changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:83f4b4db085c
     1 // Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Framework for Automated Test code.
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file autotest.cpp
    20 */
    22 #include "autotest.h"
    24 #include <flogger.h>		// for RFileLogger 
    27 _LIT(KTestKeywordSuccess, "SUCCESS");
    28 _LIT(KTestKeywordFailed,  "FAILED");
    29 _LIT(KTestKeywordNotSupported,  "NOT SUPPORTED");
    31 //
    32 // implementation of CAutoTest
    33 //
    35 EXPORT_C CAutoTest* CAutoTest::NewL(const struct TAutoTestCase* aTestcases, TInt aNumberOfTestcases, const TDesC& aName, RTest& aTest)
    36 /**
    37  * 2 phase constructor
    38  *
    39  * @param aTestcases         Pointer to the table with test cases
    40  * @param aNumberOfTestcases Number of automated test cases
    41  * @param aName              Name of the test report file
    42  * @param aTest              The RTest object owned by the client
    43  * @return CAutoTest*        A newly created CAutoTest object
    44  */
    45 	{
    46 	CAutoTest* p = new (ELeave) CAutoTest(aTestcases, aNumberOfTestcases, aName, aTest);
    47 	CleanupStack::PushL(p);
    48 	p->ConstructL();
    49 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    50 	return p;
    51 	}
    54 CAutoTest::~CAutoTest()
    55 /**
    56  * D'tor
    57  */
    58 	{
    59 	// close file handles
    60 	iTestReport.Close();
    61 	iFileServer.Close();
    63 	delete iCommandLine;
    64 	delete iTestResults;
    65 	delete iSkipList;
    66 	iTestCases = NULL;
    67 	}
    70 EXPORT_C TInt CAutoTest::ExecuteL()
    71 /**
    72  * Execute the test suite. 
    73  *
    74  * @return test result, KErrNone if all tests passed
    75  */
    76 	{
    77 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(_L8("--- test report start---\r\n")));
    79 	//
    80 	// machine info
    81 	//
    82 	MachineInfoL();
    84 	//
    85 	// date & time info
    86 	//
    87 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(_L8("Time started: ")));
    88 	LogTimeL();
    90 	//
    91 	// component under test info (optional)
    92 	//
    93 	if(iCompInfo.Length())
    94 		{
    95 		(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(_L8("Component info: ")));
    96 		(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(iCompInfo));
    97 		(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(_L8("\r\n")));
    98 		}
   101 	// decide to run the menu or the complete test
   102 	if(iKeepGoing)
   103 		RunAllTestsL();
   104 	else
   105 		StartMenuL();
   107 	// date & time info
   108 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(_L8("Time finished: ")));
   109 	LogTimeL();
   111 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(_L8("--- test report end---\r\n")));
   113 	return iTestSuiteFailed ? 84 : KErrNone;
   115 	}
   117 EXPORT_C void CAutoTest::TestCheckPointCompareL(TInt aVal,TInt aExpectedVal, const TDesC& aText, char* aFile,TInt aLine)
   118 	{
   119 	if(aVal == aExpectedVal)
   120 		return;
   122 	TBuf<200> temp;
   123 	temp.Copy(TPtrC8((TText8*)aFile));
   125 	iRTest.Printf(_L("FAILED test %d : Val = %d Exp Val = %d file %S, line %d\n")
   126 		, iTestCase+1, aVal, aExpectedVal, &temp, aLine);
   128 	//
   129 	// Log failure to log file, even if iKeepGoing is EFalse.
   130 	// The code used to only log the failure to the file if iKeepGoing was ETrue.
   131 	// If a filaure occurs it needs to be written to log regardless of iKeepGoing.
   132 	TBuf8<256> stringBuf;
   133 	stringBuf.AppendFormat(_L8("FAILED test %d : Val = %d Exp Val = %d file %s, line %d : "),iTestCase+1,aVal,aExpectedVal, aFile, aLine);
   134 	stringBuf.Append(aText);
   135 	stringBuf.AppendFormat(_L8("\r\n"));
   136 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(stringBuf));
   137 	iTestSuiteFailed = ETrue;
   139 	User::Leave(aVal);
   140 	}
   143 EXPORT_C void CAutoTest::TestCheckPointCodeL(TInt aCase, char* aFile, TInt aLine)
   144 /**
   145  * hidden by the macro GLOBAL_CHECKPOINT_CODE. Used to validate return values etc.
   146  * If the 'keepgoing' command line option is specified, the test program * will not stop, but just print a warning in the test report, including
   147  * which file and line where the test failed. Then it will leave the test
   148  * case and do the next one. 
   149  *
   150  * @param aCase 0 no error or the error code
   151  * @param aFile name of the file involved here
   152  * @param aLine the line of the file involved here
   153  */
   154 	{
   155 	if(!aCase)
   156 		return;
   158 	// Convert to unicode for log to console
   159 	TBuf<200> temp;
   160 	temp.Copy(TPtrC8((TText8*)aFile));
   162 	iRTest.Printf(_L("FAILED test %d : Code = %d file %S, line %d\n"), iTestCase+1, aCase, &temp, aLine);
   164 	//
   165 	// Log failure to log file, even if iKeepGoing is EFalse.
   166 	// The code used to only log the failure to the file if iKeepGoing was ETrue.
   167 	// If a filaure occurs it needs to be written to log regardless of iKeepGoing.
   168 	TBuf8<256> stringBuf;
   169 	stringBuf.AppendFormat(_L8("FAILED test %d : Code = %d file %s, line %d\r\n"),iTestCase+1, aCase, aFile, aLine);
   170 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(stringBuf));
   171 	iTestSuiteFailed = ETrue;
   173 	User::Leave(aCase);
   174 	}
   176 EXPORT_C void CAutoTest::TestCheckPointL(TBool aCase, char* aFile, TInt aLine)
   177 /**
   178  * hidden by the macro GLOBAL_CHECKPOINT. Used to validate return values etc.
   179  * If the 'keepgoing' option is specified, the test program
   180  * will not stop, but just print a warning in the test report, including
   181  * which file and line where the test failed. Then it will leave the test
   182  * case and do the next one. 
   183  *
   184  * @param aCase if true success, false means failed
   185  * @param aFile name of the file involved here
   186  * @param aLine the line of the file involved here
   187  */
   188 	{
   189 	if(aCase)
   190 		return;
   192 	// Convert to unicode for log to console
   193 	TBuf<200> temp;
   194 	temp.Copy(TPtrC8((TText8*)aFile));
   196 	iRTest.Printf(_L("FAILED test %d : file %S, line %d\n"),iTestCase+1, &temp, aLine);
   198 	// Log failure to log file, even if iKeepGoing is EFalse.
   199 	// The code used to only log the failure to the file if iKeepGoing was ETrue.
   200 	// If a filaure occurs it needs to be written to log regardless of iKeepGoing.
   201 	TBuf8<256> stringBuf;
   202 	stringBuf.AppendFormat(_L8("FAILED test %d : file %s, line %d\r\n"),iTestCase+1, aFile, aLine);
   203 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(stringBuf));
   204 	iTestSuiteFailed = ETrue;
   205 	User::Leave(84);
   206 	}
   208 EXPORT_C void CAutoTest::SetCompInfo(const TDesC8& aCompInfo)
   209 /**
   210  * store information about the Component under test in the autotest object
   211  *
   212  * @param aCompInfo descriptor containin the component info
   213  */
   214 	{
   215 	iCompInfo = aCompInfo;
   216 	}
   218 //
   219 // protected
   220 //
   222 CAutoTest::CAutoTest(const struct TAutoTestCase* aTestcases, TInt aNumberOfTestcases, const TDesC& aName, RTest& aTest)
   223 /**
   224  * C'tor
   225  *
   226  * @param aTestcases         Pointer to the table with test cases
   227  * @param aNumberOfTestcases Number of automated test cases
   228  * @param aName              Name of the test report file
   229  * @param aTest              The RTest object owned by the client
   230  */
   231 	:iTestCases(aTestcases)
   232 	,iNumberOfTestcases(aNumberOfTestcases)
   233 	,iTestReportName(aName)
   234 	,iKeepGoing(EFalse)
   235 	,iTestSuiteFailed(ETrue)
   236 	,iRTest(aTest)
   237 	,iSkipList(NULL)
   238 	,iCommandLine(NULL)
   239 	{
   240 	}
   243 void CAutoTest::ConstructL()
   244 /**
   245  * 2nd phase of 2 phased constructor.
   246  *
   247  * create a new table for test results storing, depending on the 
   248  * number of test cases. Connect to the file server and open
   249  * and replace the test report file.
   250  */
   251 	{
   252 	// No serial port logging
   253 	iRTest.SetLogged(EFalse);
   254 	// Array of test result codes
   255 	iTestResults = new (ELeave) TInt[iNumberOfTestcases];
   256 	// Array of bools to determine whether a test should be skipped
   257 	// Set to ETrue if a test is not supported
   258 	iSkipList = new (ELeave) TBool[iNumberOfTestcases];
   259 	Mem::FillZ(iSkipList,iNumberOfTestcases * sizeof(TBool));	
   260 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(iFileServer.Connect());
   262 	// Read the command line or contents of config file specified on the command line,
   263 	// into private storage
   264 	GetCommandLineL();
   265 	// Get the name of the output log file
   266 	SetLogFileL();
   267 	// Set up the test skip options
   268 	GetSkipOptions();
   269 	// Set the keepgoing flag
   270 	GetKeepGoingOption();
   271 	}
   274 //
   275 // private
   276 //
   278 void CAutoTest::PrintMenu() const
   279 /**
   280  * print a menu to the console
   281  */
   282 	{
   284 	iRTest.Printf(_L("menu:\n") );
   285 	iRTest.Printf(_L("  !  - Run all tests\n") );
   286 	iRTest.Printf(_L("  ^C - Quit\n") );
   288 	for(TInt i=0;i<iNumberOfTestcases;i++)
   289 		{
   290 		iRTest.Printf(_L("%d %s \n"), i+1, iTestCases[i].iText );
   291 		}
   293 	}
   295 EXPORT_C void CAutoTest::Printf(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...)
   296 /**
   297  * print to console and logfile
   298  */
   299 	{
   300 	VA_LIST list;
   301 	VA_START(list, aFmt);
   302 	TBuf<0x100> aBuf;
   303 	aBuf.AppendFormatList(aFmt, list);
   305 	// console
   306 	iRTest.Printf(aBuf);
   308 	// logfile
   309 	LogExtra((TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__, aFmt);
   310 	}
   313 void CAutoTest::StartMenuL()
   314 /**
   315  * run the menu forever, until press Ctrl-C
   316  *
   317  * @leave this function may leave
   318  */
   319 	{
   320 	TInt ret;
   323 	FOREVER
   324 		{
   325 		TBuf<256> inputBuf;
   327 		PrintMenu();
   329 		TInt key = iRTest.Getch();
   330 		iRTest.Printf(_L("%c"), key);
   332 		switch(key)
   333 			{
   334 		case '!':
   335             // for the time, that there is a request in the menu to run all the
   336             // test cases, the iKeepGoing flag shoulg should be set and deleted
   337             // afterwards; because test cases behave different in automated and 
   338             // manual mode; and here we are definitely in the automated mode
   339             iKeepGoing = ETrue;
   340 			RunAllTestsL();
   341             iKeepGoing = EFalse;
   342 			break;
   344 		case 0x03: // Ctrl-C
   345 			return;
   347 		default:
   349 			inputBuf.Append(key);
   350 			GetString(*iRTest.Console(), inputBuf);
   351 			TLex lexer(inputBuf);
   352 			TInt value;
   353 			ret = lexer.Val(value);
   354 			value-=1;
   355 			if(ret == KErrNone)
   356 				{
   357 				iRTest.Printf(_L("Testcase: %d\n"), value+1);
   358 				if((value >= 0) && (value < (TInt)iNumberOfTestcases))
   359 					{
   360 					iTestCase = value;
   361 					ret = RunATestL();
   362 					}
   363 				else
   364 					break;
   366 				//
   367 				// Display the success or failure to the console 
   368 				if(ret == KErrNone)
   369 					iRTest.Printf(_L("SUCCESS! \n"));
   370 				else if(ret == KErrNotSupported)
   371 					iRTest.Printf(_L("NOT SUPPORTED\n"), ret);
   372 				else
   373 					iRTest.Printf(_L("FAILED! (ret=%d)\n"), ret);
   375 				//
   376 				// Log our success/failure in the log file
   377 				TBuf8<256> stringBuf8;
   378 				stringBuf8.AppendFormat(_L8("test %d: "), value +1 );
   380 				if(ret == KErrNone)
   381 					stringBuf8.Append(KTestKeywordSuccess);
   382 				else if(ret == KErrNotSupported)
   383 					stringBuf8.Append(KTestKeywordNotSupported);
   384 				else
   385 					stringBuf8.Append(KTestKeywordFailed);
   387 				stringBuf8.AppendFormat(_L8(" (return=%d) "), ret );
   388 				TBuf<256> buf;
   389 				buf.AppendFormat(_L("[%s]\r\n"), iTestCases[value].iText);
   390 				stringBuf8.Append(buf);
   391 				(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(stringBuf8));
   392 				}
   394 			  break;
   396 			} // end, switch(key)
   398 		} // end, FOREVER
   400 	}
   402 void CAutoTest::RunAllTestsL()
   403 /**
   404  * run all the tests for this test program
   405  */
   406 	{
   407 	TInt ret;
   408 	iRTest.Printf(_L("Now running all the testcases...\n") );
   410 	for(TInt i=0;i<iNumberOfTestcases;i++)
   411 		{
   412 		iTestCase = i;
   413 		ret = RunATestL();
   414 		iTestResults[i] = ret;
   415 		PrintTestReportL(i);
   416 		}
   417 	}
   419 void CAutoTest::PrintThreadsToLogFile()
   420 // Print all the current running thread names to the log file
   421 	{
   422 	TBuf<0x1> asterisk=_L("*");
   423 	TName search=asterisk;
   425 	TFindThread findHb;
   426 	findHb.Find(search);
   427 	TFullName name;
   429 	while (findHb.Next(name)==KErrNone)
   430 		{
   431 		TBuf8<300> stringBuf8(_L8("\tThread Name = "));
   432 		stringBuf8.Append(name);
   433 		stringBuf8.Append(_L8("\r\n"));
   434 		iTestReport.Write(stringBuf8);
   435 		}
   436 	}
   439 TInt CAutoTest::RunATestL()// const
   440 /**
   441  * run a test and return the error code.
   442  * the testcase is gived in iTestCase
   443  *
   444  * @return error code for that test case
   445  */
   446 	{
   447 	TInt ret;
   449 	if(iSkipList[iTestCase])
   450 		return KErrNotSupported;
   452 	// check the index first
   453 	if(iTestCase < 0 || iTestCase >= (TInt)iNumberOfTestcases)
   454 		User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   456 	iRTest.Printf(_L("%d %s \n"), iTestCase+1, iTestCases[iTestCase].iText );
   458 	// get number of outstanding requetsts on thread before we run the test
   459 	TInt reqsAtStart = RThread().RequestCount();
   460 	if(reqsAtStart!=0)
   461 		{
   462 		TBuf8<256> stringBuf8;
   463 		stringBuf8.AppendFormat(_L8("Warning: thread had %d oustanding requests before starting test %d!\r\n"),reqsAtStart,iTestCase+1);
   464 		iTestReport.Write(stringBuf8);
   465 		}
   467 	// get number of Handles *before* we start the program
   468 	TInt processHandleCountBefore;
   469 	TInt threadHandleCountBefore;
   470 	RThread().HandleCount(processHandleCountBefore, threadHandleCountBefore);
   472 	// ------------------------------------------
   473 	void (*fn)(void) = iTestCases[iTestCase].iFunc;
   474 	TRAP(ret, fn() );
   475 	// ------------------------------------------
   477 	//
   478 	// if the test case failed then we dont bother
   479 	// with checking the outstanding requests etc.
   480 	//
   481 	if(ret == KErrNone)
   482 		{
   483 		// get number of Handles *after* the program is finished
   484 		TInt processHandleCountAfter;
   485 		TInt threadHandleCountAfter;
   486 		RThread().HandleCount(processHandleCountAfter, threadHandleCountAfter);
   488 		// check that we are closing all the handles
   489 		if(threadHandleCountBefore<threadHandleCountAfter)
   490 			{
   493 			TBuf8<256> stringBuf8;
   494 			stringBuf8.AppendFormat(_L8("%d handles left open after test %d returned!\r\n"),threadHandleCountAfter-threadHandleCountBefore,iTestCase+1);
   495 			iTestReport.Write(stringBuf8);
   497 			PrintThreadsToLogFile();
   499 			return KErrGeneral;
   500 			}
   502 		// check that number of oustanding requests on thread has not increased
   503 		const TInt reqsNow=RThread().RequestCount();
   504 		if(reqsNow>reqsAtStart)
   505 			{
   506 			TBuf8<256> stringBuf8;
   507 			stringBuf8.AppendFormat(_L8("%d requests were left outstanding after test %d returned!\r\n"),reqsNow,iTestCase+1);
   508 			iTestReport.Write(stringBuf8);
   509 			return KErrGeneral;
   510 			}
   511 		}
   512 	return ret;
   513 	}
   515 void CAutoTest::SetLogFileL()
   516 /**
   517  * Parse the command line buffer to see if a logfile has been specified
   518  * If a logfile is specified create it
   519  */
   520 	{
   521 	TPtr ptr = iCommandLine->Des();
   522 	TLex lex(ptr);
   524 	// Parse the command line for the "-log"
   525 	while(!lex.Eos())
   526 		{
   527 		TPtrC ptr = lex.NextToken();
   528 		_LIT(KLogCommand,"-log");
   529 		if(ptr == KLogCommand)
   530 			break;
   531 		}
   532 	// Read the log filename 
   533 	if(!lex.Eos())
   534 		{
   535 		TPtrC file = lex.NextToken();
   536 		iTestReportName.Copy(file);
   537 		}
   538 	// Replace if it exists and if not, create the folder then create the file
   539 	if(iTestReport.Replace(iFileServer, iTestReportName, EFileWrite) != KErrNone)
   540 		{
   541 		if(iTestReport.Create(iFileServer, iTestReportName, EFileWrite) == KErrPathNotFound)
   542 			(void)User::LeaveIfError(iFileServer.MkDirAll(iTestReportName));
   543 		(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Create(iFileServer, iTestReportName, EFileWrite));
   544 		}
   545 	}
   547 void CAutoTest::GetCommandLineL()
   548 /**
   549  * Parse the command line to see if a config file has been specified: "-config afile.txt"
   550  * If it has, then read the contents of the file into the private command line buffer. Otherwise
   551  * copy the real command line into the private command line buffer
   552  */
   553 	{
   554 	TBuf<KMaxCmdLength> cmdLine;
   555 	TBuf<KMaxFileName> fileName;
   557 	#ifndef EKA2 
   558 		RProcess().CommandLine(cmdLine);
   559 	#else
   560 		User::CommandLine(cmdLine);
   561 	#endif
   563 	TLex lex(cmdLine);
   564 	// Parse the real command line for the -config option
   565 	while(!lex.Eos())
   566 		{
   567 		TPtrC ptr = lex.NextToken();
   568 		_LIT(KConfigCommand,"-config");
   569 		if(ptr == KConfigCommand)
   570 			break;
   571 		}
   572 	// Read the config filename if it's there
   573 	if(!lex.Eos())
   574 		{
   575 		TPtrC file = lex.NextToken();
   576 		fileName.Copy(file);
   577 		}
   578 	// If the filename has not been specified, set up the default
   579 	// This may not exist either, by the way.
   580 	if(!fileName.Length())
   581 		{
   582 		_LIT(KDefaultConfigFile,"c:\\autotestconfig.txt");
   583 		fileName = KDefaultConfigFile;
   584 		}
   585 	RFile file;
   586 	CleanupClosePushL(file);
   587 	// Try to open the config file
   588 	if(file.Open(iFileServer,fileName, EFileRead) == KErrNone)
   589 		// Config file exists
   590 		// read it into a local 8 bit buffer
   591 		{
   592 		TInt size;
   593 		// Get the size of the file
   594 		(void)User::LeaveIfError(file.Size(size));
   595 		HBufC8* buf8 = HBufC8::NewL(size);
   596 		CleanupStack::PushL(buf8);
   597 		TPtr8 ptr8 = buf8->Des();
   598 		// Read the file contents into the heap buffer
   599 		(void)User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(ptr8,size));
   600 		// Copy to private class unicode buffer
   601 		iCommandLine = HBufC::NewL(size);
   602 		TPtr ptr16 = iCommandLine->Des();
   603 		ptr16.Copy(ptr8);
   604 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf8);
   605 		}
   606 	else
   607 		// Config file does not exist so copy the real command line buffer to the private class copy
   608 		{
   609 		iCommandLine = HBufC::NewL(cmdLine.Length());
   610 		TPtr ptr16 = iCommandLine->Des();
   611 		ptr16.Copy(cmdLine);
   612 		}
   613 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&file);
   614 	}
   616 void CAutoTest::GetKeepGoingOption()
   617 /**
   618  * Read the keepgoing flag from the command line bufffer
   619  */
   620 	{
   621 	_LIT(KKeepGoingString, "keepgoing");
   622 	TInt ret = iCommandLine->Find(KKeepGoingString);
   623 	if(ret >= KErrNone)
   624 		iKeepGoing = ETrue;
   625 	}
   627 void CAutoTest::GetSkipOptions()
   628 /**
   629  * Read the test skip options, if any, from the command line buffer
   630  * Usage: "-skip 1 4 5" to skip tests 1, 4 & 5 and log as NOT SUPPORTED
   631  */
   632    {
   633 	TPtr ptr = iCommandLine->Des();
   634 	TLex lex(ptr);
   635 	// Parse for -skip
   636 	while(!lex.Eos())
   637 		{
   638 		TPtrC token = lex.NextToken();
   639 		_LIT(KSkipCommand,"-skip");
   640 		if(token == KSkipCommand)
   641 			break;
   642 		}
   643 	// Loop through reading the test numbers to skip
   644 	while(!lex.Eos())
   645 		{
   646 		TInt testNum;
   647 		TPtrC ptr = lex.NextToken();
   648 		TLex lex(ptr);
   649 		// Read the test number as an integer
   650 		if(lex.Val(testNum) != KErrNone)
   651 			// Exit at the first token that's not a valid number
   652 			break;
   653 		if(testNum <= 0 || testNum > iNumberOfTestcases)
   654 			// Out of range
   655 			continue;
   656 		// Skip this test
   657 		iSkipList[testNum-1] = ETrue;
   658 		}
   659 	}
   662 void CAutoTest::PrintTestReportL(TInt aTestIndex)
   663 /**
   664  * print a test report to file and console
   665  */
   666 	{	
   667 	// print status
   668 	TBuf8<256> stringBuf8;
   669 	stringBuf8.AppendFormat(_L8("test %d: "), aTestIndex+1 );
   670 	if(iTestResults[aTestIndex] == KErrNone)
   671 		stringBuf8.Append(KTestKeywordSuccess);
   672 	else if(iTestResults[aTestIndex] == KErrNotSupported)
   673 		stringBuf8.Append(KTestKeywordNotSupported);
   674 	else
   675 		stringBuf8.Append(KTestKeywordFailed);
   676 	stringBuf8.AppendFormat(_L8(" (return=%d) "), iTestResults[aTestIndex] );
   677 	TBuf<256> buf;
   678 	buf.AppendFormat(_L("[%s]\r\n"), iTestCases[aTestIndex].iText);
   679 	stringBuf8.Append(buf);
   680 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(stringBuf8));
   681 	TBuf<256> stringBuf;
   682 	stringBuf.Copy(stringBuf8);
   683 	iRTest.Printf(stringBuf);
   684 	}
   687 EXPORT_C void CAutoTest::GetString(CConsoleBase& aConsole, TDes& aString) const
   688 /**
   689  * This function re-invents the wheel (once again...)
   690  * It reads a string from the keyboard. Uses Getch() to get keys and does not
   691  * return until ENTER is pressed. 
   692  *
   693  * @param aConsole const reference to the console
   694  * @param aString reference to the string to be read into
   695  */
   696     {
   697 	TKeyCode code;
   698 	TBuf<1> kjar;
   700 	FOREVER
   701 		{
   702 		code = aConsole.Getch();
   703 		kjar.SetLength(0);
   704 		kjar.Append(code);
   706 		aConsole.Printf(_L("%S"),&kjar);
   708 		// If <CR> finish editing string
   709 		if (code == '\r')
   710 			break;
   712 		// if <BS> remove last character
   713 		if ((code == 0x08) && (aString.Length() != 0))
   714 			aString.SetLength((aString.Length()-1));
   715 		else
   716 			aString.Append(code);
   717 		}
   718 	aConsole.Printf(_L("\n"));
   719     }
   722 void CAutoTest::LogTimeL()
   723 /*
   724  * write date&time info to log file
   725  */
   726 	{
   727 	TBuf8<64> buf8;
   728 	TTime now;
   729 	now.HomeTime();
   730 	TDateTime dateTime;
   731 	dateTime = now.DateTime();
   732 	buf8.Format(_L8("%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d.%02d \r\n"), dateTime.Day()+1, dateTime.Month()+1, dateTime.Year(), 
   733 				dateTime.Hour(), dateTime.Minute(), dateTime.Second() );
   734 	(void)User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(buf8));
   735 	}
   737 EXPORT_C TBool CAutoTest::KeepGoing(void)
   738 // For external visibility
   739 // Handy if someone wants to use defaults instead of taking keyboard input
   740 	{
   741 	return iKeepGoing;
   742 	}
   745 EXPORT_C void CAutoTest::LogExtra(const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine, TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...)
   746 /**
   747  * Write a free formatted string to a second log file and to the console.
   748  * The second log files name is the same as the main log file plus '.EXTRA'.
   749  */
   750 	{
   751 	VA_LIST list;
   752 	VA_START(list,aFmt);
   753 	//
   754 	// Assemble file name for second log file
   755 	_LIT(KExtra,".EXTRA");
   756 	TBuf<KMaxCmdLength+6> logFileName;		// +6 to hold the text ".EXTRA"
   757 	logFileName.Copy(iTestReportName);
   758 	logFileName.Append(KExtra);
   760 	// 
   761 	// Assemble string to be written to second log
   762 	TBuf<256> buf;				 
   763 	{		// Braces used to scope lifetime of TBuf objects
   764 	TPtrC8 fileName8(aFile);
   765 	TBuf<128> fileName;
   766 	fileName.Copy(fileName8);
   767 	buf.Format(_L("\t%S\t%d\t"), &fileName, aLine);
   769 	buf.AppendFormatList(aFmt,list);
   770 	}
   772 	//
   773 	// (1) Open/create log file.
   774 	// (2) Write text to log file (RFileLogger adds a time stamp for us)
   775 	// (3) Close log
   776 	_LIT(KLogFolder,"autotest");
   777 	RFileLogger log;
   778 	if(log.Connect()==KErrNone)
   779 		{
   780 		log.CreateLog(KLogFolder,logFileName,EFileLoggingModeAppend);
   781 		log.Write(buf);
   782 		log.CloseLog();
   783 		log.Close();
   784 		}
   786 	//
   787 	// Also write the text to the console (with a new line after)
   788 	buf.Zero();
   789 	buf.AppendFormatList(aFmt,list);
   790 	iRTest.Printf(_L("%S\n"),&buf);
   791 	}
   794 void CAutoTest::MachineInfoL()
   795 /*
   796  * write machine info to log file
   797  */
   798 	{
   799 	TBuf8<256> buf8;
   800 	buf8.AppendFormat(_L8("Machine info: \r\n"));
   801 	//
   802 	// platform
   803 	//
   804 #if defined(__WINS__)
   805 	_LIT8(KPlatform, "WINS");
   806 #elif defined(__MARM_ARMI__)
   807 	_LIT8(KPlatform, "ARMI");
   808 #elif defined(__MARM_ARM4__)
   809 	_LIT8(KPlatform, "ARM4");
   810 #elif defined(__MARM_THUMB__)
   811 	_LIT8(KPlatform, "THUMB");
   812 #else
   813 	_LIT8(KPlatform, "unknown");
   814 #endif
   816 #if defined (_DEBUG)
   817 	_LIT8(KDebugRelease, "Debug");
   818 #else
   819 	_LIT8(KDebugRelease, "Release");
   820 #endif
   822 	buf8.AppendFormat(_L8("  Platform:    %S %S\r\n"), &KPlatform, &KDebugRelease );
   824 	//
   825 	// machine info from Hal9000
   826 	//
   827 	TMachineInfoV1Buf machine;
   828 	UserHal::MachineInfo(machine);
   830 	TVersion romver = machine().iRomVersion;
   831 	TInt64 uid = machine().iMachineUniqueId;
   832     TInt khz = machine().iProcessorClockInKHz;
   834 	buf8.AppendFormat(_L8("  Rom version: %d.%d.%d\r\n"), romver.iMajor, romver.iMinor, romver.iBuild );
   835 	buf8.AppendFormat(_L8("  Unique ID:   0x%016x\r\n"), uid );
   836 	buf8.AppendFormat(_L8("  CPU Speed:   %d kHz\r\n"), khz );
   838 	User::LeaveIfError(iTestReport.Write(buf8));
   839 	}
   841 #ifndef EKA2
   842 GLDEF_C TInt E32Dll(TDllReason /*aReason*/)
   843 //
   844 // DLL entry point
   845 //
   846 	{
   847 	return(KErrNone);
   848 	}
   849 #endif
   850 // EOF - AUTOTEST.CPP