throw;
   388 	}
   389 }
   391 /**
   392 Function to check image is Dll or not.
   393 @return True if image is Dll, otherwise false.
   394 @internalComponent
   395 @released
   396 */
   397 bool ElfFileSupplied::ImageIsDll() 
   398 { 
   399 	return (iElfExecutable->LookupStaticSymbol("_E32Dll") != NULL);
   400 }
   402 /**
   403 Function to allocate E32 Image header.
   404 @return pointer to E32ImageHeaderV
   405 @internalComponent
   406 @released
   407 */
   408 E32ImageHeaderV * ElfFileSupplied::AllocateE32ImageHeader()
   409 {
   410 	if (iNumAbsentExports == 0)
   411 	{
   412 		return new E32ImageHeaderV;
   413 	}
   415 	int nexp = GetNumExports();
   416 	size_t memsz = (nexp + 7) >> 3;	// size of complete bitmap
   417 	size_t mbs = (memsz + 7) >> 3;	// size of meta-bitmap
   418 	size_t nbytes = 0;
   419 	PLUINT32 i;
   420 	for (i=0; i<memsz; ++i)
   421 		if (iExportBitMap[i] != 0xff)
   422 			++nbytes;				// number of groups of 8
   423 	PLUINT8 edt = KImageHdr_ExpD_FullBitmap;
   424 	PLUINT32 extra_space = memsz - 1;
   425 	if (mbs + nbytes < memsz)
   426 	{
   427 		edt = KImageHdr_ExpD_SparseBitmap8;
   428 		extra_space = mbs + nbytes - 1;
   429 	}
   430 	extra_space = (extra_space + sizeof(PLUINT32) - 1) &~ (sizeof(PLUINT32) - 1);
   431 	size_t aExtendedHeaderSize = sizeof(E32ImageHeaderV) + extra_space;
   432 	iE32ImageFile->SetExtendedE32ImageHeaderSize(aExtendedHeaderSize);
   433 	E32ImageHeaderV * aHdr = (E32ImageHeaderV *)new PLUINT8[aExtendedHeaderSize];
   435 	iExportDescType = edt;
   436 	if (edt == KImageHdr_ExpD_FullBitmap)
   437 	{
   438 		iExportDescSize = (PLUINT16)memsz;
   439 		memcpy(aHdr->iExportDesc, iExportBitMap, memsz);
   440 	}
   441 	else
   442 	{
   443 		iExportDescSize = (PLUINT16) (mbs + nbytes);
   444 		memset(aHdr->iExportDesc, 0, extra_space + 1);
   445 		PLUINT8* mptr = aHdr->iExportDesc;
   446 		PLUINT8* gptr = mptr + mbs;
   447 		for (i=0; i<memsz; ++i)
   448 		{
   449 			if (iExportBitMap[i] != 0xff)
   450 			{
   451 				mptr[i>>3] |= (1u << (i&7));
   452 				*gptr++ = iExportBitMap[i];
   453 			}
   454 		}
   455 	}
   456 	return aHdr;
   457 }
   459 /**
   460 Function to create export table
   461 @internalComponent
   462 @released
   463 */
   464 void ElfFileSupplied::CreateExportTable()
   465 {
   466 	ElfExports::ExportList aList;
   468 	if(iElfExecutable->iExports)
   469 		aList = iElfExecutable->GetExportsInOrdinalOrder();
   471 	iExportTable.CreateExportTable(iElfExecutable, aList);
   472 }
   474 /**
   475 Function to create export bitmap
   476 @internalComponent
   477 @released
   478 */
   479 void ElfFileSupplied::CreateExportBitMap()
   480 {
   481 	int nexp = GetNumExports();
   482 	size_t memsz = (nexp + 7) >> 3;
   483 	iExportBitMap = new PLUINT8[memsz];
   484 	memset(iExportBitMap, 0xff, memsz);
   485 	// skip header
   486 	PLUINT32 * exports = ((PLUINT32 *)GetExportTable()) + 1;
   487 	PLUINT32 absentVal = iElfExecutable->EntryPointOffset() + iElfExecutable->GetROBase();
   488 	iNumAbsentExports = 0;
   489 	for (int i=0; i<nexp; ++i)
   490 	{
   491 		if (exports[i] == absentVal)
   492 		{
   493 			iExportBitMap[i>>3] &= ~(1u << (i & 7));
   494 			++iNumAbsentExports;
   495 		}
   496 	}
   497 }
   499 /**
   500 Function to get number of exports
   501 @return Number of exports in export table
   502 @internalComponent
   503 @released
   504 */
   505 size_t ElfFileSupplied::GetNumExports()
   506 {
   507 	return iExportTable.GetNumExports();
   508 }
   510 /**
   511 Function to check export table is required.
   512 @return True for E32 image if allocation requires space for export table.
   513 @internalComponent
   514 @released
   515 */
   516 bool ElfFileSupplied::AllocateExportTableP()
   517 {
   518 	return iExportTable.AllocateP();
   519 }
   521 /**
   522 Function to get export table
   523 @return Pointer to export table
   524 @internalComponent
   525 @released
   526 */
   527 char * ElfFileSupplied::GetExportTable()
   528 {
   529 	return (char *)iExportTable.GetExportTable();
   530 }
   532 /**
   533 Function to get export table size
   534 @return size of export table
   535 @internalComponent
   536 @released
   537 */
   538 size_t ElfFileSupplied::GetExportTableSize()
   539 {
   540 	return iExportTable.GetExportTableSize();
   541 }
   543 /**
   544 Function to get export table Virtual address
   545 @return the export table VA
   546 @internalComponent
   547 @released
   548 */
   549 size_t ElfFileSupplied::GetExportTableAddress()
   550 {
   551 	return iExportTable.iExportTableAddress;
   552 }
   554 /**
   555 Function to get export offset
   556 @return size of export offset
   557 @internalComponent
   558 @released
   559 */
   560 size_t ElfFileSupplied::GetExportOffset()
   561 {
   562 	return iE32ImageFile->GetExportOffset();
   563 }
   565 /**
   566 Function to get symbol type based on the encoded names.
   567 @return CODE or DATA
   568 @internalComponent
   569 @released
   570 */
   571 SymbolType ElfFileSupplied::SymbolTypeF(char * aName)
   572 {
   573 	size_t prefixLength = strlen("_ZTV");
   574 	bool classImpedimenta = false;
   575 	classImpedimenta = !strncmp(aName, "_ZTV", prefixLength) ||
   576 					   !strncmp(aName, "_ZTI", prefixLength) ||
   577 					   !strncmp(aName, "_ZTS", prefixLength) ;
   579 	return classImpedimenta? SymbolTypeData : SymbolTypeCode;
   580 }
   582 /**
   583 Function to get export description size
   584 @return export description size
   585 @internalComponent
   586 @released
   587 */
   588 PLUINT16 ElfFileSupplied::GetExportDescSize()
   589 {
   590 	return iExportDescSize;
   591 }
   593 /**
   594 Function to get export description type
   595 @return export description type
   596 @internalComponent
   597 @released
   598 */
   599 PLUINT8 ElfFileSupplied::GetExportDescType()
   600 {
   601 	return iExportDescType;
   602 }
   604 /**
   605 Function to indicate if the new exports are to be reported as warnings.
   606 @return export description type
   607 @internalComponent
   608 @released
   609 */
   610 bool ElfFileSupplied::WarnForNewExports()
   611 {
   612 	return true;
   613 }
   615 /**
   616 To check if the two strings are equal
   617 @internalComponent
   618 @released
   619 */
   620 struct eqstr
   621 {
   622   bool operator()(const char* s1, const char* s2) const
   623   {
   624     return strcmp(s1, s2) == 0;
   625   }
   626 };
   628 /**
   629 Function to provide a predicate which checks whether a symbol name is unwanted:
   630 @return 1 if new symbols are present in the static library list else return 0
   631 @param aSymbol symbols to be checked if part of static lib
   632 @internalComponent
   633 @released
   634 */ 
   635 int ElfFileSupplied::UnWantedSymbolp(const char * aSymbol)
   636 {
   637   static hash_set<const char*, hash<const char*>, eqstr> aSymbolSet;
   638   int symbollistsize=sizeof(Unwantedruntimesymbols)/sizeof(Unwantedruntimesymbols[0]);
   639   static bool FLAG=false;
   640   while(!FLAG)
   641   {
   642 	for(int i=0;i<symbollistsize;i++)
   643 	{
   644 		aSymbolSet.insert(Unwantedruntimesymbols[i]);
   645 	}
   646 	FLAG=true;
   647   }
   648   hash_set<const char*, hash<const char*>, eqstr>::const_iterator it
   649     = aSymbolSet.find(aSymbol);
   650   if(it != aSymbolSet.end())
   651 	return 1;
   652   else 
   653 	return 0;
   654 }