1 #!perl -w |
2 # This script reads data from specified Windows Event Logs and writes the information to a file |
3 # Output is ScanLog-compatible. First this script establishes a time range by reading the specified Build Log. |
4 # For info. on Win32::EventLog, see "Win32 Perl Programming" Page 171 et seq. |
5 use FindBin; |
6 use Sys::Hostname; |
7 use Win32; |
8 use Win32::EventLog; |
9 use Getopt::Long; |
10 use strict; |
11 # For Date calculations |
12 { |
13 no warnings; |
14 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../buildsystemtools/lib"; # For running in source |
15 } |
16 use Date::Manip; |
17 |
18 # Set TimeZone because Date:Manip needs it set and then tell it to IGNORE the TimeZone |
19 &Date_Init("TZ=GMT","ConvTZ=IGNORE"); |
20 |
21 # Check if HiRes Timer is available |
22 my $gHiResTimer = 0; #Flag - TRUE if HiRes Timer module available |
23 if (eval "require Time::HiRes;") { |
24 $gHiResTimer = 1; |
25 } else { |
26 print "Cannot load HiResTimer Module\n"; |
27 } |
28 |
29 # Capture the name of this script for Help display etc. |
30 $0 =~ m/([^\\]+?)$/; |
31 my $gThisFile = $1; |
32 # Process command line |
33 |
34 my ($gComputer, $gBuildLogstart, $gBuildLogend, $gOutLogFile, @gEventSourcesUser) = ProcessCommandLine(); |
35 $gComputer = (defined $gComputer)? uc $gComputer: hostname(); |
36 |
37 # Open logfile, if specified |
38 my $gOutLogHandle = \*OUTLOGFILE; |
39 if (defined $gOutLogFile) |
40 { |
41 open ($gOutLogHandle, ">$gOutLogFile") or die "Failed to open $gOutLogFile"; |
42 my $iTime = gmtime(time); |
43 PrintStageStart(0,"Windows Event Log Extracts",$gThisFile); |
44 print "Logfile: $gOutLogFile Opened: $iTime\n"; |
45 print $gOutLogHandle "Output file: $gOutLogFile Opened: $iTime\n"; |
46 } |
47 else |
48 { |
49 $gOutLogHandle = \*STDOUT; |
50 PrintStageStart(0,"Windows Event Log Extracts",$gThisFile); # Start logging Generic Info. as pseudo Build Stage |
51 print "Logging to STDOUT\n"; |
52 } |
53 print $gOutLogHandle "Data extracted from Windows Event Logs for Computer: $gComputer\n"; |
54 |
55 # Establish time range. Get build start time from specified Build Log file. |
56 unless (defined $gBuildLogstart) |
57 { |
58 my $iMsg = "No Build Log specified"; |
59 print $gOutLogHandle "ERROR: $iMsg\n"; |
60 PrintStageEnd(0); # Stop logging Generic Info. |
61 Usage("$iMsg"); |
62 } |
63 |
64 unless (defined $gBuildLogend) |
65 { |
66 my $iMsg = "No Build Log specified"; |
67 print $gOutLogHandle "ERROR: $iMsg\n"; |
68 PrintStageEnd(0); # Stop logging Generic Info. |
69 Usage("$iMsg"); |
70 } |
71 |
72 |
73 my ($gStartSecs, $gStopSecs) = GetTimeRange($gBuildLogstart, $gBuildLogend); |
74 |
75 unless (defined $gStartSecs) |
76 { |
77 my $iMsg = "Invalid Build Log: $gBuildLogstart"; |
78 print $gOutLogHandle "ERROR: $iMsg\n"; |
79 PrintStageEnd(0); # Stop logging Generic Info. |
80 Usage("$iMsg"); |
81 } |
82 |
83 # Establish time range. Get build end time from specified Build Log file. |
84 # Determine which Event Logs are to be read. Default is "All three". Specifying one only is really a debug convenience. |
85 my @gEventSourcesDefault = ('Application','Security','System'); |
86 my @gEventSources; |
87 if (@gEventSourcesUser) # Event Log(s) specified by user. |
88 { |
89 foreach my $iSrcU (@gEventSourcesUser) |
90 { |
91 my $iOKFlag = 0; |
92 foreach my $iSrcD (@gEventSourcesDefault) |
93 { |
94 if (lc $iSrcU eq lc $iSrcD) |
95 { |
96 push (@gEventSources, $iSrcD); |
97 $iOKFlag = 1; |
98 last; |
99 } |
100 } |
101 unless ($iOKFlag) |
102 { |
103 my $iMsg = "Invalid Event Log Filename: $iSrcU"; |
104 print $gOutLogHandle "ERROR: $iMsg\n"; |
105 PrintStageEnd(0); # Stop logging Generic Info. |
106 Usage("$iMsg"); |
107 } |
108 } # End foreach my $iSrcU (@gEventSourcesUser) |
109 |
110 } |
111 else # Default to "All logs" |
112 { |
113 @gEventSources = @gEventSourcesDefault; |
114 } |
115 |
116 PrintStageEnd(0); # Stop logging Generic Info. |
117 |
118 # Finally read the required Event Log(s) |
119 $Win32::EventLog::GetMessageText = 1; # Ensure that we get the message content from each Event Log entry. |
120 for (my $iIndx = 0; $iIndx < @gEventSources; ) |
121 { |
122 my $iEventSource=$gEventSources[$iIndx]; |
123 ++$iIndx; |
124 print "Reading Event Log: $iEventSource\n"; |
125 ReadEventLog ($iIndx,$iEventSource); |
126 } |
127 |
128 close OUTLOGFILE; |
129 exit (0); |
130 |
131 # ReadEventLog |
132 # |
133 # Read from one Event Log and output to supplied logfile handle. |
134 # |
135 # Input: Stage Number, Event Log Name |
136 # |
137 # Output: ScanLog-compatible data to log file |
138 # |
139 sub ReadEventLog |
140 { |
141 my $iStage = shift; # Stage number. |
142 my $iEventSource = shift; # Name of Event Log file. |
143 # First argument to "new Win32::EventLog()" may be "Application", "Security" or "System"; |
144 my $iTotalEvents; |
145 my $iSeparator = "------------------------------------------------------------\n"; |
146 PrintStageStart($iStage,"Windows $iEventSource Event Log Extracts",$gThisFile); |
147 |
148 my $iEventObject = new Win32::EventLog($iEventSource, $gComputer); |
149 |
150 unless ($iEventObject) |
151 { |
152 print $gOutLogHandle "ERROR: Failed to open Event Log: $iEventSource\n"; |
153 PrintStageEnd($iStage); |
154 return; |
155 } |
156 |
157 unless ($iEventObject->GetNumber($iTotalEvents)) |
158 { |
159 print $gOutLogHandle "ERROR: Cannot read Event Log: $iEventSource\n"; |
160 PrintStageEnd($iStage); |
161 return; |
162 } |
163 |
164 unless ($iTotalEvents) # Check number of events in log. |
165 { |
166 print $gOutLogHandle "No event recorded in $iEventSource Log.\n"; |
167 } |
168 else |
169 { |
172 my $iRecNum = 0; # Ignored unless $iFlag == EVENTLOG_SEEK_READ |
173 my $iStopFlag = 0; |
174 my $count = 0; |
175 while (!$iStopFlag) |
176 { |
177 my %iHash; |
178 unless ($iEventObject->Read($iFlag, $iRecNum, \%iHash)) |
179 { |
180 $iStopFlag = 1; |
181 } |
182 else # Successful "read" |
183 { |
184 my $iEventTime = $iHash{TimeGenerated}; |
185 if ($iEventTime > $gStopSecs) |
186 { next; } |
187 if ($iEventTime < $gStartSecs) |
188 { last; } |
189 ++$count; |
190 print $gOutLogHandle $iSeparator; |
192 my $iTxt; |
193 if ($iHash{EventType} == EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE) |
194 {$iTxt = 'Error'; } |
195 elsif ($iHash{EventType} == EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE) |
196 {$iTxt = 'Warning'; } |
197 elsif ($iHash{EventType} == EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE) |
198 {$iTxt = 'Information'; } |
199 elsif ($iHash{EventType} == EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS) |
200 {$iTxt = 'Audit Success'; } |
201 elsif ($iHash{EventType} == EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE) |
202 {$iTxt = 'Audit Failure'; } |
203 else |
204 {$iTxt = "*unknown* [$iHash{EventType}]"; } |
205 print $gOutLogHandle "EventType: $iTxt Source: $iHash{Source} RecNum: $iHash{RecordNumber}\n"; |
206 my $iTimeStr = gmtime($iHash{TimeGenerated}); |
207 print $gOutLogHandle "TimeGen: $iHash{TimeGenerated} ($iTimeStr)\n"; |
208 print $gOutLogHandle "Computer: $iHash{Computer}\n"; |
209 print $gOutLogHandle "User: $iHash{User}\n"; |
210 print $gOutLogHandle "EventID: $iHash{EventID}\n"; |
211 print $gOutLogHandle "Category: $iHash{Category}\n"; |
212 $iTxt = (defined $iHash{Message})? $iHash{Message}: '*none*'; |
213 print $gOutLogHandle "Message: $iTxt\n"; |
214 $iTxt = ($iHash{Strings})? $iHash{Strings}: '*none*'; |
215 print $gOutLogHandle "Strings: $iTxt\n"; |
216 } |
217 } # End while (!$iStopFlag) |
218 print $gOutLogHandle $iSeparator; |
219 print $gOutLogHandle "Events in specified time range = $count Events in file = $iTotalEvents\n"; |
220 } # End unless ($iTotalEvents) |
221 PrintStageEnd($iStage); |
222 } |
223 |
224 # PrintStageStart |
225 # |
226 # Print to log file the ScanLog-Compatible lines to start a stage |
227 # |
228 # Input: Stage, Component Name [,Command Name] |
229 # |
230 # Output: Start time etc. |
231 # |
232 sub PrintStageStart |
233 { |
234 my $iStage = shift; # Stage number. |
235 my $iComponent = shift; # e.g. Name of Event Log file. |
236 my $iCommand = shift; |
237 my $iTime = gmtime(time); |
238 print $gOutLogHandle "===-------------------------------------------------\n"; |
239 print $gOutLogHandle "=== Stage=$iStage\n"; |
240 print $gOutLogHandle "===-------------------------------------------------\n"; |
241 print $gOutLogHandle "=== Stage=$iStage started $iTime\n"; |
242 print $gOutLogHandle "=== Stage=$iStage == $iComponent\n"; |
243 if (defined $iCommand) |
244 { |
245 print $gOutLogHandle "-- $iCommand\n"; |
246 } |
247 print $gOutLogHandle "++ Started at $iTime\n"; |
248 |
249 if ($gHiResTimer) |
250 { |
251 print $gOutLogHandle "+++ HiRes Start ".Time::HiRes::time()."\n"; |
252 } |
253 } |
254 |
255 # PrintStageEnd |
256 # |
257 # Print to log file the ScanLog-Compatible lines to end a stage |
258 # |
259 # Input: Stage |
260 # |
261 # Output: End time etc. |
262 # |
263 sub PrintStageEnd |
264 { |
265 my $iStage = shift; # Stage number. |
266 if ($gHiResTimer) |
267 { |
268 print $gOutLogHandle "+++ HiRes End ".Time::HiRes::time()."\n"; |
269 } |
270 my $iTime = gmtime(time); |
271 print $gOutLogHandle "++ Finished at $iTime\n"; |
272 print $gOutLogHandle "=== Stage=$iStage finished $iTime\n"; |
273 } |
274 |
275 #sub GetTimeRange |
276 # |
277 # Establish start and end times for overall build |
278 # Typical start line: === Stage=1 started Mon Oct 4 15:55:31 2004 |
279 # Typical end line: === Stage=115 finished Tue Oct 5 01:47:37 2004 |
280 # |
281 # Input: Name of Build Log File to read |
282 # |
283 # Output: Summary timing info to log file |
284 # |
285 # Return: Start/End times in seconds |
286 # |
287 sub GetTimeRange |
288 { |
289 |
290 my ($iBuildLogstart,$iBuildLogend) = @_; |
291 |
292 my ($iStartTime, $iStopTime); |
293 |
294 # $iStartTime Time read from $iBuildLogstart |
295 unless (open (INLOGFILE, "<$iBuildLogstart")) |
296 { |
297 print $gOutLogHandle "Failed to open input file: $iBuildLogstart\n"; |
298 return undef, undef; |
299 } |
300 while(my $iLine = <INLOGFILE>) |
301 { |
302 chomp $iLine; |
303 unless (defined $iStartTime) |
304 { |
305 if ($iLine =~ m/^===\s+Stage=\S*\s+started\s+(.+)/) |
306 { $iStartTime = $1; last; } |
307 } |
308 } |
309 close INLOGFILE; |
310 |
311 # $iStopTime Time read from $iBuildLogend |
312 |
313 unless (open (OUTFILE, "<$iBuildLogend")) |
314 { |
315 print $gOutLogHandle "Failed to open input file: $iBuildLogend\n"; |
316 return undef, undef; |
317 } |
318 while(my $iLine = <OUTFILE>) |
319 { |
320 chomp $iLine; |
321 if (($iLine =~ m/^===\s(.*\s)?finished\s+(.+)/)) |
322 { $iStopTime = $2; } |
323 } |
324 close OUTFILE; |
325 |
326 my $iDate = ParseDateString($iStartTime); |
327 my $iStartSecs = UnixDate($iDate,"%s"); |
328 |
329 print $gOutLogHandle "Time range taken for Build start time from Build Log: $iBuildLogstart\n"; |
330 print $gOutLogHandle "Earliest Event: $iStartTime\n\n"; |
331 |
332 $iDate = ParseDateString($iStopTime); |
333 my $iStopSecs = UnixDate($iDate,"%s"); |
334 |
335 print $gOutLogHandle "Time range taken for Build end time from Build Log: $iBuildLogend\n"; |
336 print $gOutLogHandle "Latest Event: $iStopTime\n\n"; |
337 |
338 my $iSecs = $iStopSecs - $iStartSecs; |
339 my $iMins = int ($iSecs/60); |
340 $iSecs %= 60; |
341 my $iHours = int($iMins/60); |
342 $iMins %= 60; |
343 printf $gOutLogHandle "--Time Range between the build START and FINISH:<< %d:%02d:%02d>>\n\n",$iHours,$iMins,$iSecs; |
344 |
345 return $iStartSecs, $iStopSecs; |
346 } |
347 |
348 |
349 # ProcessCommandLine |
350 # |
351 # Process Commandline. On error, call Usage() |
352 # |
353 # Input: None |
354 # |
355 # Return: Parameters as strings. |
356 # |
357 sub ProcessCommandLine |
358 { |
359 |
360 my ($iHelp, $iComputer, $iBuildLogstart, $iBuildLogend , $iOutFile, @iEventSources); |
361 GetOptions('h' => \$iHelp, 'c=s' => \$iComputer, 'l=s' => \$iBuildLogstart,'k=s'=> \$iBuildLogend, 'o=s' => \$iOutFile, 's=s' => \@iEventSources); |
362 |
363 if ($iHelp) |
364 { |
365 Usage(); |
366 } |
367 else |
368 { |
369 return ($iComputer, $iBuildLogstart, $iBuildLogend,$iOutFile, @iEventSources); |
370 } |
371 } |
372 |
373 |
374 # Usage: Display Help and exits script. |
375 # |
376 # Input: Error message, if any |
377 # |
378 # Output: Usage information. |
379 # |
380 # Return: Never returns. Exits with non-zero errorlevel |
381 # |
382 sub Usage |
383 { |
384 if (@_) |
385 { |
386 print "\nERROR: @_\n"; |
387 } |
388 |
389 print <<USAGE_EOF; |
390 |
391 $gThisFile: |
392 Reads the Windows Event Logs for the specified computer. |
393 The time range is established by reading the specified Build Log. |
394 ScanLog-compatible output is written to specified logfile. |
395 |
396 Usage: $gThisFile parameters [options] |
397 |
398 Parameters: |
399 -l Build start Log file |
400 -k Build End Log file |
401 |
402 Options: |
403 -h Help |
404 -c Computer name (defaults to local PC) |
405 -o Logfile for output (defaults to STDOUT) |
406 -s Event Log Source (defaults to "All") |
407 (Supported logs: "Application", "Security" or "System") |
408 |
409 |
411 |
412 exit 1; |
413 } |
414 |
415 __END__ |