1 :: Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 :: All rights reserved. |
3 :: This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 :: under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 :: which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 :: at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 :: |
8 :: Initial Contributors: |
9 :: Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 :: |
11 :: Contributors: |
12 :: |
13 :: Description: |
14 :: |
15 |
16 @goto invoke |
17 |
18 #!perl |
19 #line 19 |
20 |
21 use strict; |
22 use FindBin; # for FindBin::Bin |
23 use Getopt::Long; |
24 use Cwd; |
25 |
26 my $PerlLibPath; # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules |
27 |
28 BEGIN { |
29 # check user has a version of perl that will cope |
30 require 5.005_03; |
31 # establish the path to the Perl libraries: currently the same directory as this script |
32 $PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin; # X:/epoc32/tools |
33 $PerlLibPath =~ s/\//\\/g; # X:\epoc32\tools |
34 $PerlLibPath .= "\\"; |
35 } |
36 |
37 use lib $PerlLibPath; |
38 use Defutl; |
39 |
40 my %opts = (); |
41 |
42 my $result = GetOptions(\%opts, |
43 "path:s", |
44 "bldpath:s", |
45 "deffile:s", |
46 "linkAs:s", |
47 "import:s", |
48 "export:s", |
49 "absent:s", |
50 "inter", |
51 "sym_name_lkup" |
52 ); |
53 |
54 my $gPath = $opts{"path"}; # 0 |
55 my $gBldPath = $opts{"bldpath"}; # 0 |
56 my $compName = $opts{"import"}; # 1 |
57 my $gDefFile = $opts{"deffile"}; # 2 |
58 my $gDllName = $opts{"linkAs"}; # 3 |
59 my $gExpFile = $opts{"export"}; |
60 my $gLibFile = "$compName.lib" if $compName; |
61 my $gSymbolNameLookup = $opts{"sym_name_lkup"}; |
62 |
63 my $oP = '--'; |
64 |
65 my $floatingpointmodel = "${oP}fpu softvfp"; |
66 my $interworkingp = $opts{"inter"}; |
67 my $interworking = "${oP}apcs /nointer"; |
68 $interworking = "${oP}apcs /inter" if ($interworkingp); |
69 |
70 my @objectFiles; |
71 |
72 &main; |
73 |
74 my @DefDataStruct; |
75 |
76 sub main () |
77 { |
78 unless($gDefFile) |
79 { |
80 usage(); |
81 } |
82 my $FrzExportsOn=0; |
83 eval { &Def_ReadFileL(\@DefDataStruct, $gDefFile, $FrzExportsOn); }; |
84 die $@ if $@; |
85 |
86 &parseDefFile(\@DefDataStruct, $opts{absent}, $gDefFile); |
87 &genExpFile($gPath, $gBldPath, $gExpFile) if $gExpFile; |
88 &genLibFile($gPath, $gBldPath, $gLibFile, $gDllName) if $gLibFile; |
89 } |
90 |
91 # Usage subroutine |
92 sub usage( ) |
93 { |
94 print "\n"; |
95 print "DEF2DLL -Creates binary objects used to implement the Symbian OS DLL model\n"; |
96 print "\n"; |
97 print "Usage: def2dll --deffile=<file> [--path=<dir>] [--bldpath=<dir>] [--import=<file>] [--linkas=<file>] [--inter] [--export=<file>] [--sym_name_lkup]\n"; |
98 |
99 print "\nOptions:\n"; |
100 print "\t--deffile=<file> : def file to be converted\n"; |
101 print "\t--path =<direcotry> : destination path\n"; |
102 print "\t--bldpath=<direcotry> : build path for dll\n"; |
103 print "\t--import=<file> : import from file name\n"; |
104 print "\t--linkas=<file> : linkas to file name specified\n"; |
105 print "\t--inter : enables interworking on ARM and THUMB\n"; |
106 print "\t--export=<file> : export to filename\n"; |
107 print "\t--sym_name_lkup : symbol name ordinal number lookupç\n"; |
108 print "\n"; |
109 exit 1; |
110 } |
111 |
112 my %symbols = (); |
113 my %symbolIndexMap = (); |
114 my $exports = 0; |
115 |
116 sub parseDefFile ($$$) |
117 { |
118 my ($defStructRef, $AbsentSubst, $defFile) = @_; |
119 my $Ref; |
120 foreach $Ref (@$defStructRef) { |
121 next if (!$Ref); |
122 next if (!defined ($$Ref{Ordinal})); |
123 my $symbol = $$Ref{Name}; |
124 my $index = $$Ref{Ordinal}; |
125 my $rest = $$Ref{Comment}; |
126 my $symbolType = 'CODE'; |
127 if ($$Ref{Data} || ($symbol =~ /^(_ZTV|_ZTI|_ZTT)/)){ |
128 $symbolType = 'DATA'; |
129 } |
130 else { |
131 $exports = 1; |
132 } |
133 if ($symbols{$symbol} and !$$Ref{Absent}) { |
134 warn "DEF2DLL - WARNING: $symbol duplicated in $defFile\n"; |
135 } else { |
136 if ($$Ref{Absent}) { |
137 $symbolIndexMap{$index} = $AbsentSubst; |
138 } else { |
139 $symbols{$symbol} = $symbolType; |
140 $symbolIndexMap{$index} = $symbol; |
141 } |
142 } |
143 } |
144 } |
145 |
146 sub genExpFile ($$$) |
147 { |
148 my ($path, $bldpath, $expFile) = @_; |
149 my $numkeys = keys %symbolIndexMap; |
150 my $failed = 0; |
151 |
152 open EXPFILE, ">$path\\$expFile.s" or |
153 die "Error: can't create $path\\$expFile.s\n"; |
154 |
155 print EXPFILE "\tEXPORT __DLL_Export_Table__\n\n"; |
156 print EXPFILE "\tEXPORT |DLL\#\#ExportTable|\n\n"; |
157 print EXPFILE "\tEXPORT |DLL\#\#ExportTableSize|\n\n"; |
158 print EXPFILE "\tAREA ExportTable, CODE\n"; |
159 |
160 |
161 print EXPFILE "__DLL_Export_Table__\n"; |
162 if ($interworkingp) { |
163 print EXPFILE "\tBX lr\n"; |
164 } else { |
165 print EXPFILE "\tMOV pc, lr\n"; |
166 } |
167 |
168 print EXPFILE "|DLL\#\#ExportTableSize|\n"; |
169 printf EXPFILE "\tDCD %d\n", $numkeys; |
170 if($gSymbolNameLookup) { |
171 print EXPFILE "\tDCD 0 \n";# This is the 0th ordinal for elftran to fill in. |
172 } |
173 print EXPFILE "|DLL\#\#ExportTable|\n"; |
174 |
175 my @orderedSyms; |
176 my $maxIndex = 0; |
177 my $index; |
178 foreach $index (keys %symbolIndexMap) { |
179 $maxIndex = $index if $index > $maxIndex; |
180 $orderedSyms[$index] = $symbolIndexMap{$index}; |
181 } |
182 |
183 print EXPFILE "\tPRESERVE8\n\n"; |
184 my $n; |
185 for ($n = 1; $n <= $maxIndex ; $n++) { |
186 my $entry = $orderedSyms[$n]; |
187 if ($entry) { |
188 print EXPFILE "\tIMPORT $entry\n"; |
189 print EXPFILE "\tDCD $entry \t; @ $n\n"; |
190 } else { |
191 warn "WARNING: missing entry at index $n\n"; |
192 print EXPFILE "\tDCD 0 ; missing symbol\n"; |
193 } |
194 } |
195 |
196 |
197 # create a .directive section |
198 print EXPFILE "\n\n\tAREA |.directive|, READONLY, NOALLOC\n"; |
199 # Mark the section as armlink edit commands |
200 print EXPFILE "\tDCB \"#<SYMEDIT>#\\n\"\n"; |
201 # mark the imported symbol for 'dynamic' export |
202 print EXPFILE "\tDCB \"EXPORT DLL##ExportTable\\n\"\n"; |
203 print EXPFILE "\tDCB \"EXPORT DLL##ExportTableSize\\n\"\n"; |
204 |
205 print EXPFILE "\tEND"; |
206 close EXPFILE; |
207 |
208 $failed = system "armasm $floatingpointmodel $interworking -o $path\\$expFile.exp $path\\$expFile.s"; |
209 unlink ("$path\\$expFile.s") unless $failed; |
210 die "Error: cant create $path\\$expFile.exp\n" if $failed; |
211 } |
212 |
213 my %DataSymbols = (); |
214 |
215 sub genVtblExportFile($$) |
216 { |
217 my ($bldpath, $dllName) = @_; |
218 my $FileName = "VtblExports"; |
219 |
220 open VTBLFILE, ">$bldpath\\$FileName.s" or |
221 die "Error: can't create $bldpath\\$FileName.s\n"; |
222 |
223 print VTBLFILE "\tAREA |.directive|, NOALLOC, READONLY, ALIGN=2\n"; |
224 printf VTBLFILE "\tDCB \"\#\<SYMEDIT\>\#\\n\"\n"; |
225 |
226 my $symbol; |
227 foreach $symbol (sort keys %DataSymbols) { |
228 my $index = $DataSymbols{$symbol}; |
229 |
230 $symbol =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; # remove enclosing quotes |
231 printf VTBLFILE "\tDCB \"IMPORT \#\<DLL\>$dllName\#\<\\\\DLL\>%x AS $symbol \\n\"\n", $index; |
232 } |
233 # printf VTBLFILE "\tDCB \"\#\<\\\\VTBLSYMS\>\#\\n\"\n"; |
234 print VTBLFILE "\tEND"; |
235 close VTBLFILE; |
236 |
237 my $failed = system "armasm $floatingpointmodel $interworking -o $bldpath\\$FileName.o $bldpath\\$FileName.s"; |
238 unlink ("$bldpath\\$FileName.s"); |
239 die "Error: cant create $bldpath\\$FileName.o\n" if $failed; |
240 push @objectFiles, "$bldpath\\$FileName.o"; |
241 } |
242 |
243 sub genLibFile ($$$$) |
244 { |
245 my ($path, $bldpath, $libFile, $dllName) = @_; |
246 my $tempFileName = "$bldpath\\$compName"; |
247 my $viaFileName = sprintf("$bldpath\\_t%x_via_.txt", time); |
248 my $keyz = keys %symbolIndexMap; |
249 my $failed = 0; |
250 my $key; |
251 |
252 if ($keyz > 0) { |
253 open STUBGEN, "|genstubs" if $exports; |
254 foreach $key (sort keys %symbolIndexMap) { |
255 my $symbol = $symbolIndexMap{$key}; |
256 my $stubFileName = "$tempFileName-$key"; |
257 if ( $symbols{$symbol} eq 'DATA') { |
258 $DataSymbols{$symbol} = $key; |
259 } else { |
260 printf STUBGEN "$stubFileName.o $symbol #<DLL>$dllName#<\\DLL>%x\n", $key; |
261 push @objectFiles, "$stubFileName.o"; |
262 } |
263 } |
264 genVtblExportFile($bldpath, $dllName); |
265 } else { |
266 # create dummy stub so armar creates a .lib for us |
267 open STUBGEN, "|genstubs"; |
268 print STUBGEN "$tempFileName-stub.o $tempFileName##stub $dllName##dummy\n"; |
269 push @objectFiles, "$tempFileName-stub.o"; |
270 } |
271 close STUBGEN; |
272 |
273 open VIAFILE, ">$viaFileName" or |
274 die "Error: can't create VIA fie $viaFileName\n"; |
275 |
276 print VIAFILE "${oP}create \"$path\\$libFile\"\n"; |
277 my $objectFile; |
278 foreach $objectFile (@objectFiles) { |
279 print VIAFILE "\"$objectFile\"\n"; |
280 } |
281 close VIAFILE; |
282 |
283 $failed = system( "armar ${oP}via $viaFileName"); |
284 push @objectFiles, $viaFileName; |
285 unlink @objectFiles; |
286 die "Error: can't create $path\\$libFile\n" if $failed; |
287 } |
288 |
289 __END__ |
290 |
291 # Tell emacs that this is a perl script even 'though it has a .bat extension |
292 # Local Variables: |
293 # mode:perl |
294 # tab-width:4 |
295 # End: |
296 |
297 :invoke |
298 @perl -x -S def2dll.bat %* |
299 |
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |