1 #This module is used by startbuild.pl |
2 #It asks for some BuildLaunch data from the user and performs some checks on this data |
3 #This is then input to the BuildLaunch.xml file and then opens the file for the user to verify before launching the build. |
4 |
5 package BuildLaunchChecks; |
6 use strict; |
7 |
8 sub GetUserInput |
9 { |
10 # Ask for Snapshot, Previous Snapshot and ChangeList numbers |
11 |
12 my $Product; |
13 print "Enter Product number (e.g 9.1/9.5/tb91sf/tb92sf/tb101sf) >"; |
14 chomp($Product = <STDIN>); |
15 $Product =~ s/\s+//g; |
16 |
17 my $Snapshot; |
18 print "Enter Snapshot number >"; |
19 chomp($Snapshot = <STDIN>); |
20 $Snapshot =~ s/\s+//g; |
21 |
22 my $PrevSnapshot; |
23 print "Enter Previous Snapshot number >"; |
24 chomp($PrevSnapshot = <STDIN>); |
25 $PrevSnapshot =~ s/\s+//g; |
26 |
27 my $Changelist; |
28 print "Enter ChangeList number >"; |
29 chomp($Changelist = <STDIN>); |
30 $Changelist =~ s/\s+//g; |
31 print "\n"; |
32 |
33 my $CurrentCodeline; |
34 print "Enter Codeline (e.g. //epoc/master //EPOC/Release/sf/symtb91 //EPOC/master/sf) >"; |
35 chomp($CurrentCodeline = <STDIN>); |
36 $CurrentCodeline =~ s/\s+//g; |
37 print "\n"; |
38 |
39 my $Platform; |
40 print "Enter Platform (e.g. beech/cedar/SF) >"; |
41 chomp($Platform = <STDIN>); |
42 $Platform =~ s/\s+//g; |
43 print "\n"; |
44 |
45 my $Type; |
46 print "Enter Type (e.g Master/MasterSF/Symbian_OS_v9.1/Symbian_OS_vTB91SF) >"; |
47 chomp($Type = <STDIN>); |
48 $Type =~ s/\s+//g; |
49 print "\n"; |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 return $Product, |
54 $Snapshot, |
55 $PrevSnapshot, |
56 $Changelist, |
57 $CurrentCodeline, |
58 $Platform, |
59 $Type; |
60 } |
61 |
62 sub GetBCValue |
63 { |
64 my($BuildData) = @_; |
65 $BuildData->{CurrentCodeline} =~ s/\/$//; #drop any trailing / |
66 my $cmd = "p4 print -q $BuildData->{CurrentCodeline}/os/buildtools/bldsystemtools/commonbldutils/BCValues.xml\@$BuildData->{ChangelistNumber}"; |
67 my $BCValues = `$cmd`; |
68 warn "WARNING: Could not open BCValues file" if $?; |
69 |
70 my @BCValues = split /\n/m, $BCValues; |
71 |
72 my $BCToolsBaseBuildNo; |
73 |
74 my $Product_Found = 0; |
75 foreach my $line (@BCValues) |
76 { |
77 $Product_Found = 1 if ($line =~ m/Product name=\"$BuildData->{Product}\"/i); |
78 |
79 if (($line =~ m/\"BCToolsBaseBuildNo\" Value=\"(.*)\"/i)&&($Product_Found == 1)) |
80 { |
81 $BCToolsBaseBuildNo = $1; |
82 $BCToolsBaseBuildNo =~ s/\s+//g; |
83 last; |
84 } |
85 } |
86 |
87 return $BCToolsBaseBuildNo; |
88 } |
89 |
90 sub CheckData |
91 { |
92 my($BuildData) = @_; |
93 |
94 my @change; |
95 my $Error; |
96 my $BCBaseBuild = "$BuildData->{PreviousBuildPublishLocation}\\$BuildData->{Type}\\$BuildData->{BCToolsBaseBuildNo}"."_Symbian_OS_v$BuildData->{Product}" |
97 if ((defined $BuildData->{BCToolsBaseBuildNo})&&(defined $BuildData->{Type})&&(defined $BuildData->{Product})); |
98 my $warnings = 0; |
99 |
100 #Check that the Changelist number entered at prebuild is the same as the Changelist entered at startbuild |
101 if (($ENV{CHANGELIST} != $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber})&&(defined $ENV{CHANGELIST})&&(defined $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber})) |
102 { |
103 warn "Warning: Changelist numbers entered at prebuild and startbuild are different\n"; |
104 $warnings++; |
105 } |
106 |
107 #Check that the Changelist number entered is on the CodeLine |
108 if(defined $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber}) |
109 { |
110 my $describe = "p4 -s describe $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber} 2>&1"; |
111 push @change, `$describe`; |
112 warn "ERROR: Could not execute: $describe\n" if $?; |
113 |
114 foreach my $line(@change) |
115 { |
116 if ($line =~ m/$BuildData->{CurrentCodeline}/i) |
117 { |
118 $Error = 0; |
119 last; |
120 } |
121 } |
122 if (!defined $Error) |
123 { |
124 warn "Warning: Change $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber} does not exist on $BuildData->{CurrentCodeline}\n"; |
125 $warnings++; |
126 } |
127 } |
128 |
129 #Check that the Previous Snapshot is less than the Current Snapshot |
130 if (($BuildData->{SnapshotNumber} lt $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber})&&(defined $BuildData->{SnapshotNumber})&&(defined $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber})) |
131 { |
132 warn "Warning: Current snapshot is less than the Previous snapshot\n"; |
133 $warnings++; |
134 } |
135 |
136 #Check that the Previous Snapshot Number exists |
137 if ((!-e "$BuildData->{PreviousBuildPublishLocation}\\$BuildData->{Type}\\$BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber}"."_Symbian_OS_v$BuildData->{Product}")&&(defined $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber})&&(defined $BuildData->{Product})&&(defined $BuildData->{Type})) |
138 { |
139 warn "Warning: Previous snapshot number does not exist on $BuildData->{PreviousBuildPublishLocation}\\$BuildData->{Type}\n"; |
140 $warnings++; |
141 } |
142 |
143 #Check that CBR exists for the Previous Snapshot |
144 if ((!-e "$BuildData->{PreviousBuildPublishLocation}\\ComponentisedReleases\\DailyBuildArchive\\Symbian_OS_v$BuildData->{Product}\\gt_techview_baseline\\$BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber}"."_Symbian_OS_v$BuildData->{Product}")&&(defined $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber})&&(defined $BuildData->{Product})) |
145 { |
146 warn "Warning: CBR does not exist for build $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber}\n"; |
147 $warnings++; |
148 } |
149 |
150 #Check that the BCToolsBaseBuildNo exists on devbuilds |
151 if ((!-e $BCBaseBuild)&&(defined $BCBaseBuild)&&(defined $BuildData->{BCToolsBaseBuildNo})) |
152 { |
153 warn "Warning: $BuildData->{BCToolsBaseBuildNo}"."_"."Symbian_OS_v$BuildData->{Product} does not exist on \\\\Builds01\\devbuilds\\$BuildData->{Type}\n"; |
154 $warnings++; |
155 } |
156 return $warnings; |
157 } |
158 |
159 sub UpdateXML |
160 { |
161 my($xmlfile, $BuildData, $Sync) = @_; |
162 open(XMLFILE, '+<', $xmlfile) || warn "Warning: can't open $xmlfile for append: $!"; |
163 my @initarray = <XMLFILE>; |
164 |
165 my $Left; |
166 my $Right; |
167 |
168 foreach my $line (@initarray) |
169 { |
170 if (($line =~ m/\"SnapshotNumber\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{SnapshotNumber})) |
171 { |
172 $Left = $`; |
173 $Right = $'; |
174 $line= $Left . "\"SnapshotNumber\" Value=\"" . $BuildData->{SnapshotNumber} ."\"" . $Right; |
175 next; |
176 } |
177 |
178 if (($line =~ m/\"PreviousSnapshotNumber\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber})) |
179 { |
180 $Left = $`; |
181 $Right = $'; |
182 $line= $Left . "\"PreviousSnapshotNumber\" Value=\"" . $BuildData->{PreviousSnapshotNumber} ."\"" . $Right; |
183 next; |
184 } |
185 |
186 if (($line =~ m/\"ChangelistNumber\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber})) |
187 { |
188 $Left = $`; |
189 $Right = $'; |
190 $line= $Left . "\"ChangelistNumber\" Value=\"" . $BuildData->{ChangelistNumber} ."\"" . $Right; |
191 next; |
192 } |
193 |
194 if (($line =~ m/\"Platform\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{Platform})) |
195 { |
196 $Left = $`; |
197 $Right = $'; |
198 $line= $Left . "\"Platform\" Value=\"" . $BuildData->{Platform} ."\"" . $Right; |
199 next; |
200 } |
201 |
202 if (($line =~ m/\"Product\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{Product})) |
203 { |
204 $Left = $`; |
205 $Right = $'; |
206 $line= $Left . "\"Product\" Value=\"" . $BuildData->{Product} ."\"" . $Right; |
207 next; |
208 } |
209 |
210 if (($line =~ m/\"PublishLocation\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&& (defined $BuildData->{PublishLocation})) |
211 { |
212 $Left = $`; |
213 $Right = $'; |
214 $line= $Left . "\"PublishLocation\" Value=\"$BuildData->{PublishLocation}\"" . $Right; |
215 next; |
216 } |
217 |
218 if (($line =~ m/\"CurrentCodeline\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{CurrentCodeline})) |
219 { |
220 $Left = $`; |
221 $Right = $'; |
222 $line= $Left . "\"CurrentCodeline\" Value=\"$BuildData->{CurrentCodeline}\"" . $Right; |
223 next; |
224 } |
225 |
226 if (($line =~ m/\"Type\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{Type})) |
227 { |
228 $Left = $`; |
229 $Right = $'; |
230 $line= $Left . "\"Type\" Value=\"$BuildData->{Type}\"" . $Right; |
231 |
232 next; |
233 } |
234 |
235 if (($line =~ m/\"BuildSubType\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{BuildSubType})) |
236 { |
237 $Left = $`; |
238 $Right = $'; |
239 $line= $Left . "\"BuildSubType\" Value=\"$BuildData->{BuildSubType}\"" . $Right; |
240 |
241 next; |
242 } |
243 |
244 if (($line =~ m/\"BCToolsBaseBuildNo\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{BCToolsBaseBuildNo})) |
245 { |
246 $Left = $`; |
247 $Right = $'; |
248 $line= $Left . "\"BCToolsBaseBuildNo\" Value=\"" . $BuildData->{BCToolsBaseBuildNo} ."\"" . $Right; |
249 next; |
250 } |
251 |
252 if (($line =~ m/\"BuildsDirect\" Value=\"([^\"]+)\"/)&&(defined $BuildData->{BuildsDirect})) |
253 { |
254 $Left = $`; |
255 $Right = $'; |
256 $line= $Left . "\"BuildsDirect\" Value=\"$BuildData->{BuildsDirect}\"" . $Right; |
257 |
258 last; |
259 } |
260 } |
261 |
262 # output the changes to the original file |
263 seek(XMLFILE,0,0); |
264 print XMLFILE @initarray; |
265 truncate(XMLFILE,tell(XMLFILE)); |
266 |
267 close(XMLFILE); |
268 } |
269 |
270 1; |
271 |
272 __END__ |