changeset 56 626366955efb
parent 55 59148e28d9f6
child 57 e69da8462916
equal deleted inserted replaced
55:59148e28d9f6 56:626366955efb
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Implementation of the e32 image version for e32 image dump for the elf2e32 tool
    15 // @internalComponent
    16 // @released
    17 // 
    18 //
    20 #include <stdlib.h>
    21 #include <stdio.h>
    22 #include "h_utl.h"
    24 /**
    25 Function to check bracketed hex i.e '{', '}'
    27 @internalComponent
    28 @released
    30 @param aTemp
    31 @param aBrackets
    32 @param aDigits
    33 @param aValue
    35 @return True if the value passed in is a bracketed hex.
    36 */
    37 TBool IsBracketedHex(const char* aTemp, const char* aBrackets, TInt aDigits, TUint32& aValue)
    38 {
    39 	if (aTemp[0]!=aBrackets[0] || aTemp[1+aDigits]!=aBrackets[1])
    40 		return 0;
    41 	TInt i;
    42 	TUint32 x = 0;
    43 	for (i=1; i<=aDigits; ++i)
    44 	{
    45 		TInt c = aTemp[i];
    46 		if (c>='a' && c<='z') c-=32;
    47 		if (c<'0' || (c>'9' && c<'A') || c>'F')
    48 			return 0;
    49 		c-='0';
    50 		if (c>9)
    51 			c-=7;
    52 		x = (x<<4) | (TUint32)c;
    53 	}
    54 	aValue = x;
    56 	return 1;
    57 }
    59 /**
    60 Function to check the decimal version
    62 @internalComponent
    63 @released
    65 @param aBegin
    66 Beginning of the version information
    67 @param aTemp
    68 @param aValue
    69 Holds the hexadecimal value
    70 @return the checked value.
    71 */
    72 TInt CheckForDecimalVersion(const char* aBegin, const char* aTemp, TUint32& aValue)
    73 {
    74 	aValue = 0;
    75 	if (aTemp <= aBegin || *aTemp != '}')
    76 		return 0;
    77 	TUint32 v[2] = {0,0};
    78 	TUint32 m = 1;
    79 	TInt pos = 0;
    80 	const char* s0 = aTemp + 1;
    81 	for (--aTemp; aTemp >= aBegin; --aTemp)
    82 	{
    83 		int c = *aTemp;
    84 		if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
    85 		{
    86 			v[pos] += m * (c - '0');
    87 			if (v[pos] >= 65536u)
    88 				return 0;
    89 			m *= 10;
    90 		}
    91 		else if (c == '.')
    92 		{
    93 			m = 1;
    94 			if (++pos >= 2)
    95 				return 0;
    96 		}
    97 		else if (c == '{')
    98 			break;
    99 		else
   100 			return 0;
   101 	}
   102 	if (aTemp < aBegin)
   103 		return 0;
   105 	aValue = (v[1] << 16) | v[0];
   107 	return s0 - aTemp;
   108 }
   110 /**
   111 Function to Parse a filename and convert decimal version number to hex
   113 @internalComponent
   114 @released
   116 @param aName
   117 Filename to be parsed
   119 @return the converted name wherein the decimal number is converted to hex.
   120 */
   121 char* NormaliseFileName(const char* aName)
   122 {
   123 	TFileNameInfo f(aName, 0);
   124 	TInt nl = f.iBaseLength;
   125 	TInt el = f.iTotalLength - f.iExtPos;
   126 	TInt tl = nl + el;
   127 	if (f.iFlags & EVerPresent)
   128 		tl += 10;
   129 	char* t = new char[tl + 1];
   130 	if (t)
   131 	{
   132 		memcpy(t, aName, nl);
   133 		if (f.iFlags & EVerPresent)
   134 			sprintf(t + nl, "{%08x}%s", (TInt)f.iModuleVersion, aName + f.iExtPos);
   135 		else if (el)
   136 			memcpy(t + nl, aName + f.iExtPos, el);
   137 		t[tl] = 0;
   138 	}
   140 	return t;
   141 }
   143 /**
   144 Constructor for Class TFileNameInfo
   146 @internalComponent
   147 @released
   149 @param aFileName
   150 Filename to be parsed
   151 @param aLookForUid
   152 */
   153 TFileNameInfo::TFileNameInfo(const char* aFileName, TBool aLookForUid)
   154 {
   155 	iFileName = aFileName;
   156 	TInt l = strlen(aFileName);
   157 	iTotalLength = l;
   158 	TInt remain = l;
   159 	iFlags = 0;
   160 	iUid3 = 0;
   161 	iModuleVersion = 0;
   162 	iBaseLength = l;
   163 	iExtPos = l;
   164 	const char* s = iFileName + l;
   165 	for (; s>=iFileName && *s!='.' && *s!='}' && (!aLookForUid || *s!=']'); --s)
   166 	{
   167 	}
   169 	if (s<iFileName)
   170 		return;
   171 	if (*s == '.')
   172 	{
   173 		iExtPos = s - iFileName;
   174 		if (iExtPos == 0)
   175 		{
   176 			iBaseLength = 0;
   177 			return;
   178 		}
   179 		remain = iExtPos;
   180 		--s;
   181 	}
   182 	else if (s != iFileName + l)
   183 		return;
   185 	if (aLookForUid && remain>=10 && IsBracketedHex(s-9, "[]", 8, iUid3))
   186 	{
   187 		iFlags |= EUidPresent;
   188 		remain -= 10;
   189 		s -= 10;
   190 	}
   192 	if (remain>=10 && IsBracketedHex(s-9, "{}", 8, iModuleVersion))
   193 	{
   194 		iFlags |= EVerPresent;
   195 		remain -= 10;
   196 		s -= 10;
   197 	}
   198 	else
   199 	{
   200 		TInt n = CheckForDecimalVersion(iFileName, s, iModuleVersion);
   201 		if (n>0)
   202 		{
   203 			iFlags |= EVerPresent;
   204 			remain -= n;
   205 			s -= n;
   206 		}
   207 	}
   208 	iBaseLength = remain;
   209 }
   211 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   212 String comparison on Linux seems to be a little half-baked.
   213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   214 #ifdef __LINUX__
   216 int stricmp(const char *a, const char *b)
   217 	{
   218 	unsigned char ca,cb;
   220 	do {
   221 		ca = *a++;
   222 		cb = *b++;
   223 		ca = tolower(ca);
   224 		cb = tolower(cb);
   225 	}
   226 	while((ca == cb) && (ca));
   227 	return (int) ca-cb;
   228 	}
   230 int strnicmp(const char *a, const char *b, int n)
   231 	{
   232 	unsigned char ca,cb;
   233 	int i = 0;
   235 	do {
   236 		if (++i > n) return 0;
   237 		ca = *a++;
   238 		cb = *b++;
   239 		ca = tolower(ca);
   240 		cb = tolower(cb);
   241 	}
   242 	while((ca == cb) && (ca));
   243 	return (int) ca-cb;
   244 	}
   246 char* strupr(char *a)
   247 	{
   248 		char *ret = a;
   250 		while (*a)
   251 			{
   252 			*a = toupper(*a);
   253 			a++;
   254 			}
   256 		return ret;
   257 	}
   260 #endif