changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 18 99082257a271
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:83f4b4db085c
     1 #! perl
     3 use strict;
     4 use Getopt::Long;
     6 # TODO:
     7 # Improve performance by not accessing P4 for every source line in every MRP file
     8 # Handle situation where clean-src dir is missing by accessing MRP file from Perforce
     9 # Use autobuild database to get perforce information directly?
    10 # What should we do about change C reverts change B which reverted change A? 
    11 #  => Hope C has a good description, as this implementation will discard both A and B descriptions.
    13 #note: currently relies on existence of perforce report of previous build
    15 # Parameters passed to script
    16 my $Product = shift;           	# e.g. 9.3
    17 my $Platform = shift;          	# e.g. cedar       
    18 my $CurentBuild = shift;       	# e.g. 03935
    19 my $CurrentCL = shift;         	# e.g. 775517
    20 shift;				# e.g. 03935_Symbian_OS_v9.3
    21 my $CurrCodeLine = shift;   	# e.g. //epoc/master/
    22 my $PreviousBuild = shift;	# the build number of the previous release (eg 03925)
    23 my $LogDirs = shift;           	# e.g. \\builds01\devbuilds
    24 my $CleanSourceDir = shift;	# e.g. M:\clean-src (synched file from perforce)
    26 my $debug = 0; 		       	# set to 1 to print debug logfile and progress information
    28 GetOptions(
    29   	'v' => \$debug);
    31 # Derived parameters
    32 my $CurrBldName = "$CurentBuild\_Symbian_OS_v$Product";	# e.g. 03935_Symbian_OS_v9.3
    35 # Global variables
    37 my $PreviousLogDir;		# location of the logs associated with the previous release build 
    38 my $PrevFileAndPath;		# name of the previous release build's perforce report and its location
    39 my $PrevBldName;                # e.g. 03925_Symbian_OS_v9.3
    41 my $MainLineCL = 0;             # the CL of the build from which the current build
    42                                 #    was branched if it is on a delivery branch
    43 my $MainLineLine;               # the codeline of the build from which the current
    44                                 #    build was branched if on a delivery branch
    46 my %allDefects;			# hash containing all of the defect fixes
    47 my %allBreaks;			# hash contains all of the delivered breaks
    48 my %changeToComponents;	# hash containing lists of components affected by a given change
    49 my %reverted;			# hash of reverted changelists
    51 # Tidy up directories to ensure they are in a standard format
    52 $CurrCodeLine =~ s/[^\/]$/$&\//;# ensure a trailing fwdslash for codeline
    53 $LogDirs =~ s/\\$//;		# ensure no trailing back slash for codeline
    54 $CleanSourceDir =~ s/\\$//;	# ensure no trailing back slash for codeline
    56 # add information to the debug log if the debug flag is set
    57 if ($debug)
    58 {
    59     # Open an error log
    60     open ERRORLOG, "> Errorlog.txt";
    61     print ERRORLOG <<"END";
    62 Inputs:
    64 Product: $Product
    65 Platform: $Platform
    66 Current build: $CurentBuild
    67 Current build CL: $CurrentCL
    68 Current Build Name: $CurrBldName
    69 Previous Build: $PreviousBuild
    70 Log Directory: $LogDirs
    71 Clean Source Dir: $CleanSourceDir
    73 Errors:
    75 END
    76 }
    78 # If the previous release was from a delivery branch, then use the build from 
    79 # from which the delivery branch was created by removing the letters (changes
    80 # on the files on the branch will also have been made on the main codeline)
    81 $PreviousBuild =~ s/[a-z]+(\.\d+)?//;
    83 # If the current build is on a delivery branch, then store the information about
    84 # the build from which it was branched as it will be necessary to get the descriptions
    85 # from perforce for versions on the branch and versions on the main codeline up to 
    86 # where the branch was created separately
    88 if ($CurentBuild =~ /[a-z]+/)
    89 {
    90     my $MainLineBuild = $CurentBuild;
    91     $MainLineBuild =~ s/[a-z]+(\.\d+)?//;
    92     # There is insufficient information here anyway, e.g. if M09999 failed and we did 
    93     # M09999.01 as the original candidate, then there is no way of telling the tool
    95     my $MainLineBldName = "$MainLineBuild\_Symbian_OS_v$Product";
    96     my $MainLinePerforce = "$LogDirs\\$MainLineBldName\\logs\\$MainLineBuild\_$Product" . "PC_Perforce_report.html";
    97     ($MainLineCL, $MainLineLine) = GetPrevCodelineandCL($MainLinePerforce, $Platform);
    98 }
   100 # Construct the previous build name
   101 $PrevBldName = "$PreviousBuild\_Symbian_OS_v$Product";
   103 # Construct the name of the peforce report file for the previous external release
   104 # to look similar to this:  03925_9.3PC_Perforce_report.html
   105 my $PerforceReport = $PreviousBuild."_".$Product."PC_Perforce_report.html";
   107 # Look for $PerforceReport in the build logs directory and the log archive directory
   108 $PreviousLogDir = "$LogDirs\\$PrevBldName\\logs\\";
   110 $PrevFileAndPath = $PreviousLogDir.$PerforceReport;
   112 if (! -d $CleanSourceDir)
   113 {
   114     # if the report is found in neither directory then die
   115     if ($debug==1)
   116     {
   117       print ERRORLOG "Clean-src directory does not exist! ($CleanSourceDir)\n";
   118     }
   119     die "ERROR: Clean-src directory does not exist";
   120 }
   122 if (! -e $PrevFileAndPath)
   123 { 
   124     $PreviousLogDir = "$LogDirs\\logs\\$PrevBldName\\";  
   125     $PrevFileAndPath = $PreviousLogDir.$PerforceReport;
   126 }
   127 if (! -e $PrevFileAndPath)
   128 {
   129     # if the report is found in neither directory then die
   130     if ($debug==1)
   131     {
   132       print ERRORLOG "Could not find Perforce report of previous external release! ($PrevFileAndPath)\n";
   133     }
   134     die "ERROR: Cannot find previous Perforce report";
   135 }
   137 # Parse the Perforce report to extract the previous build's change list and codeline path
   138 my ($PreviousCL, $PrevCodeLine) = GetPrevCodelineandCL($PrevFileAndPath, $Platform);
   140 # Create the path of the current build's log directory
   141 my $CurrentLogDir = "$LogDirs\\$CurrBldName\\logs\\";
   143 # Obtain the component lists (arrays are passed back by reference, each element containing a component
   144 # name separated by one or more spaces from its associated mrp file as it appears in the component files)
   145 my ($GTprevCompList, $GTlatestCompList, 
   146     $TVprevCompList, $TVlatestCompList) = GetGTandTVcomponentLists($CurrentLogDir, $PreviousLogDir);
   148 # Consolidate the lists of components in to two hashes: one for the current build and one for the previous
   149 # release build. These contain an index to distinguish between GT and TechView components and another index
   150 # with the names of the components. The mrp files are the elements being indexed.
   151 my ($PrevMRP, $CurrMRP) = CreateMRPLists($GTprevCompList, 
   152                                          $GTlatestCompList, 
   153                                          $TVprevCompList, 
   154                                          $TVlatestCompList);
   156 # For each component, extract its source directories from its MRP file and add the information to a list 
   157 my (@ComponentAndSource) = ProcessLists($Product, 
   158                                         $PrevCodeLine, 
   159                                         $Platform , 
   160                                         $PrevMRP, 
   161                                         $CurrMRP, 
   162                                         $PreviousCL,
   163                                         $CleanSourceDir);
   165 # Put together the HTML file using the components list with their associated source files
   166 (my $ChangesFileHTML) = CreateReleaseNotes($Product, 
   167                                            $CurrCodeLine,
   168                                            $MainLineLine,
   169                                            $PreviousCL, 
   170                                            $CurrentCL, 
   171                                            $MainLineCL,
   172                                            @ComponentAndSource);
   174 if ($debug)
   175 {
   176     close ERRORLOG;
   177 }
   179 print "FINISHED!! - $ChangesFileHTML\n";
   181 exit;
   183 #
   184 #
   185 # Gets component lists from the builds' log directories. Reads the contents 
   186 # of the files in to arrays and returns references to these arrays.
   187 #
   188 # Inputs:  Current and previous build's logfile locations
   189 # Outputs: Arrays containing contents of previous and current GTcomponents.txt
   190 #          and TVcomponents.txt files (list of components with their associated
   191 #          mrp files). An example array elment might contain:
   192 #          "ChatScripts	\sf\os\unref\orphan\comtt\chatscripts\group\testtools_chatscripts.mrp"
   193 #
   194 sub GetGTandTVcomponentLists
   195 {
   196     my ($CurrLogPath, $PrevLogPath) = @_;
   198     # Data to return: array of refs to arrays of contents of files
   199     my @return;
   201     # Files to read from
   202     my @FileNames = (
   203         $PrevLogPath."GTcomponents.txt",
   204         $CurrLogPath."GTcomponents.txt",
   205         $PrevLogPath."TechViewComponents.txt",
   206         $CurrLogPath."TechViewComponents.txt",
   207     );
   209     foreach my $FileName (@FileNames)
   210     {
   211         if (!open(DAT, $FileName)) 
   212         { 
   213             if ($debug)
   214             {
   215                 print ERRORLOG "Could not open $FileName!\n";
   216             }
   217             die "ERROR: Could not open $FileName: $!";
   218         }
   219         push @return, [<DAT>];
   220         close DAT;
   221     }
   223     return @return;
   224 }
   226 #
   227 #
   228 # Creates two list of components and their associated mrp files - one for the previous 
   229 # build and one for the current build
   230 #
   231 # Inputs: the contents of the GT and TV components files
   232 # Outputs: Two lists of components and their mrp files, one from the previous build
   233 #          and one from the current build
   234 #
   235 #
   236 sub CreateMRPLists
   237 {
   238     # references to the contents of the components files              
   239     my $GTprevFile = shift; 
   240     my $GTlatestFile = shift; 
   241     my $TVprevFile = shift; 
   242     my $TVlatestFile = shift; 
   244     my %PreviousMrps;    #Hash of all Components and their MRP file locations for the previous build
   245     my %CurrentMrps;     #Hash of all Components and their MRP file locations for the current build
   247     # Add mrp files to a hash indexed under GT or TV and by component names 
   248     foreach my $case (
   249         [\%PreviousMrps, 'GT', $GTprevFile],
   250         [\%CurrentMrps,  'GT', $GTlatestFile],
   251         [\%PreviousMrps, 'TV', $TVprevFile],
   252         [\%CurrentMrps,  'TV', $TVlatestFile],
   253         )
   254     {
   255         foreach my $element (@{$case->[2]})
   256           {
   257             if ( $element =~ /(.*)\s+(\\sf\\.*)$/ )
   258             {
   259                 ${$case->[0]}{$case->[1]}{uc($1)} = lc($2);
   260             }
   261           }
   262     }
   264     return \%PreviousMrps, \%CurrentMrps;
   265 }
   268 #
   269 #
   270 # Use the contents of the MRP files to create a single list containing the GT and TechView
   271 # components paired with associated source files.
   272 #
   273 # Inputs: Product, Codeline, Previous Codeline, Platform, Both lists of mrps, 
   274 #         Previous Changelist number, Build machine's clean source directory which
   275 #         contains copies of the current build's mrp files.
   276 # Outputs: Array containing all components and their source locations
   277 #
   278 #
   279 sub ProcessLists
   280 {
   281     my $Product = shift;
   282     my $PrevCodeLine = shift;
   283     my $Platform = shift;
   284     my $PreviousMrps = shift;   #Hash of MRPs at the Previous changelist number
   285     my $CurrentMrps = shift;    #Hash of MRPs at the Current changelist number
   286     my $PrevCL = shift;
   287     my $CleanSourceDir = shift;
   289     my @PrevGTMrpComponents;    #Array of GT Components at Previous changelist number
   290     my @CurrGTMrpComponents;    #Array of GT Components at Current changelist number
   291     my @PrevTVMrpComponents;    #Array of TV Components at Previous changelist number
   292     my @CurrTVMrpComponents;    #Array of TV Components at Current changelist number
   294     # Isolate hashes
   295     my $CurrGT = $CurrentMrps->{'GT'};
   296     my $CurrTV = $CurrentMrps->{'TV'};
   297     my $PrevGT = $PreviousMrps->{'GT'};
   298     my $PrevTV = $PreviousMrps->{'TV'};
   300     # Append the location of the clean source directory for the current build
   301     # to all the mrp files. If a file appears only in the previous build (i.e.  
   302     # a component has been removed) its location in perforce is later substituted
   303     # in place of this path
   304     foreach my $component (sort keys %$CurrGT)
   305     {
   306 	$CurrGT->{$component} =~ s|\\sf|$CleanSourceDir|ig;
   307         $CurrGT->{$component} =~ s|\\|\/|g;
   308 	push @CurrGTMrpComponents, "$component\t$CurrGT->{$component}";
   309     }
   311     foreach my $component (sort keys %$CurrTV)
   312     {
   313 	$CurrTV->{$component} =~ s|\\sf|$CleanSourceDir|ig;
   314 	$CurrTV->{$component} =~ s|\\|\/|g;
   315 	push @CurrTVMrpComponents, "$component\t$CurrTV->{$component}";
   316     }
   318     foreach my $component (sort keys %$PrevGT)
   319     {
   320 	$PrevGT->{$component} =~ s|\\sf|$CleanSourceDir|ig;
   321 	$PrevGT->{$component} =~ s|\\|\/|g; 
   322 	push @PrevGTMrpComponents, "$component"."\t"."$PrevGT->{$component}";
   323     }
   325     foreach my $component (sort keys %$PrevTV)
   326     {
   327 	$PrevTV->{$component} =~ s|\\sf|$CleanSourceDir|ig;
   328 	$PrevTV->{$component} =~ s|\\|\/|g;
   329 	push @PrevTVMrpComponents, "$component"."\t"."$PrevTV->{$component}";
   330     }
   332     # add any components that appear only in the previous build's list to the 
   333     # current build's list with its location in perforce.
   334     foreach my $PrevGTComp(@PrevGTMrpComponents)
   335     {
   336     	my $match = 0;
   337     	#Compare component lists to ensure they contain the same components.
   338     	foreach my $CurrGTComp(@CurrGTMrpComponents)
   339     	{
   340 	    $match = 1 if($PrevGTComp eq $CurrGTComp);
   341 	}
   343 	#If a component is found in the Previous list which isn't in the Current list, 
   344         #then insert it into the Current list with the previous build's path
   345 	if($match == 0)
   346         {
   347             $PrevGTComp =~ s|\/|\\|g;
   348             $PrevGTComp =~ s|\Q$CleanSourceDir\E\\|$PrevCodeLine|ig;
   349             $PrevGTComp =~ s|\\|\/|g;
   350             push @CurrGTMrpComponents, $PrevGTComp;    
   351         }
   352     }
   354     # add any components that appear only in the previous build's list to the 
   355     # current build's list with its location in perforce.
   356     foreach my $PrevTVComp(@PrevTVMrpComponents)
   357     {
   358     	my $match = 0;
   359     	#Compare component lists to ensure they contain the same components.
   360     	foreach my $CurrTVComp(@CurrTVMrpComponents)
   361     	{
   362 	    $match = 1 if($PrevTVComp eq $CurrTVComp);
   363 	}
   365 	#If a component is found in the Previous list which isn't in the Current list, 
   366         #then insert it into the Current list
   367         if($match == 0)
   368         {
   369            $PrevTVComp =~ s|$CleanSourceDir|$PrevCodeLine|ig;
   370 	   push @CurrTVMrpComponents, $PrevTVComp;
   371         }
   372     }
   374     # Combine current GT and TV components, with a boundary marker
   375     my @CurrMrpComponents = (@CurrGTMrpComponents, "**TECHVIEWCOMPONENTS**", @CurrTVMrpComponents);
   377     # Swap the back slashes for forward slashes
   378     $CleanSourceDir =~ s/\\/\//g;
   379     $PrevCodeLine =~ s/\\/\//g;
   381     #Use the MRP file for each component to obtain the source directory locations
   382     my @ComponentAndSource;
   383     foreach my $ComponentLine(@CurrMrpComponents)
   384     {
   385         #Array to hold mrp file contents
   386         my @MrpContents;
   388         # if the file is in the Clean Source Directory then read its contents from there
   389 	if($ComponentLine =~ /.*(\Q$CleanSourceDir\E.*)/)
   390 	{ 
   391 	    my $MrpFile = $1;
   392 	    $MrpFile =~ s/\.mrp.*$/\.mrp/;  #drop any trailing spaces or tabs
   393             if (-e $MrpFile)
   394             {
   395                 open(FILE, $MrpFile);
   396                 @MrpContents=<FILE>;
   397                 close FILE;
   398             }          
   399 	}
   400         elsif($ComponentLine =~ /.*(\Q$PrevCodeLine\E.*)/)
   401         {
   402 	    # If a component has been removed between the previous build and the current one then 
   403 	    # its MRP file will only exist at the PrevCL
   404             @MrpContents = `p4 print -q $1...\@$PrevCL`; # access Perforce via system command 
   405         }
   406 	elsif($ComponentLine =~ /\*\*TECHVIEWCOMPONENTS\*\*/)
   407 	{
   408 	    push @MrpContents, $ComponentLine;
   409 	}
   411 	#Construct an array containing components in uppercase followed by 
   412         #all their sourcelines in lowercase
   413 	foreach my $line(@MrpContents)
   414 	{
   415 	    if($line =~ /^component\s+(.*)/i)
   416 	    {
   417 		my $ComponentName = uc($1);
   418 		push @ComponentAndSource, $ComponentName;
   419 	    }
   420 	    elsif($line =~ /^source\s+(.*)/i)
   421 	    {
   422 		my $Source = lc($1);
   423 		$Source =~ s/\\/\//g;
   424 		$Source =~ s|/sf/||;
   425 		$Source =~ s|/product/|$Platform/product|ig;
   426 		push @ComponentAndSource, $Source;
   427             }
   428 	    elsif($line =~ /TECHVIEWCOMPONENTS/)
   429 	    {
   430 		push @ComponentAndSource, $line;
   431 	    }
   432 	}
   433     }
   434     return @ComponentAndSource;
   435 }
   437 #
   438 # Format the changes associated with a component
   439 #
   440 # Inputs: 
   441 #   reference to hash of change descriptions by changelist number, 
   442 #	component name, 
   443 #   reference to (formatted) list of names of changed components
   444 #   reference to list of names of unchanged components
   445 #
   446 # Updates: 
   447 #   adds component name to changed or unchanged list, as appropriate
   448 #
   449 sub PrintComponentDescriptions(\%$\@\@)
   450 {
   451 	my ($Descriptions,$CompName,$ChangedComponents,$UnchangedComponents) = @_;
   453 	if (scalar keys %{$Descriptions} == 0)
   454 	{
   455 		# no changes in this component
   456 		push @{$UnchangedComponents}, $CompName;
   457 		return;
   458 	}
   459 	push @{$ChangedComponents}, "<a href=\"#$CompName\">$CompName</a>";
   461     # Format the changes for this component
   463 	my @CompLines = ("<h2><a name=\"$CompName\"/>$CompName</h2>");
   464     foreach my $change (reverse sort keys %{$Descriptions})
   465     {
   466         # Heading for the change description
   467         my $summary = shift @{$$Descriptions{$change}};
   468         $summary =~ s/(on .*)\s+by.*//;
   469         $summary = "<a href=\"#$change\">Change $change</a> $1";
   470         push @CompLines, "<p><a name=\"#$CompName $change\"/><b>$summary</b>";
   471         # Body of the change description
   472         push @CompLines, "<pre>";
   473         push @CompLines,
   474             grep { $_; }	# ignore blank lines
   475             @{$$Descriptions{$change}};
   476         push @CompLines, "</pre>";
   478 		# record the component in the cross-reference table
   479         push @{$changeToComponents{$change}}, "<a href=\"#$CompName $change\">$CompName</a>";
   480     }
   482 	&PrintLines(@CompLines);
   483 }
   485 #
   486 #
   487 # Creates the Release Notes html file by extracting the perforce descriptions for each
   488 # change that has been made to the components
   489 #
   490 # Inputs: Product, Source path of the product (i.e.//EPOC/master), the source path on the
   491 #         main codeline if a delivery branch is being used, Previous changelist,
   492 #         Current changelist, changelist from which the branch was made if a branch is being 
   493 #         used, array of components and their source.
   494 # Outputs: Release Notes html file.
   495 #
   496 # Algorithm:
   497 #   Loop through the component&source array
   498 #       Determine whether a boundary, component name, a source dir
   499 #       If a source dir, query perforce to see what changelists have affected it in the period that we're interested in
   500 #       If it has been affected, add the changelist to this component's changelists, unless it's already there
   501 #
   502 #   This is rather inefficient :-(
   503 #
   504 sub CreateReleaseNotes
   505 {
   506     my $Product = shift;
   507     my $Srcpath = shift;
   508     my $MainLinePath = shift;
   509     my $PrevCL = shift;
   510     my $CurrentCL = shift;
   511     my $BranchCL = shift;
   512     my @ComponentAndSource = @_;
   514     #Reset all arrays to NULL
   515     my @PrevGTMrpComponents = ();
   516     my @CurrGTMrpComponents = ();
   517     my @PrevTVMrpComponents = ();
   518     my @CurrTVMrpComponents = ();
   519     my @CurrMrpComponents = ();
   520     my @Components = ();
   521     my @UnchangedComponents = ();
   522     my @ChangedComponents = ();
   523     my %changeProcessed = ();		# hash of changelists processed for this component
   524     my %changeToDescription = ();	# hash of descriptions for non-reverted changelists
   526     $PrevCL++;     # increment changelist number so we don't include the very first submission 
   527                    #  - it would have been picked up in the last run of this script
   529     my $ProductName = "Symbian_OS_v$Product\_Changes_Report";
   531     open OUTFILE, "> $ProductName.html" or die "ERROR: Can't open $ProductName.html for output\n$!";
   532     print OUTFILE <<HEADING_EOF;
   533 <html>\n\n<head>\n<title>$ProductName</title>\n</head>\n\n
   534 <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#5F9F9F" vlink="5F9F9F">\n
   535 <font face=verdana,arial,helvetica size=4>\n\n<hr>\n\n
   536 <a name="list"><h1><center>$ProductName</center></h1></a>
   537 <p><center>----------------------------------------</center>\n
   538 <h2><center><font color = "blue">GT Components</font></center></h2>\n
   541     my $CompName;
   542     my $dirCount = 0;
   545     # Loop through the list of elements running perforce commands to obtain the descriptions
   546     # of any changes that have been made since the last release build
   547     foreach my $element(@ComponentAndSource)
   548     {
   549         # Is it the boundary?
   550         if($element =~ /\*\*TECHVIEWCOMPONENTS\*\*/)
   551 		{
   552 			# print out the accumulated GT component, if any
   553 		    &PrintComponentDescriptions(\%changeToDescription, $CompName, \@ChangedComponents, \@UnchangedComponents) if ($dirCount);
   554 		    $dirCount = 0;
   555 		    # no need to clear the hashes, because that will happen at the first TV component
   557 			print OUTFILE "<h2><center><font color = \"blue\">Techview Components</font></center></h2>\n";
   558 		}
   559         # Is it a component name?
   560         elsif($element =~ /^([A-Z].*)/)
   561 		{
   562 		    my $newName = $1;
   564 		    &PrintComponentDescriptions(\%changeToDescription, $CompName, \@ChangedComponents, \@UnchangedComponents) if ($dirCount);
   565 		    $dirCount = 0;
   567 		    $CompName = $newName;
   568 		    %changeProcessed = ();
   569 		    %changeToDescription = ();
   570 		    print "Processing $CompName...\n" if ($debug);
   571 		}
   572         # Is it a source directory?
   573 		elsif($element =~ /^([a-z].*?)\s*$/)
   574 		{
   575 		    my $Topdir = $1;
   576 		    $dirCount++;
   578 	        # If it contains spaces, quote it
   579 		    if($Topdir =~ /.*\s+.*/)
   580 		    {
   581 			$Topdir = "\"$Topdir\"";
   582 		    }
   584 		    # Find the changes that have affected this dir
   585 		    # (Changes come back in reverse chronological order)
   586             my @CompChange = `p4 changes -l $Srcpath$Topdir...\@$PrevCL,\@$CurrentCL`;
   588             # if the current release is on a branch then the p4 command also needs to be run
   589             # to capture changes on the codeline before the files were branched
   590             if ($MainLinePath)
   591             {
   592                 # So far, @CompChange contains the info from the delivery
   593                 # branch only
   594                 # The earliest changelist on the delivery branch is the creation
   595                 # of the branch, which is not interesting to anyone.
   596                 # Hence, remove it here:
   598                 # Work backwards from the end of the output chopping off the
   599                 # last item till we've chopped off a changelist header
   600                 my $choppedText;
   601                 do
   602                 {
   603                     # Remove last line
   604                     $choppedText = pop @CompChange;
   605                 }
   606                 until (!defined $choppedText || $choppedText =~ m/^Change\s\d+\s/);
   608                 # Now append the earlier changes from the main line
   609                 my @extrainfo = `p4 changes -l $MainLinePath$Topdir...\@$PrevCL,\@$BranchCL`;
   610                 push @CompChange, @extrainfo;
   611             }
   613             # Normalise the output of P4
   614             @CompChange = map { split "\n"; } @CompChange;
   616             # Extract change descriptions into a hash keyed on changelist number
   617             my %moreChangeDescriptions;
   618             my $change;
   619             foreach my $line (@CompChange)
   620             {
   621                 if ($line =~ /^Change\s(\d+)\s/)
   622                 {
   623                     my $newchange = $1;
   624                     $change = "";
   625                     # ignore if already processed for this component
   626                     next if ($changeProcessed{$newchange});
   627                     $changeProcessed{$newchange} = 1;
   628                     $change = $newchange;
   629                 }
   630                 next if (!$change);
   631                 push @{$moreChangeDescriptions{$change}}, $line;
   632             }
   634             # Process changes (newest first), extracting the <EXTERNAL> section and 
   635             # processing any reversion information
   636             foreach my $change (reverse sort keys %moreChangeDescriptions)
   637             {
   638                 if ($reverted{$change})
   639                 {
   640                 	print "REMARK: $CompName - deleting description of reverted change $change\n";
   641                 	delete $moreChangeDescriptions{$change};
   642                 	next;
   643                 }
   645             	my @changeLines = @{$moreChangeDescriptions{$change}};
   647             	my @revisedLines = ();
   648             	push @revisedLines, shift @changeLines;		# keep the "Change" line
   650             	my $line;
   651             	while ($line = shift @changeLines)
   652             	{
   653             		last if ($line =~ /<EXTERNAL>$/);
   655             		$line =~ s/^\t+//;
   656 					$line =~ s/\&/&amp;/g; 
   657 					$line =~ s/\</&lt;/g; 
   658 					$line =~ s/\>/&gt;/g; 
   659 					$line =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;	# quote the " character as well
   661             		push @revisedLines, $line;
   662             	}
   664             	if (scalar @changeLines == 0)
   665             	{
   666             		# consumed the whole description without seeing <EXTERNAL>
   667             		# must be old format
   668             		@{$changeToDescription{$change}} = @revisedLines;
   669             		printf ".. unformatted change %d - %d lines\n", $change, scalar @changeLines if ($debug);
   670             		next;
   671             	}
   673             	# Must be properly formatted change description
   674             	# discard everything seen so far except the "Change" line.
   675             	@revisedLines = (shift @revisedLines);
   676             	while ($line = shift @changeLines)
   677             	{
   678             		last if ($line =~ /<\/EXTERNAL>$/);
   680             		$line =~ s/^\t+//;
   681 					$line =~ s/\&/&amp;/g; 
   682 					$line =~ s/\</&lt;/g; 
   683 					$line =~ s/\>/&gt;/g; 
   684 					$line =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;	# quote the " character as well
   686             		push @revisedLines, $line;
   688             		# Opportunity to pick information out of changes as they go past
   689 					if ($line =~ /^\s*((DEF|PDEF|INC)\d+):?\s/)
   690 					{
   691 						$allDefects{$1} = $line;
   692 						next;
   693 					}
   694 					if ($line =~ /^(BR[0-9.]+)\s/)
   695 					{
   696 						$allBreaks{$1} = $line;
   697 						next;
   698 					}
   700             	}
   702               	# update the description for this change
   703               	@{$changeToDescription{$change}} = @revisedLines;
   704             	printf ".. formatted change %d - %d external lines\n", $change, scalar @revisedLines if ($debug);
   706                 # check for reversion information in rest of the formatted description
   707                 # submission checker delivers one <detail reverts=""> line per list element
   708                 foreach my $line (grep /<detail reverts=/, @changeLines)
   709         		{
   710         			if ($line =~ /<detail reverts=\s*\"(\d+)\"/)	# changelist surrounded by "
   711         			{
   712         				my $oldchange = $1;
   713         				print "REMARK: Change $change reverts $oldchange\n";
   714         				$reverted{$oldchange} = $change;
   715         			}
   716         		}
   717             }
   718 		}
   719 	}
   721 	# print description of last component
   722 	&PrintComponentDescriptions(\%changeToDescription, $CompName, \@ChangedComponents, \@UnchangedComponents) if ($dirCount);
   724 	# Print additional tables of information
   725     &PrintLines("<h2>Changed Components</h2>\n<nobr>", join(",</nobr> \n<nobr>", sort @ChangedComponents), "</nobr>") if (@ChangedComponents);
   727     &PrintLines("<h2>Unchanged Components</h2>\n<nobr>", join(",</nobr> \n<nobr>", sort @UnchangedComponents), "</nobr>") if (@UnchangedComponents);
   729 	if (scalar @ChangedComponents)
   730 	{
   731 	    &PrintLines("<h2>Components affected by each change</h2>");
   733 	    &PrintLines("<TABLE>\n");
   734 	    foreach my $change (reverse sort keys %changeToComponents)
   735 	    {
   736 	    	&PrintLines("<TR valign=\"top\"><TD><a name=\"#$change\"/>$change</TD><TD>", join(", ", @{$changeToComponents{$change}}), "</TD></TR>\n");
   737 	    }
   738 	    &PrintLines("</TABLE>\n");
   739 	}
   741 	my @allDefectTitles = ();
   742 	foreach my $defect (sort keys %allDefects)
   743 	{
   744 		push @allDefectTitles,$allDefects{$defect};
   745 	}
   746 	&PrintLines("<h2>List of Defect Fixes</h2>", "<pre>", @allDefectTitles, "</pre>") if (scalar @allDefectTitles);
   748 	my @allBreakTitles = ();
   749 	foreach my $break (sort keys %allBreaks)
   750 	{
   751 		push @allBreakTitles,$allBreaks{$break};
   752 	}
   753 	&PrintLines("<h2>List of Breaks</h2>", "<pre>", @allBreakTitles, "</pre>") if (scalar @allBreakTitles);
   755     &PrintLines("</BODY></HTML>");
   756     close OUTFILE;
   758     return "$ProductName.html";
   759 }
   761 sub PrintLines
   762 {
   763     # Output field and record separators set (locally) to produce newlines
   764     # between items in list, and another newline on the end
   765     local $, = "\n";
   766     local $\ = "\n";
   767     print OUTFILE @_;
   768 }
   770 #
   771 #
   772 # Extracts the sourcecode path and changelist from a Perforce report file.
   773 #
   774 # Inputs: Location of a perforce report file, Platform (e.g. cedar)
   775 # Outputs: Source path of the product (e.g.//EPOC/master), changelist used in build
   776 #
   777 #
   778 sub GetPrevCodelineandCL
   779 {
   780     my $FileAndPath = shift;
   781     my $Platform = shift;
   783     my $LogFile;
   784     my $PrevCL;
   785     my $PrevCodeline;
   787     if (!open(DAT, $FileAndPath))
   788     {
   789         print ERRORLOG "Could not open $FileAndPath!\n" if $debug;
   790         die "ERROR: Cannot open $FileAndPath: $!\n";
   791     }
   792     {
   793         # Grab complete file in one string
   794         local $/ = undef;
   795         $LogFile = <DAT>;
   796     }
   797     close DAT;
   799     if ($LogFile =~ m{ClientSpec.*?<td[^>]*>.*?(//.+?)$Platform/.*?</tr>}s)
   800     {
   801        $PrevCodeline = $1;
   802     }
   804     if ($LogFile =~ m{Perforce Change[Ll]ist.*?<td[^>]*>(.*?)</tr>}s)
   805     {
   806         # Perforce changelist table data may either be in form of "nnnnnn" or "ssssss @ nnnnnn"
   807         # ssssss is the snapshot id, which may be a string of digits
   808         # nnnnnn is the changelist number
   809         # 
   810         # Get the later string of digits
   811         ($PrevCL) = $1 =~ m{(\d+)\D*$};
   812     }
   814     unless ($PrevCL) { die "ERROR: Unable to parse previous changelist from $FileAndPath\n"; }
   815     unless ($PrevCodeline) { die "ERROR: Unable to parse previous codeline from $FileAndPath\n"; }
   817     return $PrevCL, $PrevCodeline;
   818 }