--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolsandutils/e32tools/elf2e32/source/parametermanager.cpp Tue Jul 06 16:25:46 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3730 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implementation of the Class ParameterManager for the elf2e32 tool
+// @internalComponent
+// @released
+// This must go before ParameterManager.h
+#include <e32capability.h>
+#include "pl_common.h"
+#include "parametermanager.h"
+#include "errorhandler.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include "h_utl.h"
+#include "h_ver.h"
+Constructor for the ParameterManager.
+@param aArgc
+ The number of command line arguments passed into the program
+@param aArgv
+ The listing of all the arguments
+ParameterManager::ParameterManager(int aArgc, char** aArgv) :
+ iArgc(aArgc),
+ iArgv(aArgv),
+ iImageLocation(0),
+ iImageName(0),
+ iTargetTypeOption(false),
+ iDefFileInOption(false),
+ iDefFileOutOption(false),
+ iFileDumpOption(false),
+ iDSOFileOutOption(false),
+ iOutFileOption(false),
+ iElfFileInOption(false),
+ iE32ImageInOption(false),
+ iLinkAsOption(false),
+ iUid1Option(false),
+ iSecureIDOption(false),
+ iVendorIDOption(false),
+ iUID1(0),
+ iUID2(0),
+ iUID3(0),
+ iSecureID(0),
+ iVendorID(0),
+ iCompress(true),
+ iCompressionMethod(KUidCompressionDeflate),
+ iFixedAddress(false),
+ iHeapCommittedSize(0x1000),
+ iHeapReservedSize(0x100000),
+ iStackCommittedSize(0x2000),
+ iUnfrozen(false),
+ iIgnoreNonCallable(false),
+ iTargetTypeName(ETargetTypeNotSet),
+ iDefOutput(0),
+ iDSOOutput(0),
+ iOutFileName(0),
+ iDefInput(0),
+ iElfInput(0),
+ iE32Input(0),
+ iLinkDLLName(0),
+ iDumpOptions(EDumpDefaults),
+ iFileDumpSubOptions(0),
+ iSysDefOption(false),
+ iLogFileName(0),
+ iLogFileOption(false),
+ iMessageFileName(0),
+ iMessageFileOption(false),
+ iDumpMessageFileName(0),
+ iDumpMessageFileOption(false),
+ iDllDataP(false),
+ iLibPathList (0),
+ iSysDefCount (0),
+ iPriorityOption(false),
+ iPriorityVal((TProcessPriority)0),
+ iVersion(0x000a0000u),
+ iVersionOption(false),
+ iCallEntryPoint(true),
+ iFPU(0),
+ iFPUOption(false),
+ iArgumentCount(0),
+ iCodePaged(false),
+ iCodeUnpaged(false),
+ iCodeDefaultPaged(false),
+ iDataPaged(false),
+ iDataUnpaged(false),
+ iDataDefaultPaged(false),
+ iExcludeUnwantedExports(false),
+ iCustomDllTarget(false),
+ iSymNamedLookup(false),
+ iDebuggable(false),
+ iSmpSafe(false)
+ iArgumentCount = aArgc;
+ ParamList temp(aArgv, aArgv+aArgc);
+ iParamList = temp;
+ iCapability.iCaps[0] = 0;
+ iCapability.iCaps[1] = 0;
+Destructor for the ParameterManager.
+ DELETE_PTR_ARRAY(iImageLocation);
+Function to check if the given value is a valid number (decimal value)
+@param aArg
+Value to be checked
+@return True if the provided value is a decimal value.
+static bool IsAllDigits(const char * aArg)
+ const char * p = aArg;
+ while (*p)
+ {
+ if (!isdigit(*p++)) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+Function to check if the given value is a valid number (Hexadecimal value)
+@param aArg
+Value to be checked
+@return True if the provided value is a hexadecimal value.
+static bool IsAllXDigits(const char * aArg)
+ const char * p = aArg;
+ while (*p)
+ {
+ if (!isxdigit(*p++)) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+Function to check if the given value is a valid number (Decimal or Hexadecimal value)
+@param aVal
+Holds the validated number.
+@param aArg
+Value to be checked
+@return True if the provided value is a valid number.
+static bool GetUInt(UINT & aVal, const char * aArg)
+ char * final = (char *)aArg;
+ // try base 10 first
+ if (IsAllDigits(aArg))
+ {
+ aVal = strtoul(aArg, &final, 10);
+ if (aArg != final) return true;
+ // now try as hex
+ }
+ if (aArg[0] == '0' && (aArg[1] == 'x' || aArg[1] == 'X'))
+ {
+ aArg += 2;
+ if (IsAllXDigits(aArg))
+ {
+ final = (char *)aArg ;
+ aVal = strtoul(aArg, &final, 16);
+ if (aArg != final) return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+const char * ParameterManager::iParamPrefix = "--";
+const char * ParameterManager::iParamShortPrefix = "-";
+const char ParameterManager::iParamEquals = '=';
+// Option Map
+const ParameterManager::OptionDesc ParameterManager::iOptions[] =
+ {
+ "definput",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseDefInput,
+ "Input DEF File",
+ },
+ {
+ "defoutput",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseDefOutput,
+ "Output DEF File",
+ },
+ {
+ "elfinput",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseElfInput,
+ "Input ELF File",
+ },
+ {
+ "output",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseOutput,
+ "Output E32 Image",
+ },
+ {
+ "dso",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseDSOOutput,
+ "Output import DSO File",
+ },
+ {
+ "targettype",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseTargetTypeName,
+ "Target Type",
+ },
+ {
+ "linkas",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseLinkAs,
+ "name",
+ },
+ {
+ "uid1",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseUID1,
+ "UID 1",
+ },
+ {
+ "uid2",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseUID2,
+ "UID 2",
+ },
+ {
+ "uid3",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseUID3,
+ "UID 3",
+ },
+ {
+ "sid",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseSecureId,
+ "Secure ID",
+ },
+ {
+ "vid",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseVendorId,
+ "Vendor ID",
+ },
+ {
+ "fixedaddress",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseFixedAddress,
+ "Has fixed address",
+ },
+ {
+ "uncompressed",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseUncompressed,
+ "Don't compress output e32image",
+ },
+ {
+ "compressionmethod",
+ (void*)ParameterManager::ParseCompressionMethod,
+ "Input compression method [none|inflate|bytepair]\n\t\tnone no compress the image.\
+ \n\t\tinflate compress image with Inflate algorithm.\
+ \n\t\tbytepair tcompress image with BytePair Pak algorithm."
+ },
+ {
+ "heap",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseHeap,
+ "Heap committed and reserved size in bytes(.EXEs only)",
+ },
+ {
+ "stack",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseStackCommitted,
+ "Stack size in bytes(.EXEs only)",
+ },
+ {
+ "unfrozen",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseUnfrozen,
+ "Don't treat input dot-def file as frozen",
+ },
+ {
+ "ignorenoncallable",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseIgnoreNonCallable,
+ "Suppress implicit exports",
+ },
+ {
+ "capability",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseCapability,
+ "capability option",
+ },
+ {
+ "libpath",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseLibPaths,
+ "A semi-colon separated search path list to locate import DSOs",
+ },
+ {
+ "sysdef",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseSysDefs,
+ "A semi-colon separated Pre Defined Symbols to be exported and the ordinal number",
+ },
+ {
+ "log",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseLogFile,
+ "Output Log Message",
+ },
+ {
+ "messagefile",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseMessageFile,
+ "Input Message File",
+ },
+ {
+ "dumpmessagefile",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseDumpMessageFile,
+ "Output Message File",
+ },
+ {
+ "dlldata",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseAllowDllData,
+ "Allow writable static data in DLL",
+ },
+ {
+ "dump",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseFileDump,
+ "Input dump options [hscdeit] --e32input <filename>\n\tFlags for dump:\n\t\th Header \
+ \n\t\ts Security info\n\t\tc Code section\n\t\td Data section \
+ \n\t\te Export info\n\t\ti Import table\n\t\tt Symbol Info",
+ },
+ {
+ "e32input",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseE32ImageInput,
+ "Input E32 Image File Name",
+ },
+ {
+ "priority",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParsePriority,
+ "Input Priority",
+ },
+ {
+ "version",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseVersion,
+ "Module Version",
+ },
+ {
+ "callentry",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseCallEntryPoint,
+ "Call Entry Point",
+ },
+ {
+ "fpu",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseFPU,
+ "FPU type [softvfp|vfpv2]",
+ },
+ {
+ "codepaging",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseCodePaging,
+ "Code Paging Strategy [paged|unpaged|default]",
+ },
+ {
+ "datapaging",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseDataPaging,
+ "Data Paging Strategy [paged|unpaged|default]",
+ },
+ {
+ "paged",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParsePaged,
+ "This option is deprecated. Use --codepaging=paged instead.",
+ },
+ {
+ "unpaged",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseUnpaged,
+ "This option is deprecated. Use --codepaging=unpaged instead.",
+ },
+ {
+ "defaultpaged",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseDefaultPaged,
+ "This option is deprecated. Use --codepaging=default instead.",
+ },
+ {
+ "excludeunwantedexports",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseExcludeUnwantedExports,
+ "Exclude Unwanted Exports",
+ },
+ {
+ "customdlltarget",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParseIsCustomDllTarget,
+ "Custom Dll Target",
+ },
+ {
+ "namedlookup",
+ (void*)ParameterManager::ParseSymNamedLookup,
+ "Enable named lookup of symbols",
+ },
+ {
+ "debuggable",
+ (void*)ParameterManager::ParseDebuggable,
+ "Debuggable by run-mode debug subsystem",
+ },
+ {
+ "smpsafe",
+ (void*)ParameterManager::ParseSmpSafe,
+ "SMP Safe",
+ },
+ {
+ "help",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParamHelp,
+ 0,
+ },
+// Map for the short options (abbreviation)
+const ParameterManager::OptionDesc ParameterManager::iShortOptions[] =
+ {
+ "h",
+ (void *)ParameterManager::ParamHelp,
+ 0,
+ },
+This function finds the total number of options with normal prefix ('--')
+@return the total number of options with normal prefix '--' in the option list.
+int ParameterManager::NumOptions()
+ return (sizeof(iOptions) / sizeof(OptionDesc));
+This function finds the total number of options with short prefix ('-')
+@return the total number of options with short prefix '-' in the option list.
+int ParameterManager::NumShortOptions()
+ return (sizeof(iShortOptions) / sizeof(OptionDesc));
+This function initializes the option list, options preceeded by '--' and '-'
+void ParameterManager::InitParamParser()
+ int lim = NumOptions();
+ int shortoptionlim = NumShortOptions();
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < lim; i++)
+ {
+ string aOption = iOptions[i].iName;
+ iOptionMap[aOption] = &iOptions[i];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < shortoptionlim; i++)
+ {
+ string aShortOption = iShortOptions[i].iName;
+ iShortOptionMap[aShortOption] = &iShortOptions[i];
+ }
+This function parses the command line options and identifies the input parameters.
+If no options or if --log is the only option passed in, then usage information will
+be displayed.
+void ParameterManager::ParameterAnalyser()
+ InitParamParser();
+ const OptionDesc * aHelpDesc = iOptionMap["help"];
+ int prefixLen = strlen(iParamPrefix);
+ int prefixShortLen = strlen(iParamShortPrefix);
+ int ArgCount = iArgumentCount-1;
+ RecordImageLocation();
+ ParamList::iterator p = iParamList.begin()+1;
+ int OnlyLoggingOption = 0;
+ // Have to have some arguments. Otherwise, assume this is a request for --help and display the usage information
+ if (p == iParamList.end())
+ {
+ ParserFn parser = (ParserFn)aHelpDesc->iParser ;
+ parser(this, "help", 0, aHelpDesc);
+ }
+ if ( (ArgCount ==1) && (!strncmp(*p,"--log",5)) )
+ OnlyLoggingOption = 1;
+ for (; p != iParamList.end(); p++)
+ {
+ int Prefix=0, ShortPrefix=0;
+ ArgCount--;
+ // Check if the option provided is correct and display help on getting incorrect options
+ try
+ {
+ if (!strncmp(*p, iParamPrefix, prefixLen))
+ Prefix = 1;
+ else if (!strncmp(*p, iParamShortPrefix, prefixShortLen))
+ ShortPrefix = 1;
+ else // Option is neither preceeded by '-' or by '--'
+ throw ParameterParserError(OPTIONNAMEERROR,*p);
+ }
+ catch (ErrorHandler& error)
+ {
+ error.Report();
+ ParserFn parser = (ParserFn)aHelpDesc->iParser ;
+ parser(this, *p, 0, 0);
+ }
+ char *option;
+ const OptionDesc * aDesc;
+ char * optval=NULL;
+ // Get the option name excluding the prefix, '-' or '--'if (Prefix)
+ if (Prefix)
+ {
+ option = *p + prefixLen;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ option = *p + prefixShortLen;
+ }
+ char * pos = strchr(*p, iParamEquals);
+ char *end = pos ? pos : *p + strlen(*p);
+ string aName(option, end);
+ string optionval;
+ if (pos)
+ {
+ if (*end != 0 && (*(end+1) != NULL) )
+ {
+ // Check to ensure that optval points to the correct option value
+ optval=end+1;
+ }
+ if ( ((p+1) != iParamList.end()) && (**(p+1) != '-') )
+ {
+ pos = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !pos)
+ {
+ // The option is not immediately preceeded by '='
+ // Space may be used to separate the input option and the paramters
+ // '=' may be enclosed within space
+ //if ((p+1) != iParamList.end())
+ if (ArgCount != 0) //To find if we have consumed all the arguments
+ {
+ while ( ((p+1) != iParamList.end()) && (**(p+1) != '-') )
+ {
+ end = *(p+1);
+ if (*end == '=')
+ {
+ if ( (*(end+1) != ' ') && (*(end+1) != NULL) )
+ // This is the case where '=' is preceeded by space.
+ optionval += end+1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ optionval += end;
+ }
+ p++;
+ ArgCount-- ;
+ }
+ if (optionval.length())
+ {
+ if (optval)
+ strcat(optval, optionval.c_str());
+ else
+ {
+ optval = new char[optionval.length()+1];
+ strcpy(optval, optionval.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (Prefix)
+ aDesc = iOptionMap[aName];
+ else
+ aDesc = iShortOptionMap[aName];
+ ParserFn parser = aDesc ?(ParserFn)aDesc->iParser : (ParserFn)aHelpDesc->iParser ;
+ // NB aDesc might be NULL which tells help to exit with error.
+ try
+ {
+ if (!aDesc)
+ throw ParameterParserError(OPTIONNAMEERROR,*p);
+ }
+ catch (ErrorHandler& error)
+ {
+ error.Report();
+ ParserFn parser = (ParserFn)aHelpDesc->iParser ;
+ parser(this, "help", 0, 0);
+ }
+ // If --log is the only option provided, then display the usage information
+ if (OnlyLoggingOption)
+ {
+ parser(this, (char *)aName.c_str(), optval, aDesc);
+ parser = (ParserFn)aHelpDesc->iParser ;
+ parser(this, "help", 0, 0);
+ }
+ parser(this, const_cast<char*>(aName.c_str()), optval, aDesc);
+ }
+This function extracts the path
+@param aPathName
+The file path name
+@return the Path in case of valid path name, else 0.
+char * ParameterManager::Path(char * aPathName)
+ string str(aPathName);
+ size_t pos = str.find_last_of(DirectorySeparator());
+ if (pos < str.size())
+ {
+ char * aPath = new char[pos+2];
+ memcpy(aPath, aPathName, pos+1);
+ aPath[pos+1] = 0;
+ return aPath;
+ }
+ else
+ return (char *)0;
+This function extracts the location where the image is to be dumped and the image name.
+void ParameterManager::RecordImageLocation()
+ iImageLocation = Path(iArgv[0]);
+ iImageName = FileName(iArgv[0]);
+This function finds out if the --definput option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --definput option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::DefFileInOption()
+ return iDefFileInOption;
+This function finds out if the --e32input option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --e32input option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::E32ImageInOption()
+ return iE32ImageInOption;
+This function finds out if the --elfinput option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --elfinput option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::ElfFileInOption()
+ return iElfFileInOption;
+This function finds out if the --dso option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --dso option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::DSOFileOutOption()
+ return iDSOFileOutOption;
+This function finds out if the --defoutput option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --defoutput option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::DefFileOutOption()
+ return iDefFileOutOption;
+This function finds out if the --output option is passed to the program.
+@return true if --output option is passed else return False.
+bool ParameterManager::E32OutOption()
+ return iOutFileOption;
+This function finds out if the --linkas option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --linkas option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::LinkAsOption()
+ return iLinkAsOption;
+This function finds out if the --UID1 option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --UID1 option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::Uid1Option()
+ return iUid1Option;
+This function finds out if the --sid option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --sid option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::SecureIdOption()
+ return iSecureIDOption;
+This function finds out if the --vid option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --vid option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::VendorIdOption()
+ return iVendorIDOption;
+This function finds out if the --log option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --log option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::LogFileOption()
+ return iLogFileOption;
+This function finds out if the --messagefile option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --messagefile option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::MessageFileOption()
+ return iMessageFileOption;
+This function finds out if the --dumpmessagefile option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --dumpmessagefile option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::DumpMessageFileOption()
+ return iDumpMessageFileOption;
+This function finds out if the --fixedaddress option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --fixedaddress option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::FixedAddress()
+ return iFixedAddress;
+This function finds out if the --uncompressed option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --uncompressed option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::Compress()
+ return iCompress;
+This function finds out if the --compressionmethod option is passed to the program.
+@return UId if --compressionmethod option is passed in or UId of deflate compressor (compatibility).
+UINT ParameterManager::CompressionMethod()
+ return iCompressionMethod;
+This function finds out if the --unfrozen option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --unfrozen option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::Unfrozen()
+ return iUnfrozen;
+This function finds out if the --ignorenoncallable option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --ignorenoncallable option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::IgnoreNonCallable()
+ return iIgnoreNonCallable;
+This function finds out if the --dlldata option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --dlldata option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::DllDataP()
+ return iDllDataP;
+This function finds out if the --version option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --version option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::VersionOption()
+ return iVersionOption;
+This function finds out if the --callentry option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --callentry option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::CallEntryPoint()
+ return iCallEntryPoint;
+This function finds out if the --priority option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --priority option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::PriorityOption()
+ return iPriorityOption;
+This function finds out if the --sysdef option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --sysdef option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::SysDefOption()
+ return iSysDefOption;
+This function finds out if the --dump option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --dump option is passed in or False
+bool ParameterManager::FileDumpOption()
+ return iFileDumpOption;
+This function finds out if the --fpu option is passed to the program.
+@return True if --fup option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::FPUOption()
+ return iFPUOption;
+This function extracts the DEF file name that is passed as input through the --definput option.
+@return the name of the input DEF file if provided as input through --definput or 0.
+char * ParameterManager::DefInput()
+ return iDefInput;
+This function extracts the Elf file name that is passed as input through the --elfinput option.
+@return the name of the input Elf file if provided as input through --elfinput or 0.
+char * ParameterManager::ElfInput()
+ return iElfInput;
+This function extracts the E32 image name that is passed as input through the --e32input option.
+@return the name of the input E32 image if provided as input through --e32input or 0.
+char * ParameterManager::E32Input()
+ return iE32Input;
+This function extracts the output DEF file name that is passed as input through the --defoutput option.
+@return the name of the output DEF file if provided as input through --defoutput or 0.
+char * ParameterManager::DefOutput()
+ return iDefOutput;
+This function extracts the DSO file name that is passed as input through the --dso option.
+@return the name of the output DSO file if provided as input through --dso or 0.
+char * ParameterManager::DSOOutput()
+ return iDSOOutput;
+This function extracts the E32 image output that is passed as input through the --output option.
+@return the name of the output E32 image output if provided as input through --output or 0.
+char * ParameterManager::E32ImageOutput()
+ return iOutFileName;
+This function extracts the target type that is passed as input through the --targettype option.
+@return the name of the input target type if provided as input through --targettype or 0.
+ETargetType ParameterManager::TargetTypeName()
+ return iTargetTypeName;
+This function extracts the name of the DLL (that the DSO is to be linked with)
+that is passed as input through the --linkas option.
+@return the name of the DLL name to be linked with if provided as input through --linkas or 0.
+char * ParameterManager::LinkAsDLLName()
+ return iLinkDLLName;
+This function extracts the path (where the intermediate libraries should be put)
+that is passed as input through the --libpath option.
+@return the path if provided as input through --libpath or 0.
+ParameterListInterface::LibSearchPaths& ParameterManager::LibPath()
+ return iLibPathList;
+This function extracts the total number of predefined symbols passed to --sysdef option.
+@return the total number of predefined symbols passed through --elfinput or 0.
+int ParameterManager::SysDefCount()
+ return iSysDefCount;
+This function extracts the E32 image dump options passed as input through the --dump option.
+@return the name of the dump options if provided as input through --dump or 0.
+char * ParameterManager::FileDumpSubOptions()
+ return iFileDumpSubOptions;
+This function extracts the E32 image dump options in integer value passed as character input
+through the --dump option.
+@return the name of the dump options in integer.
+int ParameterManager::DumpOptions()
+ return iDumpOptions;
+This function gets the first UID in a compound identifier (UID type) that is passed as
+input through the --uid1 option.UID1 differentiates the executables, DLLs and file stores.
+@return the System level identifier if provided as input through --uid1 or 0.
+UINT ParameterManager::Uid1()
+ return iUID1;
+This function gets the UID2 that is passed as input through the --uid2 option.
+UID2 differentiates the static interface (shared library) and polymorphic interface
+(application or plug-in framework) DLLs.
+@return the Interface identifier if provided as input through --uid2 or 0.
+UINT ParameterManager::Uid2()
+ return iUID2;
+This function gets the UID3 that is passed as input through the --uid3 option. UID3
+is shared by all objects belonging to a given program, including library DLLs if any,
+framework DLLs, and all documents.
+@return the Project identifier if provided as input through --uid3 or 0.
+UINT ParameterManager::Uid3()
+ return iUID3;
+This function gets the Secure Id that is passed as input through the --sid option.
+@return the Secure Id if provided as input through --sid or 0.
+UINT ParameterManager::SecureId()
+ return iSecureID;
+This function gets the Vendor Id that is passed as input through the --vid option.
+@return the Vendor Id if provided as input through --vid or 0.
+UINT ParameterManager::VendorId()
+ return iVendorID;
+This function gets the capability value passed to '--capability' option.
+@return the capability value passed to '--capability' option.
+SCapabilitySet ParameterManager::Capability()
+ return iCapability;
+This function extracts the Log file name that is passed as input through the --log option.
+@return the name of the Log file if provided as input through --log or 0.
+char * ParameterManager::LogFile()
+ return iLogFileName;
+This function extracts the Message file name that is passed as input through the --messagefile option.
+@return the name of the Message file if provided as input through --messagefile or 0.
+char * ParameterManager::MessageFile()
+ return iMessageFileName;
+This function extracts the Message file name that is passed as input through the --dumpmessagefile option.
+@return the name of the Message file to be dumped if provided as input through --dumpmessagefile or 0.
+char * ParameterManager::DumpMessageFile()
+ return iDumpMessageFileName;
+This function extracts the list of predefined symbols that is passed as input through
+the --sysdef option.
+@return the list of predefined symbols that is passed as input through the --sysdef option.
+ParameterManager::Sys ParameterManager::SysDefSymbols(int sysdefcount)
+ return iSysDefSymbols[sysdefcount];
+This function extracts the heap commited size passed as input to --heap option.
+@return the heap commited size passed as input to --heap option.
+size_t ParameterManager::HeapCommittedSize()
+ return iHeapCommittedSize;
+This function extracts the heap reserved size passed as input to --heap option.
+@return the heap reserved size passed as input to --heap option.
+size_t ParameterManager::HeapReservedSize()
+ return iHeapReservedSize;
+This function extracts the stack commited size passed as input to --stack option.
+@return the stack commited size passed as input to --stack option.
+size_t ParameterManager::StackCommittedSize()
+ return iStackCommittedSize;
+This function extracts the priority value passed as input to --priority option.
+@return the priority value passed as input to --priority option
+TProcessPriority ParameterManager::Priority()
+ return iPriorityVal;
+This function extracts the version information passed as input to --version option.
+@return the version information passed as input to --version option.
+UINT ParameterManager::Version()
+ return iVersion;
+This function extracts the fpu information passed as input to the --fpu option.
+@return the fpu information passed as input to the --fpu option.
+UINT ParameterManager::FPU()
+ return iFPU;
+bool ParameterManager::IsCodePaged()
+ return iCodePaged;
+bool ParameterManager::IsCodeUnpaged()
+ return iCodeUnpaged;
+bool ParameterManager::IsCodeDefaultPaged()
+ return iCodeDefaultPaged;
+bool ParameterManager::IsDataPaged()
+ return iDataPaged;
+bool ParameterManager::IsDataUnpaged()
+ return iDataUnpaged;
+bool ParameterManager::IsDataDefaultPaged()
+ return iDataDefaultPaged;
+This function finds out if the --excludeunwantedexports option is passed to the program.
+@return true if --excludeunwantedexports option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::ExcludeUnwantedExports()
+ return iExcludeUnwantedExports;
+This function finds out if the --customdlltarget option is passed to the program.
+@return true if --customdlltarget option is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::IsCustomDllTarget()
+ return iCustomDllTarget;
+This function extracts the SymNamedLookup information passed as input to the --namedlookup option.
+@return the namedlookup information passed as input to the --namedlookup option.
+bool ParameterManager::SymNamedLookup()
+ return iSymNamedLookup;
+This function determines if the -debuggable option is passed to the program.
+@return true if --debuggable is passed in or False.
+bool ParameterManager::IsDebuggable()
+ return iDebuggable;
+bool ParameterManager::IsSmpSafe()
+ return iSmpSafe;
+This function extracts the filename from the absolute path that is given as input.
+@param aFileName
+The filename alongwith the absolute path.
+@return the filename (without the absolute path) for valid input else the filename itself.
+char * ParameterManager::FileName(char * aFileName)
+ string str(aFileName);
+ size_t pos = str.find_last_of(DirectorySeparator());
+#ifndef __LINUX__
+ // Support Unix slashes on Windows when stripping filenames from paths
+ if (pos > str.size())
+ {
+ pos = str.find_last_of('/');
+ }
+ if (pos < str.size())
+ return aFileName + pos + 1;
+ else
+ return aFileName;
+This function finds out the directory separator '\' in the path
+@return the directory spearator '\'
+char ParameterManager::DirectorySeparator()
+#ifdef __LINUX__
+ return '/';
+ return '\\';
+This function set the input Def file name that is passed through --definput option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseDefInput(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --definput
+@param aValue
+The DEF file name passed to --definput option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseDefInput returning void.
+ aPM->SetDefInput(aValue);
+This function set the input Elf file name that is passed through --elfinput option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseElfInput(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --elfinput
+@param aValue
+The ELF file name passed to --elfinput option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseElfInput returning void.
+ aPM->SetElfInput(aValue);
+This function set the output Def file name that is passed through --defoutput option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseDefOutput(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --defoutput
+@param aValue
+The DEF file name passed to --defoutput option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseDefOutput returning void.
+ aPM->SetDefOutput(aValue);
+This function set the input E32 file name that is passed through --e32input option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseE32Input(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --e32input
+@param aValue
+The E32 file name passed to --e32input option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseE32Input returning void.
+ aPM->SetE32Input(aValue);
+This function set the output E32 image name that is passed through --output option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseOutput(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --output
+@param aValue
+The E32 file name passed to --output option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseOutput returning void.
+ aPM->SetE32Output(aValue);
+This function set the output Log file name that is passed through --log option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseLogFile(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --log
+@param aValue
+The Log file name passed to --log option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseLogFile returning void.
+ if(aValue)
+ {
+ aPM->SetLogFile(aValue);
+ MessageHandler::StartLogging(aValue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--log");
+ }
+This function set the input Message file name that is passed through --messagefile option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseMessageFile(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --messagefile
+@param aValue
+The Message file name passed to --messagefile option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseMessageFile returning void.
+ if(aValue)
+ {
+ aPM->SetMessageFile(aValue);
+ MessageHandler::InitializeMessages(aValue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--messagefile");
+ }
+This function set the Message file name to be dumped that is passed through --dumpmessagefile option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseDumpMessageFile(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --dumpmessagefile
+@param aValue
+The output Message file name passed to --dumpmessagefile option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseDumpMessageFile returning void.
+ aPM->SetDumpMessageFile(aValue);
+This function checks the arguments passed to the options. If an incorrect argument
+is passed or if no arguments are passed then appropriate error message is displayed.
+@param aValue
+Input to the option
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input
+@return the validated value
+UINT ValidateInputVal(char * aValue, char * aOption)
+ UINT uid;
+ if (!aValue)
+ throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, aOption);
+ else if (!GetUInt(uid, aValue))
+ throw InvalidArgumentError(INVALIDARGUMENTERROR, aValue, aOption);
+ return uid;
+There are some boolean options which does not expect any inputs. This function checks
+if there are any the arguments passed to the option. In case of getting an input argument,
+the warning message "Value is ignored" is displayed.
+@param aValue
+Input to the option
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input
+void CheckInput(char * aValue, char * aOption)
+ if (aValue)
+ MessageHandler::GetInstance()->ReportMessage(WARNING, VALUEIGNOREDWARNING, aOption);
+This function set the version information that is passed through --version option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseVersion(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --version
+@param aValue
+The version information passed to --version option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseVersion returning void.
+ UINT version = 0;
+ UINT majorVal = 0;
+ UINT minorVal = 0;
+ if(!aValue)
+ throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--version");
+ char * tokens = strdup(aValue);
+ char * major, * minor;
+ major = strtok(tokens, ".");
+ majorVal = ValidateInputVal(major, "--version");
+ minor = strtok(NULL, ".");
+ if (minor && !GetUInt(minorVal, minor))
+ throw InvalidArgumentError(INVALIDARGUMENTERROR, aValue, "--version");
+ version = ((majorVal & 0xFFFF) << 16) | (minorVal & 0xFFFF);
+ aPM->SetVersion(version);
+This function set the UID1 value that is passed through --uid1 option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseUID1(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --uid1
+@param aValue
+The UID1 value passed to --uid1 option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseUID1 returning void.
+ UINT aUid = ValidateInputVal(aValue, "--uid1");
+ aPM->SetUID1(aUid);
+This function set the UID2 value that is passed through --uid2 option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseUID2(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --uid2
+@param aValue
+The UID2 value passed to --uid2 option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseUID2 returning void.
+ UINT aUid = ValidateInputVal(aValue, "--uid2");
+ aPM->SetUID2(aUid);
+This function set the UID3 value that is passed through --uid3 option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseUID3(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --uid3
+@param aValue
+The UID3 value passed to --uid3 option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseUID3 returning void.
+ UINT aUid = ValidateInputVal(aValue, "--uid3");
+ aPM->SetUID3(aUid);
+This function set the Secure ID value that is passed through --sid option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseSecureId(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --sid
+@param aValue
+The Secure ID value passed to --sid option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseSecureId returning void.
+ UINT aUid = ValidateInputVal(aValue, "--sid");
+ aPM->SetSecureId(aUid);
+This function set the Vendor ID value that is passed through --vid option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseVendorId(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --vid
+@param aValue
+The Vendor ID value passed to --vid option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseVendorId returning void.
+ UINT aUid = ValidateInputVal(aValue, "--vid");
+ aPM->SetVendorId(aUid);
+This function set the FixedAddress flag if --fixedaddress option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParseFixedAddress(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --fixedaddress
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --fixedaddress option, in this case NULL
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseFixedAddress returning void.
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--fixedaddress");
+ aPM->SetFixedAddress(true);
+This function set the CallEntryPoint flag if --callentry option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParseCallEntryPoint(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --callentry
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --callentry option, in this case NULL
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseCallEntryPoint returning void.
+ aPM->SetCallEntryPoint(true);
+This function set the Uncompressed flag if --uncompressed option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParseUncompressed(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --uncompressed
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --uncompressed option, in this case NULL
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseUncompressed returning void.
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--uncompressed");
+ aPM->SetCompress(false);
+static const ParameterManager::CompressionMethodDesc MethodNames[] =
+ { "none", 0},
+ { "inflate", KUidCompressionDeflate},
+ { "bytepair", KUidCompressionBytePair},
+ { 0, 0}
+This function parses the compression method value passed in and finds the corresponding match
+from the list of existing method values.
+@param aMethod
+Holds the method value mapped from list.
+@param aText
+The priority value passed to --compressionmethod option
+@return True if the method value passed in is a valid one present in the list.
+static bool ParseCompressionMethodArg(UINT & aMethod, const char *aText)
+ int i = 0;
+ aMethod = 0;
+ for (;; i++)
+ {
+ if (!MethodNames[i].iMethodName)
+ return false;
+ if (!stricmp(aText, MethodNames[i].iMethodName))
+ {
+ aMethod = MethodNames[i].iMethodUid;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+This function set the CompressionMethod variable if --compressionmethod option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParseUncompressed(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --compressionmethod
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --compressionmethod option, in this case none|inflate|bytepair
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseCompressionMethod returning void.
+ UINT method;
+ if(!aValue)
+ throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--compressionmethod");
+ if(ParseCompressionMethodArg(method, aValue) )
+ aPM->SetCompressionMethod(method);
+ else
+ throw InvalidArgumentError(INVALIDARGUMENTERROR, aValue, "compression method");
+This function parses the compression method value passed in and finds the corresponding match
+from the list of existing method values.
+This function set the AllowDllData flag if --dlldata option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParseAllowDllData(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --dlldata
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --dlldata option, in this case NULL
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseAllowDllData returning void.
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--dlldata");
+ aPM->SetDllDataP(true);
+static const ParameterManager::PriorityValueDesc PriorityNames[] =
+ { "Low", EPriorityLow},
+ { "Background", EPriorityBackground},
+ { "Foreground", EPriorityForeground},
+ { "High", EPriorityHigh},
+ { "WindowServer", EPriorityWindowServer},
+ { "FileServer", EPriorityFileServer},
+ { "RealTimeServer", EPriorityRealTimeServer},
+ { "Supervisor", EPrioritySupervisor},
+ { 0, (TProcessPriority)0}
+This function parses the priority value passed in and finds the corresponding match
+from the list of existing priority values.
+@param aPriority
+Holds the priority value mapped from list.
+@param aText
+The priority value passed to --priority option
+@return True if the priority value passed in is a valid one present in the list.
+static bool ParsePriorityArg(unsigned int & aPriority, const char *aText)
+ int i = 0;
+ aPriority = 0;
+ for (;; i++)
+ {
+ if (!PriorityNames[i].iName)
+ return false;
+ if (!stricmp(aText, PriorityNames[i].iName))
+ {
+ aPriority = PriorityNames[i].iPriority;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+This function set the priority value that is passed through --priority option.
+void ParameterManager::ParsePriority(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --priority
+@param aValue
+The priority value passed to --priority option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParsePriority returning void.
+ unsigned int priority;
+ if (!aValue)
+ throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--priority");
+ if (GetUInt(priority, aValue) || ParsePriorityArg(priority, aValue))
+ aPM->SetPriority((TProcessPriority)priority);
+ else
+ throw InvalidArgumentError(INVALIDARGUMENTERROR, aValue, "priority");
+This function sets the predefined symbols, at the specified ordinal numbers, that are passed through
+--sysdef option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseSysDefs(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --sysdef
+@param aValue
+The predefined symbols alongwith the ordinal numbers passed to --sysdef option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseSysDefs returning void.
+ if (!aValue)
+ throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--sysdef");
+ string aSysDefValues(aValue);
+ string::iterator p = aSysDefValues.begin();
+ int sysdeflength = aSysDefValues.size();
+ int parsesysdef = 1;
+ int sysdefcount=0;
+ while (parsesysdef && sysdeflength)
+ {
+ int q = 0;
+ unsigned int ordinalnum = 0;
+ char *symbol = 0;
+ int nq = aSysDefValues.find_first_of(",", q,sizeof(*p));
+ if (nq && (nq != string::npos))
+ {
+ int len = nq;
+ symbol = new char[len+1];
+ memcpy(symbol, p, len);
+ symbol[len] = 0;
+ q = nq+1;
+ char val = *(p+q);
+ if (!val || !isdigit(val))
+ throw ParameterParserError(SYSDEFERROR, "--sysdef");
+ ordinalnum = *(p+q) - '0';
+ aPM->SetSysDefs(ordinalnum, symbol, sysdefcount);
+ unsigned int separator = aSysDefValues.find(";", 0);
+ if (separator && (separator != string::npos))
+ {
+ if (separator != (unsigned int)(q+1))
+ throw ParameterParserError(MULTIPLESYSDEFERROR, "--sysdef");
+ else
+ {
+ sysdeflength -= separator + 1;
+ aSysDefValues = aSysDefValues.substr(separator+1);
+ sysdefcount++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sysdeflength -= q+1;
+ if (sysdeflength)
+ throw ParameterParserError(MULTIPLESYSDEFERROR, "--sysdef");
+ else
+ parsesysdef = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!nq && sysdeflength)
+ throw ParameterParserError(SYSDEFNOSYMBOLERROR, "--sysdef");
+ else
+ throw ParameterParserError(SYSDEFERROR, "--sysdef");
+ }
+ }
+This function parses the capability value passed to --capability option.
+@param aName
+The pointer marking the beginning value passed to the --capability option
+@param aEnd
+The pointer marking the end value passed to the --capability option
+@param aCapabilities
+List of Capability Values allowed
+@param aInvert
+Flag to denote if value can be inverted.
+void ParameterManager::ParseCapability1(const char * aName, const char * aEnd, SCapabilitySet& aCapabilities, bool aInvert)
+ int n = aEnd - aName;
+ int i = 0;
+ if(n==3 && strnicmp("all",aName,n)==0)
+ {
+ if(aInvert)
+ for(i=0; i<ECapability_Limit; i++)
+ {
+ if(CapabilityNames[i])
+ aCapabilities[i>>5] |= (1<<(i&31));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(n==4 && strnicmp("none",aName,n)==0)
+ {
+ if(aInvert)
+ memset(&aCapabilities,0,sizeof(aCapabilities));
+ return;
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<ECapability_Limit; i++)
+ {
+ const char* cap = CapabilityNames[i];
+ if(!cap)
+ continue;
+ if((int)strlen(cap)!=n)
+ continue;
+ if(strnicmp(cap,aName,n)!=0)
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(i>=ECapability_Limit)
+ {
+ string aBadCap(aName, aEnd);
+ throw UnrecognisedCapabilityError(UNRECOGNISEDCAPABILITYERROR,"BAD CAP");
+ }
+ if(aInvert)
+ aCapabilities[i>>5] &= ~(1<<(i&31));
+ else
+ aCapabilities[i>>5] |= (1<<(i&31));
+This function parses the capability value passed to --capability option.
+@param aCapabilities
+List of Capability Values allowed
+@param aText
+Value passed to --capability option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseCapabilitiesArg(SCapabilitySet& aCapabilities, const char *aText)
+ string aCapList(aText);
+ string::iterator b = aCapList.begin();
+ string::iterator e = b;
+ bool invert = false;
+ while(e != aCapList.end())
+ {
+ invert = false;
+ if (*b == '-')
+ {
+ invert = true;
+ b++;
+ }
+ else if (*b == '+')
+ b++;
+ e = b;
+ for (; e != aCapList.end(); e++)
+ {
+ if (*e == '-' || *e == '+') break;
+ }
+ if (e != b)
+ ParseCapability1(b, e, aCapabilities, invert);
+ b = e;
+ }
+This function parses the capability value passed to --capability option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseCapability(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --capability
+@param aValue
+The predefined symbols alongwith the ordinal numbers passed to --capability option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseCapability returning void.
+ unsigned int cap;
+ SCapabilitySet capSet = {0, 0};
+ if (!aValue)
+ throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--capability");
+ if (GetUInt(cap, aValue))
+ {
+ aPM->SetCapability(cap);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aPM->ParseCapabilitiesArg(capSet, aValue);
+ aPM->SetCapability(capSet);
+ }
+This function set the Heap Reserved and Committed Size value that is passed through --heap option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseHeap(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --heap
+@param aValue
+The Heap Reserved and Committed Size value passed to --heap option separated by ','.
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseHeap returning void.
+ string aArg(aValue);
+ UINT committed = aPM->HeapCommittedSize();
+ UINT reserved = aPM->HeapReservedSize();
+ int p = aArg.find_first_of(",");
+ if (p < 0)
+ {
+ if ( !GetUInt(committed, aValue))
+ throw InvalidArgumentError(INVALIDARGUMENTERROR, aValue, "heap");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aArg[p] = 0;
+ const char * committedval = aArg.c_str();
+ const char * reservedval = committedval + p + 1;
+ if (!(GetUInt(committed, committedval) && GetUInt(reserved, reservedval)))
+ throw InvalidArgumentError(INVALIDARGUMENTERROR, aValue, "heap");
+ }
+ aPM->SetHeapCommittedSize(committed);
+ aPM->SetHeapReservedSize(reserved);
+This function set the stack Committed Size that is passed through --stack option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseStackCommitted(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --stack
+@param aValue
+The Stack Committed Size value passed to --stack option.
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseStackCommitted returning void.
+ UINT aSize = ValidateInputVal(aValue, "--stack");
+ aPM->SetStackCommittedSize(aSize);
+This function set the Unfrozen flag if --unfrozen option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParseUnfrozen(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --unfrozen
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --unfrozen option, in this case NULL
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseUnfrozen returning void.
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--unfrozen");
+ aPM->SetUnfrozen(true);
+This function set the ignorenoncallable flag if --ignorenoncallable option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParseIgnoreNonCallable(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --ignorenoncallable
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --ignorenoncallable option, in this case NULL
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::Parseignorenoncallable returning void.
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--ignorenoncallable");
+ aPM->SetIgnoreNonCallable(true);
+This function sets the FPU type that is passed using the --fpu option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseFPU(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --fpu
+@param aValue
+The fpu information passed to the --fpu option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseFPU returning void.
+ if (strnicmp(aValue, "softvfp", 7)==0)
+ aPM->SetFPU(0);
+ else if (strnicmp(aValue, "vfpv2", 5)==0)
+ aPM->SetFPU(1);
+ else
+ throw InvalidArgumentError(INVALIDARGUMENTERROR, aValue, aOption);
+This function set the Paged flag if --paged option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParsePaged(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --paged
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --paged option, in this case NULL
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParsePaged returning void.
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--paged");
+ if (aPM->IsCodeUnpaged() || aPM->IsCodeDefaultPaged())
+ {
+ throw InvalidInvocationError(INVALIDINVOCATIONERROR);
+ }
+ aPM->SetCodePaged(true);
+This function set the Unpaged flag if --unpaged option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParseUnpaged(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --unpaged
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --unpaged option, in this case NULL
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseUnpaged returning void.
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--unpaged");
+ if (aPM->IsCodePaged() || aPM->IsCodeDefaultPaged())
+ {
+ throw InvalidInvocationError(INVALIDINVOCATIONERROR);
+ }
+ aPM->SetCodeUnpaged(true);
+This function set the Defaultpaged flag if --defaultpaged option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParseDefaultpaged(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --defaultpaged
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --defaultpaged option, in this case NULL
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseDefaultpaged returning void.
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--defaultpaged");
+ if (aPM->IsCodePaged() || aPM->IsCodeUnpaged())
+ {
+ throw InvalidInvocationError(INVALIDINVOCATIONERROR);
+ }
+ aPM->SetCodeDefaultPaged(true);
+ if (strnicmp(aValue, "paged", 5)==0)
+ {
+ aPM->SetCodePaged(true);
+ }
+ else if (strnicmp(aValue, "unpaged", 7)==0)
+ {
+ aPM->SetCodeUnpaged(true);
+ }
+ else if (strnicmp(aValue, "default", 7)==0)
+ {
+ aPM->SetCodeDefaultPaged(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw InvalidArgumentError(INVALIDARGUMENTERROR, aValue, aOption);
+ }
+ // Check that we haven't been given conflicting options.
+ unsigned check = 0;
+ if ( aPM->IsCodePaged() )
+ {
+ check++;
+ }
+ if ( aPM->IsCodeUnpaged() )
+ {
+ check++;
+ }
+ if ( aPM->IsCodeDefaultPaged() )
+ {
+ check++;
+ }
+ if (check > 1)
+ {
+ throw InvalidInvocationError(INVALIDINVOCATIONERROR);
+ }
+ if (strnicmp(aValue, "paged", 5)==0)
+ {
+ aPM->SetDataPaged(true);
+ }
+ else if (strnicmp(aValue, "unpaged", 7)==0)
+ {
+ aPM->SetDataUnpaged(true);
+ }
+ else if (strnicmp(aValue, "default", 7)==0)
+ {
+ aPM->SetDataDefaultPaged(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw InvalidArgumentError(INVALIDARGUMENTERROR, aValue, aOption);
+ }
+ // Check that we haven't been given conflicting options.
+ unsigned check = 0;
+ if ( aPM->IsDataPaged() )
+ {
+ check++;
+ }
+ if ( aPM->IsDataUnpaged() )
+ {
+ check++;
+ }
+ if ( aPM->IsDataDefaultPaged() )
+ {
+ check++;
+ }
+ if (check > 1)
+ {
+ throw InvalidInvocationError(INVALIDINVOCATIONERROR);
+ }
+This function sets the iExcludeUnwantedExports flag if --excludeunwantedexports option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParseExcludeUnwantedExports(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --excludeunwantedexports
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --excludeunwantedexports, in this case NULL
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseExcludeUnwantedExports returning void.
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--excludeunwantedexports");
+ aPM->SetExcludeUnwantedExports(true);
+This function sets the customdlltarget flag if --customdlltarget option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParseIsCustomDllTarget(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --customdlltarget
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --customdlltarget option, in this case NULL
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseIsCustomDllTarget returning void.
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--customdlltarget");
+ aPM->SetCustomDllTarget(true);
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--namedlookup");
+ aPM->SetSymNamedLookup(true);
+This function set the iDebuggable flag if --debuggable option is passed to the program.
+void ParameterManager::ParseDebuggable(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --debuggable
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --debuggable option, in this case NULL
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseDebuggable returning void.
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--debuggable");
+ aPM->SetDebuggable(true);
+ CheckInput(aValue, "--smpsafe");
+ aPM->SetSmpSafe(true);
+static const ParameterManager::TargetTypeDesc DefaultTargetTypes[] =
+ { "DLL", EDll },
+ { "LIB", ELib },
+ // allow full name
+ { "LIBRARY", ELib},
+ { "IMPLIB", ELib},
+ { "EXE", EExe},
+ { "ANI", EPolyDll},
+ { "APP", EPolyDll},
+ { "CTL", EPolyDll},
+ { "CTPKG", EPolyDll},
+ { "FSY", EPolyDll},
+ { "LDD", EPolyDll},
+ { "ECOMIIC", EPolyDll},
+ { "PLUGIN", EPolyDll},
+ { "PLUGIN3", EPolyDll},
+ { "KDLL", EPolyDll},
+ { "KEXT", EPolyDll},
+ { "MDA", EPolyDll},
+ { "MDl", EPolyDll},
+ { "RDL", EPolyDll},
+ { "NOTIFIER", EPolyDll},
+ { "NOTIFIER2", EPolyDll},
+ { "TEXTNOTIFIER2", EPolyDll},
+ { "PDD", EPolyDll},
+ { "PDL", EPolyDll},
+ { "VAR", EPolyDll},
+ { "VAR2", EPolyDll},
+ { "EXEXP", EExexp},
+ { "STDEXE", EStdExe},
+ { "STDDLL", EDll},
+ { 0, EInvalidTargetType }
+Function to check if the given target type is a valid one from the list.
+@param aArg
+Value to be checked, the one that is passed to '--targettype'.
+@return True if the provided value is a valid targettype.
+static ETargetType IsDefaultTargetType(const char * aArg)
+ for (int i = 0; DefaultTargetTypes[i].iName; i++)
+ {
+ if (aArg && !stricmp(aArg, DefaultTargetTypes[i].iName))
+ return DefaultTargetTypes[i].iTargetType;
+ }
+ return EInvalidTargetType;
+Function to check if the given target type is a valid one from the list. If no value is
+passed or if unsupported targettypes are passed, then the appropriate warnings are displayed.
+@param aArg
+Value to be checked, the one that is passed to '--targettype'.
+@return the appropriate matching value from the list.
+ETargetType ParameterManager::ValidateTargetType(const char * aArg)
+ ETargetType res = IsDefaultTargetType(aArg);
+ if (res == EInvalidTargetType)
+ {
+ if (aArg)
+ MessageHandler::GetInstance()->ReportMessage(WARNING, UNSUPPORTEDTARGETTYPEERROR,aArg);
+ else
+ MessageHandler::GetInstance()->ReportMessage(WARNING, TARGETTYPENOTSPECIFIEDERROR);
+ }
+ return res;
+This function set the target type that is passed through --targettype option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseTargetTypeName(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --targettype
+@param aValue
+The target type passed to --targettype option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseTargetTypeName returning void.
+ aPM->SetTargetTypeName(aPM->ValidateTargetType(aValue));
+This function set the output DSO file name that is passed through --dso option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseDSOOutput(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --dso
+@param aValue
+The DSO file name passed to --dso option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseDSOOutput returning void.
+ aPM->SetDSOOutput(aValue);
+This function displays the usage information if --help option is passed in.
+For invalid option, this function displays the usage information and throws the
+appropriate error message.
+void ParameterManager::ParamHelp(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --help or -h
+@param aValue
+The value passed to --help option, in this case, no value, hence 0.
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParamHelp returning void.
+ using std::cerr;
+ using std::endl;
+ cerr << "\nSymbian Post Linker, " << "Elf2E32"
+ << " V" << MajorVersion << "." << MinorVersion << " (Build "<<Build <<")"
+ << endl;
+ cerr << "Usage:\t" << "elf2e32" << " [options] [filename]\n" << endl;
+ cerr << "Options:\n" ;
+ const OptionDesc * aHelpDesc = aPM->iOptionMap["help"];
+ int lim = aPM->NumOptions();
+ for (int i = 0; i < lim; i++)
+ {
+ if (aPM->iOptions[i].iName == aHelpDesc->iName)
+ {
+ cerr << '\t' << aPM->iParamPrefix << aPM->iOptions[i].iName
+ << " : This command." << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cerr << '\t' << aPM->iParamPrefix << aPM->iOptions[i].iName;
+ if (aPM->iOptions[i].iDoc) cerr << aPM->iParamEquals << aPM->iOptions[i].iDoc;
+ cerr << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!aDesc)
+ else
+This function set the LibPath that is passed through --libpath option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseLibPath(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --libpath
+@param aValue
+The LibPath value passed to --libpath option.
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseLibPath returning void.
+ if (!aValue)
+ throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--libpath");
+ string aPathList(aValue);
+ const char* p = aPathList.c_str();
+ int n = strlen(p);
+ int q = 0;
+ while (n)
+ {
+ int nq = aPathList.find_first_of(";", q, sizeof(*p));
+ if (nq > 0)
+ {
+ // handle case where there are multiple paths which are ; separated
+ int len = nq - q;
+ if (p[len-1] == aPM->DirectorySeparator()) len--;
+ char * path = new char[len+1];
+ memcpy(path, p+q, len);
+ path[len] = 0;
+ aPM->iLibPathList.push_back(path);
+ n -= nq - q + 1;
+ q = nq+1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p += q;
+ int len = strlen(p);
+ if (p[len-1] == aPM->DirectorySeparator()) len--;
+ char * path = new char[len+1];
+ memcpy(path, p, len);
+ path[len] = 0;
+ aPM->iLibPathList.push_back(path);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+This function sets the linkas dll name when --linkas option is passed in.
+void ParameterManager::ParseLinkAs(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --linkas
+@param aValue
+The DLL name to be linked with passed through --linkas option
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseLinkAs returning void.
+ aPM->SetLinkDLLName(aValue);
+This function set the sub options that are passed through --dump option.
+void ParameterManager::ParseFileDump(ParameterManager * aPM, char * aOption, char * aValue, void * aDesc)
+@param aPM
+Pointer to the ParameterManager
+@param aOption
+Option that is passed as input, in this case --dump
+@param aValue
+The FileDump suboptions passed to --dump option.
+@param aDesc
+Pointer to function ParameterManager::ParseFileDump returning void.
+ aPM->SetFileDumpOptions(aValue);
+This function sets the target type that is passed as input through the --targettype option
+and sets the flag if --targettype option is passed in.
+@param aTargetTypeVal
+Name of the input target type if provided as input through --targettype or 0.
+void ParameterManager::SetTargetTypeName(ETargetType aTargetTypeVal)
+ iTargetTypeOption = true;
+ iTargetTypeName = aTargetTypeVal;
+This function sets the DEF file name that is passed as input through the --definput option and
+sets the flag if --definput option is passed in.
+@param aDefInputVal
+Name of the input DEF file if provided as input through --definput or 0.
+void ParameterManager::SetDefInput(char * aDefInputVal)
+ iDefFileInOption = true;
+ iDefInput = aDefInputVal;
+This function sets the DSO file name that is passed as input through the --dso option
+and sets the flag if the --dso option is passed in.
+@param aDSOOutputVal
+Name of the output DSO file if provided as input through --dso or 0.
+void ParameterManager::SetDSOOutput(char * aDSOOutputVal)
+ iDSOFileOutOption = true;
+ iDSOOutput = aDSOOutputVal;
+This function sets the Elf file name that is passed as input through the --dsoin option.
+@param aSetElfInput
+Name of the input Elf file if provided as input through --dsoin or 0.
+void ParameterManager::SetElfInput(char * aElfInputVal)
+ iElfFileInOption = true;
+ iElfInput = aElfInputVal;
+This function sets the E32 name that is passed as input through the --e32dump option.
+@param aSetE32Input
+Name of the input E32 image if provided as input through --e32dump or 0.
+void ParameterManager::SetE32Input(char * aSetE32Input)
+ iE32ImageInOption = true;
+ iE32Input = aSetE32Input;
+This function sets the E32 dump options that is passed as input through the --dump option.
+@param aSetFileDumpOptions
+Dump sub options passed to --dump option
+void ParameterManager::SetFileDumpOptions(char * aSetFileDumpOptions)
+ iFileDumpOption = true;
+ iFileDumpSubOptions = aSetFileDumpOptions;
+ if (aSetFileDumpOptions)
+ {
+ iDumpOptions=0;
+ while (char c = *(aSetFileDumpOptions++))
+ {
+ if (c < 'a')
+ c += 'a'-'A';
+ switch(c)
+ {
+ case 'h': iDumpOptions |= EDumpHeader; break;
+ case 's': iDumpOptions |= EDumpSecurityInfo; break;
+ case 'c': iDumpOptions |= EDumpCode; break;
+ case 'd': iDumpOptions |= EDumpData; break;
+ case 'e': iDumpOptions |= EDumpExports; break;
+ case 'i': iDumpOptions |= EDumpImports; break;
+ case 'a': iDumpOptions |= EDumpAsm; break; //Dump the Assembler code
+ case 't': iDumpOptions |= EDumpSymbols;break;
+ default:
+ iDumpOptions=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+This function extracts the E32 image output that is passed as input through the --output option.
+@param aSetE32Output
+Name of the output E32 image output if provided as input through --output or 0.
+void ParameterManager::SetE32Output(char * aSetE32Output)
+ iOutFileOption = true;
+ iOutFileName = aSetE32Output;
+This function sets the output DEF file name that is passed as input through the --defoutput option.
+@param aSetDefOutput
+Name of the output DEF file if provided as input through --defoutput or 0.
+void ParameterManager::SetDefOutput(char * aSetDefOutput)
+ iDefFileOutOption = true;
+ iDefOutput = aSetDefOutput;
+This function sets the name of the DLL (that the DSO is to be linked with) that is passed
+as input through the --linkas option and sets the flag if the --linkas option is passed in.
+@param aSetLinkDLLName
+The DLL name with which the DSO is to be linked with
+void ParameterManager::SetLinkDLLName(char * aSetLinkDLLName)
+ iLinkAsOption = true;
+ iLinkDLLName = aSetLinkDLLName;
+This function sets the priority value.
+@param anewVal
+priority value passed in to --priority option.
+void ParameterManager::SetPriority(TProcessPriority anewVal)
+ iPriorityOption = true;
+ iPriorityVal = anewVal;
+This function sets the capability value.
+@param anewVal
+Capability value passed in to --capability option.
+void ParameterManager::SetCapability(unsigned int anewVal)
+ iCapability[0] = anewVal;
+This function sets the capability value.
+@param anewVal
+Capability value passed in to --capability option.
+void ParameterManager::SetCapability(SCapabilitySet & anewVal)
+ iCapability = anewVal;
+This function sets the list of predefined symbols passed to --sysdef option.
+@param aOrdinalnum
+Ordinal number of the predefined symbols
+@param aSymbol
+Symbol Name
+@param aCount
+Position of the predefined symbol
+void ParameterManager::SetSysDefs(unsigned int aOrdinalnum, char* aSymbol, int aCount)
+ iSysDefOption = 1;
+ iSysDefSymbols[aCount].iSysDefOrdinalNum = aOrdinalnum;
+ iSysDefSymbols[aCount].iSysDefSymbolName = aSymbol;
+ iSysDefCount = (aCount+1);
+This function sets the output LOG file name that is passed as input through the --log option.
+@param aSetLogFile
+Name of the output LOG file if provided as input through --log or 0.
+void ParameterManager::SetLogFile(char * aSetLogFile)
+ iLogFileOption = true;
+ iLogFileName = aSetLogFile;
+This function sets the Message file name that is passed as input through the --messagefile option.
+@param aMessageFile
+Name of the Message file if provided as input through --messagefile or 0.
+void ParameterManager::SetMessageFile(char * aMessageFile)
+ iMessageFileOption = true;
+ iMessageFileName = aMessageFile;
+This function sets the Message file name that is passed as input through the --dumpmessagefile option.
+@param aDumpMessageFile
+Name of the Message file to be dumped if provided as input through --dumpmessagefile or 0.
+void ParameterManager::SetDumpMessageFile(char * aDumpMessageFile)
+ iDumpMessageFileOption = true;
+ iDumpMessageFileName = aDumpMessageFile;
+This function sets iFixedAddress if --fixedaddress is passed in.
+@param aVal
+True if --fixedaddress is passed in.
+void ParameterManager::SetFixedAddress(bool aSetFixedAddress)
+ iFixedAddress = aSetFixedAddress;
+This function sets iCompress if --uncompressed is passed in.
+@param aVal
+True if --uncompressed is passed in.
+void ParameterManager::SetCompress(bool aSetCompress)
+ iCompress = aSetCompress;
+This function sets iCompress if --uncompressed is passed in.
+@param aVal
+True if --uncompressed is passed in.
+void ParameterManager::SetCompressionMethod(UINT aCompressionMethod)
+ iCompressionMethod = aCompressionMethod;
+This function sets iCallEntryPoint if --callentry is passed in.
+@param aVal
+True if --callentry is passed in.
+void ParameterManager::SetCallEntryPoint(bool aSetCallEntryPoint)
+ iCallEntryPoint = aSetCallEntryPoint;
+This function sets the Version information passed to '--version' option.
+@param aVersion information
+Version information passed to '--version' option.
+void ParameterManager::SetVersion(UINT aSetVersion)
+ iVersionOption = true;
+ iVersion = aSetVersion;
+This function sets the UID1 passed to '--uid1' option.
+@param aUID1
+UID1 passed to '--uid1' option.
+void ParameterManager::SetUID1(UINT aUID1)
+ iUid1Option = true;
+ iUID1 = aUID1;
+This function sets the UID2 passed to '--uid2' option.
+@param aUID2
+UID2passed to '--uid2' option.
+void ParameterManager::SetUID2(UINT aUID2)
+ iUID2 = aUID2;
+This function sets the UID3 passed to '--uid3' option.
+@param aUID3
+UID3 passed to '--uid3' option.
+void ParameterManager::SetUID3(UINT aUID3)
+ iUID3 = aUID3;
+This function sets the Secure ID passed to '--sid' option.
+@param aSetSecureID
+Secure ID passed to '--sid' option.
+void ParameterManager::SetSecureId(UINT aSetSecureID)
+ iSecureIDOption = true;
+ iSecureID = aSetSecureID;
+This function sets the Vendor ID passed to '--vid' option.
+@param aSetVendorID
+Vendor ID passed to '--vid' option.
+void ParameterManager::SetVendorId(UINT aSetVendorID)
+ iVendorIDOption = true;
+ iVendorID = aSetVendorID;
+This function sets the heap committed size passed to '--heap' option.
+@param aSetHeapCommittedSize
+stack committed size passed to '--heap' option.
+void ParameterManager::SetHeapCommittedSize(UINT aSetHeapCommittedSize)
+ iHeapCommittedSize = aSetHeapCommittedSize;
+This function sets the heap reserver size passed to '--heap' option.
+@param aSetStackReservedSize
+stack reserved size passed to '--heap' option.
+void ParameterManager::SetHeapReservedSize(UINT aSetHeapReservedSize)
+ iHeapReservedSize = aSetHeapReservedSize;
+This function sets the stack committed size passed to '--stack' option.
+@param aSetStackCommittedSize
+stack committed size passed to '--stack' option.
+void ParameterManager::SetStackCommittedSize(UINT aSetStackCommittedSize)
+ iStackCommittedSize = aSetStackCommittedSize;
+This function sets iUnfrozen if --unfrozen is passed in.
+@param aVal
+True if --unfrozen is passed in.
+void ParameterManager::SetUnfrozen(bool aVal)
+ iUnfrozen = aVal;
+This function sets iIgnoreNonCallable if --ignorenoncallable is passed in.
+@param aVal
+True if --ignorenoncallable is passed in.
+void ParameterManager::SetIgnoreNonCallable(bool aVal)
+ iIgnoreNonCallable = aVal;
+This function sets iDllDataP if --dlldata is passed in.
+@param anewVal
+True if --dlldata is passed in.
+void ParameterManager::SetDllDataP(bool anewVal)
+ iDllDataP = anewVal;
+This function sets the FPU type based on the parsed '--fpu' option.
+@param aSetVendorID
+FPU type passed to the '--fpu' option.
+void ParameterManager::SetFPU(UINT aFPU)
+ iFPUOption = true;
+ iFPU = aFPU;
+void ParameterManager::SetCodePaged(bool anewVal)
+ iCodePaged = anewVal;
+void ParameterManager::SetCodeUnpaged(bool anewVal)
+ iCodeUnpaged = anewVal;
+void ParameterManager::SetCodeDefaultPaged(bool anewVal)
+ iCodeDefaultPaged = anewVal;
+void ParameterManager::SetDataPaged(bool anewVal)
+ iDataPaged = anewVal;
+void ParameterManager::SetDataUnpaged(bool anewVal)
+ iDataUnpaged = anewVal;
+void ParameterManager::SetDataDefaultPaged(bool anewVal)
+ iDataDefaultPaged = anewVal;
+void ParameterManager::SetSymNamedLookup(bool aVal)
+ iSymNamedLookup = aVal;
+This function sets iExcludeUnwantedExports if --excludeunwantedexports is passed in.
+@param aVal
+True if --excludeunwantedexports is passed in.
+void ParameterManager::SetExcludeUnwantedExports(bool aVal)
+ iExcludeUnwantedExports = aVal;
+This function sets iIsCustomDllTarget if --customdlltarget is passed in.
+@param aVal
+True if --customdlltarget is passed in.
+void ParameterManager::SetCustomDllTarget(bool aVal)
+ iCustomDllTarget = aVal;
+This function sets iDebuggable if --debuggable is passed in.
+@param aVal
+True if --debuggable is passed in.
+void ParameterManager::SetDebuggable(bool aVal)
+ iDebuggable = aVal;
+void ParameterManager::SetSmpSafe(bool aVal)
+ iSmpSafe = aVal;