1 # Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 # All rights reserved. |
3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 # at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 # |
8 # Initial Contributors: |
9 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 # |
11 # Contributors: |
12 # |
13 # Description: |
14 # Routines involved in checking that source matches various filename policy constraints |
15 # |
16 # |
17 |
18 |
19 package CheckSource; |
20 |
21 require Exporter; |
22 @ISA=qw(Exporter); |
23 |
24 # Exported for clarity in calling scripts and modules |
25 our $CheckSource_PhysicalCheck = 1; |
26 our $CheckSource_NoUserSystemDistinction = 1; |
27 |
28 @EXPORT=qw( |
29 CheckSource_MetaData |
30 CheckSource_Includes |
31 CheckSource_ExportedIncludes |
32 CheckSource_MakefileOutput |
33 CheckSource_UnixSlash |
34 CheckSource_Lowercase |
35 CheckSource_Physical |
36 $CheckSource_PhysicalCheck |
37 $CheckSource_NoUserSystemDistinction |
38 ); |
39 |
40 use strict; |
41 use Cwd; |
42 use Pathutl; |
43 use Win32; |
44 |
45 my $exclusionsFile = $ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32\\tools\\filenamepolicyexclusions.txt"; |
46 |
47 my $makefileWarningPrefix = "\@echo "; |
48 my $checksourcePrefix = "\@perl -w -S checksource.pl"; |
49 my $releaseLocationRoot = quotemeta ($ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32"); |
50 |
51 |
52 sub CheckSource_MetaData (\%$$$$;$;$) |
53 { |
54 my ($actionHash, $sourceFile, $item, $reference, $lineNumber, $physical, $offset) = @_; |
55 |
56 return if ($reference =~ /^(\.|\.\.)$/); |
57 |
58 my $checksourceCall = "$checksourcePrefix --metadata \"$sourceFile\" \"$item\" \"$reference\" $lineNumber"; |
59 $checksourceCall .= " $physical" if ($physical); |
60 $checksourceCall .= " \"$offset\"" if ($offset); |
61 $$actionHash{$checksourceCall} = 1; |
62 } |
63 |
64 |
65 sub CheckSource_UnixSlash (\%$$$$;$) |
66 { |
67 my ($actionHash, $sourceFile, $item, $reference, $lineNumber, $verbose) = @_; |
68 |
69 $sourceFile =~ s/^[a-zA-Z]{1}://; |
71 |
72 print "Checking - Unix slash : $sourceFile ($lineNumber) - $item:$reference\n" if ($verbose); |
73 |
74 if ($reference =~/\\/) |
75 { |
76 $$actionHash{constructWarning ($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Incorrect slash in", $reference)} = 1; |
77 } |
78 } |
79 |
80 |
81 sub CheckSource_Lowercase (\%$$$;$;$) |
82 { |
83 my ($actionHash, $sourceFile, $item, $reference, $lineNumber, $verbose) = @_; |
84 |
85 return if ($reference =~ /^[\/|\\]epoc32[\/|\\]tools[\/|\\].*$/); |
86 |
87 $sourceFile =~ s/^[a-zA-Z]{1}://; |
88 |
89 print "Checking - lowercase : $sourceFile ($lineNumber) - $item:$reference\n" if ($verbose); |
90 |
91 my $exclusion = lowercaseExclusionCheck ($reference); |
92 |
93 if ($exclusion eq "UNLISTED") |
94 { |
95 if ($reference =~ /[A-Z]/) |
96 { |
97 $$actionHash{constructWarning ($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Incorrect case for epoc32 tree in", $reference)} = 1; |
98 } |
99 } |
100 elsif ($exclusion !~ /(OK|ERROR)/) |
101 { |
102 $$actionHash{constructWarning($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Incorrect case versus exclusion list in", $reference, " vs. $exclusion")} = 1; |
103 } |
104 } |
105 |
106 |
107 sub CheckSource_Physical (\%$$$$;$;$) |
108 { |
109 my ($actionHash, $sourceFile, $item, $reference, $lineNumber, $path, $verbose) = @_; |
110 |
111 print "Checking - physical : $sourceFile ($lineNumber) - $item:$reference:$path\n" if ($verbose); |
112 |
113 my $physicalCheck; |
114 my $searchText; |
115 |
116 my $examineDefaultExportDestination = ($item =~ s/PRJ_EXPORTS \(NO DESTINATION\)/PRJ_EXPORTS/) ? 1 : 0; |
117 |
118 if ($item eq "#include") |
119 { |
120 # In the case of #includes, the path passed in is already the fully pathed physical file |
121 # that needs to be checked (as obtained from the parsed output of CPP) |
122 $searchText = $reference; |
123 $physicalCheck = $path; |
124 } |
125 else |
126 { |
127 my $physicalReference; |
128 if (($item =~ /^PRJ_(TEST)?MMPFILES MMP/) && ($reference !~ /\.\w+$/i)) |
129 { |
130 $physicalReference = $reference."\.mmp"; |
131 $searchText = $reference."\.*"; |
132 } |
133 elsif ($item =~ /^DEFFILE/) |
134 { |
135 # The full path for DEFFILE entries is always passed in, so we just |
136 # need to concentrate on sorting out the oddities for the search |
137 # text and then just take the final file bit as the physical |
138 # reference |
139 |
140 $searchText = $reference; |
141 $searchText .= "?\.*" if ($reference !~ /(\.def|[\\|\/])$/i); |
142 $searchText =~ s/(\.def)/\?$1/i if ($item !~ /NOSTRICTDEF/); |
143 $searchText =~ s/\~/\*/; |
144 $physicalReference = $searchText; |
145 $physicalReference =~ s/\//\\/g; |
146 $physicalReference =~ s/\?/u/; |
147 $physicalReference =~ s/\.\w+$/\.def/; |
148 $physicalReference = &Path_Split ('File', $physicalReference); |
149 } |
150 else |
151 { |
152 $searchText = $reference; |
153 $physicalReference = $searchText; |
154 } |
155 |
156 my $physicalLocation; |
157 if ($path) |
158 { |
159 $physicalLocation = $path; |
160 } |
161 elsif ($reference =~ /^(\\|\/)/) |
162 { |
163 $physicalLocation = $ENV{EPOCROOT}; |
164 } |
165 elsif ($reference =~ /^\+/) |
166 { |
167 $physicalLocation = $ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32\\"; |
168 } |
169 elsif ($item =~ /EXTENSIONS/) |
170 { |
171 $physicalLocation = $ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32\\tools\\makefile_templates\\"; |
172 } |
173 else |
174 { |
175 $physicalLocation = &Path_Split ('Path', $sourceFile); |
176 } |
177 $physicalReference =~ s/^[\\|\/]//; |
178 $physicalCheck = $physicalLocation.$physicalReference; |
179 } |
180 |
181 $physicalCheck =~ s/\//\\/g; |
182 $physicalCheck = &Path_Strip ($physicalCheck); |
183 |
184 # If a file reference is actually under \epoc32, we just need to confirm that it's lowercase |
185 if ($physicalCheck =~ /^$releaseLocationRoot/i) |
186 { |
187 CheckSource_Lowercase (%$actionHash, $sourceFile, $item, $reference, $lineNumber, $verbose); |
188 return; |
189 } |
190 |
191 # Massage search text to provide something we can compare with a physical check on the filesystem |
192 $searchText =~ s/\//\\/g; |
193 $searchText =~ s/\.\.\\//g; |
194 $searchText =~ s/\.\\//g; |
195 $searchText =~ s/\\\\/\\/g; |
196 |
197 my $warningSearchText = $searchText; # Record a more intelligible version of the search text for warning purposes |
198 |
199 $searchText = quotemeta ($searchText); |
200 $searchText =~ s/\\\*/\\w\+/g; # * -> \w+ |
201 $searchText =~ s/\\\?/\\w\{1\}/g; # ? -> \w{1} |
202 |
203 my $physicalReality = getPhysical ($physicalCheck); |
204 |
205 my $warningSuffix = ""; |
206 |
207 if (!$physicalReality) |
208 { |
209 $$actionHash{constructWarning($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Can\'t find physical file match for", $reference, " on filesystem")} = 1; |
210 } |
211 elsif ($physicalReality !~ /^.*$searchText$/) |
212 { |
213 if ($physicalReality !~ /^.*$searchText$/i) |
214 { |
215 # Doesn't just differ in case...something's gone wrong |
216 $$actionHash{constructWarning($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Can\'t find physical file match for", $reference, " - match was attempted against $physicalReality")} = 1; |
217 } |
218 else |
219 { |
220 if (($item =~ /^DEFFILE/ || $item =~ /^PRJ_(TEST)?MMPFILES MMP/) && ($reference !~ /$searchText$/)) |
221 { |
222 $warningSuffix .= " (actual test \'$warningSearchText\')" |
223 } |
224 |
225 $warningSuffix .= " vs. $physicalReality"; |
226 $$actionHash{constructWarning($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Incorrect case versus filesystem in", $reference, $warningSuffix)} = 1; |
227 } |
228 } |
229 |
230 # Special case - PRJ_EXPORTS source lines with no destination must be normalised via a new destination compliant |
231 # with the filename policy. FIXSOURCE will do this, but it needs a warning to work on |
232 |
233 if ($examineDefaultExportDestination) |
234 { |
235 $physicalReality =~ /^.*($searchText)$/i; |
236 my $defaultExportReference = $1; |
237 |
238 my $exclusion = lowercaseExclusionCheck ($defaultExportReference); |
239 |
240 if ($defaultExportReference =~ /[A-Z]/) |
241 { |
242 $$actionHash{constructWarning ($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, "Incorrect case for epoc32 tree from default export in", $reference, $warningSuffix)} = 1; |
243 } |
244 } |
245 |
246 } |
247 |
248 |
249 sub CheckSource_Includes ($\%$\@;\@;\@;$) |
250 { |
251 # References are used for array arguments only so that they can be distinguished within the subroutine |
252 my ($sourceFile, $actionHash, $preInclude, $macros, $userIncludesRef, $systemIncludesRef, $noUserSystemDistinction) = @_; |
253 my (@userIncludes, @systemIncludes); |
254 |
255 @userIncludes = @$userIncludesRef if ($userIncludesRef); |
256 @systemIncludes = @$systemIncludesRef if ($systemIncludesRef); |
257 |
258 my $call = "$checksourcePrefix --preprocess -- "; |
259 |
260 if (($sourceFile !~ /\.inf$/i) && ($sourceFile !~ /\.mmp/i)) |
261 { |
262 push @$macros, "__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__"; |
263 } |
264 |
265 my $platformPreInclude = ""; |
266 |
267 foreach my $macro (@$macros) |
268 { |
269 $call .= "-D$macro "; |
270 |
271 if ($macro =~ /__ARMCC_2_2__/) |
272 { |
273 $platformPreInclude = $ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32\\include\\rvct2_2\\rvct2_2.h"; |
274 |
275 if (($sourceFile =~ /BASE\\E32\\compsupp\\/i) && $ENV{RVCT22INC}) |
276 { |
277 # Need some way to deal with ARMINC from the front-end... |
278 my $rvctIncDir = $ENV{RVCT22INC}; |
279 push @systemIncludes, $rvctIncDir; |
280 } |
281 } |
282 elsif ($macro =~ /__GCCE__/) |
283 { |
284 $platformPreInclude = $ENV{EPOCROOT}."epoc32\\include\\GCCE\\GCCE.h"; |
285 |
286 my $GCCEinstall = Cl_bpabi::getConfigVariable('COMPILER_INSTALL_PATH'); |
287 |
288 push @systemIncludes, "\"\\\"$GCCEinstall\\..\\lib\\gcc\\arm-none-symbianelf\\3.4.3\\include\\\"\""; |
289 } |
290 } |
291 |
292 if ($preInclude ne "") |
293 { |
294 $call .= "-include ".getDrive().$preInclude." "; |
295 push @systemIncludes, &Path_Split ('Path', getDrive().$preInclude); |
296 } |
297 |
298 if ($platformPreInclude ne "") |
299 { |
300 $call .= "-include ".getDrive().$platformPreInclude." "; |
301 push @systemIncludes, &Path_Split ('Path', getDrive().$platformPreInclude); |
302 } |
303 |
304 # Enforce user and system includes in checksource processing. |
305 |
306 foreach my $include (@userIncludes) |
307 { |
308 $include =~ s/\\$//; |
309 $include = getDrive().$include if (($include !~ /^[a-zA-Z]:/) && ($include !~ /^[\"|\.]/)); |
310 $call .= "-I $include "; |
311 } |
312 |
313 $call .= "-I- " unless $noUserSystemDistinction; |
314 |
315 foreach my $include (@systemIncludes) |
316 { |
317 $include =~ s/\\$//; |
318 $include = getDrive().$include if (($include !~ /^[a-zA-Z]:/) && ($include !~ /^[\"|\.]/)); |
319 $call .= "-I $include "; |
320 } |
321 |
322 $sourceFile =~ s/\//\\/g; |
323 $sourceFile = &Path_Strip ($sourceFile); |
324 $sourceFile = getDrive().$sourceFile; |
325 |
326 $call .= $sourceFile; |
327 |
328 $$actionHash{$call} = 1; |
329 |
330 return $call; |
331 } |
332 |
333 |
334 sub CheckSource_ExportedIncludes ($$\%) |
335 { |
336 my ($sourceFile, $destinationFile, $actionHash) = @_; |
337 |
338 # Exclude exported files as appropriate |
339 if ($destinationFile) |
340 { |
341 my $epoc32Include = quotemeta ($ENV{EPOCROOT})."epoc32\\\\include"; |
342 return if ($destinationFile !~ /^$epoc32Include/i); |
343 return if ($destinationFile =~ /\.def$/i); |
344 } |
345 |
346 $$actionHash{"$checksourcePrefix --parsefile -- $sourceFile"} = 1; |
347 } |
348 |
349 |
350 sub CheckSource_MakefileOutput(%) |
351 { |
352 my (%actionHash) = @_; |
353 |
354 return "\t\@rem\n" if !(keys (%actionHash)); |
355 |
356 my $output = ""; |
357 |
358 foreach (keys (%actionHash)) |
359 { |
360 $output .= "\t$_\n"; |
361 } |
362 |
363 return $output; |
364 } |
365 |
366 |
367 sub getDrive |
368 { |
369 if(cwd =~ /^([a-zA-Z]:)/) |
370 { |
371 return $1; |
372 } |
373 |
374 return ""; |
375 } |
376 |
377 |
378 sub getPhysical ($) |
379 { |
380 my ($physicalReference) = @_; |
381 |
382 my $physicalReality = Win32::GetLongPathName($physicalReference); |
383 |
384 if ($physicalReality) |
385 { |
386 $physicalReality =~ s/^.*://; |
387 $physicalReality = &Path_Strip ($physicalReality); |
388 } |
389 |
390 return $physicalReality; |
391 } |
392 |
393 |
394 sub constructWarning ($$$$$;$) |
395 { |
396 my ($sourceFile, $lineNumber, $item, $warningText, $reference, $suffix) = @_; |
397 |
398 $sourceFile =~ s/\//\\/g; |
399 $sourceFile = Win32::GetLongPathName($sourceFile); |
400 $sourceFile =~ s/^[a-zA-Z]{1}://; |
401 $sourceFile = &Path_Strip ($sourceFile); |
402 |
403 my $warning = ""; |
404 $warning .= $sourceFile.":".$lineNumber.": ".$warningText." $item - \'".$reference."\'"; |
405 $warning .= $suffix if ($suffix); |
406 $warning .= "."; |
407 |
408 return $warning; |
409 } |
410 |
411 |
412 sub lowercaseExclusionCheck ($) |
413 { |
414 my ($reference) = @_; |
415 |
416 # An exclusions file isn't mandatory |
417 return "UNLISTED" if (! -e $exclusionsFile); |
418 |
419 my $EXCLUSIONS; |
420 |
421 if (!(open EXCLUSIONS, "< $exclusionsFile")) |
422 { |
423 print ("ERROR: Can't open $exclusionsFile in checksource processing.\n"); |
424 return "ERROR"; |
425 } |
426 |
427 my $referenceDOSSlash = $reference; |
428 $referenceDOSSlash =~ s/\//\\/g; |
429 |
430 my $exclusionCheck = "UNLISTED"; |
431 |
432 while (my $exclusion = <EXCLUSIONS>) |
433 { |
434 next if ($exclusion =~ /^\s*$/); |
435 |
436 $exclusion =~ s/^\s+//; |
437 $exclusion =~ s/\s+$//; |
438 $exclusion =~ s/\//\\/g; |
439 my $quotemetaExclusion = quotemeta ($exclusion); |
440 |
441 if ($referenceDOSSlash =~ /^$quotemetaExclusion$/i) |
442 { |
443 if ($referenceDOSSlash !~ /^$quotemetaExclusion$/) |
444 { |
445 $exclusionCheck = $exclusion; |
446 } |
447 else |
448 { |
449 $exclusionCheck = "OK"; |
450 } |
451 last; |
452 } |
453 elsif($referenceDOSSlash =~ /\\$quotemetaExclusion$/i) |
454 { |
455 if ($referenceDOSSlash !~ /\\$quotemetaExclusion$/) |
456 { |
457 $exclusionCheck = $exclusion; |
458 } |
459 else |
460 { |
461 $exclusionCheck = "OK"; |
462 } |
463 last; |
464 } |
465 } |
466 |
467 close EXCLUSIONS; |
468 |
469 return $exclusionCheck; |
470 } |
471 |
472 1; |