1 <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:exslt="http://exslt.org/common" exclude-result-prefixes="exslt"> |
2 <!--Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
3 All rights reserved. |
4 This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
5 under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
6 which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
7 at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
8 |
9 Initial Contributors: |
10 Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
11 Contributors: |
12 Description: |
13 XSLT module for merging only two sysdef files according to the 3.0.0 rules. Old syntax not supported and must be converetd before calling. |
14 --> |
15 |
16 <xsl:variable name="defaultnamespace">http://www.symbian.org/system-definition</xsl:variable> |
17 |
18 <xsl:template match="/SystemDefinition[starts-with(@schema,'2.') or starts-with(@schema,'1.')]" priority="2" mode="merge-models"> |
19 <xsl:message terminate="yes">ERROR: Syntax <xsl:value-of select="@schema"/> not supported</xsl:message> |
20 </xsl:template> |
21 <xsl:template match="/SystemDefinition[not(systemModel)]" priority="2" mode="merge-models"> |
22 <xsl:message terminate="yes">ERROR: Can only merge stand-alone system models</xsl:message> |
23 </xsl:template> |
24 |
25 <!-- stuff for dealing with namespaces --> |
26 |
27 |
28 <xsl:template match="node()|@*" mode="translate-namespaces"><xsl:copy-of select="."/></xsl:template> |
29 <!-- don't translate meta or unit tags, just copy verbatim --> |
30 <xsl:template match="meta|unit" mode="translate-namespaces" priority="2"> |
31 <xsl:element name="{name()}"> |
32 <xsl:copy-of select="@*|*|comment()"/> |
33 </xsl:element> |
34 </xsl:template> |
35 |
36 <xsl:template match="*" mode="translate-namespaces"><xsl:param name="nsdoc"/> |
37 <xsl:element name="{name()}"> |
38 <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" mode="translate-namespaces"> |
39 <xsl:with-param name="nsdoc" select="$nsdoc"/> |
40 </xsl:apply-templates> |
41 </xsl:element> |
42 </xsl:template> |
43 |
44 |
45 <xsl:template match="@id|@before" mode="translate-namespaces"><xsl:param name="nsdoc"/> |
46 <xsl:attribute name="{name()}"> |
47 <xsl:variable name="id"> |
48 <xsl:choose> |
49 <xsl:when test="contains(.,':')"> |
50 <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(.,':')"/> |
51 </xsl:when> |
52 <xsl:otherwise> |
53 <xsl:value-of select="."/> |
54 </xsl:otherwise> |
55 </xsl:choose> |
56 </xsl:variable> |
57 <xsl:variable name="ns"> |
58 <xsl:choose> |
59 <xsl:when test="contains(.,':')"> |
60 <xsl:value-of select="ancestor-or-self::*/namespace::*[name()=substring-before(current()/.,':')]"/> |
61 </xsl:when> |
62 <xsl:when test="/SystemDefinition/@id-namespace"> |
63 <xsl:value-of select="/SystemDefinition/@id-namespace"/> |
64 </xsl:when> |
65 <xsl:otherwise> |
66 <xsl:value-of select="$defaultnamespace"/> |
67 </xsl:otherwise> |
68 </xsl:choose> |
69 </xsl:variable> |
70 <xsl:choose> |
71 <xsl:when test="not($nsdoc/@id-namespace) and $defaultnamespace=$ns"> |
72 <xsl:value-of select="$id"/> |
73 </xsl:when> |
74 <xsl:when test="$nsdoc/@id-namespace=$ns"> |
75 <xsl:value-of select="$id"/> |
76 </xsl:when> |
77 <xsl:when test="$nsdoc/namespace::*[.=$ns]"> |
78 <xsl:value-of select="concat(name($nsdoc/namespace::*[.=$ns]),':',$id)"/> |
79 </xsl:when> |
80 <xsl:when test="/SystemDefinition/@id-namespace=$ns"> |
81 <xsl:variable name="myns"> |
82 <xsl:apply-templates mode="ns-prefix" select="$nsdoc"> |
83 <xsl:with-param name="ns" select="$ns"/> |
84 </xsl:apply-templates> |
85 </xsl:variable> |
86 <xsl:value-of select="concat($myns,':',$id)"/> |
87 </xsl:when> |
88 <xsl:otherwise> <!-- some namespace that needed to be defined --> |
89 <xsl:message>Warning: need definition for namespace "<xsl:value-of select="$ns"/>" for <xsl:value-of select="$id"/></xsl:message> |
90 <xsl:value-of select="."/> |
91 </xsl:otherwise> |
92 </xsl:choose> |
93 </xsl:attribute> |
94 </xsl:template> |
95 |
96 <xsl:template match="/SystemDefinition" mode="ns-prefix"> |
97 <xsl:param name="ns"/> <!-- the namespace URI --> |
98 <xsl:param name="pre"/> <!-- the preferred prefix to use if possbile --> |
99 <xsl:param name="dontuse"/> <!-- space prefixed, separated and terminated list of namespace prefixes to not use --> |
100 <xsl:param name="chars">ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz</xsl:param> <!-- single letter namespace prefixes to try --> |
101 <xsl:variable name="name" select="substring(substring-after($ns,'http://www.'),1,1)"/> |
102 <xsl:choose> |
103 <xsl:when test="$pre!='' and $pre!='id-namespace' and not(//namespace::*[name()=$pre]) and not(contains($dontuse,concat(' ',$pre,' ')))"> |
104 <xsl:value-of select="$pre"/> |
105 </xsl:when> |
106 <xsl:when test="$ns='' and $chars=''"> |
107 <xsl:message terminate="yes">ERROR: Cannot create namespace prefix for downstream default namespace in <xsl:value-of select="*/@id"/></xsl:message> |
108 </xsl:when> |
109 <xsl:when test="$name!='' and not(contains($dontuse,concat(' ',$name,' ')))"><xsl:value-of select="$name"/></xsl:when> |
110 <xsl:when test="namespace::*[name()=substring($chars,1,1)] or contains($dontuse,concat(' ',substring($chars,1,1),' '))"> |
111 <xsl:apply-templates mode="ns-prefix"> |
112 <xsl:with-param name="chars" select="substring($chars,2)"/> |
113 </xsl:apply-templates> |
114 </xsl:when> |
115 <xsl:otherwise> |
116 <xsl:value-of select="substring($chars,1,1)"/> |
117 </xsl:otherwise> |
118 </xsl:choose> |
119 </xsl:template> |
120 |
121 |
122 <!-- need to make sure this handles <meta> correctly --> |
123 |
124 <xsl:template match="/SystemDefinition" mode="merge-models"> |
125 <xsl:param name="other"/> <!-- the downstream SystemDefinition this is merged with --> |
126 <xsl:param name="up" select="systemModel"/> <!-- the element containing the origin @name used for any component from "this" model. --> |
127 <xsl:param name="down" select="$other/systemModel"/> <!-- the element containing origin @name used for any component from $other model. --> |
128 |
129 <!-- do some testing --> |
130 <xsl:if test="$other[starts-with(@schema,'2.') or starts-with(@schema,'1.')]"> |
131 <xsl:message terminate="yes">ERROR: Syntax <xsl:value-of select="$other/@schema"/> not supported</xsl:message> |
132 </xsl:if> |
133 <xsl:if test="not($other/systemModel)"> |
134 <xsl:message terminate="yes">ERROR: Can only merge stand-alone system models</xsl:message> |
135 </xsl:if> |
136 |
137 <xsl:copy> |
138 <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/> <!-- use attributes from origin model --> |
139 <xsl:variable name="namespaces"> |
140 <xsl:copy> <!-- needs <copy> so the processor doesn't lose the namespaces --> |
141 <!--copy namespaces as needed --> |
142 |
143 <xsl:copy-of select="namespace::*[name()!='xml']"/> <!-- all upstream namespaces --> |
144 |
145 <xsl:variable name="cur" select="."/> |
146 <xsl:for-each select="$other/namespace::*"> <!-- all namespaces in downstream not already in upstream --> |
147 <xsl:if test="not((. = $cur/@id-namespace) or (not($cur/@id-namespace) and .= $defaultnamespace) or $cur/namespace::*[.=current()])"> |
148 <!-- namespace in downstream not in upstream doc --> |
149 <xsl:variable name="newprefix"> |
150 <!-- test to see if the ns prefix already exists --> |
151 <xsl:apply-templates select="$cur" mode="ns-prefix"> |
152 <xsl:with-param name="ns" select="."/> |
153 <xsl:with-param name="pre" select="name()"/> |
154 </xsl:apply-templates> |
155 </xsl:variable> |
156 <xsl:copy/> |
157 </xsl:if> |
158 </xsl:for-each> |
159 |
160 <xsl:if test="not(($other/@id-namespace = @id-namespace) or (not($other/@id-namespace) and not(@id-namespace)) or (not(@id-namespace) and $other/@id-namespace = $defaultnamespace) or namespace::*[.=$other/@id-namespace])"> |
161 <!-- default namespace in downstream not in upstream doc --> |
162 <!-- need to make created ns a bit more intelligent --> |
163 <xsl:attribute name="bar" namespace="{$other/@id-namespace}"> |
164 <xsl:value-of select="$other/@id-namespace"/> |
165 </xsl:attribute> |
166 </xsl:if> |
167 </xsl:copy> |
168 </xsl:variable> |
169 |
170 |
171 <!-- copy the namespaces to currently open element (the root one) --> |
172 <xsl:copy-of select="namespace::*"/> |
173 <xsl:for-each select="$other/namespace::*[.!=current()/namespace::*]"><xsl:copy/></xsl:for-each> |
174 <xsl:for-each select="exslt:node-set($namespaces)/*/namespace::*"><xsl:copy/></xsl:for-each> |
175 <!-- translate all IDs in downstream doc to use namespaces from upstream doc |
176 This is so much easier than having to propigate this info around while creating the doc--> |
177 <xsl:variable name="otherdoc"> |
178 <xsl:apply-templates mode="translate-namespaces" select="$other"> |
179 <xsl:with-param name="nsdoc" select="exslt:node-set($namespaces)/* | ."/> |
180 </xsl:apply-templates> |
181 </xsl:variable> |
182 <xsl:apply-templates mode="merge-models"> |
183 <xsl:with-param name="other" select="exslt:node-set($otherdoc)/*"/> |
184 <xsl:with-param name="up" select="$up"/> |
185 <xsl:with-param name="down" select="$down"/> |
186 </xsl:apply-templates> |
187 |
188 </xsl:copy> |
189 </xsl:template> |
190 |
191 <xsl:template match="systemModel" mode="merge-models"> |
192 <xsl:param name="other"/> <!-- the parent of the downstream systemModel this is merged with --> |
193 <xsl:param name="up"/> |
194 <xsl:param name="down"/> |
195 <xsl:copy><xsl:copy-of select="@*"/> |
196 <!-- copy metas and comments in between meta. Do not try to merge metadata between models --> |
197 <xsl:copy-of select="meta | $other/systemModel/meta | comment()[following-sibling::meta]"/> |
198 <xsl:apply-templates mode="merge-models"> |
199 <xsl:with-param name="other" select="$other/systemModel"/> |
200 <xsl:with-param name="up" select="$up"/> |
201 <xsl:with-param name="down" select="$down"/> |
202 </xsl:apply-templates> |
203 </xsl:copy> |
204 </xsl:template> |
205 |
206 <xsl:template match="@*|*|comment()" mode="merge-models"><xsl:copy-of select="."/></xsl:template> |
207 |
208 |
209 <xsl:template match="meta|comment()[following-sibling::meta]" mode="merge-models"/> |
210 <!-- copy elesewhere, not here so that metas always appear first--> |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 <!-- merge levels attribute via std rules --> |
215 <xsl:template match="layer/@levels|package/@levels" mode="merge-models"> |
216 <xsl:param name="other"/><!-- the element contains the other @levels --> |
217 <xsl:choose> |
218 <!-- if they are the same, or not specified in the other, just copy --> |
219 <xsl:when test=".=$other/@levels or not($other/@levels)"><xsl:copy-of select="."/></xsl:when> |
220 <xsl:when test="contains(concat(' ',normalize-space(.),' '),concat(' ',normalize-space($other/@levels),' '))"> |
221 <!--upstream completely contains downstream, just copy --> |
222 <xsl:copy-of select="."/> |
223 </xsl:when> |
224 <xsl:when test="contains(concat(' ',normalize-space($other/@levels),' '),concat(' ',normalize-space(.),' '))"> |
225 <!-- If this is contained is other, then use other--> |
226 <xsl:copy-of select="$other/@levels"/> |
227 </xsl:when> |
228 <xsl:when test="contains(concat(' ',normalize-space($other/@levels),' '),' - ')"> |
229 <!-- if other uses + syntax, then pre/append --> |
230 <xsl:variable name="lev"> |
231 <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(concat(' ',normalize-space($other/@levels),' '),' - ')"/> |
232 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ',.,' ')"/> |
233 <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(concat(' ',normalize-space($other/@levels),' '),' - ')"/> |
234 </xsl:variable> |
235 <xsl:attribute name="levels"><xsl:value-of select="normalize-space($lev)"/></xsl:attribute> |
236 </xsl:when> |
237 <xsl:otherwise> <!-- if they differ, use the origin's levels --> |
238 <xsl:message>Note: levels differ "<xsl:value-of select="."/>" vs "<xsl:value-of select="$other/@levels"/>"</xsl:message> |
239 <xsl:copy-of select="."/> |
240 </xsl:otherwise> |
241 </xsl:choose> |
242 </xsl:template> |
243 |
244 <xsl:template name="copy-sorted-content"> |
245 <xsl:param name="base"/> |
246 <xsl:param name="to-sort"/> |
247 <xsl:param name="start"/> |
248 <xsl:param name="end"/> |
249 <xsl:param name="down"/> |
250 <xsl:param name="remainder" select="/.."/> |
251 |
252 <xsl:choose> |
253 <xsl:when test="not($to-sort)"/> <!-- nothing left to copy. stop --> |
254 <xsl:when test="not($base)"/> <!-- reached end. stop --> |
255 <xsl:when test="$base[1]/@id=$end/following-sibling::*[1]/@id"/> <!-- passed $end. Stop --> |
256 <xsl:when test="$base[1]/@id = $to-sort[1]/@id"> <!-- both lists start with same item --> |
257 <xsl:if test="$base[1]/@id!=$end/@id"> <!-- not at end, so keep going --> |
258 <xsl:call-template name="copy-sorted-content"> |
259 <xsl:with-param name="base" select="$base[position() != 1]"/> |
260 <xsl:with-param name="to-sort" select="$to-sort[position() != 1]"/> |
261 <xsl:with-param name="remainder" select="$remainder"/> |
262 <xsl:with-param name="start" select="$start"/> |
263 <xsl:with-param name="end" select="$end"/> |
264 <xsl:with-param name="down" select="$down"/> |
265 </xsl:call-template> |
266 </xsl:if> |
267 </xsl:when> |
268 <xsl:when test="$remainder[@id = $base[1]/@id]"> <!-- left over item is in $base --> |
269 <xsl:call-template name="copy-sorted-content"> |
270 <xsl:with-param name="base" select="$base[position() != 1]"/> |
271 <xsl:with-param name="to-sort" select="$to-sort"/> |
272 <xsl:with-param name="remainder" select="$remainder[@id != $base[1]/@id]"/> |
273 <xsl:with-param name="start" select="$start"/> |
274 <xsl:with-param name="end" select="$end"/> |
275 <xsl:with-param name="down" select="$down"/> |
276 </xsl:call-template> |
277 </xsl:when> |
278 <xsl:when test="not($base[@id = $to-sort[1]/@id])"> <!-- in to-sort, but not base --> |
279 <xsl:if test="$base[1]/@id=$end/@id and not($base[@id=$to-sort[1]/@before])"> |
280 <!-- if at end, then this needs to be copied |
281 don't copy if the before ID is found in $base --> |
282 <xsl:apply-templates mode="merge-copy-of" select="$to-sort[1]"> |
283 <xsl:with-param name="origin" select="$down"/> |
284 <xsl:with-param name="root" select="$end/ancestor::systemModel"/> |
285 </xsl:apply-templates> |
286 </xsl:if> |
287 <xsl:call-template name="copy-sorted-content"> |
288 <xsl:with-param name="base" select="$base"/> |
289 <xsl:with-param name="to-sort" select="$to-sort[position() != 1]"/> |
290 <xsl:with-param name="remainder" select="$remainder"/> |
291 <xsl:with-param name="start" select="$start"/> |
292 <xsl:with-param name="end" select="$end"/> |
293 <xsl:with-param name="down" select="$down"/> |
294 </xsl:call-template> |
295 </xsl:when> |
296 <xsl:when test="not($to-sort[@id = $base[1]/@id])"> <!-- in base, but not to-sort --> |
297 <xsl:call-template name="copy-sorted-content"> |
298 <xsl:with-param name="base" select="$base[position() != 1]"/> |
299 <xsl:with-param name="to-sort" select="$to-sort"/> |
300 <xsl:with-param name="remainder" select="$remainder"/> |
301 <xsl:with-param name="start" select="$start"/> |
302 <xsl:with-param name="end" select="$end"/> |
303 <xsl:with-param name="down" select="$down"/> |
304 </xsl:call-template> |
305 </xsl:when> |
306 <xsl:when test="$base[@id = $to-sort[1]/@id]"> <!-- is in base, but not 1st one--> |
307 <xsl:call-template name="copy-sorted-content"> |
308 <xsl:with-param name="base" select="$base"/> |
309 <xsl:with-param name="to-sort" select="$to-sort[position() != 1] "/> |
310 <xsl:with-param name="remainder" select="$remainder | $to-sort[1]"/> |
311 <xsl:with-param name="start" select="$start"/> |
312 <xsl:with-param name="end" select="$end"/> |
313 <xsl:with-param name="down" select="$down"/> |
314 </xsl:call-template> |
315 </xsl:when> |
316 </xsl:choose> |
317 </xsl:template> |
318 |
319 <xsl:template match="layer | package | collection | component" mode="merge-models"> |
320 <xsl:param name="other"/> <!-- the downstream item of the parent's rank that contains a potential items this is merged with --> |
321 <xsl:param name="up"/> |
322 <xsl:param name="down"/> |
323 <xsl:variable name="this" select="."/> <!-- current item --> |
324 |
325 <!-- match = this item in the downstream model --> |
326 <xsl:variable name="match" select="$other/*[@id=current()/@id]"/> |
327 |
328 <!-- prev = the previous item before the current one (no metas, only named items)--> |
329 <xsl:variable name="prev" select="preceding-sibling::*[@id][1]"/> |
330 |
331 <!-- copy all items between this and prev that are solely in the downstream model --> |
332 |
333 <xsl:choose> |
334 <xsl:when test="$match and (not($prev) or $other/*[@id= $prev/@id] )"> |
335 <xsl:call-template name="copy-sorted-content"> |
336 <xsl:with-param name="base" select="../*[@id]"/> |
337 <xsl:with-param name="to-sort" select="$other/*[@id]"/> |
338 <xsl:with-param name="start" select="$prev"/> |
339 <xsl:with-param name="end" select="."/> |
340 <xsl:with-param name="down" select="$down"/> |
341 </xsl:call-template> |
342 </xsl:when> |
343 <xsl:when test="not($match/preceding-sibling::*[@id=$this/../*/@id]) and $other/*[@id= current()/@id]/preceding-sibling::*[@id and not(@before)]"> |
344 <!-- if this is the first item in other that's also in this, then put all new items from other here --> |
345 <xsl:apply-templates mode="merge-copy-of" select="$match/preceding-sibling::*[@id and not(@before)]"> |
346 <xsl:with-param name="origin" select="$down"/> |
347 <xsl:with-param name="root" select="$this/ancestor::systemModel"/> |
348 </xsl:apply-templates> |
349 </xsl:when> |
350 </xsl:choose> |
351 |
352 <!-- just copy anything identified as being before this, assume they're all ok --> |
353 <xsl:apply-templates mode="merge-copy-of" select="$other/*[@before=current()/@id]"> |
354 <xsl:with-param name="remove-before" select="1"/> |
355 <xsl:with-param name="origin" select="$down"/> |
356 <xsl:with-param name="root" select="$this/ancestor::systemModel"/> |
357 </xsl:apply-templates> |
358 |
359 |
360 <xsl:copy> |
361 <xsl:apply-templates select="@*" mode="merge-models"> <!-- copy upstream attributes --> |
362 <xsl:with-param name="other" select="$match"/> |
363 </xsl:apply-templates> |
364 |
365 <xsl:if test="self::component and not(@origin-model) and $up/@name"> |
366 <!-- insert origin-model and optional root for components only --> |
367 <xsl:attribute name="origin-model"> |
368 <xsl:value-of select="$up/@name"/> |
369 </xsl:attribute> |
370 <xsl:if test="not(@root)"> |
371 <xsl:copy-of select="$up/@root"/> |
372 </xsl:if> |
373 </xsl:if> |
374 |
375 <xsl:for-each select="$match/@*"> <!-- copy downstream attributes, only if not set on upstream --> |
376 <xsl:if test="not($this/@*[name()=name(current())])"><xsl:copy-of select="."/></xsl:if> |
377 </xsl:for-each> |
378 |
379 <xsl:choose> |
380 <xsl:when test="self::component"> |
381 <!-- copy all units, metas and comments from this |
382 copy all metas in the merged component |
383 copy any new comments in the merged component (not duplicates) |
384 if there are no units in the this, copy all units in the merged component |
385 if there are units in this, copy only the versioned units in the merged component (only those versions not already specified) --> |
386 <xsl:copy-of select="*|comment() | $match/meta |$match/unit[not($this/unit)] | $match/unit[$this/unit and @version[.!=$this/unit/@version]] | $match/comment()[.!=$this/comment()]"/> |
387 </xsl:when> |
388 <xsl:otherwise> |
389 |
390 <!-- copy metas and comments in between meta. Do not try to merge metadata between models --> |
391 <xsl:copy-of select="meta | $match/meta | comment()[following-sibling::meta]"/> |
392 |
393 <xsl:apply-templates mode="merge-models"> |
394 <xsl:with-param name="other" select="$match"/> |
395 <xsl:with-param name="up" select="$up"/> |
396 <xsl:with-param name="down" select="$down"/> |
397 </xsl:apply-templates> |
398 <!-- don't copy if explicitly or implicitly placed already--> |
399 <xsl:for-each select="$match/*[not(@before) and not(following-sibling::*[@id=$this/*/@id])]"> |
400 <xsl:if test="not($this/*[@id=current()/@id])"> |
401 <xsl:apply-templates mode="merge-copy-of" select="."> |
402 <xsl:with-param name="origin" select="$down"/> |
403 <xsl:with-param name="root" select="$this/ancestor::systemModel"/> |
404 </xsl:apply-templates> |
405 </xsl:if> |
406 </xsl:for-each> |
407 </xsl:otherwise> |
408 </xsl:choose> |
409 </xsl:copy> |
410 |
411 <xsl:if test="self::layer and not(following-sibling::layer)"> |
412 <!-- for the last layer, tack on any remaining layers --> |
413 <xsl:apply-templates mode="merge-copy-of" select="$other/layer[not(@before) and not(following-sibling::*[@id=$this/../layer/@id]) and not(@id=$this/../layer/@id)]"> |
414 <xsl:with-param name="origin" select="$down"/> |
415 <xsl:with-param name="root" select="$this/ancestor::systemModel"/> |
416 </xsl:apply-templates> |
417 </xsl:if> |
418 </xsl:template> |
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 <xsl:template match="*" mode="merge-copy-of"> |
423 <xsl:param name="remove-before" select="0"/> <!-- set to true if any before attribute is to be removed --> |
424 <xsl:param name="origin"/> <!--the element containing the @name to use the origin-model attribute --> |
425 <xsl:param name="root"/> <!--the systemModel element in the upstream doc --> |
426 |
427 <xsl:choose> |
428 <!-- this might slow things down, consider making optional --> |
429 <xsl:when test="not(self::layer) and count($root/descendant::*[name()=name(current()/..) and @id!=current()/../@id]/*[@id=current()/@id])"> |
430 <xsl:message>Warning: <xsl:value-of select="name()"/> "<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>" moved in downstream model. Ignoring moved <xsl:value-of select="name()"/> |
431 <xsl:text>
</xsl:text> |
432 </xsl:message> |
433 </xsl:when> |
434 <xsl:otherwise> |
435 <!-- save all content in a variable to test to see if it's got any problems (ie been removed due to errors)--> |
436 <xsl:variable name="content"> |
437 <xsl:apply-templates select="*|comment()" mode="merge-copy-of"> |
438 <xsl:with-param name="origin" select="$origin"/> |
439 <xsl:with-param name="root" select="$root"/> |
440 </xsl:apply-templates> |
441 </xsl:variable> |
442 <xsl:choose> |
443 <!-- if all elements in this have been deleted, throw out this element --> |
444 <xsl:when test="not(exslt:node-set($content)/*) and *"> |
445 <xsl:message>Warning: All content in downstream <xsl:value-of select="name()"/> "<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>" is invalid. Ignoring <xsl:value-of select="name()"/> |
446 <xsl:text>
</xsl:text> |
447 </xsl:message> |
448 </xsl:when> |
449 <xsl:otherwise> |
450 <xsl:copy> |
451 <xsl:choose> |
452 <xsl:when test="$remove-before"> |
453 <xsl:copy-of select="@*[name()!='before']"/> |
454 </xsl:when> |
455 <xsl:otherwise><xsl:copy-of select="@*"/></xsl:otherwise> |
456 </xsl:choose> |
457 <xsl:copy-of select="exslt:node-set($content)"/> |
458 </xsl:copy> |
459 </xsl:otherwise> |
460 </xsl:choose> |
461 </xsl:otherwise> |
462 </xsl:choose> |
463 </xsl:template> |
464 |
465 |
466 <xsl:template match="comment()|@*" mode="merge-copy-of"> |
467 <xsl:copy-of select="."/> |
468 </xsl:template> |
469 |
470 <xsl:template match="component" mode="merge-copy-of"> |
471 <xsl:param name="remove-before" select="0"/> <!-- set to true if any before attribute is to be removed --> |
472 <xsl:param name="origin"/> <!--the element containing the @name to use the origin-model attribute --> |
473 <xsl:param name="root"/> <!--the systemModel element in the upstream doc --> |
474 |
475 <xsl:choose> |
476 <!-- this might slow things down, consider making optional --> |
477 <xsl:when test="$root/descendant::collection[@id!=current()/../@id]/component[@id=current()/@id]"> |
478 <xsl:message>Warning: <xsl:value-of select="name()"/> "<xsl:value-of select="@id"/>" moved in downstream model. Ignoring moved <xsl:value-of select="name()"/> |
479 <xsl:text>
</xsl:text> |
480 </xsl:message> |
481 </xsl:when> |
482 <xsl:otherwise> |
483 <xsl:copy> |
484 <xsl:choose> |
485 <xsl:when test="$remove-before"> |
486 <xsl:copy-of select="@*[name()!='before']"/> |
487 </xsl:when> |
488 <xsl:otherwise><xsl:copy-of select="@*"/></xsl:otherwise> |
489 </xsl:choose> |
490 <xsl:if test="not(@origin-model) and $origin/@name"> |
491 <xsl:attribute name="origin-model"> |
492 <xsl:value-of select="$origin/@name"/> |
493 </xsl:attribute> |
494 <xsl:if test="not(@root)"> |
495 <xsl:copy-of select="$origin/@root"/> |
496 </xsl:if> |
497 </xsl:if> |
498 <xsl:copy-of select="*|comment()"/> |
499 </xsl:copy> |
500 </xsl:otherwise> |
501 </xsl:choose> |
502 </xsl:template> |
503 |
504 </xsl:stylesheet> |