changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:83f4b4db085c
     1 #!/bin/perl -w
     3 # Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 # All rights reserved.
     5 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     6 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     7 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     8 # at the URL "".
     9 #
    10 # Initial Contributors:
    11 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    12 #
    13 # Contributors:
    14 #
    15 # Description:
    16 # - compiles a list of source used in .mrp files, and deletes
    17 # any unused source
    18 # 
    19 #
    21 package CDistillSrc;
    23 use strict;
    24 use File::Spec;
    25 use File::Path;
    26 use File::Basename;
    27 use FindBin;
    28 use lib $FindBin::Bin;
    29 use ReadMrp;
    31 use lib File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin, '..', 'makecbr');
    32 use CConfig;
    36 # Constructor
    37 #
    38 # Parameters:
    39 #
    40 # $aSrcRoot : The root from which all src statements are based
    41 # $aSrcPath : The path under aSrcRoot to the source tree to be processed
    42 # $aSrcPrefix : An optional prefix which can be stripped from all src statements
    43 # $aPlatform : e.g 'beech' - used to locate the platform specific product directory
    44 #
    45 # Returns: The object (or undef if there was a problem)
    46 #
    47 sub New($$$$)
    48 	{
    49 	my $proto = shift;
    50 	my ($aSrcRoot, $aSrcPath, $aSrcPrefix, $aPlatform, $aCheckCase) = @_;
    52 	my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    54 	my $self = {};
    55 	bless($self, $class);
    57 	my $error = 0;
    59 	if (!defined($aSrcRoot))
    60 		{
    61 		print "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: A srcroot must be given, to specify where all 'source' declarations originate from\n";
    62 		$error = 1;
    63 		}
    65 	if (!defined($aSrcPath))
    66 		{
    67 		print "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: A srcpath must be given, to specify which source under the srcroot is to be filtered. Use '\\' to filter the entire srcroot\n";
    68 		$error = 1;
    69 		}
    71 	if (!defined($aPlatform))
    72 		{
    73 		print "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: A platform must be given, to locate the product directory\n";
    74 		$error = 1;
    75 		}
    77 	if ($error)
    78 		{
    79 		print "\n";
    80 		}
    81 	else
    82 		{
    83 		if ($aSrcPath =~ /\.\./)
    84 			{
    85 			print "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: The source path must be relative to the srcroot, and must not contain '..'\n";
    86 			$error = 1;
    87 			}
    89 		$self->iSrcRoot($aSrcRoot);
    90 		$self->iSrcPath($aSrcPath);
    91 		$self->iSrcPrefix($aSrcPrefix);
    92 		$self->iPlatform($aPlatform);
    93 		$self->iSrcItems({});
    94 		$self->iCheckCase(!!$aCheckCase);
    96 		$self->AddSrcItem("os/buildtools/toolsandutils/productionbldtools/unref/orphan/cedprd/SuppKit", "non-shipped");
    97 		$self->AddSrcItem("os/buildtools/toolsandutils/productionbldtools/unref/orphan/cedprd/tools", "non-shipped");
    98 		$self->AddSrcItem("os/buildtools/toolsandutils/productionbldtools/unref/orphan/cedprd/DevKit", "non-shipped");
    99 		$self->AddSrcItem("os/buildtools/toolsandutils/productionbldtools", "non-shipped");
   100 		}
   102 	if ($error)
   103 		{
   104 		$self = undef;
   105 		}
   107 	return $self;
   108 	}
   110 # Object data
   111 #
   112 sub iSrcRoot()
   113 	{
   114 	my $self = shift;
   115 	if (@_) { $self->{iSRCROOT} = shift; }
   116 	return $self->{iSRCROOT};
   117 	}
   119 sub iSrcPath()
   120 	{
   121 	my $self = shift;
   122 	if (@_) { $self->{iSRCPATH} = shift; }
   123 	return $self->{iSRCPATH};
   124 	}
   126 sub iSrcPrefix()
   127 	{
   128 	my $self = shift;
   129 	if (@_) { $self->{iSRCPREFIX} = shift; }
   130 	return $self->{iSRCPREFIX};
   131 	}
   133 sub iPlatform()
   134 	{
   135 	my $self = shift;
   136 	if (@_) { $self->{iPLATFORM} = shift; }
   137 	return $self->{iPLATFORM};
   138 	}
   140 sub iSrcItems()
   141 	{
   142 	my $self = shift;
   143 	if (@_) { $self->{iSRCITEMS} = shift; }
   144 	return $self->{iSRCITEMS};
   145 	}
   147 sub iCheckCase()
   148 	{
   149 	my $self = shift;
   150 	if (@_) { $self->{iCHECKCASE} = shift; }
   151 	return $self->{iCHECKCASE};
   152 	}
   154 sub iCorrectedCase()
   155 	{
   156 	my $self = shift;
   157 	if (@_) { $self->{iCORRECTEDCASE} = shift; }
   158 	return $self->{iCORRECTEDCASE};
   159 	}
   161 # LoadMrps - Records the source lines out of all .mrp files
   162 #
   163 # Parameters:
   164 # $aConfig - optional configuration file, as used by makecbr
   165 # $aLists - optional component lists, as used by makecbr
   166 # $aMrps - optional .mrp files
   167 #
   168 # Returns: True, if the load was successful. False otherwise
   169 #
   170 sub LoadMrps($$$)
   171 	{
   172 	my $self = shift;
   173 	my ($aConfig, $aLists, $aMrps) = @_;
   174 	# Load in config file
   176 	my @lists = @$aLists;
   177 	my @mrps;
   178 	foreach my $mrp (@$aMrps){
   179 		{
   180 		push @mrps, [$mrp, ''];
   181 		}
   182 	}
   183 	my @configMrps = ();
   184     if (defined($aConfig))
   185 		{
   186 		my @configs = $self->_LoadConfig($aConfig);
   188 		# Add mrps and lists (after planting them in srcroot)
   189 		push @lists, map($self->_PlantFile($_), @{$configs[0]});
   190 		@configMrps = map($self->_PlantFile($_), @{$configs[1]});
   191 		foreach my $mrp (@configMrps)
   192 			{
   193 			push @mrps, [$mrp, ''];
   194 			}
   195 		}
   197 	# Load in mrp lists
   198 	foreach my $file (@lists)
   199 		{
   200 		if (open (MRPLIST, $file))
   201 			{
   202 			foreach my $line (<MRPLIST>)
   203 				{
   204 				chomp $line;
   205 				$line =~ s/#.*$//; # Remove comments
   206 				$line =~ s/^\s*//; # Remove extraneous spaces
   207 				$line =~ s/\s*$//;
   209 				if ($line ne "")
   210 					{
   211 					my @parms = split(/\s+/, $line);
   213 					if (scalar(@parms) != 2)
   214 						{
   215 						warn "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Entries in component list '$file' should be of the form 'name mrp_location'. Problem in line: $line\n";
   216 						next;
   217 						}
   218 					else
   219 						{
   220 						# Ignore *nosource* entries
   221 						next if ($parms[1] eq '*nosource*');
   223 						push @mrps, [$self->_PlantFile($parms[1]), $parms[0]];
   224 						}
   225 					}
   226 				}
   227 			close MRPLIST or warn "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Couldn't close '$file' : $!\n";
   228 			}
   229 		else
   230 			{
   231 			warn "Couldn't open '$file' : $!\n";	
   232 			}
   233 		}
   235 	# Load all .mrp files
   236 	if (scalar(@mrps) == 0)
   237 		{
   238 		die "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: No .mrp files were specified\n";
   239 		}
   241 	my $loaded = 1;
   243 	foreach my $mrp (@mrps)
   244 		{
   245 		# Get path of mrp file (from here)
   246 		my ($name, $path) = fileparse($mrp->[0]);
   247 		# Convert to path from source root
   248 		if (!($self->_RemoveBaseFromPath($self->iSrcRoot(), \$path)))
   249 			{
   250 			warn "ERROR: Mrp file $mrp->[0] isn't under the source root (".$self->iSrcRoot().")\n";
   251 			next;
   252 			}
   254 		my $mrpobj;
   256         # To indicate the correct case and where the .mrp file comes from if failed to check letter case
   257         if (!($self->_CheckCase($mrp->[0]))) {
   258             my $mrp_error_source = "optional component list(by -f) or optional .mrp list(by -m)";
   259             foreach my $myName (@configMrps) {
   260                 if ($myName eq $mrp->[0]) {
   261                     $mrp_error_source = "config file '".$aConfig."'";
   262                     last;
   263                 }
   264             } 
   265             print "WARNING: Case of '".$mrp->[0]."' supplied in ".$mrp_error_source." does not match the file system. Should be ".$self->iCorrectedCase()."\n";
   266         }
   268 		if (!eval { $mrpobj = New ReadMrp($mrp->[0]) })
   269 			{
   270 			$loaded = 0;
   271 			my $message = $@;
   272 			$message =~ s/^(ERROR:\s*)?/ERROR: RealTimeBuild: /i;
   273 			print $message;
   274 			}
   275 		else
   276 			{
   277 			my $selfowned = 0;
   278 			my $mrpComponentName = $mrpobj->GetComponent();
   279 			if( ($mrp->[1] ne '') && (lc($mrp->[1]) ne lc($mrpComponentName)))
   280 				{
   281 				print "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Component name \'$mrp->[1]\' does not match \'$mrpComponentName\' in $mrp->[0]\n";
   282 				}
   283 			foreach my $srcitem (@{$mrpobj->GetSrcItems()})
   284 				{
   285 				if ($srcitem =~ /^[\/\\]/)
   286 					{
   287 					# Remove source prefix
   288 					$srcitem = $self->_StripFile($srcitem);
   289 					}
   290 				else
   291 					{
   292 					# Relative source item
   293 					$srcitem = File::Spec->catdir($path, $srcitem);
   294 					}
   296 				my $rootedmrp = $path.$name;
   297 				if ($self->_RemoveBaseFromPath($srcitem, \$rootedmrp))
   298 					{
   299 					$selfowned = 1;
   300 					}
   302 				$self->AddSrcItem($srcitem, $mrpComponentName);
   303 				}
   304 			if ($self->iCheckCase())
   305 				{
   306 				foreach my $binexpitem (@{$mrpobj->GetBinExpItems()})
   307 					{
   308 					# Check lower case
   309 					if ($binexpitem =~ /[A-Z]/)
   310 						{
   311 						print "REMARK: [$mrpComponentName] Binary/export file $binexpitem should be lower case\n";
   312 						}
   313 					}
   314 				}
   316 			if (!$selfowned)
   317 				{
   318 				print "REMARK: .mrp file '$mrp->[0]' does not include itself as source\n"; 
   319 				}
   320 			}
   321 		}
   322 	return $loaded;
   323 	}
   325 # AddSrcItem - Records a source file, usually taken from an .mrp file
   326 #
   327 # Parameters:
   328 # $aItem - the source file name
   329 # $aComponent - the name of the component which claimed the file
   330 #
   331 # Returns: None
   332 # Dies: Not normally; only if the source hash data structure gets corrupted
   333 sub AddSrcItem($$)
   334 	{
   335 	my $self = shift;
   336 	my ($aItem, $aComponent) = @_;
   338 	my $item = $aItem;
   340 	# Worth checking that the file exists
   341 	my $truePath = File::Spec->catdir($self->iSrcRoot(), $item);
   342 	if (($item !~ /^\\component_defs/i) && (!-e $truePath))
   343 		{
   344 		print "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: '$aComponent' owns $item, but that path doesn't exist\n";
   345 		$item = ""; # No point adding this path to the tree	
   346 		}
   347 	else
   348 		{
   349 		# Check case consistency
   350 		$self->_CheckCase($truePath) or print "WARNING: [$aComponent] Case of '".$truePath."' does not match the file system. Should be ".$self->iCorrectedCase()."\n";
   351 		}
   353 	$item =~ s/^[\/\\]*//; # Remove preceding slashes
   355 	my @path = split(/[\/\\]+/,$item);
   357 	my $dir = $self->iSrcItems();
   358 	while ((scalar @path) > 0)
   359 		{
   360 		my $subdir = lc(shift @path);
   362 		if (scalar(@path) == 0)
   363 			{
   364 			# Just enter the final path segment
   365 			if (exists($dir->{$subdir}))
   366 				{
   367 				# Someone already owns at least part of this path
   368 				if (!ref($dir->{$subdir}))
   369 					{
   370 					# Someone owns the whole of this path
   371 					my $conflict = $dir->{$subdir};
   373 					print "REMARK: $aComponent and $conflict both own $item\n";
   374 					}
   375 				else
   376 					{
   377 					if (ref($dir->{$subdir}) ne "HASH")
   378 						{
   379 						die "ERROR: Source hash is corrupted\n";
   380 						}
   381 					else
   382 						{
   383 						# Someone owns a child of this path
   384 						my $childtree = $dir->{$subdir};
   386 						my @conflicts = $self->_GetTreeComps($childtree);
   387 						print "REMARK: $aComponent owns $item, which is already owned by the following component(s): ".join(", ",@conflicts)."\n";
   388 						}
   389 					}
   390 				}
   391 			$dir->{$subdir} = $aComponent;
   392 			}
   393 		else
   394 			{
   395 			# Need to enter another subdirectory
   397 			if (exists($dir->{$subdir}))
   398 				{
   399 				if (ref($dir->{$subdir}))
   400 					{
   401 					# Someone already has - just do a quick integrity check
   403 					if (ref($dir->{$subdir}) ne "HASH")
   404 						{
   405 						die "ERROR: Source hash is corrupted\n";
   406 						}
   407 					}
   408 				else
   409 					{
   410 					# The path from this point on is already owned by a component
   411 					my $conflict = $dir->{$subdir};
   413 					print "REMARK: $aComponent and $conflict both own $item\n";
   414 					last;
   415 					}
   416 				}
   417 			else
   418 				{
   419 				$dir->{$subdir} = {};
   420 				}
   421 			}
   423 		$dir = $dir->{$subdir};
   424 		}
   425 	}
   427 # DistillSrc - Compare the recorded source lines against the source path. Delete anything which doesn't match.
   428 #
   429 # Parameters:
   430 # $aDummy - A flag - non-zero means don't actually delete
   431 #
   432 # Returns: None
   433 sub DistillSrc($$)
   434 	{
   435 	my $self = shift;
   436 	my ($aDummy) = @_;
   438 	my $tree = $self->iSrcItems();
   439 	my $path = File::Spec->catdir($self->iSrcRoot(), $self->iSrcPath());
   441 	$path=~s/[\/\\]+/\\/; # Remove multiple slashes
   443 	# Pop the srcpath off the front of the tree
   444 	my @path = split(/[\/\\]/,$self->iSrcPath());
   446 	foreach my $dir (@path)
   447 		{
   448 		if ($dir eq ".")
   449 			{
   450 			next;
   451 			}
   452 		elsif (exists($tree->{lc($dir)}))
   453 			{
   454 			$tree = $tree->{lc($dir)};
   456 			if (!ref($tree))
   457 				{
   458 				# Some component owns all of the srcpath
   459 				last;
   460 				}
   461 			}
   462 		else
   463 			{
   464 			# No mrp files claimed any of the source
   465 			$tree = undef;
   466 			last;
   467 			}
   468 		}
   470 	# Now recurse into the tree and delete files
   471 	if (defined($tree))
   472 		{
   473 		if (ref($tree))
   474 			{
   475 			$self->_DistillTree($tree, $path, $aDummy);
   476 			}
   477 		else
   478 			{
   479 			print "REMARK: All source owned by component '$tree'; no action\n";
   480 			}
   481 		}
   482 	else
   483 		{
   484 		print "WARNING: No .mrp files claim any source; removing $path\n";
   485 		$self->_DeletePath($path, $aDummy);
   486 		}
   487 	}
   489 # Print - Display the source tree
   490 #
   491 # Parameters:
   492 # $aDepth - The number of levels of the tree to show. 0 = all levels
   493 #
   494 # Returns: None
   495 sub Print($$)
   496 	{
   497 	my $self = shift;
   499 	my ($aDepth) = @_;
   501 	$self->_PrintTree("", $self->iSrcItems(), $aDepth);
   502 	}
   504 # *** Private methods ***
   505 # *** 
   507 # _LoadConfig - (private) Reads a configuration file, as used by makecbr
   508 #
   509 # Parameters:
   510 # $aConfig - filename of the configuration file
   511 #
   512 # Returns:
   513 # (files, mrps) - where files and mrps are listrefs containing component lists and
   514 # mrp files respectively
   515 #
   516 sub _LoadConfig($)
   517 	{
   518 	my $self = shift;
   519 	my ($aConfig) = @_;
   521 	my @files = ();
   522 	my @mrps = ();
   524 	my $config = New CConfig($aConfig);
   526 	if (!defined $config)
   527 		{
   528 		die "Couldn't load config file '$aConfig'\n";
   529 		}
   531 	# Extract the interesting items into our lists
   532 	push @mrps, $config->Get("gt+techview baseline mrp location");
   533 	push @mrps, $config->Get("gt only baseline mrp location");
   534 	push @files, $config->Get("techview component list");
   535 	push @files, $config->Get("gt component list");
   537 	# Remove any items we couldn't find
   538 	@mrps = grep(defined($_), @mrps);
   539 	@files = grep(defined($_), @files);
   541 	return (\@files, \@mrps);
   542 	}
   544 # _StripFile - (private) Remover of src prefix. Also maps product directories
   545 #
   546 # Parameters:
   547 # $aFile - Filename to process
   548 #
   549 # Returns: The processed filename
   550 #
   551 sub _StripFile($)
   552 	{
   553 	my $self = shift;
   554 	my ($aFile) = @_;
   556 	my $file = $aFile;
   558 	# Map the product dirs
   559 	my $platform = $self->iPlatform();
   560 	$file =~ s#^[\/\\]?product[\/\\]#/sf/os/unref/orphan/cedprd/#i;
   562 	# Remove the prefix
   563 	my $prefix = $self->iSrcPrefix();
   565 	if (defined $prefix)
   566 		{
   567 		my $mapped = $file; # Keep a copy in case we can't remove the prefix
   569 		if (!$self->_RemoveBaseFromPath($prefix, \$file))
   570 			{
   571 			$file = $mapped;
   572 			}
   573 		}
   575 	return $file;
   576 	}
   578 # _PlantFile - (private) Add src root to file. Also take off src prefix
   579 #
   580 # Parameters:
   581 # $aFile - Filename to process
   582 #
   583 # Returns: The processed filename
   584 #
   585 sub _PlantFile($)
   586 	{
   587 	my $self = shift;
   588 	my ($aFile) = @_;
   590 	my $file = $aFile;
   592 	# Remove the prefix
   593 	$file = $self->_StripFile($file);
   595 	# Plant the file in the src root
   596 	$file = File::Spec->catdir($self->iSrcRoot(), $file);
   598 	# Ensure all slashes are normalised to a single backslash
   599 	$file =~ s/[\/\\]+/\\/; 
   601 	return $file;
   602 	}
   604 # _RemoveBaseFromPath - (private) Remove a base path from the root of a filename.
   605 #
   606 # Parameters:
   607 # $aBase - The base path to remove
   608 # $$aFile - Filename to process (scalar reference)
   609 #
   610 # Returns: True if the file was under the base path, false otherwise
   611 #   $$aFile may be corrupted if the return is false
   612 sub _RemoveBaseFromPath($)
   613 	{
   614 	my $self = shift;
   615 	my ($aBase, $aFile) = @_;
   617 	my $base = $aBase;
   618 	$base =~ s/^[\/\\]*//; # Remove extra slashes
   619 	$base =~ s/[\/\\]*$//;
   621 	my @base = split(/[\/\\]+/, $base);
   623 	$$aFile =~ s/^[\/\\]*//; # Remove preceding slashes
   625 	my $matched = 1;
   626 	my $filedir;
   628 	foreach my $dir (@base)
   629 		{
   630 		if ($$aFile =~ /[\/\\]/)
   631 			{
   632 			# Split off the bottom dir
   633 			$$aFile =~ /([^\/\\]*)[\/\\]+(.*)$/;
   634 			($filedir, $$aFile) = ($1, $2, $3);
   635 			}
   636 		else
   637 			{
   638 			# Special case - no more dirs
   639 			$filedir = $$aFile;
   640 			$$aFile = "";
   641 			}
   642 		if (lc($filedir) ne lc($dir))
   643 			{
   644 			# Base doesn't match
   645 			$matched = 0;
   646 			last;
   647 			}
   648 		}
   650 	return $matched;
   651 	}
   653 # _CheckCase - (private) Given a literal filename, compares the case of the
   654 #                        file on the filesystem against the filename i.e. it
   655 #                        can be used to enforce case sensitivity
   656 #
   657 # Parameters:
   658 # $aFilename - The literal filename
   659 #
   660 # Returns: True if the file matches the supplied case.
   661 #          True if the file doesn't exist at all (user is expected to check that separately)
   662 #          True if case checking has been disabled.
   663 #          False otherwise (if the file exists but under a differing case).
   664 #
   665 # If false, the correctly cased name is present through $self->iCorrectedCase()
   666 sub _CheckCase($)
   667 {
   668 	my $self = shift;
   669 	my ($aFile) = @_;
   671 	return 1 if !($self->iCheckCase()); # checking disabled
   672 	return 1 if ($^O !~ /win32/i); # only works on Windows anyway
   674 	return 1 if (!-e $aFile); # file not found (under case-insensitive checking)
   676 	$self->iCorrectedCase(Win32::GetLongPathName($aFile));
   677 	return ($aFile eq $self->iCorrectedCase());
   678 }
   680 # _DistillTree - (private) Given a src tree and a dir, clean out any unowned files
   681 #
   682 # Parameters:
   683 # %$aTree - The source tree (hash ref containing nested hash refs and string leaves)
   684 # $aDir - The directory to compare against
   685 # $aDummy - A flag - non-zero means don't do the actual deletion
   686 #
   687 # Returns: A flag - non-zero if there were any owned files present
   688 sub _DistillTree($$$)
   689 	{
   690 	my $self = shift;
   691 	my ($aTree, $aDir, $aDummy) = @_;
   694 	my $keptsome = 0;
   696 	if (opendir(DIR, $aDir))
   697 	{	
   698 		my $dir = $aDir;
   699 		$dir =~ s/[\/\\]*$//; # Remove trailing / from dir
   701 		foreach my $entry (readdir(DIR))
   702 			{
   703 			my $path = $dir."\\".$entry;
   705 			if ($entry =~ /^\.\.?$/)
   706 				{
   707 				next;
   708 				}
   709 			elsif (exists $aTree->{lc($entry)})
   710 				{
   711 				my $treeentry = $aTree->{lc($entry)};
   712 				if (ref($treeentry) eq "HASH")
   713 					{
   714 					# Part of this path is owned
   715 					if (-d $path)
   716 						{
   717 						# Recurse into path
   718 						my $keep = $self->_DistillTree($treeentry, $path, $aDummy);
   719 						if ($keep)
   720 							{
   721 							$keptsome = 1;
   722 							}
   723 						else
   724 							{
   725 							# Correction; none of this path was owned
   726 							$self->_DeletePath($path, $aDummy);
   727 							}
   728 						}
   729 					elsif (-f $path)
   730 						{
   731 						my @comps = $self->_GetTreeComps($treeentry);
   732 						print "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: $path is a file, yet is used as a directory in components: ".join(", ",@comps)."\n";
   733 						}
   734 					else
   735 						{
   736 						print "ERROR: $path has disappeared while it was being examined\n";
   737 						}
   738 					}
   739 				elsif (!ref($treeentry))
   740 					{
   741 					# This path is completely owned
   742 					$keptsome = 1;
   743 					next;
   744 					}
   745 				else
   746 					{
   747 					die "ERROR: Source hash is corrupted\n";
   748 					}
   749 				}
   750 			else
   751 				{
   752 				$self->_DeletePath($path, $aDummy);
   753 				}
   754 			}
   756 		closedir(DIR);
   757 		}
   758 	else
   759 		{
   760 			warn "ERROR: RealTimeBuild: Couldn't open directory '$aDir' for reading\n";
   761 		}
   763 	return $keptsome;
   764 	}
   766 # _GetTreeComps - (private) Get all the leaves out of a tree (or component
   767 #                           names out of a source tree)
   768 # Parameters:
   769 # %$aTree - The source tree (hash ref containing nested hash refs and string leaves)
   770 # 
   771 # Returns: A list of strings found at the leaves (or component names)
   772 sub _GetTreeComps($)
   773 	{
   774 	my $self = shift;
   775 	my ($aTree) = @_;
   777 	my @comps = ();
   779 	foreach my $entry (keys(%$aTree))
   780 		{
   781 		if (ref($aTree->{$entry}) eq "HASH")
   782 			{
   783 			push @comps, $self->_GetTreeComps($aTree->{$entry});
   784 			}
   785 		elsif (!ref($aTree->{$entry}))
   786 			{
   787 			push @comps, $aTree->{$entry};
   788 			}
   789 		else
   790 			{
   791 			die "ERROR: Source hash is corrupted\n";
   792 			}
   793 		}
   795 	return @comps;
   796 	}
   798 # _DeletePath - (private) Safe path deletion (file or dir)
   799 #
   800 # $aPath - The path to delet
   801 # $aDummy  - A flag - non-zero means don't actually delete
   802 #
   803 # Returns: None. Prints warnings if deletion fails. Dies only in exceptional circumstances
   804 sub _DeletePath($$)
   805 	{
   806 	my $self = shift;
   808 	my ($aPath, $aDummy) = @_;
   810 	if (-d $aPath)
   811 		{
   812 		if ($aDummy)
   813 			{
   814 			print "DUMMY: Directory $aPath is not specified in any .mrp file\n";
   815 			}
   816 		else
   817 			{
   818 			print "REMARK: Deleting directory $aPath; ";
   819 			my $files = rmtree($aPath);
   820 			if ($files)
   821 				{
   822 				print "$files items removed\n";
   823 				}
   824 			else
   825 				{
   826 				print "\nWARNING: Problem removing directory $aPath\n";
   827 				}
   828 			}
   829 		}
   830 	elsif (-f $aPath)
   831 		{
   832 		if ($aDummy)
   833 			{
   834 			print "DUMMY: File $aPath is not specified in any .mrp file\n";
   835 			}
   836 		else
   837 			{
   838 				unless($aPath =~ /distribution.policy.s60/i)
   839 				{
   840 					print "REMARK: Deleting file $aPath\n";
   841 					unlink $aPath or print "WARNING: Problem deleting file $aPath\n";
   842 				}
   843 			}
   844 		}
   845 	else
   846 		{
   847 		warn "ERROR: Can't delete path $aPath; not a file or directory\n";
   848 		}
   849 	}
   851 # _PrintTree - Display a subset of the source tree
   852 #
   853 # Parameters:
   854 # $aPrefix - The string to prefix all paths
   855 # $aDepth - The number of levels of the tree to show. 0 = all levels
   856 #
   857 # Returns: None
   858 sub _PrintTree($$$)
   859         {
   860 	my $self = shift;
   862         my ($aPrefix, $aTree, $aDepth) = @_;
   864 	my $prefix = "";
   866 	if ($aPrefix ne "")
   867 		{
   868 		$prefix = $aPrefix."\\";
   869 		}
   871         foreach my $key (sort(keys(%$aTree)))
   872                 {
   873                 if (ref($aTree->{$key}))
   874                         {
   875 			if ($aDepth!=1)
   876 				{
   877 				my $newprefix = $prefix.$key;
   879 				if ($key eq "")
   880 					{
   881 					$newprefix.="{empty}";
   882 					}
   884                         	$self->_PrintTree($newprefix, $aTree->{$key}, $aDepth-1);
   885 				}
   886 			else
   887 				{
   888 				print $prefix.$key."\\...\n";
   889 				}
   890                         }
   891                 else
   892                         {
   893                         print $prefix.$key." = ".$aTree->{$key}."\n";
   894                         }
   895                 }
   896         }
   898 1;