changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 18 99082257a271
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:83f4b4db085c
     1 #!/usr/bin/perl
     3 package GetDPComp ;
     5 use strict;
     6 use LWP::UserAgent;
     7 use Getopt::Long;
     9 # LRtrim
    10 #
    11 # Description
    12 # This function removes the space on the left and right
    13 sub LRtrim( $ ) {
    14   my $result = shift ;
    15   $result =~ s/^\s+// ;
    16   $result =~ s/\s+$// ;
    17   return $result ;
    18 }
    20 sub GenerateComponentVersion( $  $ ) {
    21   my $inputVersion = shift ;
    22   $inputVersion = LRtrim($inputVersion);
    23   my $iBaselineComponentName = shift ;
    24   $iBaselineComponentName = LRtrim($iBaselineComponentName);
    25   my %ComponentVersion = ( );
    26   print "envsize -vv $iBaselineComponentName $inputVersion \n" ;
    27   my @envsizeoutput = `envsize -vv $iBaselineComponentName $inputVersion `;
    28   foreach my $line ( @envsizeoutput ) {
    29     if ($line =~ /^Adding up size of / ) {
    30       $line =~ s/^Adding up size of //;
    31       $line = LRtrim( $line ) ;
    32       my ($component, $release) = split(/\s+/, $line);
    33       $ComponentVersion{$component} = $release ;
    34     }
    35   }
    36   return  %ComponentVersion ; 
    37 }
    39 sub ValidateVersion( $ $ ) {
    40   my $inputVersion = shift ;
    41   $inputVersion = LRtrim($inputVersion);
    42   my $iBaselineComponentName = shift ;
    43   $iBaselineComponentName = LRtrim($iBaselineComponentName);
    44   my $retval = 1 ;
    46   if( (!defined $inputVersion) || ($inputVersion eq "" ) ){
    47     $retval = 0 ;
    48     print "\nERROR: No valid version specified. \n";
    49   }elsif ( CheckBuild( $inputVersion, $iBaselineComponentName ) == 1 ){
    50     print "\nUser specified build: $inputVersion is using. \n";
    51   }elsif ( lc($inputVersion) eq "latest") {  
    52     $inputVersion = GetLatestBuild( $iBaselineComponentName ); 
    53     $inputVersion = LRtrim( $inputVersion );
    54     if ($inputVersion eq "nobuild" )  {
    55       $retval = 0 ;
    56       print "\nERROR: No build available. \n";
    57     } else {
    58       print "\nLatest build: $inputVersion is using.\n";
    59     }
    60   }elsif ( lc($inputVersion) eq "green" ){
    61     $inputVersion = GetLatestGreenBuild( $iBaselineComponentName ) ;
    62     $inputVersion = LRtrim( $inputVersion );
    63     if ($inputVersion eq "amberbuild" )  {
    64       $retval = 0 ;
    65       print "\nERROR: No green build available. \n";
    66     } else {  
    67       print "\nLatest green build: $inputVersion is using.\n";
    68     }
    69   }else {    
    70     $retval = 0 ;
    71     print "\nERROR: No Such Build: $inputVersion .\n";
    72   }
    73   return ( $inputVersion, $retval) ;
    74 }
    76 sub CheckBuild( $  $ ) {
    77   my $iVer = shift ;
    78   $iVer = LRtrim( $iVer );
    79   my $iBaselineComponentName = shift ;
    80   $iBaselineComponentName = LRtrim($iBaselineComponentName);
    81   my $iRet = 0 ;
    82   my @AllVersions = `latestver -a $iBaselineComponentName`; 
    84   foreach my $build ( @AllVersions ) {
    85     $build = LRtrim( $build );
    86     if (lc( $build ) eq lc( $iVer ) ) {
    87       $iRet = 1 ;
    88       last ;
    89     }
    90   }
    91   return $iRet ;
    92 }
    94 sub GetLatestBuild( $ ) {
    95   my $iBaselineComponentName = shift ;
    96   $iBaselineComponentName = LRtrim($iBaselineComponentName);
    97   my $latestbuild = "nobuild";
    98   my @AllBuilds = `latestver -a $iBaselineComponentName`; 
   100   foreach my $build ( @AllBuilds  ) {
   101     my $status = BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface( $build , $iBaselineComponentName  );
   102     if ( ( lc( $status ) eq "green" ) or ( lc( $status ) eq "amber" )  ){
   103       $latestbuild = $build ;
   104       last ;
   105     }
   106   }
   107   return $latestbuild ;
   108 }
   110 sub GetLatestGreenBuild( $ ) {
   111   my $iBaselineComponentName = shift ;
   112   $iBaselineComponentName = LRtrim($iBaselineComponentName);
   113   my $greenbuild = "amberbuild";
   114   my @AllBuilds = `latestver -a $iBaselineComponentName`; 
   116   foreach my $build ( @AllBuilds  ) {
   117     my $status = BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface( $build , $iBaselineComponentName );
   118     if ( lc( $status ) eq "green" ) {
   119       $greenbuild = $build ;
   120       last ;
   121     }
   122   }
   123   return  $greenbuild ; # buildnumber or "amberbuild"
   124 }
   126 # Usage
   127 # Just call the sub-route called BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface like this
   128 # my $status = BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface("M04735_Symbian_OS_v9.5" , "gt_techview_baseline");
   129 # my $status = BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface("DP00454_DeveloperProduct" , "sf_tools_baseline");
   130 # $status should be green or amber etc.
   132 ## @fn BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface($sVer)
   133 #
   134 # Queries the HTTP interface to Autobuild2 DB to determine the BRAG status of a CBR.
   135 #
   136 # @param sVer string, CBR for which the BRAG status is to be determined.
   137 #
   138 # @return string, BRAG status of the queried CBR. "TBA" if BRAG was indeterminable.
   140 sub BragFromAutobuild2HttpInterface( $  $ )
   141 {
   142 	my $sVer = shift ;
   143     $sVer = LRtrim( $sVer );
   144 	my $iBaselineComponentName = shift ;
   145     $iBaselineComponentName = LRtrim($iBaselineComponentName);
   146     my $sBrag = "TBA";
   147 	my $sSnapshot = "";
   148 	my $sProduct = "";
   149     if (( lc( $iBaselineComponentName ) eq "sf_tools_baseline" ) or ( lc( $iBaselineComponentName ) eq "developer_product_baseline" ) ) 
   150     {
   151     	if ( $sVer =~ /([\w\.]+)\_DeveloperProduct/i )
   152         {
   153             $sSnapshot = $1;
   154             $sProduct = "DP";
   155         }
   156         else
   157         {
   158             return $sBrag; # i.e. "TBA"
   159         }	
   160     }elsif  (( lc( $iBaselineComponentName ) eq "gt_techview_baseline" ) or ( lc( $iBaselineComponentName ) eq "gt_only_baseline" ) ) 
   161     {
   162     	if ( $sVer =~ /([\w\.]+)\_Symbian_OS_v([\w\.]+)/i )
   163         {
   164 		#print $1, "\n", $2, "\n";
   165             $sSnapshot = $1;
   166             $sProduct = $2;
   167         }
   168         else
   169         {
   170             return $sBrag; # i.e. "TBA"
   171         }
   172     }    
   174 	my $parameters = "snapshot=$sSnapshot&product=$sProduct";
   175 	# Alternative method of getting the BRAG status - use the HTTP interface to Autobuild
   176 	my $sLogsLocation = "http://intweb:8080/esr/query?$parameters";
   178 	my $roUserAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
   179 	my $roResponse = $roUserAgent->get($sLogsLocation);
   181 	if ($roResponse->is_success and $roResponse->content =~ /\=\=\s*BRAG\s*\=\s*([a-z|A-Z]+)/)
   182 	{
   183 		$sBrag = $1;
   184 		$sBrag =~ s/\s//g;  # remove any whitespace padding
   185 		return $sBrag;
   186 	}
   187 	else
   188 	{		
   189 		return $sBrag; # i.e. "TBA"
   190 	}
   191 }
   194 1;