changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:83f4b4db085c
     1 // Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #if !defined(__PE_FILE_H__)
    17 #define __PE_FILE_H__
    18 #include <e32rom.h>
    19 #include "e32image.h"
    20 #include "pe_defs.h"
    21 //
    22 const TInt KTextSection=0;
    23 const TInt KConstSection=1;
    24 const TInt KExportSection=2;
    25 const TInt KDataSection=3;
    26 const TInt KBssSection=4;
    27 const TInt KImportSection=5;
    28 const TInt KCrtSection=6;
    29 const TInt KRelocSection=7;
    30 const TInt KNumberOfSections=8;
    31 //
    32 enum TImportStat {EImpError, EImpSuccess, EImpDone};
    33 //
    34 class PEFile
    35 	{
    36 public:
    37 	PEFile();
    38 	~PEFile();
    39 	TBool Init(const TText * const aFileName);
    40 	void Close();
    41 	//
    42 	TImportStat GetNextImport(TText * &aDllName, TUint16 &aOrdinal, TUint32 * &aThunkPtr);
    43 	TUint32 GetFixUp(const TUint16 aOrdinal);
    44 // 	TText *GetImageName();
    45 //	TUint8 *GetExportName(const TUint16 aOrdinal);
    46 //	TUint32 WriteDllRefTable(PEFile aPeArray[], TUint aMaxFiles);
    47 	void RelocateExportTable();
    48 	TUint GetNumberOfExportedFunctions();
    49 	TUint GetOrdinalBase();
    50 	TBool ExportSectionExists();
    51 	TBool ImportSectionExists();
    52 	TUint RoundToSectionSize(TUint aSize);
    53 	void DumpPeHeaders();
    54 	//
    55 	TInt Normalise();
    56 	void GetRelocs(TUint *aReloc, TUint *aRelocSection, TInt aNumberOfRelocs);
    57 	TInt ReadSectionHeaders();
    58 	TInt ReadData();
    59 	TInt ReadExportDirectory();
    60 	char *ReadSectionData(PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER aHeader);
    61 	TInt NumberOfImports() const;
    62 	TInt NumberOfImportDlls() const;
    63 	TInt NumberOfExports() const;
    64 	TInt NumberOfRelocs();
    65 public:
    66 	static TInt CmpSectionName(PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER apSectionHeader, char *aName);
    67 	TInt VirtualAddressInSection(TUint aVA, PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER aHeader);
    68 	TUint DistanceFromSection(TUint aVA, PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER aHeader);
    69 	TInt FindSectionByVa(TUint aVa, TUint aTryToBeClever=0);
    70 	static TInt HasInitialisedData(PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER aHeader);
    72 //	static TBool DoFixUps(PEFile aPeArray[], TUint aMaxFiles);
    73 //	static TBool FindByName(PEFile aPeArray[], TUint aMaxFiles,const TText * const aDllName, PEFile * &aExportPEFile);
    74 //	static void WriteDllRefTables(PEFile aPeArray[], TUint aMaxFiles);
    75 //	static void RelocateExportTables(PEFile aPeArray[], TUint aMaxFiles);
    76 private:
    77 	TBool IsInCode(TUint32 anAddr);
    78 	TBool IsInData(TUint32 anAddr);
    79 	TBool IsInDataReloc(TUint32 anAddr);
    80 	TBool IsInExport(TUint32 anAddr);
    81 	TBool IsInImport(TUint32 anAddr);
    82 	TBool IsValidDOSHeader(PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pDOSHeader);
    83 	TBool IsValidNTHeader(PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNTHeader);
    84 	TBool IsValidFileHeader(PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER pFileHeader);
    85 	void DumpNextSectionInFile(PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSectionHeader);
    86 	void CopySectionData(TAny *source, TAny *dest, TUint32 fileLength, TUint32 memLength);
    87 	TBool ProcessRelocData(TAny *relocData,TInt dataSize);
    88 	PEFile(const PEFile&);
    89 	const PEFile & operator = (const PEFile&);
    90 public:
    91 	static TUint32 iRomMemBase; // where the ROM is being loaded to
    92 	static TUint32 iRomLinearBase; // where the ROM will run
    93 	TUint32 iMemBase; // where this file is being loaded to
    94 	TUint32 iEntryPoint;
    95 	TUint32 iImageSize;
    96 	TUint32 iCodeSize;
    97 	TUint32 iDataSize;
    98 	TUint32 iHeapReservedSize;
    99 	TUint32 iHeapCommittedSize;
   100 	TUint32 iStackReservedSize;
   101 	TUint32 iStackCommittedSize;
   102 	TUint32 iBssSize;
   103 	TUint32 iBssOffset;
   104 	TUint32 iSectionAlign;
   105 	TUint32 iExpDirectoryOffset;
   106 	TUint32 iDataOffset;
   107 	TBool	iImageIsDll;
   108 private:
   109 	IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *iHeader;
   110  	PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY	iExpDirectory;
   111 	PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR iImpDescriptor; 
   112 	TText *iFileName;
   113 	TInt32 iFileHandle;
   114 	TUint32 iLinkedBase;
   115 	TUint32 iStartOfHeaders; // whether DOS header or not
   116 	TUint32 iSizeOfHeaders; // Up to and including section headers
   117 	TUint32 iNumSections;
   118 	TUint32 iRomRunAddr; // where the code will run & rdata be accessed
   119 	TUint32 iRamRunAddr; // and where the data & bss will be when it does
   120 	TUint32 iRomDelta;
   121 	TUint32 iRamDelta;
   122 	TBool iHadDataSection;
   124 // stuff for relocating image successfully in 2 parts
   125 	TUint32 iBssSectionLinkedAddr;
   126 	TUint32 iBssSectionAddr;
   127 	TUint32 iBssSectionSize;
   128 	TUint32 iDataSectionLinkedAddr;
   129 	TUint32 iDataSectionAddr;
   130 	TUint32 iDataSectionSize;
   131 	TUint32 iCodeSectionAddr;
   132 	TUint32 iCodeSectionSize;
   133 	TUint32 iRDataSectionAddr;
   134 	TUint32 iRDataSectionSize;
   135 	TUint32 iCRTSectionAddr;
   136 	TUint32 iCRTSectionSize;
   137 	TUint32 iExportDataDir;
   139 // stuff for the pe->e32image translator
   140 	PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER iSectionHeader[KNumberOfSections];
   141 	char *iSectionData[KNumberOfSections];
   142 	TInt iExportDirSize;
   143 	TInt iCpu;
   144 	friend class E32ImageFile;
   145 	friend class E32ImageFile_PE;
   146 	};
   148 class E32ImageFile_PE : public E32ImageFile
   149 	{
   150 public:
   151 	E32ImageFile_PE();
   152 	virtual ~E32ImageFile_PE();
   153 	virtual TBool Translate(const char* aFileName, TUint aDataBase, TBool aAllowDllData, TBool /*aSymLkupEnabled*/);
   154 	TBool Translate(PEFile &aPEFile);
   155 	TUint ImportAddressTableOffset();
   156 	TUint ConstOffset();
   157 private:
   158 	TInt DoCodeHeader(PEFile &aPeFile);
   159 	TInt DoDataHeader(PEFile &aPeFile, TUint aDataBase);
   160 	TInt CopyCode(char *aPtr, PEFile &aPeFile);
   161 	TInt CopyData(char *aPtr, PEFile &aPeFile);
   162 	TInt CopyImportAddrTable(char *aPtr, PEFile &aPeFile);
   163 	char *CreateImportSection(const PEFile &aPeFile, TInt &aSize);
   164 	void CreateExportSection(char *aPtr, PEFile &aPeFile);
   166 	void CreateExportDirectory(char *aPtr, PEFile &aPeFile);
   167 	void FixExportDirectory(TUint *aExportDir, PEFile &aPeFile);
   168 	void FixRelocs(PEFile &aPeFile, TUint *relocation, TUint *relocsection, TInt aNumberOfRelocs);
   169 	char *CreateCodeRelocs(TUint *reloc, TUint *relocsection, TInt nrelocs, TInt &aSize);
   170 	char *CreateDataRelocs(TUint *reloc, TUint *relocsection, TInt nrelocs, TInt &aSize);
   172 	TUint FixAddress(PEFile &aPeFile, TUint va);
   173 	TUint FixImportThunk(PEFile &aPeFile, TUint va);
   174 private:
   175 	PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER iPeHeader[KNumberOfSections];
   176 	char *iPeData[KNumberOfSections];
   177 	TUint iConstOffset;
   178 	TUint iCrtOffset;
   179 	};
   181 #endif