1 #!perl |
2 |
3 # Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
4 # All rights reserved. |
5 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
6 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
7 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
8 # at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
9 # |
10 # Initial Contributors: |
11 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
12 # |
13 # Contributors: |
14 # |
15 # Description: |
16 # GT and TV Release notes generator |
17 # How this script works... |
18 # 1.Creates a list of all GT and TV components with their MRP file locations at both the current and previous CL. |
19 # 2.Iterates through the previous CL list for any components that are not in the current CL list and adds these to |
20 # the currentCL list. |
21 # 3.Runs a p4 print for each MRP file and stores each component and its source(s) to an array. Component names in uppercase |
22 # and source lines in lowercase. |
23 # 4.Iterates through this array extracting each component name and runs "p4 changes -l -s submitted" between the |
24 # previous and current CL for each component source. |
25 # 5.Outputs this data to a HTML file |
26 # |
27 # |
28 |
29 use strict; |
30 |
31 #----------------------------GLOBAL DEFINITIONS-------------------------------------# |
32 my $Product = $ARGV[0]; |
33 my $Srcpath = $ARGV[1]; |
34 my $PrevCL = $ARGV[2]; #Previous external release changelist number |
35 my $CurrentCL = $ARGV[3]; #Current external release changelist number |
36 |
37 my @PrevMrpComponents; #Array of Components at Previous changelist number |
38 my @CurrMrpComponents; #Array of Components at Current changelist number |
39 my @NewMrpComponents; #Array of Merged Components |
40 |
41 my @ComponentAndSource; #Array of all components and source |
42 my @Components; #Array of component names |
43 |
44 my $GTfilename; #Location of GTComponents.txt |
45 my $TVfilename; #Location of TVComponents.txt |
46 my $GTcomponents; #List of all GTComponents and their MRP file locations |
47 my $TVcomponents; #List of all TVComponents and their MRP file locations |
48 |
49 my $CurrentMrps; #List of all GT and TV components at the current CL number |
50 my $PreviousMrps; #List of all GT and TV components at the previous CL number |
51 my $Platform; #Platform of product specified, i.e. beech or cedar |
52 |
53 my @CompChange; #Array of component change information |
54 my @CompLines; #Array of just component changes |
55 my @CompChangelists; #Array of component changelist numbers |
56 |
57 my $CompName; #Component name |
58 my $Topdir; #Directory of component source |
59 |
60 my @NochangeComponents; #Array of components which have not been changed (may contain duplicate components) |
61 my @UnchangedComponents; #Array of non-duplicate components which have not been changed |
62 my @ChangedComponents; #Array of components which have been changed |
63 my @NewComponents; #Array of new components |
64 my $ProductName; #Name of product |
65 |
66 my $ChangeExists; #Flag which indicates any duplicate changes for a component |
67 my $NewComponent; #Flag which indicates if a component is new or not |
68 |
69 my %CodeLine; #Hash for holding main Codeline for each product |
70 |
71 my $Marker = "**TECHVIEWCOMPONENTS**\n"; #Marker for splitting GT and TV Components |
72 |
73 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------# |
74 |
75 #Check that correct number of arguments were specified by the user |
76 #If not then print out Usage instructions to the command window |
77 Usage() if (@ARGV!=4); |
78 |
79 #Check that the inputs are valid |
80 CheckInputs(); |
81 |
82 #Assign codeline for product |
83 %CodeLine = ( |
84 "8.0" => "//EPOC/release/8.0", |
85 "8.1a" => "//EPOC/release/8.1", |
86 "8.1b" => "//EPOC/release/8.1", |
87 "9.1" => "//EPOC/master", |
88 "9.2" => "//EPOC/master", |
89 ); |
90 |
91 #Create a list of all components and their MRP files at both the current and previous CL's |
92 CreateMRPLists(); |
93 |
94 #Merge and process the lists |
95 ProcessLists($PreviousMrps, $CurrentMrps); |
96 |
97 #Begin creation of release notes using the merged list of MRPs |
98 $NewComponent = 0; |
99 $NewComponent = 1 if ($PrevCL == 0); |
100 |
101 $PrevCL++; # inc changelist number so we don't include the very first submission - it would have been picked up in the last run of this script |
102 |
103 $ProductName = "Symbian_OS_v$Product Delivery Release Notes" if($Srcpath =~ m/deliver/i); |
104 $ProductName = "Symbian_OS_v$Product Release Notes" if ($Srcpath =~ m/release/i); |
105 if ($Srcpath =~ m/master/i) |
106 { |
107 $ProductName = "Symbian_OS_v$Product MCL Release Notes"; |
108 } |
109 |
110 my ( $s, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $w, $y, $i)= localtime(time); |
111 $year+= 1900; |
112 $mon++; |
113 |
114 open OUTFILE, "> $ProductName.html" |
115 or die "ERROR: Can't open $ProductName.html for output\n$!"; |
116 print OUTFILE <<HEADING_EOF; |
117 <html>\n\n<head>\n<title>$ProductName</title>\n</head>\n\n |
118 <body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" text=\"#000000\" link=\"#5F9F9F\" vlink=\"5F9F9F\">\n |
119 <font face=verdana,arial,helvetica size=4>\n\n<hr>\n\n |
120 <a name=\"list\"><h1><center>$ProductName</center></h1></a> |
121 <p><center>Created - $mday/$mon/$year</center>\n |
122 <p><center>----------------------------------------</center>\n |
123 <h2><center>GT Components</center></h2>\n |
125 |
126 foreach my $element(@ComponentAndSource) |
127 { |
128 my $Preform = 0; |
129 my $ChangeCount = 0; |
130 my $Exists = 0; |
131 my $IsAFile = 0; |
132 |
133 if($element =~ /\*\*TECHVIEWCOMPONENTS\*\*/) |
134 { |
135 print OUTFILE "<h2><center>Techview Components</center></h2>\n"; |
136 } |
137 |
138 if($element =~ /^([A-Z].*)/) #Look for component names in array |
139 { |
140 $CompName = $1; |
141 @CompChangelists = (); |
142 } |
143 |
144 elsif($element =~ /^([a-z].*)/) #Look for source directories in array |
145 { |
146 $Topdir = $1; |
147 $Topdir =~ s/\s+$//; #drop any trailing spaces |
148 |
149 |
150 if($Topdir =~ /.*\s+.*/) |
151 { |
152 $Topdir = "\"$Topdir\""; |
153 } |
154 |
155 my $command = "p4 changes -l -s submitted $Srcpath/$Topdir...\@$PrevCL,$CurrentCL"; |
156 @CompChange = `$command`; |
157 die "ERROR: Could not execute: $command\n" if $?; |
158 |
159 foreach my $line(@CompChange) |
160 { |
161 if ($line !~ /\S/) { next; } # ignore lines with no text |
162 chomp $line; |
163 $line =~ s/\&/&/g; |
164 $line =~ s/\</</g; |
165 $line =~ s/\>/>/g; |
166 $line =~ s/\"/"/g; |
167 |
168 if($line =~ /^Change\s(\d+)\s/) |
169 { |
170 my $Change = $1; |
171 |
172 $ChangeExists = 0; |
173 |
174 $line =~ s|\s+by.*||; |
175 if ($Preform) |
176 { |
177 push @CompLines, "</pre>"; |
178 $Preform = 0; |
179 } |
180 |
181 #Check if this change has already been accounted for in this component |
182 foreach my $ChangeList(@CompChangelists) |
183 { |
184 if($ChangeList == $Change) |
185 { |
186 $ChangeExists = 1; |
187 } |
188 } |
189 |
190 #If the change is not a duplicate then add it to the changes array and output the change |
191 #to Relnotes. |
192 if($ChangeExists == 0) |
193 { |
194 $ChangeCount+=1; |
195 push @CompChangelists, $Change; |
196 push @CompLines, "<p><b>$line</b>"; |
197 push @CompLines, "<pre>"; |
198 } |
199 |
200 $Preform = 1; |
201 next; |
202 } |
203 |
204 $line =~ s/^\s//; # drop first leading whitespace |
205 $line =~ s/^\t/ /; # shorten any leading tab |
206 |
207 if($ChangeExists == 0) |
208 { |
209 push @CompLines, $line; |
210 } |
211 } |
212 |
213 if ($ChangeCount == 0) |
214 { |
215 if ($NewComponent) |
216 { |
217 push @NewComponents, $CompName; |
218 } |
219 else |
220 { |
221 push @NochangeComponents, $CompName; |
222 } |
223 next; |
224 } |
225 |
226 # Component with real change descriptions |
227 if ($Preform) |
228 { |
229 push @CompLines, "</pre>"; |
230 } |
231 |
232 #Populate the changed components array with all changed components |
233 foreach my $entry(@ChangedComponents) |
234 { |
235 if($entry eq $CompName) |
236 { |
237 $Exists = 1; |
238 } |
239 } |
240 |
241 if($Exists == 0) |
242 { |
243 &PrintLines("<h2>$CompName</h2>",@CompLines); |
244 push @ChangedComponents, $CompName; |
245 } |
246 |
247 else |
248 { |
249 &PrintLines("",@CompLines); |
250 } |
251 } |
252 |
253 @CompLines = (); |
254 } |
255 |
256 #Get rid of any duplicate component entries in the Unchanged Components list. |
257 for(my $ii = 0; $ii < @NochangeComponents; $ii++) |
258 { |
259 if($NochangeComponents[$ii] ne $NochangeComponents[$ii + 1]) |
260 { |
261 push @UnchangedComponents, $NochangeComponents[$ii]; |
262 } |
263 } |
264 |
265 #Check for components which have been changed but still appear in the unchanged components list. |
266 #This can occur when a component has more than one one source. i.e.one source could be changed while the other source |
267 #remains unchanged. |
268 foreach my $changed(@ChangedComponents) |
269 { |
270 foreach my $unchanged(@UnchangedComponents) |
271 { |
272 if($changed eq $unchanged) |
273 { |
274 $unchanged = ""; #Empty this array element |
275 } |
276 } |
277 } |
278 |
279 #Get rid of any empty elements in the unchanged component array |
280 my @FinalUnchangedList; |
281 foreach my $element(@UnchangedComponents) |
282 { |
283 if($element ne "") |
284 { |
285 push @FinalUnchangedList, $element; |
286 } |
287 } |
288 |
289 if (scalar @NewComponents) |
290 { |
291 &PrintLines("<h2>New Components</h2>", join(", ", sort @NewComponents)); |
292 } |
293 |
294 if (scalar @FinalUnchangedList) |
295 { |
296 if($Srcpath =~ m/deliver/i) |
297 { |
298 &PrintLines("<h2>Unchanged Components (Delivery)</h2>", join(", ", sort @FinalUnchangedList)); |
299 } |
300 elsif($Srcpath =~ m/release/i) |
301 { |
302 &PrintLines("<h2>Unchanged Components</h2>", join(", ", sort @FinalUnchangedList)); |
303 } |
304 else |
305 { |
306 &PrintLines("<h2>Unchanged Components (MCL)</h2>", join(", ", sort @FinalUnchangedList)); |
307 } |
308 } |
309 |
310 &PrintLines("</BODY></HTML>"); |
311 close OUTFILE; |
312 |
313 #-------------------------------------------SUB-ROUTINES----------------------------------------------# |
314 |
315 # CheckInputs |
316 # |
317 # Outputs the required platform and an error message if CL numbers are input incorrectly by the user |
318 # |
319 # |
320 sub CheckInputs |
321 { |
322 #Assign appropriate platform |
323 if($Product eq "8.1a"||$Product eq "8.0") |
324 { |
325 $Platform = "beech"; |
326 } |
327 |
328 elsif($Product eq "8.1b"||$Product eq "9.0"||$Product eq "9.1"||$Product eq "9.2") |
329 { |
330 $Platform = "cedar"; |
331 } |
332 |
333 else |
334 { |
335 print "Product not recognised or not entered as first command line argument!!\n"; |
336 exit 1; |
337 } |
338 |
339 #Protect against CL numbers being input incorrectly |
340 if($PrevCL >= $CurrentCL) |
341 { |
342 print "Changelist numbers must be entered in the order <Previous> <Current>\n"; |
343 exit 1; |
344 } |
345 |
346 #Remove any trailing / from $Srcpath |
347 $Srcpath =~ s|/$||; |
348 } |
349 |
350 # CreateMRPLists |
351 # |
352 # Outputs two lists of components and their MRP file locations at the previous and current CL's |
353 # |
354 |
355 sub CreateMRPLists |
356 { |
357 my $Prod; #Temporary variable for product. Needed because of 8.0a directory in Perforce |
358 |
359 #Change directory name to 8.0a if product is 8.0 |
360 if($Product eq "8.0") |
361 { |
362 $Prod = "8.0a"; |
363 } |
364 else |
365 { |
366 $Prod = $Product; |
367 } |
368 |
369 #Obtain GT and TV MRP File locations from Options.txt |
370 my $command = "p4 print -q $CodeLine{$Product}/$Platform/product/tools/makecbr/files/$Prod/options.txt 2>&1"; |
371 my $OptionsFile = `$command`; |
372 die "ERROR: Could not execute: $command\n" if $?; |
373 |
374 my @OptionsFile = split /\n/m, $OptionsFile; |
375 foreach my $line(@OptionsFile) |
376 { |
377 if($line =~ /^Techview component list:(.*)/i) |
378 { |
379 $TVfilename = $1; |
380 $TVfilename =~ s|\\|\/|g; |
381 $TVfilename =~ s|/src/.*?/|$CodeLine{$Product}/$Platform/|; |
382 } |
383 elsif($line =~ /^GT component list:(.*)/i) |
384 { |
385 $GTfilename = $1; |
386 $GTfilename =~ s|\\|\/|g; |
387 $GTfilename =~ s|/src/.*?/|$CodeLine{$Product}/$Platform/|; |
388 } |
389 } |
390 |
391 #Create List of Previous MRPs |
392 my $PrevGT = "p4 print -q $GTfilename...\@$PrevCL 2>&1"; |
393 $GTcomponents = `$PrevGT`; |
394 die "ERROR: Could not execute: $PrevGT\n" if $?; |
395 |
396 my $PrevTV = "p4 print -q $TVfilename...\@$PrevCL 2>&1"; |
397 $TVcomponents = `$PrevTV`; |
398 die "ERROR: Could not execute: $PrevTV\n" if $?; |
399 |
400 $GTcomponents = $GTcomponents.$Marker; |
401 $PreviousMrps = $GTcomponents.$TVcomponents; |
402 |
403 #Create List of Current MRPs |
404 my $CurrGT = "p4 print -q $GTfilename...\@$CurrentCL 2>&1"; |
405 $GTcomponents = `$CurrGT`; |
406 die "ERROR: Could not execute: $CurrGT\n" if $?; |
407 |
408 my $CurrTV = "p4 print -q $TVfilename...\@$CurrentCL 2>&1"; |
409 $TVcomponents = `$CurrTV`; |
410 die "ERROR: Could not execute: $CurrTV\n" if $?; |
411 |
412 $GTcomponents = $GTcomponents.$Marker; |
413 $CurrentMrps = $GTcomponents.$TVcomponents; |
414 } |
415 |
416 # ProcessLists |
417 # |
418 # Inputs - Two lists of Components and their MRP file locations at the previous and current CL's |
419 # |
420 # Outputs a merged list containing all Components in uppercase and their sourcelines in lowercase |
421 # |
422 # Description |
423 # This function creates a list of all components and their MRP files. The MRP files are then used |
424 # to obtain the source for each component. This information is then input to an array in the form |
425 # [COMPONENT1] [source] [COMPONENT2] [source] [source] [COMPONENT3] [source] .......... |
426 # |
427 |
428 sub ProcessLists |
429 { |
430 if(@_ != 2) |
431 { |
432 print "Could not process MRP lists as both lists were not provided.\n"; |
433 exit 1; |
434 } |
435 |
436 my $PreviousMrps = shift; |
437 my $CurrentMrps = shift; |
438 my @MrpContents; |
439 |
440 #Do some slight modifications to source path for both lists |
441 $PreviousMrps =~ s|\\|\/|g; |
442 $PreviousMrps =~ s|/src/|$CodeLine{$Product}/|ig; |
443 $PreviousMrps =~ s|/product/|$CodeLine{$Product}/$Platform/product/|ig; |
444 |
445 $CurrentMrps =~ s|\\|\/|g; |
446 $CurrentMrps =~ s|/src/|$CodeLine{$Product}/|ig; |
447 $CurrentMrps =~ s|/product/|$CodeLine{$Product}/$Platform/product/|ig; |
448 |
449 @PrevMrpComponents = split /\n/m, $PreviousMrps; |
450 @CurrMrpComponents = split /\n/m, $CurrentMrps; |
451 |
452 foreach my $PrevComp(@PrevMrpComponents) |
453 { |
454 my $match = 0; |
455 |
456 #Compare component lists to ensure they contain the same components. |
457 foreach my $CurrComp(@CurrMrpComponents) |
458 { |
459 if($PrevComp eq $CurrComp) |
460 { |
461 $match = 1; |
462 } |
463 } |
464 |
465 #If a component is found in the Previous list which isn't in the Current list, then insert it into the Current list |
466 if($match == 0) |
467 { |
468 push @CurrMrpComponents, $PrevComp; |
469 } |
470 } |
471 |
472 #Use the MRP locations of each component to obtain the source for each component |
473 foreach my $ComponentLine(@CurrMrpComponents) |
474 { |
475 if($ComponentLine =~ /.*\s+(.*)/) |
476 { |
477 my $MrpFile = $1; |
478 |
479 my $Temp = `p4 print -q $MrpFile 2>&1`; |
480 |
481 #If a component has been removed between the PrevCL and CurrentCL then its MRP file will |
482 #only exist at the PrevCL |
483 unless($Temp =~ /source/i) |
484 { |
485 $Temp = `p4 print -q $MrpFile\@$PrevCL 2>&1`; |
486 } |
487 |
488 @MrpContents = split /\n+/m, $Temp; |
489 } |
490 elsif($ComponentLine =~ /\*\*TECHVIEWCOMPONENTS\*\*/) |
491 { |
492 push @MrpContents, $ComponentLine; |
493 } |
494 |
495 #Construct an array containing components in uppercase followed by all their sourcelines in lowercase |
496 foreach my $line(@MrpContents) |
497 { |
498 if($line =~ /^component\s+(.*)/i) |
499 { |
500 my $ComponentName = uc($1); |
501 push @ComponentAndSource, $ComponentName; |
502 } |
503 |
504 if($line =~ /^source\s+(.*)/i) |
505 { |
506 my $Source = lc($1); |
507 $Source =~ s/\\/\//g; |
508 $Source =~ s|/src/||; |
509 $Source =~ s|/product/|$Platform/product|ig; |
510 push @ComponentAndSource, $Source; |
511 } |
512 |
513 if($line =~ /TECHVIEWCOMPONENTS/) |
514 { |
515 push @ComponentAndSource, $line; |
516 } |
517 } |
518 } |
519 } |
520 |
521 # PrintLines |
522 # |
523 # Input - An array containing text information |
524 # |
525 # Outputs each element of the input array seperated by a newline to the OUTFILE |
526 # |
527 |
528 sub PrintLines |
529 { |
530 print OUTFILE join("\n",@_),"\n"; |
531 } |
532 |
533 # Usage |
534 # |
535 # Outputs instructions on how to run this script |
536 # |
537 |
538 sub Usage |
539 { |
540 print <<USAGE_EOF; |
541 |
542 Usage |
543 ----- |
544 perl ReleaseNotes.pl <product> <codeline> <previous CL Num> <current CL Num> |
545 |
546 Generates an HTML document containing release notes for the specified product. |
547 |
548 <product> The product for which the release notes are to be generated |
549 eg |
550 8.0, 8.1a, 8.1b, 9.0, 9.1 |
551 |
552 |
553 <codeline> The codeline on which the perl tool is to be run |
554 eg |
555 For MCL - //EPOC/master |
556 For 8.0 - //EPOC/release/8.0 |
557 For Delivery (MCL) - //EPOC/deliver/master/2004/<snapshot_number> |
558 For Delivery (8.0) - //EPOC/deliver/product/8.0/2004/<snapshot_number>/src |
559 |
560 <previous CL Num> The changelist number of the previous external build |
561 |
562 <current CL Num> The changelist number of the current external build candidate |
563 |
564 |
565 Example for MCL codeline |
566 ------------------------ |
567 |
568 perl ReleaseNotes.pl 9.0 //EPOC/Master 438931 442567 |
569 |
570 This generates release notes in a file named |
571 Symbian_OS_v9.0 MCL Release Notes.html |
572 |
574 exit 1; |
575 } |
576 |
577 |
578 |
579 |
580 |