changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 18 99082257a271
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:83f4b4db085c
     1 #!/usr/bin/python
     2 import string
     3 import sys
     4 import os
     5 import re
     6 import time
     7 import sys
     8 import csv
    10 class TestcaseConfig:
    11 	def __init__(self):
    12 		self.desc =''
    13 		self.option =''
    14 		self.expect =''
    15 		self.warnItems =[]
    16 = ''
    17 		self.type = ''
    18 =''
    19 	def printSelf(self):
    20 		print 'desc:'+self.desc
    21 		print 'option:'+self.option
    22 		print 'author:'
    23 		print 'type:'+self.type
    24 		print 'date:'
    25 		print 'expect:'+self.expect
    26 		print 'check:'
    27 		for warnItem in self.warnItems:
    28 			print '	line:'+str(warnItem.line)
    29 			printType = 0;
    30 			if len(warnItem.checkExist)>0:
    31 				print '		checkExist'
    32 				printType +=1;
    33 				for checkWord in warnItem.checkExist:
    34 					print '				'+checkWord
    35 			if len(warnItem.checkNoExist)>0:
    36 				print '		checkNoExist'
    37 				printType +=1;
    38 				for checkWord in warnItem.checkNoExist:
    39 					print '				'+checkWord
    40 			if printType == 0:
    42 				print  '	nothing to check'
    44 class CheckPoint:
    45 	def __init__(self):
    46 		self.line = -1
    47 		self.checkExist=[]
    48 		self.checkNoExist=[]
    49 	def setCheckPoint(self,warnString):
    50 		warnString=warnString.strip()
    51 		if len(warnString)<=0:
    52 			return 
    53 		keywordList = warnString.split(',')
    54 		for keyword in keywordList:
    55 			keyword = keyword.strip()
    56 			if keyword[0]=='+':
    57 				self.checkExist.append(keyword[1:])
    58 			elif keyword[0]=='-':
    59 				self.checkNoExist.append(keyword[1:])
    60 			else:
    61 				self.checkExist.append(keyword)
    63 	def toString(self):
    64 		printType = 0;
    65 		res=''
    66 		res = res+'line:'+ str(self.line)+'\n'
    67 		if len(self.checkExist)>0:
    68 			res =res + '		checkExist\n'
    69 			printType +=1;
    70 			for checkWord in self.checkExist:
    71 				res =res+ '				'+checkWord+'\n'
    72 		if len(self.checkNoExist)>0:
    73 			res =res+ '		checkNoExist\n'
    74 			printType +=1;
    75 			for checkWord in self.checkNoExist:
    76 				res=res+ '				'+checkWord+'\n'
    77 		if printType == 0:
    78 			res=res+  '	nothing to check\n'
    79 		return res
    81 def get_case_name(value):
    82 	while value.find('\\\\') != -1:
    83         	value = value.replace('\\\\', '\\')
    84         	continue
    85 	while value.find('//') != -1:
    86 		value = value.replace('//', '\\')
    87         	continue
    88         while value.find('/') != -1:
    89             	value = value.replace('/', '\\')
    90             	continue
    91 	pos = value.rfind('\\')
    92 	value =  value[pos+1:]
    93 	pos = value.find('.')
    94 	return value[:pos]
    96 def get_testcase_config(fileName):
    97 	file = open(fileName,"r")
    98 	fileLine = 0
    99 	testcaseConfig = TestcaseConfig()
   100 	for line in file.readlines():
   101 		if not line.endswith('\\'):
   102 			fileLine += 1
   103 		line = line.strip()
   104 		scommnet = line.find('//')
   105 		if scommnet == 0:
   106 			if (line.find('desc:'))>0:
   107 				desc = line[line.find('desc:')+5:].strip()
   108 				testcaseConfig.desc=desc
   109 			elif line.find('option:')>0:
   110 				option = line[line.find('option:')+7:].strip()
   111 				testcaseConfig.option=option
   112 			elif line.find('expect file:')>0:
   113 				expect = line[line.find('expect file:')+12:].strip()
   114 				#get the content of the file
   115 				data = open(expect,"r")
   116 				for dataline in data.readlines():
   117 					testcaseConfig.expect += dataline
   118 			elif line.find('expect:')>0:
   119 				expect = line[line.find('expect:')+7:].strip()
   120 				testcaseConfig.expect=expect
   121 			elif line.find('author:')>0:
   122 				expect = line[line.find('author:')+7:].strip()
   124 			elif line.find('type:')>0:
   125 				expect = line[line.find('type:')+5:].strip()
   126 				testcaseConfig.type=expect
   127 			elif line.find('date:')>0:
   128 				expect = line[line.find('date:')+5:].strip()
   131 		if scommnet >=0:
   132 			line =line[scommnet+2:]
   133 			if line.find('check:')>=0:
   134 				line = line[line.find('check:')+6:].strip()
   135 				warnItem = CheckPoint()
   136 				warnItem.setCheckPoint(line)
   137 				warnItem.line = fileLine
   138 				testcaseConfig.warnItems.append(warnItem)
   139 	return testcaseConfig
   142 def comment_string(value):
   143 	lines = value.splitlines()
   144 	result = ''
   145 	for line in lines:
   146 		if line.find('@SYM')==0:
   147 			result += '//! ' + line+'\n'
   148 		else:	
   149 			result += '//!                           ' + line+'\n'
   150 	return result
   152 if __name__ == '__main__':
   153 	argv = sys.argv[1:]
   154 	if len(argv) >=1:
   155 		input_file_name = argv[0]
   156 	else:
   157 		print 'case2tef file_list_file'
   158 	if input_file_name == '-':
   159 		input_file = sys.stdin 
   160 	elif os.path.exists(input_file_name) and os.path.isfile(input_file_name):
   161 		input_file = open(input_file_name)
   162 	else:
   163 		input_file = None
   164 	if not input_file == None:
   165 		lines = input_file.readlines()
   166 		for line in lines:
   167 			while line.find('\n') != -1:
   168         			line = line.replace('\n', '')
   169         			continue
   171 			testcase_config =get_testcase_config(line)
   172 			case_name = get_case_name(line)
   173 			res = 'START_TESTCASE                '+case_name+'\n'
   174 			body = '@SYMTestCaseID            '    +case_name+'\n'
   175 			body+= '@SYMTestCaseDesc          '    +testcase_config.desc+'\n'
   176 			body+= '@SYMTestPriority          '    +'HIGH'+'\n'
   177 			body+= '@SYMTestActions           '    +'run LeaveScan command line'
   178 			if not testcase_config.option=='':
   179 				body+=' with option:'+testcase_config.option
   180 			body+='\n'
   181 			body+= '@SYMTestExpectedResults   '    +'Check the follwing:'+'\n'
   182 			if not testcase_config.expect=='':
   183 				body+='Output is:\n'
   184 				body+=testcase_config.expect+'\n'
   185 			if len(testcase_config.warnItems)>0:
   186 				body+='check the keyword of output\n'
   187 				for warnItem in testcase_config.warnItems:
   188 					body+= warnItem.toString()
   189 			body+= ''
   190 			body+= '@SYMTestType              '    +testcase_config.type+'\n'
   191 			body+= '@SYMCreationDate          ''\n'
   192 			body+= '@SYMAuthor                ''\n'
   193 			res += comment_string(body)
   194 			res += 'END_TESTCASE                  '+case_name+'\n'
   195 			res += '\n'
   196 			print res