changeset 60 5a90ee674b42
equal deleted inserted replaced
58:af1ed19cc0e4 60:5a90ee674b42
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Implementation of the Huffman technique for the elf2e32 tool
    15 // @internalComponent
    16 // @released
    17 // 
    18 //
    20 #ifdef _MSC_VER
    21 	#pragma warning(disable: 4710) // function not inlined
    22 #endif
    24 #include <cassert>
    25 #include "huffman.h"
    26 #include "errorhandler.h"
    27 #include "farray.h"
    29 /**
    30 Function for overflow
    31 @internalComponent
    32 @released
    33 */
    34 void TBitOutput::OverflowL()
    35 {
    36 }
    38 /**
    39 Construct a bit stream output object
    41 Following construction the bit stream is ready for writing bits, but will first call
    42 OverflowL() as the output buffer is 'full'. A derived class can detect this state as
    43 Ptr() will return null.
    44 */
    45 TBitOutput::TBitOutput():iCode(0),iBits(-8),iPtr(0),iEnd(0)
    46 {
    47 }
    49 /**
    50 Construct a bit stream output object over a buffer
    52 Data will be written to the buffer until it is full, at which point OverflowL() will
    53 be called. This should handle the data and then can Set() again to reset the buffer
    54 for further output.
    56 @param "TUint8* aBuf" The buffer for output
    57 @param "TInt aSize" The size of the buffer in bytes
    58 */
    59 TBitOutput::TBitOutput(TUint8* aBuf,TInt aSize):iCode(0),iBits(-8),iPtr(aBuf),iEnd(aBuf+aSize)
    60 {
    61 }
    63 /**
    64 Write a huffman code
    66 This expects a huffman code value as generated by Huffman::Encoding()
    68 @param "TUint aHuffCode" The huffman code write to the stream
    69 @leave "OverflowL()" If the output buffer is full, OverflowL() is called
    70 */
    71 void TBitOutput::HuffmanL(TUint aHuffCode)
    72 {
    73 	DoWriteL(aHuffCode<<(32-Huffman::KMaxCodeLength),aHuffCode>>Huffman::KMaxCodeLength);
    74 }
    76 /**
    77 Write an arbitrary integer value
    79 Write an unsigned integer using the number of bits specified. Only the low order bits of the
    80 value are written to the output, most significant bit first.
    82 @param "TUint aValue" The value to write to the stream
    83 @param "TUint aLength" The number of bits to output
    84 @leave "OverflowL()" If the output buffer is full, OverflowL() is called
    85 */
    86 void TBitOutput::WriteL(TUint aValue,TInt aLength)
    87 {
    88 	if (aLength)
    89 		DoWriteL(aValue<<=32-aLength,aLength);
    90 }
    92 /**
    93 Pad the bitstream to the next byte boundary
    95 Terminate the bitstream by padding the last byte with the requested value.
    96 Following this operation the bitstream can continue to be used, the data will start at the
    97 next byte.
    99 @param "TUint aPadding" The bit value to pad the final byte with
   100 @leave "OverflowL()" If the output buffer is full, OverflowL() is called
   101 */
   102 void TBitOutput::PadL(TUint aPadding)
   103 {
   104 	if (iBits>-8)
   105 		WriteL(aPadding?0xffffffffu:0,-iBits);
   106 }
   108 /**
   109 Write the higher order bits to the stream
   110 @internalComponent
   111 @released
   112 */
   113 void TBitOutput::DoWriteL(TUint aBits,TInt aSize)
   114 {
   115 	if (aSize>25)
   116 	{
   117 		// cannot process >25 bits in a single pass so do the top 8 bits first
   118 		assert(aSize<=32);
   119 		DoWriteL(aBits&0xff000000u,8);
   120 		aBits<<=8;
   121 		aSize-=8;
   122 	}
   124 	TInt bits=iBits;
   125 	TUint code=iCode|(aBits>>(bits+8));
   126 	bits+=aSize;
   127 	if (bits>=0)
   128 	{
   129 		TUint8* p=iPtr;
   130 		do
   131 		{
   132 			if (p==iEnd)
   133 			{
   134 				// run out of buffer space so invoke the overflow handler
   135 				iPtr=p;
   136 				OverflowL();
   137 				p=iPtr;
   138 				assert(p!=iEnd);
   139 			}
   140 			*p++=TUint8(code>>24);
   141 			code<<=8;
   142 			bits-=8;
   143 		} while (bits>=0);
   144 		iPtr=p;
   145 	}
   146 	iCode=code;
   147 	iBits=bits;
   148 }
   150 /**
   151 Constructor for class TFileOutput
   152 @internalComponent
   153 @released
   154 */
   155 TFileOutput::TFileOutput(std::ofstream & os):iOutStream(os)
   156 {
   157 	Set(iBuf,KBufSize);
   158 }
   160 /**
   161 Function to empty the buffer and reset the pointers
   162 @internalComponent
   163 @released
   164 */
   165 void TFileOutput::OverflowL()
   166 {
   167 	FlushL();
   168 	Set(iBuf,KBufSize);
   169 }
   171 /**
   172 Function to write out the contents of the buffer
   173 @internalComponent
   174 @released
   175 */
   176 void TFileOutput::FlushL()
   177 {
   178 	TInt len=Ptr()-iBuf;
   179 	if (len)
   180 	{
   181 		iOutStream.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(iBuf), len); // write extended header
   182 		iDataCount += len;
   183 	}
   184 }
   186 /**
   187 Recursive function to calculate the code lengths from the node tree
   188 @internalComponent
   189 @released
   190 */
   191 void HuffmanLengthsL(TUint32* aLengths,const TNode* aNodes,TInt aNode,TInt aLen)
   192 {
   193 	if (++aLen>Huffman::KMaxCodeLength)
   194 		throw E32ImageCompressionError(HUFFMANBUFFEROVERFLOWERROR);
   196 	const TNode& node=aNodes[aNode];
   197 	TUint x=node.iLeft;
   198 	if (x&KLeaf)
   199 		aLengths[x&~KLeaf]=aLen;
   200 	else
   201 		HuffmanLengthsL(aLengths,aNodes,x,aLen);
   202 	x=node.iRight;
   203 	if (x&KLeaf)
   204 		aLengths[x&~KLeaf]=aLen;
   205 	else
   206 		HuffmanLengthsL(aLengths,aNodes,x,aLen);
   207 }
   209 /**
   210 Function to Insert the {aCount,aValue} pair into the already sorted array of nodes
   211 @internalComponent
   212 @released
   213 */
   214 void InsertInOrder(TNode* aNodes, TInt aSize, TUint aCount, TInt aVal)
   215 {
   216 	// Uses Insertion sort following a binary search...
   217 	TInt l=0, r=aSize;
   218 	while (l < r)
   219 	{
   220 		TInt m = (l+r) >> 1;
   221 		if (aNodes[m].iCount<aCount)
   222 			r=m;
   223 		else
   224 			l=m+1;
   225 	}
   226 	memmove(aNodes+l+1,aNodes+l,sizeof(TNode)*(aSize-l));
   227 	aNodes[l].iCount=aCount;
   228 	aNodes[l].iRight=TUint16(aVal);
   229 }
   231 /**
   232 Generate a Huffman code.
   234 This generates a Huffman code for a given set of code frequencies. The output is a table of
   235 code lengths which can be used to build canonincal encoding tables or decoding trees for use
   236 with the TBitInput and TBitOutput classes.
   238 Entries in the table with a frequency of zero will have a zero code length and thus no
   239 associated huffman encoding. If each such symbol should have a maximum length encoding, they
   240 must be given at least a frequency of 1.
   242 For an alphabet of n symbols, this algorithm has a transient memory overhead of 8n, and a
   243 time complexity of O(n*log(n)).
   245 @param "const TUint32 aFrequency[]" The table of code frequencies
   246 @param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
   247 @param "TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table for the output code-length table. This must be the same
   248 size as the frequency table, and can safely be the same table
   250 @leave "KErrNoMemory" If memory used for code generation cannot be allocated
   251 @panic "USER ???" If the number of codes exceeds Huffman::KMaxCodes
   252 */
   253 void Huffman::HuffmanL(const TUint32 aFrequency[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aHuffman[])
   254 {
   255 	if(TUint(aNumCodes)>TUint(KMaxCodes))
   256 		throw E32ImageCompressionError(HUFFMANTOOMANYCODESERROR);
   258 	// Sort the values into decreasing order of frequency
   259 	TNode* nodes = new TNode[aNumCodes];
   261 	TInt lCount=0;
   263 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
   264 	{
   265 		TInt c=aFrequency[ii];
   266 		if (c!=0)
   267 			InsertInOrder(nodes,lCount++,c,ii|KLeaf);
   268 	}
   270 	// default code length is zero
   271 	memset(aHuffman,0,aNumCodes*sizeof(TUint32));
   273 	if (lCount==0)
   274 	{
   275 		// no codes with frequency>0. No code has a length
   276 	}
   277 	else if (lCount==1)
   278 	{
   279 		// special case for a single value (always encode as "0")
   280 		aHuffman[nodes[0].iRight&~KLeaf]=1;
   281 	}
   282 	else
   283 	{
   284 		// Huffman algorithm: pair off least frequent nodes and reorder
   285 		do
   286 		{
   287 			--lCount;
   288 			TUint c=nodes[lCount].iCount + nodes[lCount-1].iCount;
   289 			nodes[lCount].iLeft=nodes[lCount-1].iRight;
   290 			// re-order the leaves now to reflect new combined frequency 'c'
   291 			InsertInOrder(nodes,lCount-1,c,lCount);
   292 		} while (lCount>1);
   293 		// generate code lengths in aHuffman[]
   294 		HuffmanLengthsL(aHuffman,nodes,1,0);
   295 	}
   297 	delete [] nodes;
   299 	if(!IsValid(aHuffman,aNumCodes))
   300 		throw E32ImageCompressionError(HUFFMANINVALIDCODINGERROR);
   301 }
   303 /**
   304 Validate a Huffman encoding
   306 This verifies that a Huffman coding described by the code lengths is valid. In particular,
   307 it ensures that no code exceeds the maximum length and that it is possible to generate a
   308 canonical coding for the specified lengths.
   310 @param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
   311 @param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
   313 @return True if the code is valid, otherwise false
   314 */
   315 TBool Huffman::IsValid(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes)
   316 {
   317 	// The code is valid if one of the following holds:
   318 	// (a) the code exactly fills the 'code space'
   319 	// (b) there is only a single symbol with code length 1
   320 	// (c) there are no encoded symbols
   321 	//
   322 	TUint remain=1<<KMaxCodeLength;
   323 	TInt totlen=0;
   324 	for (const TUint32* p=aHuffman+aNumCodes; p>aHuffman;)
   325 	{
   326 		TInt len=*--p;
   327 		if (len>0)
   328 		{
   329 			totlen+=len;
   330 			if (len>KMaxCodeLength)
   331 				return 0;
   333 			TUint c=1<<(KMaxCodeLength-len);
   334 			if (c>remain)
   335 				return 0;
   337 			remain-=c;
   338 		}
   339 	}
   341 	return remain==0 || totlen<=1;
   342 }
   344 /**
   345 Create a canonical Huffman encoding table
   347 This generates the huffman codes used by TBitOutput::HuffmanL() to write huffman encoded data.
   348 The input is table of code lengths, as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL() and must represent a
   349 valid huffman code.
   351 @param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
   352 @param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
   353 @param "TUint32 aEncodeTable[]" The table for the output huffman codes. This must be the same
   354 size as the code-length table, and can safely be the same table.
   356 @panic "USER ???" If the provided code is not a valid Huffman coding
   358 @see IsValid()
   359 @see HuffmanL()
   360 */
   361 void Huffman::Encoding(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aEncodeTable[])
   362 {
   363 	if (!IsValid(aHuffman,aNumCodes)) 
   364 		throw E32ImageCompressionError(HUFFMANINVALIDCODINGERROR);
   366 	TFixedArray<TInt,KMaxCodeLength> lenCount;
   367 	lenCount.Reset();
   369 	TInt ii;
   370 	for (ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
   371 	{
   372 		TInt len=aHuffman[ii]-1;
   373 		if (len>=0)
   374 			++lenCount[len];
   375 	}
   377 	TFixedArray<TUint,KMaxCodeLength> nextCode;
   378 	TUint code=0;
   379 	for (ii=0;ii<KMaxCodeLength;++ii)
   380 	{
   381 		code<<=1;
   382 		nextCode[ii]=code;
   383 		code+=lenCount[ii];
   384 	}
   386 	for (ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
   387 	{
   388 		TInt len=aHuffman[ii];
   389 		if (len==0)
   390 			aEncodeTable[ii]=0;
   391 		else
   392 		{
   393 			aEncodeTable[ii] = (nextCode[len-1]<<(KMaxCodeLength-len))|(len<<KMaxCodeLength);
   394 			++nextCode[len-1];
   395 		}
   396 	}
   397 }
   399 /**
   400 The encoding table for the externalised code
   401 @internalComponent
   402 @released
   403 */
   404 const TUint32 HuffmanEncoding[]=
   405 {
   406 	0x10000000,
   407 	0x1c000000,
   408 	0x12000000,
   409 	0x1d000000,
   410 	0x26000000,
   411 	0x26800000,
   412 	0x2f000000,
   413 	0x37400000,
   414 	0x37600000,
   415 	0x37800000,
   416 	0x3fa00000,
   417 	0x3fb00000,
   418 	0x3fc00000,
   419 	0x3fd00000,
   420 	0x47e00000,
   421 	0x47e80000,
   422 	0x47f00000,
   423 	0x4ff80000,
   424 	0x57fc0000,
   425 	0x5ffe0000,
   426 	0x67ff0000,
   427 	0x77ff8000,
   428 	0x7fffa000,
   429 	0x7fffb000,
   430 	0x7fffc000,
   431 	0x7fffd000,
   432 	0x7fffe000,
   433 	0x87fff000,
   434 	0x87fff800
   435 };
   437 /**
   438 Function to encode 0a as '0' and 0b as '1', return number of symbols created
   439 @internalComponent
   440 @released
   441 */
   442 void EncodeRunLengthL(TBitOutput& aOutput, TInt aLength)
   443 {
   444 	if (aLength>0)
   445 	{
   446 		EncodeRunLengthL(aOutput,(aLength-1)>>1);
   447 		aOutput.HuffmanL(HuffmanEncoding[1-(aLength&1)]);
   448 	}
   449 }
   451 /**
   452 Store a canonical huffman encoding in compact form
   454 As the encoding is canonical, only the code lengths of each code needs to be saved.
   456 Due to the nature of code length tables, these can usually be stored very compactly by
   457 encoding the encoding itself, hence the use of the bit output stream.
   459 @param "TBitOutput& aOutput" The output stream for the encoding
   460 @param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
   461 @param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of huffman codes in the table
   463 @leave "TBitOutput::HuffmanL()"
   464 */
   465 void Huffman::ExternalizeL(TBitOutput& aOutput,const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes)
   466 {
   467 	// We assume that the code length table is generated by the huffman generator,
   468 	// in which case the maxmimum code length is 27 bits.
   469 	//
   470 	// We apply three transformations to the data:
   471 	// 1. the data goes through a move-to-front coder
   472 	// 2. apply a rle-0 coder which replace runs of '0' with streams of '0a' and '0b'
   473 	// 3. encode the result using a predefined (average) huffman coding
   474 	//
   475 	// This can be done in a single pass over the data, avoiding the need for additional
   476 	// memory.
   477 	//
   478 	// initialise the list for the MTF coder
   479 	TFixedArray<TUint8,Huffman::KMetaCodes> list;
   480 	TInt i;
   481 	for (i=0;i<list.Count();++i)
   482 		list[i]=TUint8(i);
   483 	TInt last=0;
   485 	TInt rl=0;
   486 	const TUint32* p32=aHuffman;
   487 	const TUint32* e32=p32+aNumCodes;
   488 	while (p32<e32)
   489 	{
   490 		TInt c=*p32++;
   491 		if (c==last)
   492 			++rl;	// repeat of last symbol
   493 		else
   494 		{
   495 			// encode run-length
   496 			EncodeRunLengthL(aOutput,rl);
   497 			rl=0;
   498 			// find code in MTF list
   499 			TInt j;
   500 			for (j=1;list[j]!=c;++j)
   501 				;
   502 			// store this code
   503 			aOutput.HuffmanL(HuffmanEncoding[j+1]);
   504 			// adjust list for MTF algorithm
   505 			while (--j>0)
   506 				list[j+1]=list[j];
   507 			list[1]=TUint8(last);
   508 			last=c;
   509 		}
   510 	}
   511 	// encod any remaining run-length
   512 	EncodeRunLengthL(aOutput,rl);
   513 }
   515 const TInt KHuffTerminate=0x0001;
   516 const TUint32 KBranch1=sizeof(TUint32)<<16;
   518 /**
   519 Function to write the subtree below aPtr and return the head
   520 */
   521 TUint32* HuffmanSubTree(TUint32* aPtr,const TUint32* aValue,TUint32** aLevel)
   522 {
   523 	TUint32* l=*aLevel++;
   524 	if (l>aValue)
   525 	{
   526 		TUint32* sub0=HuffmanSubTree(aPtr,aValue,aLevel);		// 0-tree first
   527 		aPtr=HuffmanSubTree(sub0,aValue-(aPtr-sub0)-1,aLevel);	// 1-tree
   528 		TInt branch0=(TUint8*)sub0-(TUint8*)(aPtr-1);
   529 		*--aPtr=KBranch1|branch0;
   530 	}
   531 	else if (l==aValue)
   532 	{
   533 		TUint term0=*aValue--;						// 0-term
   534 		aPtr=HuffmanSubTree(aPtr,aValue,aLevel);	// 1-tree
   535 		*--aPtr=KBranch1|(term0>>16);
   536 	}
   537 	else	// l<iNext
   538 	{
   539 		TUint term0=*aValue--;						// 0-term
   540 		TUint term1=*aValue--;
   541 		*--aPtr=(term1>>16<<16)|(term0>>16);
   542 	}
   543 	return aPtr;
   544 }
   546 /**
   547 Create a canonical Huffman decoding tree
   549 This generates the huffman decoding tree used by TBitInput::HuffmanL() to read huffman
   550 encoded data. The input is table of code lengths, as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
   551 and must represent a valid huffman code.
   553 @param "const TUint32 aHuffman[]" The table of code lengths as generated by Huffman::HuffmanL()
   554 @param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of codes in the table
   555 @param "TUint32 aDecodeTree[]" The space for the decoding tree. This must be the same
   556 size as the code-length table, and can safely be the same memory
   557 @param "TInt aSymbolBase" the base value for the output 'symbols' from the decoding tree, by default
   558 this is zero.
   560 @panic "USER ???" If the provided code is not a valid Huffman coding
   562 @see IsValid()
   563 @see HuffmanL()
   564 */
   565 void Huffman::Decoding(const TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes,TUint32 aDecodeTree[],TInt aSymbolBase)
   566 {
   567 	if(!IsValid(aHuffman,aNumCodes))
   568 		throw E32ImageCompressionError(HUFFMANINVALIDCODINGERROR);
   570 	TFixedArray<TInt,KMaxCodeLength> counts;
   571 	counts.Reset();
   572 	TInt codes=0;
   573 	TInt ii;
   574 	for (ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
   575 	{
   576 		TInt len=aHuffman[ii];
   577 		aDecodeTree[ii]=len;
   578 		if (--len>=0)
   579 		{
   580 			++counts[len];
   581 			++codes;
   582 		}
   583 	}
   585 	TFixedArray<TUint32*,KMaxCodeLength> level;
   586 	TUint32* lit=aDecodeTree+codes;
   587 	for (ii=0;ii<KMaxCodeLength;++ii)
   588 	{
   589 		level[ii]=lit;
   590 		lit-=counts[ii];
   591 	}
   593 	aSymbolBase=(aSymbolBase<<17)+(KHuffTerminate<<16);
   594 	for (ii=0;ii<aNumCodes;++ii)
   595 	{
   596 		TUint len=TUint8(aDecodeTree[ii]);
   597 		if (len)
   598 			*--level[len-1]|=(ii<<17)+aSymbolBase;
   599 	}
   601 	if (codes==1)	// codes==1 special case: tree isn't complete
   602 	{
   603 		TUint term=aDecodeTree[0]>>16;
   604 		aDecodeTree[0]=term|(term<<16); // 0- and 1-terminate at root
   605 	}
   606 	else if (codes>1)
   607 		HuffmanSubTree(aDecodeTree+codes-1,aDecodeTree+codes-1,&level[0]);
   608 }
   610 /**
   611 The decoding tree for the externalised code
   612 */
   613 const TUint32 HuffmanDecoding[]=
   614 {
   615 	0x0004006c,
   616 	0x00040064,
   617 	0x0004005c,
   618 	0x00040050,
   619 	0x00040044,
   620 	0x0004003c,
   621 	0x00040034,
   622 	0x00040021,
   623 	0x00040023,
   624 	0x00040025,
   625 	0x00040027,
   626 	0x00040029,
   627 	0x00040014,
   628 	0x0004000c,
   629 	0x00040035,
   630 	0x00390037,
   631 	0x00330031,
   632 	0x0004002b,
   633 	0x002f002d,
   634 	0x001f001d,
   635 	0x001b0019,
   636 	0x00040013,
   637 	0x00170015,
   638 	0x0004000d,
   639 	0x0011000f,
   640 	0x000b0009,
   641 	0x00070003,
   642 	0x00050001
   643 };
   646 /**
   647 Restore a canonical huffman encoding from a bit stream
   649 The encoding must have been stored using Huffman::ExternalizeL(). The resulting
   650 code-length table can be used to create an encoding table using Huffman::Encoding()
   651 or a decoding tree using Huffman::Decoding().
   653 @param "TBitInput& aInput" The input stream with the encoding
   654 @param "TUint32 aHuffman[]" The internalized code-length table is placed here
   655 @param "TInt aNumCodes" The number of huffman codes in the table
   657 @leave "TBitInput::HuffmanL()"
   659 @see ExternalizeL()
   660 See ExternalizeL for a description of the format
   661 */
   662 void Huffman::InternalizeL(TBitInput& aInput,TUint32 aHuffman[],TInt aNumCodes)
   663 {
   664 	// initialise move-to-front list
   665 	TFixedArray<TUint8,Huffman::KMetaCodes> list;
   666 	for (TInt i=0;i<list.Count();++i)
   667 		list[i]=TUint8(i);
   669 	TInt last=0;
   670 	// extract codes, reverse rle-0 and mtf encoding in one pass
   671 	TUint32* p=aHuffman;
   672 	const TUint32* end=aHuffman+aNumCodes;
   673 	TInt rl=0;
   674 	while (p+rl<end)
   675 	{
   676 		TInt c=aInput.HuffmanL(HuffmanDecoding);
   677 		if (c<2)
   678 		{
   679 			// one of the zero codes used by RLE-0
   680 			// update he run-length
   681 			rl+=rl+c+1;
   682 		}
   683 		else
   684 		{
   685 			while (rl>0)
   686 			{
   687 				if (p>end)
   688 				{
   689 					throw E32ImageCompressionError(HUFFMANINVALIDCODINGERROR);
   690 				}
   691 				*p++=last;
   692 				--rl;
   693 			}
   694 			--c;
   695 			list[0]=TUint8(last);
   696 			last=list[c];
   698 			memmove((void * const)&list[1],(const void * const)&list[0],(size_t)c);
   699 			if (p>end)
   700 			{
   701 				throw E32ImageCompressionError(HUFFMANINVALIDCODINGERROR);
   702 			}
   703 			*p++=last;
   704 		}
   705 	}
   706 	while (rl>0)
   707 	{
   708 		if (p>end)
   709 		{
   710 			throw E32ImageCompressionError(HUFFMANINVALIDCODINGERROR);
   711 		}
   712 		*p++=last;
   713 		--rl;
   714 	}
   715 }
   717 /**
   718 bit-stream input class
   719 Reverse the byte-order of a 32 bit value
   720 This generates optimal ARM code (4 instructions)
   721 */
   722 inline TUint reverse(TUint aVal)
   723 {
   724 	TUint v=(aVal<<16)|(aVal>>16);
   725 	v^=aVal;
   726 	v&=0xff00ffff;
   727 	aVal=(aVal>>8)|(aVal<<24);
   728 	return aVal^(v>>8);
   729 }
   731 /**
   732 Construct a bit stream input object
   734 Following construction the bit stream is ready for reading bits, but will
   735 immediately call UnderflowL() as the input buffer is empty.
   736 */
   737 TBitInput::TBitInput():iCount(0),iRemain(0)
   738 {
   740 }
   742 /**
   743 Construct a bit stream input object over a buffer
   745 Following construction the bit stream is ready for reading bits from the specified buffer.
   747 @param "const TUint8* aPtr" The address of the buffer containing the bit stream
   748 @param "TInt aLength" The length of the bitstream in bits
   749 @param "TInt aOffset" The bit offset from the start of the buffer to the bit stream (defaults to zero)
   750 */
   751 TBitInput::TBitInput(const TUint8* aPtr, TInt aLength, TInt aOffset)
   752 {
   753 	Set(aPtr,aLength,aOffset);
   754 }
   756 /**
   757 Set the memory buffer to use for input.
   759 Bits will be read from this buffer until it is empty, at which point UnderflowL() will be called.
   761 @param "const TUint8* aPtr" The address of the buffer containing the bit stream
   762 @param "TInt aLength" The length of the bitstream in bits
   763 @param "TInt aOffset" The bit offset from the start of the buffer to the bit stream (defaults to zero)
   764 */
   765 void TBitInput::Set(const TUint8* aPtr, TInt aLength, TInt aOffset)
   766 {
   767 	TUint p=(TUint)aPtr;
   768 	p+=aOffset>>3;			// nearest byte to the specified bit offset
   769 	aOffset&=7;				// bit offset within the byte
   770 	const TUint32* ptr=(const TUint32*)(p&~3);	// word containing this byte
   771 	aOffset+=(p&3)<<3;		// bit offset within the word
   772 	if (aLength==0)
   773 		iCount=0;
   774 	else
   775 	{
   776 		// read the first few bits of the stream
   777 		iBits=reverse(*ptr++)<<aOffset;
   778 		aOffset=32-aOffset;
   779 		aLength-=aOffset;
   780 		if (aLength<0)
   781 			aOffset+=aLength;
   782 		iCount=aOffset;
   783 	}
   784 	iRemain=aLength;
   785 	iPtr=ptr;
   786 }
   788 #ifndef __HUFFMAN_MACHINE_CODED__
   790 /**
   791 Read a single bit from the input
   793 Return the next bit in the input stream. This will call UnderflowL() if there are no more
   794 bits available.
   796 @return The next bit in the stream
   798 @leave "UnderflowL()" It the bit stream is exhausted more UnderflowL is called to get more
   799 data
   800 */
   801 TUint TBitInput::ReadL()
   802 {
   803 	TInt c=iCount;
   804 	TUint bits=iBits;
   805 	if (--c<0)
   806 		return ReadL(1);
   807 	iCount=c;
   808 	iBits=bits<<1;
   809 	return bits>>31;
   810 }
   812 /**
   813 Read a multi-bit value from the input
   815 Return the next few bits as an unsigned integer. The last bit read is the least significant
   816 bit of the returned value, and the value is zero extended to return a 32-bit result.
   818 A read of zero bits will always reaturn zero.
   820 This will call UnderflowL() if there are not enough bits available.
   822 @param "TInt aSize" The number of bits to read
   824 @return The bits read from the stream
   826 @leave "UnderflowL()" It the bit stream is exhausted more UnderflowL is called to get more
   827 data
   828 */
   829 TUint TBitInput::ReadL(TInt aSize)
   830 {
   831 	if (!aSize)
   832 		return 0;
   833 	TUint val=0;
   834 	TUint bits=iBits;
   835 	iCount-=aSize;
   836 	while (iCount<0)
   837 	{
   838 		// need more bits
   839 #ifdef __CPU_X86
   840 		// X86 does not allow shift-by-32
   841 		if (iCount+aSize!=0)
   842 			val|=bits>>(32-(iCount+aSize))<<(-iCount);	// scrub low order bits
   843 #else
   844 		val|=bits>>(32-(iCount+aSize))<<(-iCount);	// scrub low order bits
   845 #endif
   846 		aSize=-iCount;	// bits still required
   847 		if (iRemain>0)
   848 		{
   849 			bits=reverse(*iPtr++);
   850 			iCount+=32;
   851 			iRemain-=32;
   852 			if (iRemain<0)
   853 				iCount+=iRemain;
   854 		}
   855 		else
   856 		{
   857 			UnderflowL();
   858 			bits=iBits;
   859 			iCount-=aSize;
   860 		}
   861 	}
   863 #ifdef __CPU_X86
   864 	// X86 does not allow shift-by-32
   865 	iBits=aSize==32?0:bits<<aSize;
   866 #else
   867 	iBits=bits<<aSize;
   868 #endif
   870 	return val|(bits>>(32-aSize));
   871 }
   873 /**
   874 Read and decode a Huffman Code
   876 Interpret the next bits in the input as a Huffman code in the specified decoding.
   877 The decoding tree should be the output from Huffman::Decoding().
   879 @param "const TUint32* aTree" The huffman decoding tree
   881 @return The symbol that was decoded
   883 @leave "UnderflowL()" It the bit stream is exhausted more UnderflowL is called to get more
   884 data
   885 */
   886 TUint TBitInput::HuffmanL(const TUint32* aTree)
   887 {
   888 	TUint huff=0;
   889 	do
   890 	{
   891 		aTree=(const TUint32*)(((TUint8*)aTree)+(huff>>16));
   892 		huff=*aTree;
   893 		if (ReadL()==0)
   894 			huff<<=16;
   895 	} while ((huff&0x10000u)==0);
   897 	return huff>>17;
   898 }
   900 #endif
   902 /**
   903 Handle an empty input buffer
   905 This virtual function is called when the input buffer is empty and more bits are required.
   906 It should reset the input buffer with more data using Set().
   908 A derived class can replace this to read the data from a file (for example) before reseting
   909 the input buffer.
   911 @leave "KErrUnderflow" The default implementation leaves
   912 */
   913 void TBitInput::UnderflowL()
   914 {
   915 	throw E32ImageCompressionError(HUFFMANBUFFEROVERFLOWERROR);
   916 }