1 # Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
2 # All rights reserved. |
3 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
4 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
5 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
6 # at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
7 # |
8 # Initial Contributors: |
9 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
10 # |
11 # Contributors: |
12 # |
13 # Description: |
14 # This module implements Build environment logging |
15 # It collects versions of various tools and Windows hotfixes and writes them to the specified XML file |
16 # |
17 # |
18 |
19 package buildenv; |
20 |
21 use strict; |
22 use Carp; |
23 use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; |
24 |
25 # Module Win32::TieRegistry - Set delimiter to forward slash to avoid doubling all the backslashes! |
26 # Do not ask for ArrayValues sice we are only reading data, not changing/editing anything. |
27 use Win32::TieRegistry( Delimiter=>"/" ); |
28 |
29 # Main |
30 # |
31 # Inputs |
32 # - $iHostName - Name of host computer (to be written into the XML file) |
33 # - $iXMLfilePathname - Full pathname of output .XML file |
34 # |
35 # note: XML file will have been named after the hostname that |
36 # the script was run on. See BuildEnv.pl. |
37 # |
38 # Description |
39 # Collects OS information and versions of know tools. |
40 # Writes resulting build environment info to specified XML file |
41 # |
42 sub Main |
43 { |
44 my ($iHostName, $iXMLfilePathname) = @_; |
45 my (%iToolList) = &buildenv::GetToolInfo(); |
46 my ($iWinEnvVer, %iHotFixList) = &buildenv::GetWinInfo(); |
47 |
48 # write the same info in xml - useful for future tools |
49 &WriteXMLFormat($iHostName, $iXMLfilePathname, $iWinEnvVer, \%iHotFixList, \%iToolList); |
50 } |
51 |
52 # WriteXMLFormat |
53 # |
54 # Description |
55 # Writes build environment info to XML file |
56 # |
57 # Inputs |
58 # - $iWinVer - scalar with info on windows version |
59 # - $iHotFixRef - ref to hash containing hotfix info |
60 # - $iToolListRef - ref to hash containing tool info |
61 # |
62 # Outputs |
63 # Writes XML file |
64 # |
65 sub WriteXMLFormat |
66 { |
67 use IO; |
68 use XML::Writer; |
69 |
70 # get one scalar and 2 refs to hashes |
71 my ($iHostName, $iXMLfilePathname, $iWinVer, $iHotFixListRef, $iToolListRef) = @_; |
72 |
73 my $DTD = " |
74 <!DOCTYPE machine_config [ |
75 <!ELEMENT machine_config (operating_sys,tool*)> |
76 <!ATTLIST machine_config |
78 > |
79 <!ELEMENT operating_sys (hotfix*)> |
80 <!ATTLIST operating_sys |
82 version CDATA #REQUIRED |
83 servicepack CDATA #REQUIRED |
84 buildnumber CDATA #REQUIRED |
85 > |
86 <!ELEMENT hotfix EMPTY> |
87 <!ATTLIST hotfix |
89 installdate CDATA #REQUIRED |
90 > |
91 <!ELEMENT tool EMPTY> |
92 <!ATTLIST tool |
94 version CDATA #REQUIRED |
95 > |
96 ]> "; |
97 |
98 my $output = new IO::File("> $iXMLfilePathname"); |
99 my $writer = new XML::Writer( OUTPUT => $output, DATA_MODE => 'true', DATA_INDENT => 2 ); |
100 |
101 $writer->xmlDecl( 'UTF-8' ); |
102 print $output $DTD; |
103 $writer->comment( 'machine_config at ' . localtime() ); |
104 $writer->startTag( 'machine_config', 'name' => $iHostName); |
105 |
106 # breakdown the winversion string to its component parts: |
107 $iWinVer =~ m/Microsoft Windows(.*)ver(.*)Service Pack(.*)Build(.*)/; |
108 $writer->startTag( 'operating_sys', 'name' => 'Microsoft Windows'.$1, |
109 'version' => $2, |
110 'servicepack'=> $3, |
111 'buildnumber'=> $4); |
112 |
113 foreach my $fixnum (sort keys %$iHotFixListRef) |
114 { |
115 $writer->startTag( 'hotfix', name => $fixnum, 'installdate' => $iHotFixListRef->{$fixnum} ); |
116 $writer->endTag( ); |
117 } |
118 $writer->endTag( ); # operating_sys |
119 foreach my $toolname (sort {uc $a cmp uc $b} keys %$iToolListRef) |
120 { |
121 $writer->startTag( 'tool', name => $toolname, 'version' => $iToolListRef->{$toolname}{'version'} ); |
122 # Look for modules supporting the current tool (e.g Perl modules) |
123 if (defined $iToolListRef->{$toolname}{'modules'}) |
124 { |
125 foreach my $modulename (sort {uc $a cmp uc $b} keys %{$iToolListRef->{$toolname}{'modules'}}) |
126 { |
127 $writer->startTag( 'module', name => $modulename, 'version' => $iToolListRef->{$toolname}{'modules'}{$modulename} ); |
128 $writer->endTag( ); |
129 } |
130 } |
131 # Look for other versions of the current tool for which files exist but are not reached via default PATH (e.g ARM RVCT) |
132 if (defined $iToolListRef->{$toolname}{'multiver'}) |
133 { |
134 foreach my $multiverdirectory (sort {uc $a cmp uc $b} keys %{$iToolListRef->{$toolname}{'multiver'}}) |
135 { |
136 $writer->startTag( 'multiversion', name => $multiverdirectory, 'version' => $iToolListRef->{$toolname}{'multiver'}{$multiverdirectory} ); |
137 $writer->endTag( ); |
138 } |
139 } |
140 $writer->endTag( ); |
141 } |
142 $writer->endTag( ); # machine_config |
143 $writer->end( ); |
144 } |
145 |
146 # GetWinInfo |
147 # |
148 # Description |
149 # Gets Windows version. Collects information on Windows hotfixes (patches) |
150 # |
151 # Inputs - None |
152 # |
153 # Returns |
154 # $iWinEnv - Windows version, SP# and build |
155 # %iHotFixList - Installed Hotfix patch installation dates |
156 # |
157 sub GetWinInfo |
158 { |
159 |
160 my %iHotFixList; |
161 my $iWinEnv = 'Windows : Unknown version'; |
162 |
163 # Extract information from the Windows Registry - First get the OS name and version |
164 my %iValues; |
165 my $iRegKey = 'LMachine/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion'; |
166 # Get data from hash set up by Win32::TieRegistry |
167 my $iHashRef = $Registry->{$iRegKey} or return ($iWinEnv, %iHotFixList); |
168 # Check that hash element exists before referencing data. Otherwise TieRegistry will think that we want to create a new key/value |
169 my $iProd = (defined $iHashRef->{'/ProductName'})? $iHashRef->{'/ProductName'}: ''; |
170 my $iVer = (defined $iHashRef->{'/CurrentVersion'})? $iHashRef->{'/CurrentVersion'}: ''; |
171 my $iSPVer = (defined $iHashRef->{'/CSDVersion'})? $iHashRef->{'/CSDVersion'}: ''; |
172 my $iBuild = (defined $iHashRef->{'/CurrentBuildNumber'})? $iHashRef->{'/CurrentBuildNumber'}: ''; |
173 |
174 $iWinEnv =$iProd .' ver ' . $iVer . ' ' . $iSPVer . ' Build ' . $iBuild . "\n"; |
175 |
176 # Next get the list of patches - First assume "Windows 2003" then "Windows 2000" |
177 $iRegKey = 'LMachine/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Updates/Windows Server 2003'; |
178 $iHashRef = $Registry->{$iRegKey}; |
179 unless (defined $iHashRef) |
180 { |
181 $iRegKey = 'LMachine/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Updates/Windows 2000'; |
182 $iHashRef = $Registry->{$iRegKey}; |
183 unless (defined $iHashRef) |
184 { |
185 return ($iWinEnv, %iHotFixList); |
186 } |
187 } |
188 foreach my $iKey0 (sort keys %$iHashRef) # Key = service pack identifier; e.g. 'SP-1/', 'SP2/' ... Note trailing delimiter! |
189 { |
190 my $iHashRef1 = $iHashRef->{$iKey0}; |
191 unless (ref($iHashRef1)) { next; } # Skip occasional data item. Reference Type (if any) is 'Win32::TieRegistry' |
192 foreach my $iKey1 (sort keys %$iHashRef1) # Key = hotfix reference; e.g. 'Q816093/' etc. Note trailing delimiter! |
193 { |
194 my $iHashRef2 = $iHashRef1->{$iKey1}; |
195 unless (ref($iHashRef2)) { next; } # Skip occasional data item. Reference Type (if any) is 'Win32::TieRegistry' |
196 foreach my $iKey2 (sort keys %$iHashRef2) # Key = hotfix property; e.g. '/InstalledDate' etc. Note leading delimiter! |
197 { |
198 if ($iKey2 =~ m/^\/InstalledDate/) |
199 { |
200 $iKey0 =~ s/\/$//; # Remove trailing delimiter (slash) from service pack identifier |
201 $iKey1 =~ s/\/$//; # Remove trailing delimiter (slash) from hotfix reference |
202 $iHotFixList{"$iKey0 $iKey1"}= $iHashRef2->{$iKey2}; |
203 } |
204 } |
205 } |
206 } |
207 |
208 return ($iWinEnv, %iHotFixList); |
209 } |
210 |
211 # GetToolInfo |
212 # |
213 # Description |
214 # Collects OS information and versions of known tools. |
215 # |
216 # Inputs - None |
217 # |
218 # Returns |
219 # %iToolList - Tool versions |
220 # |
221 sub GetToolInfo |
222 { |
223 my %iToolList; |
224 my $iToolName; |
225 |
226 GetPerlInfo(\%iToolList); |
227 |
228 GetMetrowerksInfo(\%iToolList); |
229 |
230 GetArmInfo(\%iToolList); |
231 |
232 GetJavaInfo(\%iToolList); |
233 |
234 # Location of reltools is assumed to be C:\Apps\RelTools\ |
235 $iToolName = 'RelTools'; |
236 my $iRelToolsVerTxt = 'C:\\Apps\\RelTools\\Version.txt'; |
237 $iToolList{$iToolName}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
238 |
239 if (-e $iRelToolsVerTxt) |
240 { |
241 my @iReltools = `type $iRelToolsVerTxt 2>&1`; |
242 # Get RelTools version (must start with numeric value). Assumed to be in first line of file |
243 if ($iReltools[0] =~ m/(^[0-9]{0,2}[0-9]{0,2}.*)(\n$)/) { |
244 $iToolList{$iToolName}{'version'} = $1; |
245 } |
246 } |
247 |
248 # Perforce Client (Typical output "Rev. P4/NTX86/2003.2/56831 (2004/04/13).") |
249 my $iToolNameVer = 'Perforce version'; |
250 my $iToolNameRel = 'Perforce release'; |
251 my @iP4Env = `P4 -V 2>&1`; |
252 $iToolList{$iToolNameVer}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
253 $iToolList{$iToolNameRel}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
254 foreach (@iP4Env) |
255 { |
256 if (m/Rev\.\s+(\S+)\s+\((.+)\)/) |
257 { |
258 $iToolList{$iToolNameVer}{'version'} = $1; |
259 $iToolList{$iToolNameRel}{'version'} = $2; |
260 } |
261 } |
262 |
263 # NSIS Compiler |
264 $iToolName = 'NSIS version'; |
265 my @iNSIS_ver = `MakeNSIS.exe /VERSION 2>&1`; |
266 $iToolList{$iToolName}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
267 if ($iNSIS_ver[0] =~ m/v(\d+\.\d+)/i) |
268 { |
269 $iToolList{$iToolName}{'version'} = $1; |
270 } |
271 |
272 # PsKill utility (SysInternals) |
273 # PsKill v1.11 - Terminates processes on local or remote systems |
274 $iToolName = 'PsKill'; |
275 my @iPSKillVer = `PsKill 2>&1`; |
276 $iToolList{$iToolName}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
277 foreach (@iPSKillVer) |
278 { |
279 if (m/PsKill v(\d+\.\d+)/) { $iToolList{$iToolName}{'version'} = $1; last;} |
280 } |
281 |
282 GetSophosInfo(\%iToolList); # Sophos Anti-virus |
283 |
284 GetMcAfeeInfo(\%iToolList); # McAfee Anti-virus |
285 |
286 GetGPGInfo(\%iToolList); # GPG (Command line encryption program) |
287 |
288 GetWinTapInfo(\%iToolList); # Win-TAP |
289 |
290 return %iToolList; |
291 } |
292 |
293 # GetPerlInfo |
294 # |
295 # Description |
296 # Gets Perl Version (currently usually 5.6.1 or, on a few special machines, 5.8.7) |
297 # If Perl is found, we go on to list Perl Modules using "PPM query" but under Perl Version |
298 # |
299 # Inputs - Reference to Tool List hash (for return of data) |
300 # |
301 # Outputs - Data returned via supplied hashref |
302 # |
303 sub GetPerlInfo |
304 { |
305 my $iToolList = shift; |
306 # Typical output from "Perl -v" |
307 # This is perl, v5.6.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread |
308 # (with 1 registered patch, see perl -V for more detail) |
309 # |
310 # Copyright 1987-2001, Larry Wall |
311 # |
312 # Binary build 635 provided by ActiveState Corp. http://www.ActiveState.com |
313 # Built 15:34:21 Feb 4 2003 |
314 # |
315 my $iToolName = 'Perl'; |
316 my $iVersion; |
317 my $iBuildNum; |
318 my @iRetData = `perl -v 2>&1`; |
319 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
320 foreach (@iRetData) |
321 { # Analyse output from "Perl -v" |
322 if (m/ (version\s+|v)([0-9]{0,2}\.[0-9]{0,3}[_\.][0-9]{0,2})/) |
323 { |
324 if ($iVersion) { print "ERROR: Perl Version redefined as $2.\n"; last; } # Error? Can't have version defined twice!? |
325 $iVersion = $2; |
326 my $iMatchStr = '^([-\\w]+)\\s+\\[([.\\d]+)\\s*\\]'; |
327 my @iRetData = `ppm query 2>&1`; # Ask PPM for a list of modules |
328 if ($iRetData[0] =~ m/No query result sets -- provide a query term\./i) # This is the response from Perl v5.8.7. Try new-style query! |
329 { |
330 $iMatchStr = '([\\-\\w]+)\\s+\\[([\\.\\d]+\w?)([\\~\\]])'; |
331 `ppm set fields \"name version\" 2>&1`; # Specified required fields. CAUTION: PPM remembers settings from previous "PPM query" call |
332 @iRetData = `ppm query * 2>&1`; # Ask PPM for a list of modules |
333 } |
334 foreach (@iRetData) |
335 { # Analyse list of modules |
336 if (m/$iMatchStr/) |
337 { |
338 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'modules'}{$1} = ($3 eq '~')? $2 . $3: $2; |
339 } |
340 } |
341 # Check for Inline-Java (which somehow escapes the attention of PPM |
342 my $iModuleName = 'Inline-Java'; |
343 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'modules'}{$iModuleName} = GetPerlModuleInfo($iModuleName); |
344 # Check for XML-DOM (earlier installations also escaped PPM) |
345 $iModuleName = 'XML-DOM'; |
346 unless (defined $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'modules'}{$iModuleName}) |
347 { |
348 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'modules'}{$iModuleName} = GetPerlModuleInfo($iModuleName); |
349 } |
350 } |
351 elsif (m/Binary\s+build\s+(\d+)/i) |
352 { |
353 if ($iBuildNum) { print "ERROR: Perl Build Number redefined as $1.\n"; last; } # Error? Can't have build defined twice!? |
354 $iBuildNum = $1; |
355 } |
356 } # End foreach (@iRetData) |
357 # We have already set $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
358 # So if $iVersion is still undefined, leave well alone! Eventually return 'Unknown'. |
359 if ($iVersion) # Found version. Have we got a Build Number? |
360 { |
361 unless($iBuildNum) { $iBuildNum = 'Build unknown'; } |
362 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'version'} = "$iVersion [$iBuildNum]"; |
363 } |
364 # Next look for "Multiple Versions" |
365 # For example "\\LON-ENGBUILD54\C$\Apps\Perl.5.10.0" |
366 my $iAppsRoot = 'C:\Apps'; |
367 my $iPerlExe = 'bin\Perl.exe'; |
368 my $iAppsDirs = ReadDirectory($iAppsRoot); # Get arrayref |
369 unless (defined $iAppsDirs) |
370 { |
371 print "ERROR: Failed to read Apps Directory.\n"; |
372 return; |
373 } |
374 foreach my $iAppsDir (@$iAppsDirs) |
375 { |
376 if ($iAppsDir =~ m/^Perl\.(\d.*)/i) |
377 { |
378 my $iMultiVer = $1; |
379 $iAppsDir = uc $iAppsDir; # Source is a Windows directory name, which could be in any case |
380 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'multiver'}{$iMultiVer} = 'Unknown'; |
381 $iVersion = ''; |
382 $iBuildNum = ''; |
383 my @iPerlExeRet = `$iAppsRoot\\$iAppsDir\\$iPerlExe -v`; |
384 foreach (@iPerlExeRet) |
385 { |
386 if (m/ (version\s+|v)([0-9]{0,2}\.[0-9]{0,3}[_\.][0-9]{0,2})/) |
387 { |
388 if ($iVersion) { print "ERROR: Perl Version redefined as $2.\n"; last; } # Error? Can't have version defined twice!? |
389 $iVersion = $2; |
390 } |
391 elsif (m/Binary\s+build\s+(\d+)/i) |
392 { |
393 if ($iBuildNum) { print "ERROR: Perl Build Number redefined as $1.\n"; last; } # Error? Can't have build defined twice!? |
394 $iBuildNum = $1; |
395 } |
396 } |
397 # We have already set $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'multiver'}{$iMultiVer} = 'Unknown'; |
398 # So if $iVersion is still undefined, leave well alone! Eventually return 'Unknown'. |
399 if ($iVersion) # Found version. Have we got a Build Number? |
400 { |
401 unless($iBuildNum) { $iBuildNum = 'Build unknown'; } |
402 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'multiver'}{$iMultiVer} = "$iVersion [$iBuildNum]"; |
403 } |
404 } |
405 } # End foreach my $iAppsDir (@$iAppsDirs) |
406 } |
407 |
408 # GetPerlModuleInfo |
409 # |
410 # Description |
411 # Gets Version for the specified Perl Module |
412 # |
413 # Inputs - Name of Module |
414 # |
415 # Retuens - Version text |
416 # |
417 sub GetPerlModuleInfo |
418 { |
419 my $iModuleName = shift; |
420 my $iVerTxt = 'Unknown'; |
421 $iModuleName =~ s/-/::/; |
422 if (eval "require $iModuleName;") |
423 { |
424 no strict 'refs'; |
425 $iVerTxt = ${$iModuleName . "::VERSION"}; |
426 use strict; |
427 } |
428 return $iVerTxt; |
429 } |
430 |
431 # GetMetrowerksInfo |
432 # |
433 # Description |
434 # Gets Metrowerks Compiler and Linker Versions |
435 # |
436 # Inputs - Reference to Tool List hash (for return of data) |
437 # |
438 # Outputs - Data returned via supplied hashref |
439 # |
440 sub GetMetrowerksInfo |
441 { |
442 |
443 |
444 my $iToolList = shift; |
445 |
446 # First get the version of the default Compiler (MWCCSym2), as located by the "permanent" PATH etc. |
447 my $iToolNameCC = 'Metrowerks Compiler'; |
448 $iToolList->{$iToolNameCC}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
449 my @iCCRet = `mwccsym2 -version 2>&1`; |
450 foreach (@iCCRet) |
451 { |
452 if (m/Version(.*)(\n$)/) |
453 { |
454 $iToolList->{$iToolNameCC}{'version'} = $1; |
455 last; |
456 } |
457 } |
458 |
459 # Now get the version of the default Linker (MWLDSym2), as located by the "permanent" PATH etc. |
460 my $iToolNameLD = 'Metrowerks Linker'; |
461 my @iLDEnv = `mwldsym2 -version 2>&1`; |
462 $iToolList->{$iToolNameLD}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
463 foreach (@iLDEnv) |
464 { |
465 if (m/Version(.*)(\n$)/) |
466 { |
467 $iToolList->{$iToolNameLD}{'version'} = $1; |
468 last; |
469 } |
470 } |
471 |
472 # Next look for "Multiple Versions" |
473 # For example "\\LON-ENGBUILD54\C$\Apps\Metrowerks\OEM3.1.1\Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools\mwccsym2.exe" |
474 my $iMWksRoot = 'C:\Apps\Metrowerks'; |
475 my $iMWksCC = 'Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools\mwccsym2.exe'; |
476 my $iMWksLD = 'Symbian_Tools\Command_Line_Tools\mwldsym2.exe'; |
477 my $iMWksDirs = ReadDirectory($iMWksRoot); # Get arrayref |
478 unless (defined $iMWksDirs) |
479 { |
480 print "ERROR: Failed to read Metrowerks Root Directory.\n"; |
481 return; |
482 } |
483 foreach my $iMWksDir (@$iMWksDirs) |
484 { |
485 if ($iMWksDir =~ m/^OEM\d+\.\d+/i) |
486 { |
487 $iMWksDir = uc $iMWksDir; # Source is a Windows directory name, which could be in any case |
488 my @iMWksCCRet = `$iMWksRoot\\$iMWksDir\\$iMWksCC`; |
489 $iToolList->{$iToolNameCC}{'multiver'}{$iMWksDir} = 'Unknown'; |
490 foreach my $iLine(@iMWksCCRet) |
491 { |
492 if ($iLine =~ m/Version(.*)(\n$)/i) |
493 { |
494 $iToolList->{$iToolNameCC}{'multiver'}{$iMWksDir} = $1; |
495 last; |
496 } |
497 } |
498 my @iMWksLDRet = `$iMWksRoot\\$iMWksDir\\$iMWksLD`; |
499 $iToolList->{$iToolNameLD}{'multiver'}{$iMWksDir} = 'Unknown'; |
500 foreach my $iLine(@iMWksLDRet) |
501 { |
502 if ($iLine =~ m/Version(.*)(\n$)/i) |
503 { |
504 $iToolList->{$iToolNameLD}{'multiver'}{$iMWksDir} = $1; |
505 last; |
506 } |
507 } |
508 } |
509 } # End foreach my $iMWksDir (@$iMWksDirs) |
510 |
511 } |
512 |
513 # GetArmInfo |
514 # |
515 # Description |
516 # Looks for directories below C:\Apps\ARM which might contain versions of RVCT compiler etc. |
517 # |
518 # Inputs - Reference to Tool List hash (for return of data) |
519 # |
520 # Outputs - Data returned via supplied hashref |
521 # |
522 sub GetArmInfo |
523 { |
524 my $iToolList = shift; |
525 my $iToolName = 'Arm CC'; |
526 |
527 # First get the version of the default ARMCC, as located by the "permanent" PATH etc. |
528 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
529 my @iArmCCRet = `armcc --vsn 2>&1`; |
530 foreach (@iArmCCRet) |
531 { |
532 if (m/RVCT(.*)(\n$)/) |
533 { |
534 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'version'} = $1; |
535 last; |
536 } |
537 } |
538 # Next look for "Multiple Versions" |
539 # For example "\\LON-ENGBUILD51\C$\Apps\ARM\RVCT2.2[435]\RVCT\Programs\2.2\349\win_32-pentium\armcc.exe" |
540 my $iRVCTRoot = 'C:\Apps\ARM'; |
541 my $iRVCTCC2 = 'RVCT\Programs\2.2\349\win_32-pentium\armcc.exe'; # Applies to RVCT Version 2.x |
542 my $iRVCTCC3 = 'bin\armcc.exe'; # Applies to RVCT Version 3.x |
543 my $iRVCTDirs = ReadDirectory($iRVCTRoot); # Get arrayref |
544 unless (defined $iRVCTDirs) |
545 { |
546 print "ERROR: Failed to read ARM Root Directory.\n"; |
547 return; |
548 } |
549 foreach my $iRVCTDir (@$iRVCTDirs) # Applies to RVCT Version 2.x |
550 { |
551 $iRVCTDir = uc $iRVCTDir; # Source is a Windows directory name, which could be in any case |
552 if ($iRVCTDir =~ m/^RVCT2\.\d+/i) |
553 { |
554 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'multiver'}{$iRVCTDir} = GetArmVersion("$iRVCTRoot\\$iRVCTDir\\$iRVCTCC2"); |
555 } |
556 elsif ($iRVCTDir =~ m/^RVCT\d+\.\d+/i) # Applies to RVCT Version 3.x (and above, until we know otherwise!!) |
557 { |
558 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'multiver'}{$iRVCTDir} = GetArmVersion("$iRVCTRoot\\$iRVCTDir\\$iRVCTCC3"); |
559 } |
560 } |
561 |
562 } |
563 |
564 # GetArmVersion |
565 # |
566 # Description |
567 # Gets Arm Compiler Version for a specified instance. |
568 # |
569 # Inputs - Full pathname of compiler (ARMCC.EXE) |
570 # |
571 # Outputs - Version (as text) or 'Unknown' if not determined |
572 # |
573 sub GetArmVersion |
574 { |
575 my $iRVCTCC = shift; # Full pathname of compiler (ARMCC.EXE) |
576 my @iArmCCEnv = `$iRVCTCC --vsn 2>&1`; |
577 foreach my $iLine(@iArmCCEnv) |
578 { |
579 if ($iLine =~ m/RVCT(.*)(\n$)/i) |
580 { |
581 return $1; |
582 } |
583 } |
584 return 'Unknown'; |
585 } |
586 |
587 # GetJavaInfo |
588 # |
589 # Description |
590 # Gets Java Runtime Compiler Version |
591 # |
592 # Inputs - Reference to Tool List hash (for return of data) |
593 # |
594 # Outputs - Data returned via supplied hashref |
595 # |
596 sub GetJavaInfo |
597 { |
598 my $iToolList = shift; |
599 my $iToolName = 'Java'; |
600 |
601 # First get the version of the default Java installation as located by the "permanent" PATH etc. |
602 # This probably means running |
603 my @iJavaReturn = `java -version 2>&1`; |
604 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
605 foreach my $iLine (@iJavaReturn) |
606 { |
607 if ($iLine =~ m/version.*(\"{1})(.*)(\"{1})/i) |
608 { |
609 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'version'} = $2; |
610 last; |
611 } |
612 } |
613 |
614 # Next look for "Multiple Versions" - Assumed to be in directories matching 'C:\Apps\JRE*' |
615 # For example "C:\Apps\JRE1.5.0_13\bin\java.exe" |
616 my $iJRERoot = 'C:\Apps'; |
617 my $iJREEXE = 'bin\java.exe'; |
618 my $iJREDirs = ReadDirectory($iJRERoot); # Get arrayref (list of sub-directories |
619 unless (defined $iJREDirs) |
620 { |
621 print "ERROR: Failed to read JRE Root Directory: $iJRERoot.\n"; |
622 return; |
623 } |
624 foreach my $iJREDir (@$iJREDirs) |
625 { |
626 if ($iJREDir =~ m/^JRE\d+\.\d+/i) |
627 { |
628 $iJREDir = uc $iJREDir; # Source is a Windows directory name, which could be in any case |
629 my @iJREReturn = `$iJRERoot\\$iJREDir\\$iJREEXE -version 2>&1`; |
630 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'multiver'}{$iJREDir} = 'Unknown'; |
631 foreach my $iLine(@iJREReturn) |
632 { |
633 if ($iLine =~ m/version.*(\"{1})(.*)(\"{1})/i) |
634 { |
635 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'multiver'}{$iJREDir} = $2; |
636 last; |
637 } |
638 } |
639 } |
640 } |
641 |
642 } |
643 |
644 # GetSophosInfo |
645 # |
646 # Description |
647 # Gets Sophos Version |
648 # |
649 # Inputs - Reference to Tool List hash (for return of data) |
650 # |
651 # Outputs - Data returned via supplied hashref |
652 # |
653 sub GetSophosInfo |
654 { |
655 my $iToolList = shift; |
656 # Sophos Anti-virus |
657 # Typical output from "sav32cli.exe -v" |
658 # Sophos Anti-Virus |
659 # Copyright (c) 1989-2005 Sophos Plc, www.sophos.com |
660 # System time 11:58:18, System date 04 April 2005 |
661 # Product version : 3.92.0 |
662 # Engine version : 2.28.10 |
663 # Virus data version : 3.92 |
664 # User interface version : 2.03.048 |
665 # Platform : Win32/Intel |
666 # Released : 04 April 2005 |
667 # Total viruses (with IDEs) : 102532 |
668 my $iSophosExe='C:\Program Files\Sophos SWEEP for NT\sav32cli.exe'; |
669 $iToolList->{'Sophos product'}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
670 $iToolList->{'Sophos data'}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
671 $iToolList->{'Sophos release'}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
672 if (-e $iSophosExe) |
673 { |
674 my @iSophosVer = `\"$iSophosExe\" -v`; |
675 |
676 # Get Sophos versions |
677 foreach my $iLine (@iSophosVer) |
678 { |
679 if ($iLine =~ m/Product\s+version\s+:\s+(\S+)/) |
680 { |
681 $iToolList->{'Sophos product'}{'version'} = $1; |
682 next; |
683 } |
684 if ($iLine =~ m/Virus\s+data\s+version\s+:\s+(\S+)/) |
685 { |
686 $iToolList->{'Sophos data'}{'version'} = $1; |
687 next; |
688 } |
689 if ($iLine =~ m/Released\s+:\s+(.+)/) |
690 { |
691 $iToolList->{'Sophos release'}{'version'} = $1; |
692 next; |
693 } |
694 } |
695 } |
696 |
697 } |
698 |
699 # GetMcAfeeInfo |
700 # |
701 # Description |
702 # Gets McAfee Versions (Software and data) |
703 # |
704 # Inputs - Reference to Tool List hash (for return of data) |
705 # |
706 # Outputs - Data returned via supplied hashref |
707 # |
708 sub GetMcAfeeInfo |
709 { |
710 my $iToolList = shift; |
711 # McAfee Anti-virus |
712 # Revision March 2007 - Get Versions from Registry in the following location (for Version 8.000?): |
713 # HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Associates\ePolicy Orchestrator\Application Plugins\VIRUSCAN8000 |
714 $iToolList->{'McAfee VirusScan'}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
715 $iToolList->{'McAfee VirusData'}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
716 |
717 my $iRegKey = 'LMachine/SOFTWARE/Network Associates/ePolicy Orchestrator/Application Plugins'; |
718 # Get data from hash set up by Win32::TieRegistry |
719 my $iHashRef = $Registry->{$iRegKey}; |
720 unless (defined $iHashRef) { print "WARNING: Failed to read McAfee version from Registry\n"; return; } |
721 my @iValidHashKeys; |
722 foreach my $iHashKey (sort %$iHashRef) |
723 { |
724 if ($iHashKey =~ m/^VIRUSCAN\d+/i) |
725 { |
726 push @iValidHashKeys,$iHashKey; |
727 } |
728 } |
729 unless (scalar @iValidHashKeys) |
730 { |
731 return; # No valid sub-key |
732 } |
733 if ((scalar @iValidHashKeys) > 1) |
734 { |
735 print "WARNING: Duplicate McAfee Versions.\n"; |
736 } |
737 |
738 @iValidHashKeys = sort @iValidHashKeys; |
739 my $iVersionKey = pop @iValidHashKeys; # In the unlikely event of there being more than one, get the last one! |
740 |
741 # Check that hash element exists before referencing data. Otherwise TieRegistry will think that we want to create a new key/value |
742 if (defined $iHashRef->{$iVersionKey}{'/Version'}) { $iToolList->{'McAfee VirusScan'}{'version'} = $iHashRef->{$iVersionKey}{'/Version'}; } |
743 if (defined $iHashRef->{$iVersionKey}{'/DATVersion'}) { $iToolList->{'McAfee VirusData'}{'version'} = $iHashRef->{$iVersionKey}{'/DATVersion'}; } |
744 } |
745 |
746 # GetGPGInfo |
747 # |
748 # Description |
749 # Gets GPG Version (currently usually |
750 # |
751 # Inputs - Reference to Tool List hash (for return of data) |
752 # |
753 # Outputs - Data returned via supplied hashref |
754 # |
755 sub GetGPGInfo |
756 { |
757 my $iToolList = shift; |
758 |
759 # Typical output from 'GPG -h' |
760 # gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.4 |
761 # Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. |
762 # This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. |
763 # This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it |
764 # under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details. |
765 |
766 my $iToolName = 'GnuPG'; |
767 my @iRetData = `GPG -h 2>&1`; |
768 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
769 foreach (@iRetData) |
770 { |
771 if (m/^\s*gpg\s+\(GnuPG\)\s*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/i) |
772 { |
773 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'version'} = $1; |
774 last; |
775 } |
776 } |
777 } |
778 |
779 # GetWinTapInfo |
780 # |
781 # Description |
782 # Gets WinTap Version |
783 # |
784 # Inputs - Reference to Tool List hash (for return of data) |
785 # |
786 # Outputs - Data returned via supplied hashref |
787 # |
788 sub GetWinTapInfo |
789 { |
790 my $iToolList = shift; |
791 |
792 # Typical output from 'IPCONFIG /ALL' |
793 # Ethernet adapter TAP-Win32: |
794 # Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : |
795 # Description . . . . . . . . . . . : TAP-Win32 Adapter V8 |
796 my $iToolName = 'WinTAP'; |
797 my @iRetData = `IPCONFIG /ALL 2>&1`; |
798 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'version'} = 'Unknown'; |
799 foreach (@iRetData) |
800 { |
801 if (m/Description.+TAP-Win32\s+Adapter\s+(V.+)/i) |
802 { |
803 $iToolList->{$iToolName}{'version'} = $1; |
804 last; |
805 } |
806 } |
807 } |
808 |
809 # ReadDirectory |
810 # |
811 # Read specified directory. Remove '.' and '..' entries (Windows speciality!) |
812 # |
813 # Input: Directory name |
814 # |
815 # Return: Array of subdirectory names, or undef if open fails. |
816 # |
817 sub ReadDirectory |
818 { |
819 my $iDirName = shift; |
820 |
821 unless (opendir DIRECTORY, $iDirName) |
822 { |
823 print ("ERROR: Failed to open directory: $iDirName\nERROR: $!\n"); |
824 return undef; |
825 } |
826 my @iSubDirs = readdir(DIRECTORY); |
827 closedir DIRECTORY; |
828 |
829 # Remove '.' and '..' from list |
830 for (my $iIndx = 0; $iIndx < (scalar @iSubDirs); ) |
831 { |
832 if ($iSubDirs[$iIndx] =~ m/^\.{1,2}/) |
833 { |
834 splice @iSubDirs, $iIndx, 1; |
835 } |
836 else |
837 { |
838 ++$iIndx; |
839 } |
840 } |
841 |
842 return \@iSubDirs; |
843 } |
844 |
845 1; |