changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:83f4b4db085c
     1 # Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 # All rights reserved.
     3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 # at the URL "".
     7 #
     8 # Initial Contributors:
     9 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 #
    11 # Contributors:
    12 #
    13 # Description:
    14 # Makmake-module for creating MAKMAKE MSVC6 IDE makefiles shared by windows platform modules
    15 # 
    16 #
    18 package Ide_vc6;
    20 # declare variables global for module
    21 my $BaseAddressFlag;
    22 my @CppCall;
    23 my %IdeBlds=();
    24 my %PrjHdrs=();
    25 my @Win32LibList=();
    26 my $Win32Resrc;
    27 my $Win32StdHeaders;
    28 my $MSVCVer;
    30 my $SupText='';
    33 require Exporter;
    34 @ISA=qw(Exporter);
    36 @EXPORT=qw(
    37 	PMHelp_Mmp
    39 	PMCheckPlatformL
    41 	PMPlatProcessMmp
    43 	PMStartBldList
    44 		PMBld
    45 	PMEndBldList
    46 	PMStartSrcList
    47 			PMResrcBld
    48 			PMDoc
    49 			PMStartSrc
    50 			PMSrcDepend
    51 	PMEndSrcList
    52 );
    54 use strict;
    55 use Winutl;
    56 use Pathutl;
    58 sub PMHelp_Mmp {
    59 # get the windows help from WINUTL
    60 	&Winutl_Help_Mmp;
    61 }
    63 sub PMCheckPlatformL {
    64 	if ((&main::Plat eq 'TOOLS') and (&main::BasicTrgType ne 'EXE') and (&main::BasicTrgType ne 'LIB')) {
    65 		die "Can't specify anything but EXE or LIB targettypes for this platform\n";
    66 	}
    67 }
    69 sub PMPlatProcessMmp (@) {
    71 	# get WINUTL to do the windows mmp file processing
    72 	&Winutl_DoMmp(\@_, $ENV{INCLUDE});
    73 	$BaseAddressFlag=&Winutl_BaseAddress;
    74 	$BaseAddressFlag=~s/^(.+$)$/ \/base:\"$1\"/o;
    75 	@Win32LibList=&Winutl_Win32LibList;
    76 	my $MSVCVer = &Winutl_MSVCVer;
    77 	push @Win32LibList, "kernel32.lib";
    78 	$Win32Resrc=&Winutl_Win32Resrc;
    79 	$Win32StdHeaders=&Winutl_Win32StdHeaders;
    80 }
    82 sub PMStartBldList($) {
    83 	my ($makecmd) = @_;
    84 	die "Cannot generate $makecmd makefiles\n" if ($makecmd ne "nmake");
    85 	my $BaseTrg=&main::BaseTrg;
    86 	my @BldList=&main::BldList;
    87 	my $BldPath=&main::BldPath;
    88 	my $ChopDataPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::DataPath);
    89 	my $ChopTrgPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::TrgPath);
    90 	my $DefFile=&main::DefFile;
    91 	my $BasicTrgType=&main::BasicTrgType;
    92 	my $ExportLibrary=&main::ExportLibrary;
    93 	my $LibPath=&main::LibPath;
    95 	my $MSVCVer = &Winutl_MSVCVer;
    97 	my $LinkPath=&main::LinkPath;
    98 	my $Plat=&main::Plat;
    99 	my $RelPath=&main::RelPath;
   100 	my $Trg=&main::Trg;
   101 	my $StatLinkPath=&main::StatLinkPath;
   102 	my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
   105 	# set up global IDE builds variable
   106 	%IdeBlds= (
   107 		UREL=> "$BaseTrg - Win32 Uni Release",
   108 		UDEB=> "$BaseTrg - Win32 Uni Debug",
   109 	);
   110 	if (&main::Plat eq 'TOOLS') {
   111 		%IdeBlds= (
   112 			REL=> "$BaseTrg - Win32 Release",
   113 			DEB=> "$BaseTrg - Win32 Debug",
   114 		);
   115 	}
   118 #	Start the supplementary makefile
   120 	$SupText.=join('',
   121 		"\n",
   122 #			need to set path here because MSDEV might be set up so that
   123 #			it does not take account of the PATH environment variable
   124 		"PATH=$ENV{PATH}\n",
   125 		"\n",
   126 		"# EPOC DEFINITIONS\n",
   127 		"\n",
   128 		"EPOCBLD = $BldPath #\n",
   129 		"EPOCTRG = $RelPath #\n",
   130 		"EPOCLIB = $LibPath #\n",
   131 		"EPOCLINK = $LinkPath #\n",
   132 		"EPOCSTATLINK = $StatLinkPath #\n",
   133 		"\n"
   134 	);
   136 	if ($BasicTrgType eq 'DLL' || $TrgType eq 'EXEXP') {
   137 		foreach (@BldList) {
   138 			$SupText.=join('',
   139 				"EPOCBLD$_ = \$(EPOCBLD)$_\n",
   140 				"EPOCTRG$_ = \$(EPOCTRG)$_\n",
   141 				"EPOCLIB$_ = \$(EPOCLIB)UDEB\n",
   142 				"EPOCLINK$_ = \$(EPOCLINK)UDEB\n",
   143 				"EPOCSTATLINK$_ = \$(EPOCSTATLINK)$_\n",
   144 				"\n"
   145 			);
   146 		}
   147 		$SupText.="\nTRGDIR = ";
   148 		if ($Plat!~/^WINC$/o && $ChopTrgPath) {	# target path not allowed under WINC
   149 			$SupText.=$ChopTrgPath;
   150 		}
   151 		else {
   152 			$SupText.=".\\";
   153 		}
   154 		$SupText.="\n\nDATADIR = $ChopDataPath\n\n";
   157 #		commands for creating the import library
   158 		$SupText.="LIBRARY :";
   159 		if ($DefFile) {
   160 			unless (&main::ExportUnfrozen) {
   161 				if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
   162 					$SupText.=" \"\$(EPOCLIB)UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n";
   163 				}
   164 				else {
   165 					$SupText.=join('',
   166 						"\n",
   167 						"\t\@echo WARNING: Not attempting to create \"\$(EPOCLIB)UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.lib\".\n",
   168 						"\t\@echo When exports are frozen in \"$DefFile\", regenerate Makefile.\n"
   169 					);
   170 				}
   171 			}
   172 			else {
   173 				$SupText.=join('',
   174 					"\n",
   175 					"\t\@echo Not attempting to create \"\$(EPOCLIB)UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n",
   176 					"\t\@echo from frozen .DEF file, since EXPORTUNFROZEN specified.\n"
   177 				);
   178 			}
   179 			$SupText.=join('',
   180 				"\n",
   181 				"\n",
   182 				"# REAL TARGET - IMPORT LIBRARY\n",
   183 				"\n",
   184 				"\"\$(EPOCLIB)UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.lib\" : \"$DefFile\" MAKEWORKLIBRARY\n",
   185 				"\tperl -S \"$DefFile\" \"\$(EPOCBLD)\\$ExportLibrary.prep.def\"\n",
   186 				"\tlib.exe /nologo /machine:i386 /nodefaultlib /name:\"$Trg\" /def:\"\$(EPOCBLD)\\$ExportLibrary.prep.def\" /out:\"\$(EPOCLIB)UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n",
   187 				"\tdel \"\$(EPOCLIB)UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.exp\"\n"
   188 			);
   189 		}
   190 		$SupText.=join('',
   191 			"\n",
   192 			"\n",
   193 			"MAKEWORKLIBRARY : \"${LibPath}UDEB\"\n",
   194 			"\n",
   195 			"\"${LibPath}UDEB\" :\n"
   196 		);
   197 		$SupText.="\t\@perl -w -S \"${LibPath}UDEB\"\n\n\n";
   198 	}
   202 	&main::Output(
   203 		"# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name=\"$BaseTrg\" - Package Owner=<4>\n",
   204 		"# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00\n",
   205 		"# ** DO NOT EDIT **\n",
   206 		"\n"
   207 	);
   209 	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
   210 		&main::Output(
   211 			"# TARGTYPE \"Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library\" 0x0102\n"
   212 		);
   213 	}
   214 	elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
   215 		if (not &main::Plat=~/^(WINC|TOOLS)$/o) {
   216 			&main::Output(
   217 				"# TARGTYPE \"Win32 (x86) Application\" 0x0101\n"
   218 			);
   219 		}
   220 		else {
   221 			&main::Output(
   222 				"# TARGTYPE \"Win32 (x86) Console Application\" 0x0103\n"
   223 			);
   224 		}
   225 	}
   226 	elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^(LIB)$/o) {
   227 		&main::Output(
   228 			"# TARGTYPE \"Win32 (x86) Static Library\" 0x0104\n"
   229 		);
   230 	}
   232 	&main::Output(
   233 		"\n",
   234 		"CFG=",$IdeBlds{$BldList[0]},"\n",
   235 		"!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,\n",
   236 		"!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run\n",
   237 		"!MESSAGE \n",
   238 		"!MESSAGE NMAKE /f \"",$BaseTrg,".mak\".\n",
   239 		"!MESSAGE \n",
   240 		"!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE\n",
   241 		"!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:\n",
   242 		"!MESSAGE \n",
   243 		"!MESSAGE NMAKE /f \"",$BaseTrg,".mak\" CFG=\"".$IdeBlds{$BldList[0]}."\"\n",
   244 		"!MESSAGE \n",
   245 		"!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:\n",
   246 		"!MESSAGE \n"
   247 	);
   248 	&main::OutSetLength(79);
   249 	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
   250 		foreach (reverse @BldList) { # reverse because VC6 takes last as the default
   251 			&main::OutFormat(
   252 				"!MESSAGE \"",$IdeBlds{$_},"\" (based on \"Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library\")"
   253 			);
   254 			&main::Output();
   255 		}
   256 	}
   257 	elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
   258 		if (not &main::Plat=~/^(WINC|TOOLS)$/o) {
   259 			foreach (reverse @BldList) {
   260 				&main::OutFormat(
   261 					"!MESSAGE \"",$IdeBlds{$_},"\" (based on \"Win32 (x86) Application\")"
   262 				);
   263 				&main::Output();
   264 			}
   265 		}
   266 		else {
   267 			foreach (reverse @BldList) {
   268 				&main::OutFormat(
   269 					"!MESSAGE \"",$IdeBlds{$_},"\" (based on \"Win32 (x86) Console Application\")"
   270 				);
   271 				&main::Output();
   272 			}
   273 		}
   274 	}
   275 	elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^(LIB)$/o) {
   276 		foreach (@BldList) {
   277 			&main::OutFormat(
   278 				"!MESSAGE \"",$IdeBlds{$_},"\" (based on \"Win32 (x86) Static Library\")"
   279 			);
   280 			&main::Output();
   281 		}
   282 	}
   283 	&main::OutSetLength();
   284 	&main::Output(
   285 		"!MESSAGE \n",
   286 		"\n"
   287 	);
   290 	#------------------
   291 	&main::Output(
   292 		"# Begin Project\n",
   293 		"# PROP Scc_ProjName \"\"\n",
   294 		"# PROP Scc_LocalPath \"\"\n",
   295 		"CPP=cl.exe\n",
   296 		"MTL=midl.exe\n",
   297 		"RSC=rc.exe\n",
   298 		"\n"
   299 	);
   300 }
   302 sub PMBld {
   304 	my @BaseSrcList=&main::BaseSrcList;
   305 	my $BaseTrg=&main::BaseTrg;
   306 	my $Bld=&main::Bld;
   307 	my @BldList=&main::BldList;
   308 	my $ChopBldPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::BldPath);
   309 	my $ChopLinkPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::LinkPath);
   310 	my $ChopRelPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::RelPath);
   311 	my $ChopStatLinkPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::StatLinkPath);
   312 	my @ChopSysIncPaths=&main::Path_Chop(&main::SysIncPaths);
   313 	my @ChopUserIncPaths=&main::Path_Chop(&main::UserIncPaths);
   314 	my $ExportLibrary=&main::ExportLibrary;
   315 	my $DefFile=&main::DefFile;
   316 	my $FirstLib=&main::FirstLib;
   317 	my $BasicTrgType=&main::BasicTrgType;
   318 	my @MacroList=&main::MacroList();
   319 	push @MacroList, "__SUPPORT_CPP_EXCEPTIONS__";
   320     my $VariantFile=&main::VariantFile();
   323 	my @LibList;
   324 	my $PathBaseDsp=&main::MakeFilePath.&main::BaseMak;
   325 	my @StatLibList=&main::StatLibList;
   326 	my $Trg=&main::Trg;
   327 	my $TrgPath=&main::TrgPath;
   328 	my $TrgType=&main::TrgType;
   330 	my $newlib = main::NewLib(); # Check if newlib has been set in the MMP file.
   331 	my $NewLib = 'scppnwdl.lib'; # This is where operator new and operator delete
   332                                  # are defined for user side targets.
   333 	my $NewKernLib = 'scppnwdl_kern.lib'; # This is where operator new and operator delete
   334                                  	  # are defined for kernel side targets.
   337 	if ($Bld =~ /DEB/) {
   338 		@LibList=&main::DebugLibList;
   339 	} else {
   340 		@LibList=&main::LibList;
   341 	}
   343 	my $NotUseWin32LibsFlag="";
   344 	unless ($Win32StdHeaders or &main::Plat eq 'TOOLS') {
   345 		$NotUseWin32LibsFlag=" /X"; # this flag suppresses searching of the standard directories for header files
   346 	}
   349 	if ($Bld eq $BldList[0]) {
   350 		&main::Output(
   351 			"!IF  \"\$(CFG)\" == \"$IdeBlds{$Bld}\"\n",
   352 			"\n"
   353 		);
   354 	}
   355 	else {
   356 		&main::Output(
   357 			"!ELSEIF  \"\$(CFG)\" == \"$IdeBlds{$Bld}\"\n",
   358 			"\n"
   359 		);
   360 	}
   361 	&main::Output(
   362 		"# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0\n"
   363 	);
   364 	if ($Bld=~/REL$/o) {
   365 		&main::Output(
   366 			"# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0\n",
   367 			"# PROP BASE Output_Dir \".\\Win32_Un\"\n",
   368 			"# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir \".\\Win32_Un\"\n"
   369 		);
   370 	}
   371 	elsif ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
   372 		&main::Output(
   373 			"# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1\n",
   374 			"# PROP BASE Output_Dir \".\\Win32_U0\"\n",
   375 			"# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir \".\\Win32_U0\"\n"
   376 		);
   377 	}
   378 	&main::Output(
   379 			"# PROP Use_MFC 0\n"
   380 	);
   381 	if ($Bld=~/REL$/o) {
   382 		&main::Output(
   383 			"# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0\n"
   384 		);
   385 	}
   386 	elsif ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
   387 		&main::Output(
   388 			"# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1\n"
   389 		);
   390 	}
   391 	&main::Output(
   392 		"# PROP Output_Dir \"$ChopRelPath\"\n",
   393 		"# PROP Intermediate_Dir \"$ChopBldPath\"\n",
   394 	);
   396 	&main::Output(
   397 		"# ADD CPP",
   398 		" /nologo",		# suppress "sign-on" banner message
   399 		" /Zp4"	,		# packs structures on 4 byte boundaries
   400 		" /GF"			# Pools strings and places them in read-only memory 
   401 	);
   403 	$MSVCVer = &Winutl_MSVCVer;
   405 	if ($MSVCVer >= 7) {
   406 		&main::Output(
   407 			" /wd4996",			# C4996: 'xxxx' was declared deprecated
   408 			" /wd4571"			# C4571: catch(...) blocks compiled with /EHs do not catch or re-throw Structured Exceptions
   409 		);	
   411 		if (&main::Plat ne 'TOOLS') {
   412 			&main::Output(
   413 				" /EHsc",			# Exceptions on
   414 				" /GR"				# RTTI on
   415 			);
   416 			if ($MSVCVer >= 8) {
   417 				&main::Output(
   418 					" /GS-"			# Buffer checking off
   419 				);
   420 			}
   421 		} else {
   422 			&main::Output(
   423 				" /EHsc",			# Exceptions on
   424 				" /GR",				# RTTI on
   425 				" /GS"				# Buffer checking on
   426 			);
   427 		}
   428 	} else {
   429 		if (&main::Plat ne 'TOOLS') {
   430 			&main::Output(
   431 					" /GX",				# Exceptions on
   432 					" /GR"				# RTTI on
   433 			);
   434 		}
   435 	}
   437 	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
   438 		&main::Output(
   439 			' /MT'			# Creates a multi-threaded executable file, using libcmt.lib
   440 		);
   441 		if ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
   442 			&main::Output(
   443 				"d"			# i.e. /MTd, debug executable using debug version of libcmt
   444 			);
   445 		}
   446 	}
   447 	elsif (($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|LIB)$/o) and (&main::Plat ne 'TOOLS')) {
   448 		&main::Output(
   449 			" /MD"			# Creates a multithreaded DLL, using MSVCRT.LIB
   450 		);
   451 		if ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
   452 			&main::Output(
   453 				"d"			# i.e. /MDd, debug executable using debug version of msvcrt
   454 			);
   455 		}
   456 	}
   458 	if ($MSVCVer >= 8) {
   459 		&main::Output(
   460 			" /Zc:wchar_t-"				# Don't make wchar_t a built-in; breaks mangled names
   461 		);		
   462 	}
   464 	if (($MSVCVer >= 7) || (&main::Plat ne 'TOOLS')) {
   465 		&main::Output(
   466 			" /W4"
   467 		);
   468 	}
   470 	if ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
   471 		&main::Output(
   472 			" /Zi",		# Generates complete debugging information
   473 			" /Od"		# Disables optimization
   474 		);
   475 #		euser change to apply inlining on the _NAKED functions
   476 		if ($BaseTrg=~/^EUSER$/oi) {
   477 			&main::Output(
   478 				' /Ob1'	# Specific control of expension of inline functions
   479 			);
   480 		}
   481 	}
   482 	elsif ($Bld=~/REL$/o) {
   483 		&main::Output(
   484 			' /O1'				# Creates small code
   485 		);
   486 		if ($MSVCVer >= 8) {
   487 			&main::Output(
   488 				' /fp:strict'		# Improves floating-point consistency
   489 			);
   490 		} else {
   491 			&main::Output(
   492 				' /Op'				# Improves floating-point consistency
   493 			);
   494 		}
   496 	}
   497 	&main::Output(
   498 		"$NotUseWin32LibsFlag"
   499 	);
   500 	my @incList=();
   501 	my $candidate;
   502 	INCLOOP: foreach $candidate (@ChopUserIncPaths,@ChopSysIncPaths) {
   503 		my $accepted;	# remove duplicates
   504 		foreach $accepted (@incList) {
   505 			if ($candidate eq $accepted) {
   506 				next INCLOOP;
   507 			}
   508 		}
   509 		push @incList, $candidate;
   510 		&main::Output(
   511 			" /I \"$candidate\""
   512 		);
   513 	}
   514 	foreach (@MacroList) {
   515 		&main::Output(
   516 			" /D \"$_\""
   517 		);
   518 	}
   521    if($VariantFile){
   522         my $VariantFileFileName  = Path_Split('FILE',$VariantFile);
   523         &main::Output(
   524               " /FI\"$VariantFileFileName\""
   525               );
   526 	}
   528 	if ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
   529 		&main::Output(
   530 			" /FR /Fd\"$ChopRelPath\\$TrgPath$BaseTrg.PDB\""
   531 		);
   532 	}
   533 	&main::Output(
   534 		" /c\n",
   535 	);
   537 	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
   538 		&main::Output(
   539 			"# ADD MTL /nologo"
   540 		);
   541 		if ($Bld=~/REL$/o) {
   542 			&main::Output(
   543 				" /mktyplib203 /D"
   544 			);
   545 		}
   546 		elsif ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
   547 			&main::Output(
   548 				" /D \"_DEBUG\" /mktyplib203"
   549 			);
   550 		}
   551 		&main::Output(
   552 			" /win32\n"
   553 		);
   554 	}
   556 	&main::Output(
   557 		"# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x809\n",
   558 		"# ADD RSC /l 0x809 /d"
   559 	);
   560 	if ($Bld=~/REL$/o) {
   561 		&main::Output(
   562 			" \"NDEBUG\""
   563 		);
   564 	}
   565 	elsif ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
   566 		&main::Output(
   567 			" \"_DEBUG\""
   568 		);
   569 	}
   570 	&main::Output(
   571 		"\n"
   572 	);
   574 	&main::Output(
   575 		"BSC32=bscmake.exe\n",
   576 		"# ADD BSC32 /nologo\n",
   577 	);
   579 	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)$/o) {
   580 		&main::Output(
   581 			"LINK32=link.exe\n",
   582 			"# ADD BASE LINK32 /machine:IX86\n",
   583 			"# ADD LINK32"
   584 		);
   585 		unless (&main::Plat eq 'TOOLS') {
   586 			&main::Output(
   587 				" \"$ChopStatLinkPath\\$FirstLib\""
   588 			);
   590 			unless ($newlib) {
   591 				if ( main::SystemTrg() ) {
   592 					# System targets are PDD, LDD, VAR, KEXT and KDLL.
   594 					&main::Output(
   595 						" \"$ChopStatLinkPath\\$NewKernLib\""
   596 					);
   597 				}
   598 				else {
   599 					&main::Output(
   600 						" \"$ChopStatLinkPath\\$NewLib\""
   601 					);
   602 				}
   603 			}
   604 			else {
   605 				&main::Output(
   606 					" \"$ChopStatLinkPath\\$newlib\""
   607 				);
   608 			}
   609 		}
   610 	}
   611 	elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^LIB$/o) {
   612 		&main::Output(
   613 			"LIB32=link.exe -lib\n",
   614 			"# ADD BASE LIB32 /machine:IX86\n",
   615 			"# ADD LIB32"
   616 		);
   617 	}
   618 	foreach (@Win32LibList) {
   619 		&main::Output(
   620 			" \"",lc $_,"\""
   621 		);
   622 	}
   623 	foreach (@StatLibList) {
   624 		&main::Output(
   625 			" \"$ChopStatLinkPath\\",lc $_,"\""
   626 		);
   627 	}
   628 	foreach (@LibList) {
   629 		&main::Output(
   630 			" \"$ChopLinkPath\\",lc $_,"\""
   631 		);
   632 	}
   633 	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o) {
   634 		&main::Output(
   635 			" \"$ChopBldPath\\$ExportLibrary.exp\""
   636 		);
   637 	}
   638 	&main::Output(' /nologo');
   639 	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)$/o) {
   640 		&main::Output(
   641 			" /fixed:no $BaseAddressFlag"
   642 		);
   643 	}
   644 	if (&main::HeapSize) {
   645 		my %HeapSize=&main::HeapSize;
   646 		&main::Output(
   647 			' /heap:',$HeapSize{Max},',',$HeapSize{Min}
   648 		);
   649 	}
   650 	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o) {
   651 		&main::Output(
   652 			' /noentry /dll'
   653 		);
   654 	}
   655 	elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
   656 		unless (&main::Plat eq 'TOOLS') {
   657 			&main::Output(
   658 				' /entry:"?_E32Bootstrap@@YGXXZ"'
   659 			);
   660 		}
   661 	}
   662 	if (&main::Plat=~/^(WINC|TOOLS)$/o && $BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) { # shouldn't really have WINC mentioned here
   663 		&main::Output(
   664 			' /subsystem:console'
   665 		);
   666 	}
   667 	else {
   668 		&main::Output(
   669 			' /subsystem:windows'
   670 		);
   671 	}
   672 	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)$/o && $Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
   673 		&main::Output(
   674 #			pdb needs specifying here to be the same as the default applied in command-line builds
   675 			" /pdb:\"$ChopRelPath\\$TrgPath$BaseTrg.pdb\" /debug"
   676 		);
   677 	}
   678 	&main::Output(
   679 		' /machine:IX86',
   680 		' /ignore:4089',		# LNK4089: all references to "dynamic-link library" discarded by /OPT:REF
   681 		' /ignore:4005'			# LNK4005: no objects used from XXX
   682 	);
   684 	if ($MSVCVer >= 7) {
   685 		&main::Output(
   686 			' /ignore:4210'	# LNK4210: .CRT section exists; there may be unhandled static initializers or terminators
   687 		);
   688 	}
   690 	my $EntrySymbol='';
   691 	unless (&main::Plat eq 'TOOLS') {
   692 		if ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
   693 			my $debug = '';
   694 			if ($Bld =~ /DEB$/o) {
   695 				$debug .= 'd';
   696 			}
   697 			&main::Output(
   698 				" /nodefaultlib:libcmt$debug.lib"
   699 			);
   700 		}
   701 		if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
   702 			&main::Output(
   703 				" /include:\"__E32Dll\""
   704 			);
   705 			$EntrySymbol='_E32Dll';
   706 		}
   707 		elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
   708 			&main::Output(
   709 				" /include:\"__E32Startup\""
   710 			);
   711 			$EntrySymbol='_E32Startup';
   712 		}
   713 	} else {
   714 		&main::Output(
   715 			' /ignore:4098'	# LNK4098: defaultlib 'LIBCMT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
   716 		);
   717 	}
   718 	my $AbsentSubst = '';
   719 	if ($EntrySymbol) {
   720 		$AbsentSubst = " -absent $EntrySymbol";
   721 	}
   722 	&main::Output(
   723 		" /out:\"$ChopRelPath\\$TrgPath$Trg\""
   724 	);
   725 	if ($MSVCVer <= 7) {
   726 		if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)$/o) {
   727 			&main::Output(
   728 				' /WARN:3'
   729 			);
   730 		}
   731 	}
   732 	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL|EXE)$/o && $Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
   733 		&main::Output(
   734 			"\n",
   735 			"# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none"
   736 		);
   737 	}
   738 	&main::Output(
   739 		"\n"
   740 	);
   741 	if (&main::Plat eq 'TOOLS' and $BasicTrgType eq 'EXE') {
   742 		&main::Output(
   743 			"# Begin Special Build Tool\n",
   744 			"PostBuild_Cmds=copy \"$ChopRelPath\\$TrgPath$Trg\" \"",&main::EPOCToolsPath,"$Trg\" \n",
   745 			"# End Special Build Tool\n"
   746 		);
   747 	}
   748 	if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o || $TrgType=~/^EXEXP$/o) {
   749 		&main::Output(
   750 			"# Begin Special Build Tool\n",
   751 			"SOURCE=\$(InputPath)\n",
   752 			"PreLink_Cmds=echo Doing first-stage link by name\\\n"
   753 		);
   754 		&main::Output(
   755 			"\tnmake -nologo -f \"${PathBaseDsp}.SUP.MAKE\" PRELINK$Bld\\\n",
   756 			"\tif errorlevel 1 nmake -nologo -f \"${PathBaseDsp}.SUP.MAKE\" STOPLINK$Bld \n",
   757 			"PostBuild_Cmds=nmake -nologo -f \"${PathBaseDsp}.SUP.MAKE\" POSTBUILD$Bld\n",
   758 			"# End Special Build Tool\n"
   759 		);
   762 #		append to the supplementary makefile for each build
   763 		$SupText.=join('',
   764 			"# BUILD - $Bld\n",
   765 			"\n",
   766 			"LIBS="
   767 		);
   768 		foreach (@StatLibList) {
   769 			$SupText.=" \\\n\t\"\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$_\"";
   770 		}
   771 		foreach (@LibList) {
   772 			$SupText.=" \\\n\t\"\$(EPOCLINK$Bld)\\$_\"";
   773 		}
   774 		$SupText.="\n\nLINK_OBJS=";
   775 		foreach (@BaseSrcList) {
   776 			$SupText.=" \\\n\t\"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$_.obj\"";
   777 		}
   778 		if ($Win32Resrc) {
   779 			$SupText.=" \\\n\t\"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\".&main::Path_Split('Base',$Win32Resrc).".res\"";
   780 		}
   781 		$SupText.="\n\nSTAGE1_LINK_FLAGS=\"\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$FirstLib\"";
   783 		unless ($newlib) {
   784 			if ( main::SystemTrg() ) {
   785 				# System targets are PDD, LDD, VAR, KEXT and KDLL.
   787 				$SupText.=" \"\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$NewKernLib\"";
   788 			}
   789 			else {
   790 				$SupText.=" \"\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$NewLib\"";
   791 			}
   792 		}
   793 		else {
   794 			$SupText.=" \"\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$newlib\"";
   795 		}
   797 		foreach (@Win32LibList) {
   798 			$SupText.=' ';
   799 			$SupText.=lc $_;
   800 		}
   801 		$SupText.=" \\\n \$(LIBS) /nologo$BaseAddressFlag /noentry /dll /subsystem:windows";
   802 		if ($Bld=~/DEB$/o) {
   803 			$SupText.=' /debug';
   804 		}
   805 		$SupText.=" \\\n /incremental:no /machine:IX86 /ignore:4089";
   806 		if ($BasicTrgType=~/^EXE$/o) {
   807 			my $debug = '';
   808 			if ($Bld =~ /DEB$/o) {
   809 				$debug .= 'd';
   810 			}
   811 			$SupText .= " /nodefaultlib:libcmt$debug.lib";
   812 		}
   813 		if ($MSVCVer >= 7) {
   814 			$SupText .=  " /ignore:4210";
   815 		}
   816 		if ($BasicTrgType=~/^DLL$/o) {
   817 			$SupText.=" /include:\"__E32Dll\"";
   818 		}
   819 		else {
   820 			$SupText.=" /include:\"__E32Startup\"";
   821 		}
   822 		if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL)$/o) {
   823 			$SupText.=" /implib:\"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"";
   824 		} elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^(EXE)$/o) {
   825 			$SupText.=" /implib:\"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exe.lib\"";
   826 		}
   827 		$SupText.=join('',
   828 			' /ignore:4089',		# LNK4089: all references to "dynamic-link library" discarded by /OPT:REF
   829 			' /ignore:4005'			# LNK4005: no objects used from XXX
   830 		);
   831 		if ($MSVCVer >= 7) {
   832 			$SupText.=" /ignore:4210";		# LNK4210: .CRT section exists; there may be unhandled static initializers or terminators
   833 		}
   834 		$SupText.=" /out:\"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg\"";
   835 		if ($MSVCVer < 7) {
   836 			$SupText .= " /WARN:3";
   837 		}
   838 		$SupText.="\n\n";
   839 		$SupText.="PRELINK$Bld : \$(LINK_OBJS)";
   840 		if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
   841 			$SupText.=" \"$DefFile\"";
   842 		}
   843 		unless (&main::Plat eq 'TOOLS') {
   844 			$SupText.=" \"\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$FirstLib\"";
   846 			unless ($newlib) {
   847 				if ( main::SystemTrg() ) {
   848 					# System targets are PDD, LDD, VAR, KEXT and KDLL.
   850 					$SupText.=" \"\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$NewKernLib\"";
   851 				}
   852 				else {
   853 					$SupText.=" \"\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$NewLib\"";
   854 				}
   855 			}
   856 			else {
   857 				$SupText.=" \"\$(EPOCSTATLINK$Bld)\\$newlib\"";
   858 			}
   859 		}
   860 		$SupText.=" \$(LIBS)\n";
   862 #		Link by name first time round for dlls
   863 		$SupText.=join('',
   864 			"\tlink.exe \@<<\n",
   865 			"\t\t\$(STAGE1_LINK_FLAGS) \$(LINK_OBJS)\n",
   866 			"<<\n",
   867 			"\tdel \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$Trg\"\n"
   868 		);
   870 		if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL)$/o) {
   871 			$SupText.="\tdel \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exp\"\n";
   872 		} elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^(EXE)$/o) {
   873 			$SupText.="\tdel \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exe.exp\"\n";
   874 		}
   876 #		Generate an export info file
   877 		if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL)$/o) {
   878 			$SupText.=join('',
   879 				"\tdumpbin /exports /out:\"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.inf\" \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n",
   880 				"\tdel \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n"
   881 			);
   882 		} elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^(EXE)$/o) {
   883 			$SupText.=join('',
   884 				"\tdumpbin /exports /out:\"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.inf\" \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exe.lib\"\n",
   885 				"\tdel \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exe.lib\"\n"
   886 			);
   887 		}
   889 #		call makedef to reorder the export information
   890 #		call perl on the script here so nmake will die if there are errors - this doesn't happen if calling perl in a batch file
   891 		$SupText.="\tperl -w -S $AbsentSubst -Inffile \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.inf\"";
   892 		if (-e $DefFile) { # effectively "if project frozen ..."
   893 			$SupText.=" -Frzfile \"$DefFile\"";
   894 		}
   895 		# freeze ordinals, a maximum of 2, for polymorphic dlls
   896 		my $Ordinal;
   897 		my $Num=1;
   898 		foreach $Ordinal (&main::Exports) {
   899 #			replace "$" with "$$" so that NMAKE doesn't think there's a macro in the function name
   900 			$Ordinal=~s-\$-\$\$-go;
   901 			$SupText.=" -$Num $Ordinal";
   902 			$Num++;
   903 		}
   904 		$SupText.=join('',
   905 			" \"\$(EPOCBLD)$ExportLibrary.def\" \n",
   906 			"\tdel \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.inf\"\n"
   907 		);
   909 		# create the export object from the .DEF file
   910 		$SupText.="\tlib.exe  /nologo /machine:i386 /nodefaultlib /name:\"$Trg\" /def:\"\$(EPOCBLD)$ExportLibrary.def\" /out:\"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n";
   911 		if (&main::ExportUnfrozen) {
   912 			$SupText.="\tcopy \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.lib\" \"\$(EPOCLIB)UDEB\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n";
   913 		}
   914 		$SupText.=join('',
   915 			"\tdel \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.lib\"\n",
   916 			"\t\@echo First-stage link successful\n",
   917 			"\n",
   918 			"\n",
   919 			"STOPLINK$Bld : DELEXPOBJ$Bld\n",
   920 			"\t\@echo Stopped the build by removing the export object,\n",
   921 			"\t\@echo if present, because the pre-link stage failed\n",
   922 			"\n",
   923 			"\n",
   924 			"POSTBUILD$Bld : DELEXPOBJ$Bld"
   925 		);
   926 		if ($DefFile and not &main::ExportUnfrozen) {
   927 			$SupText.=" LIBRARY";
   928 		}
   929 		$SupText.=join('',
   930 			"\n",
   931 			"\n",
   932 			"\n",
   933 			"DELEXPOBJ$Bld :\n"
   934 		);
   936 		if ($BasicTrgType=~/^(DLL)$/o) {
   937 			$SupText.="\tif exist \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exp\" del \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exp\"\n";
   938 		} elsif ($BasicTrgType=~/^(EXE)$/o) {
   939 			$SupText.="\tif exist \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exe.exp\" del \"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\\$ExportLibrary.exe.exp\"\n";
   940 		}
   942 		$SupText.=join('',
   943 			"\n",
   944 			"\n",
   945 			"\n"
   946 		);
   947 	}
   949 	&main::Output(
   950 		"\n"
   951 	);
   952 }
   954 sub PMEndBldList {
   956 	# CLOSE THE !IF ... !ENDIF LOOP
   957 	#------------------------------
   958 	&main::Output(
   959 		"!ENDIF \n",
   960 		"\n"
   961 	);
   962 }
   964 sub PMStartSrcList {
   966 	my @BldList=&main::BldList;
   968 	&main::Output(
   969 		"# Begin Target\n",
   970 		"\n"
   971 	);
   972 	foreach (@BldList) {
   973 		&main::Output(
   974 			"# Name \"".$IdeBlds{$_}."\"\n"
   975 		);
   976 	}
   977 	&main::Output(
   978 		"# Begin Group \"Source Files\"\n",
   979 		"\n",
   980 		"# PROP Default_Filter \"cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;hpj;bat;for;f90\"\n"
   981 	);
   982 }
   984 sub PMResrcBld {
   986 	my $ResourceRef=&main::ResourceRef;
   987 	my $Resrc=ucfirst lc &main::Path_Split('File', $$ResourceRef{Source});
   988 	my $BaseResrc=&main::Path_Split('Base', $$ResourceRef{Source});
   989 	my $SrcPath=&main::Path_Split('Path', $$ResourceRef{Source});
   990 	my $TrgPath=&main::Path_Split('Path', $$ResourceRef{Trg});
   991 	my @LangList=($$ResourceRef{Lang});
   993 	my $inputpath="$SrcPath$Resrc";
   995 	&main::Output(
   996 		"# Begin Source File\n",
   997 		"\n",
   998 		"SOURCE=$inputpath\n"
   999 	);
  1001 	my @BldList=&main::BldList;
  1002 	my $ChopBldPath=&main::Path_Chop(&main::BldPath);
  1003 	my @ChopSysIncPaths=&main::Path_Chop(&main::SysIncPaths);
  1004 	my @ChopUserIncPaths=&main::Path_Chop(&main::UserIncPaths);
  1005 	my $DataPath=&main::DataPath;
  1006 	my @DepList=&main::DepList;
  1007 	my $PathBaseDsp=&main::MakeFilePath.&main::BaseMak;
  1008 	my $PerlLibPath=&main::PerlLibPath;
  1009 	my $RelPath=&main::RelPath;
  1010 	my $ChopSrcPath=&main::Path_Chop($SrcPath);
  1012 	my $ResrcHdr=join '', &main::EPOCIncPath(), $BaseResrc, '.RSG';
  1014 	&main::OutFormat(
  1015 		"USERDEP__$BaseResrc="
  1016 	);
  1017 	$SupText.="DEPEND=";
  1018 	my $Dep;
  1019 	foreach $Dep (@DepList) {
  1020 		&main::OutFormat(
  1021 			"\"$Dep\"\t"
  1022 		);
  1023 		$SupText.=" \\\n\t\"$Dep\"";
  1024 	}
  1025 	&main::Output(
  1026 		"\n"
  1027 	);
  1028 	$SupText.="\n\n";
  1030 	my $Bld;
  1031 	foreach $Bld (@BldList) {
  1032 		my $ResrcTrgFullName="$RelPath$Bld\\$TrgPath$BaseResrc.r";
  1033 		if ($Bld eq $BldList[0]) {
  1034 			&main::Output(
  1035 				'!IF'
  1036 			);
  1037 		}
  1038 		else {
  1039 			&main::Output(
  1040 				'!ELSEIF'
  1041 			);
  1042 		}
  1043 		&main::Output(
  1044 			"  \"\$(CFG)\" == \"$IdeBlds{$Bld}\"\n",
  1045 			"\n"
  1046 		);
  1047 		&main::Output(
  1048 			"# PROP Intermediate_Dir \"$ChopBldPath\"\n",
  1049 			"# Begin Custom Build - Building resources from $Resrc\n",
  1050 			"InputPath=$inputpath\n",
  1051 			"\n",
  1052 			"BuildCmds= \\\n",
  1053 			"\tnmake -nologo -f \"${PathBaseDsp}.SUP.MAKE\"\\\n",
  1054 			"  \"$ResrcTrgFullName\"\n"
  1055 		);
  1056 		$SupText.="\"$ResrcTrgFullName\" :";
  1057 		my $Lang;
  1058 		foreach $Lang (@LangList) {
  1059 			if ($Lang eq 'SC') {
  1060 #				change to put dummy file in dependency list
  1061 				$SupText.=" \"$ResrcTrgFullName$Lang.dummy\"";
  1062 				next;
  1063 			}
  1064 			$SupText.=" \"$ResrcTrgFullName$Lang\"";
  1065 		}
  1066 		$SupText.="\n\n";
  1067 		foreach $Lang (@LangList) {
  1068 #			change to put dummy file in dependency list
  1069 			if ($Lang eq 'SC') {
  1070 				$SupText.="\"$ResrcTrgFullName$Lang.dummy\"";
  1071 			}
  1072 			else {
  1073 				$SupText.="\"$ResrcTrgFullName$Lang\"";
  1074 			}
  1075 			$SupText.=" : \"$SrcPath$Resrc\" \$(DEPEND)\n";
  1076 			$SupText.="\tperl -S -I \"$ChopSrcPath\"";
  1077 			foreach (@ChopUserIncPaths) {
  1078 				$SupText.=" -I \"$_\"";
  1079 			}
  1080 			$SupText.=" -I-";
  1081 			foreach (@ChopSysIncPaths) {
  1082 				$SupText.=" -I \"$_\"";
  1083 			}
  1084 			$SupText.=" -DLANGUAGE_$Lang -u \"$SrcPath$Resrc\"";
  1085 			$SupText.=" -o\"$ResrcTrgFullName$Lang\" -h\"$SrcPath$\" -t\"\$(EPOCBLD$Bld)\"\n";
  1086 # 			change because if a .RSC file is output then VC5 tries to link it to the main target as a Win32 resource file
  1087 			if ($Lang eq 'SC') {
  1088 				$SupText.="\techo this is a dummy output file > \"$ResrcTrgFullName$Lang.dummy\"\n";
  1089 			}
  1090 			$SupText.=join('',
  1091 				"\tperl -w -S \"$SrcPath$\" \"$ResrcHdr\"\n",
  1092 				"\tdel \"$SrcPath$\"\n",
  1093 				"\n"
  1094 			);
  1095 		}
  1097 		foreach $Lang (@LangList) {
  1098 #			change again to avoid VC5 linking the resource
  1099 			my $TmpLang=$Lang;
  1100 			if ($TmpLang eq 'SC') {
  1101 				$TmpLang.='.dummy';
  1102 			}
  1103 			&main::Output(
  1104 				"\n",
  1105 				"\"$ResrcTrgFullName$TmpLang\" : \$(SOURCE) \"\$(INTDIR)\"\\\n",
  1106 				" \"\$(OUTDIR)\"\n",
  1107 				"   \$(BuildCmds)\n",
  1108 			);
  1109 		}
  1110 		&main::Output(
  1111 			"# End Custom Build\n",
  1112 			"\n"
  1113 		);
  1114 	}
  1115 	&main::Output(
  1116 		"!ENDIF \n",
  1117 		"\n",
  1118 		"# End Source File\n"
  1119 	);
  1120 }
  1122 sub PMDoc {    
  1124 	my $SrcPath=&main::SrcPath;
  1126 	&main::Output(
  1127 		"# Begin Source File\n",
  1128 		"\n",
  1129 		"SOURCE=",$SrcPath,ucfirst lc &main::Doc,"\n",
  1130 		"# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1\n",
  1131 		"# End Source File\n"
  1132 	);
  1133 }
  1135 sub PMStartSrc {    
  1137 	&main::Output(
  1138 		"# Begin Source File\n",
  1139 		"\n",
  1140 		"SOURCE=",&main::SrcPath,ucfirst lc &main::Src,"\n",
  1141 		"# End Source File\n"
  1142 	);
  1143 }
  1145 sub PMSrcDepend {
  1147 	# Generate user header list for this src, merge with list for all sources
  1148 	foreach (&main::DepList) {
  1149 		$PrjHdrs{$_}='unusedval';
  1150 	}
  1151 }
  1153 sub PMEndSrcList {
  1155 	my $BaseDsp=&main::BaseMak;
  1156 	my $PathBaseDsp=&main::MakeFilePath.$BaseDsp;
  1158 	&main::Output(
  1159 		"# End Group\n",
  1160 		"# Begin Group \"Resource Files\"\n",
  1161 		"\n",
  1162 		"# PROP Default_Filter \"ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;cnt;rtf;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe\"\n"
  1163 	);
  1164 	if ($Win32Resrc) {
  1165 		&main::Output(
  1166 			"# Begin Source File\n",
  1167 			"\n",
  1168 			"SOURCE=",ucfirst lc $Win32Resrc,"\n",
  1169 			"# End Source File\n"
  1170 		);
  1171 		# Generate user header list for this src, merge with list for all sources
  1172 		foreach (&main::Deps_GenDependsL($Win32Resrc)) {
  1173 			$PrjHdrs{$_}='unusedval';
  1174 		}
  1175 	}
  1176 	&main::Output(
  1177 		"# End Group\n"
  1178 	);
  1180 	# Use the global %PrjHdrs Hash to produce user header listing
  1181 	&main::Output(
  1182 		"# Begin Group \"Header Files\"\n",
  1183 		"\n",
  1184 		"# PROP Default_Filter \"h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;fi;fd\"\n"
  1185 	);
  1186 	foreach (keys %PrjHdrs) {
  1187 		&main::Output(
  1188 			"# Begin Source File\n",
  1189 			"\n",
  1190 			"SOURCE=",&main::Path_Split('Path',$_),ucfirst lc &main::Path_Split('File',$_),"\n",
  1191 			"# End Source File\n"
  1192 		);
  1193 	}	
  1194 	&main::Output(
  1195 		"# End Group\n",
  1196 		"# End Target\n",
  1197 		"# End Project\n",
  1198 	);
  1200 	&main::Path_DelFiles("$PathBaseDsp.MAK","$PathBaseDsp.MDP","$PathBaseDsp.NCB","$PathBaseDsp.OPT","$PathBaseDsp.PLG");
  1202 #	Add target to supplementary makefile to recreate the workspace
  1203 #
  1204 #	This target is intended for use as a custom tool within the MSVC IDE, for regenerating
  1205 #	workspace once the .MMP file has been edited within the IDE.  To install the target as
  1206 #	a custom tool in the IDE, select Tools->Customise...->Tools, and choose a name for the
  1207 #	tool, e.g. "Recreate Workspace".  Next, type "nmake.exe" as the command and
  1208 #	"-nologo -f $(WkspDir)\$(WkspName).sup.make recreateworkspace" as the program arguments.
  1209 #	Leave the "initial directory" field blank, and tick the "Close window on exiting" checkbox.
  1210 #	Having edited the .MMP file for a project, select the new tool from the tools menu to
  1211 #	recreate the workspace.  If the commands have run correctly, you will be prompted to
  1212 #	reload the workspace.
  1213 	$SupText.=join('',
  1214 		"\n",
  1216 		'	cd ', &main::Path_Chop(&main::Path_WorkPath), "\n",
  1217 		'	perl -w -S -D ', &main::MmpFile, ' ', &main::PlatName, "\n",
  1218 		"\n"
  1219 	);
  1221 #	Create the supplementary makefile
  1223 	&main::CreateExtraFile(&main::MakeFilePath.&main::BaseMak.'.SUP.MAKE', $SupText);
  1226 # create the .DSW file
  1227 	my $DswText=join(
  1228 		"\n",
  1229 		"Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00",
  1231 		'',
  1232 		'#'x79,
  1233 		'',
  1234 		"Project: \"$BaseDsp\"=.\\$BaseDsp.dsp - Package Owner=<4>",
  1235 		'',
  1236 		'Package=<5>',
  1237 		'{{{',
  1238 		'}}}',
  1239 		'',
  1240 		'Package=<4>',
  1241 		'{{{',
  1242 		'}}}',
  1243 		'',
  1244 		'#'x79,
  1245 		'',
  1246 		'Global:',
  1247 		'',
  1248 		'Package=<5>',
  1249 		'{{{',
  1250 		'}}}',
  1251 		'',
  1252 		'Package=<3>',
  1253 		'{{{',
  1254 		'}}}',
  1255 		'',
  1256 		'#'x79,
  1257 		''
  1258 	);
  1260 	&main::CreateExtraFile("$PathBaseDsp.DSW",$DswText);
  1261 }
  1263 1;