--- a/toolsandutils/e32tools/elf2e32/source/e32imagefile.h Fri Jun 25 18:24:47 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Class for E32 Image implementation and dump of the elf2e32 tool
-// @internalComponent
-// @released
-#ifndef E32IMAGEFILE_H
-#define E32IMAGEFILE_H
-#include "pl_elfrelocation.h"
-#include "pl_elfrelocations.h"
-#include "e32imagedefs.h"
-#include <tools/elfdefs.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <vector>
-using std::vector;
-#include <iostream>
-using std::ifstream;
-#include <e32std.h>
-enum TFileSource
- {
- EE32Image=0,
- EPeFile=1,
- EElfFile=2,
- };
-class ELFExecutable;
-class ElfFileSupplied;
-Class E32ImageChunkDesc for different sections in the E32 image.
-class E32ImageChunkDesc
- E32ImageChunkDesc(char * aData, size_t aSize, size_t aOffset, char * aDoc);
- virtual ~E32ImageChunkDesc();
- virtual void Write(char * aPlace);
- char * iData;
- size_t iSize;
- size_t iOffset;
- char * iDoc;
-Class E32ImageChunks for a list of sections in the E32 image.
-class E32ImageChunks
- typedef vector<E32ImageChunkDesc *> ChunkList;
- E32ImageChunks();
- virtual ~E32ImageChunks();
- void AddChunk(char * aData, size_t aSize, size_t aOffset, char * aDoc);
- size_t GetOffset();
- void SetOffset(size_t aOffset);
- ChunkList & GetChunks();
- ChunkList iChunks;
- size_t iOffset;
-class ElfFileSupplied;
-Class E32ImageFile for fields of an E32 image.
-class E32ImageFile
- typedef unsigned char uint8;
- typedef unsigned short uint16;
- typedef unsigned long uint32;
- struct E32RelocPageDesc
- {
- uint32 aOffset;
- uint32 aSize;
- };
- E32ImageFile(const char * aFileName, ElfExecutable * aExecutable, ElfFileSupplied * aUseCase);
- virtual ~E32ImageFile();
- void GenerateE32Image();
- void ReadInputELFFile(const char * aName, size_t & aFileSize, Elf32_Ehdr * & aELFFile );
- void ProcessImports();
- const char * FindDSO(const char * aName);
- void ProcessRelocations();
- void ProcessCodeRelocations();
- void ProcessDataRelocations();
- void CreateRelocations(ElfRelocations::RelocationList & aRelocList, char * & aRelocs, size_t & aRelocSize);
- size_t RelocationsSize(ElfRelocations::RelocationList & aRelocList);
- uint16 GetE32RelocType(ElfRelocation * aReloc);
- void ConstructImage();
- virtual void InitE32ImageHeader();
- virtual size_t GetE32ImageHeaderSize();
- virtual size_t GetExtendedE32ImageHeaderSize();
- virtual void SetExtendedE32ImageHeaderSize(size_t aSize);
- virtual void ComputeE32ImageLayout();
- virtual size_t GetE32ImageSize();
- virtual size_t GetExportOffset();
- virtual void CreateExportBitMap();
- virtual void AddExportDescription();
- virtual void AllocateE32Image();
- virtual void FinalizeE32Image();
- virtual uint16 GetCpuIdentifier();
- virtual uint32 EntryPointOffset();
- enum EEntryPointStatus
- {
- EEntryPointOK,
- EEntryPointCorrupt,
- EEntryPointNotSupported
- };
- EEntryPointStatus ValidateEntryPoint();
- virtual void SetUpExceptions();
- virtual void SetUids();
- virtual void SetSecureId();
- virtual void SetVendorId();
- virtual void SetCallEntryPoints();
- virtual void SetCapability();
- virtual void SetPriority(bool isDllp);
- virtual void SetFixedAddress(bool isDllp);
- virtual void SetVersion();
- virtual void SetCompressionType();
- virtual void SetFPU();
- virtual void SetPaged();
- virtual void SetSymbolLookup();
- virtual void SetDebuggable();
- virtual void SetSmpSafe();
- void UpdateHeaderCrc();
- bool WriteImage(const char * aName);
- const char * iFileName;
- char * iE32Image;
- uint8 * iExportBitMap;
- ElfExecutable * iElfExecutable;
- std::vector<char*> cleanupStack;
- char* iData;
- ElfFileSupplied * iUseCase;
- E32ImageHeaderV * iHdr;
- size_t iHdrSize;
- E32ImageChunks iChunks;
- uint32 iNumDlls;
- uint32 iNumImports;
- uint32 * iImportSection;
- size_t iImportSectionSize;
- char * iCodeRelocs;
- size_t iCodeRelocsSize;
- char * iDataRelocs;
- size_t iDataRelocsSize;
- size_t iExportOffset;
- bool iLayoutDone;
- int iMissingExports;
- // This table carries the byte offsets in the import table entries corresponding
- // to the 0th ordinal entry of static dependencies.
- std::vector<int> iImportTabLocations;
- std::vector<uint32> iSymAddrTab;
- std::vector<uint32> iSymNameOffTab;
- std::string iSymbolNames;
- uint32 iSymNameOffset;
- E32ImageFile();
- TInt ReadHeader(ifstream& is);
- TInt Open(const char* aFileName);
- void Adjust(TInt aSize, TBool aAllowShrink=ETrue);
- TUint TextOffset();
- TUint DataOffset();
- TUint BssOffset();
- TUint32 Capability();
- TUint32 Format();
- void Dump(TText *aFileName,TInt aDumpFlags);
- void DumpHeader(TInt aDumpFlags);
- void DumpData(TInt aDumpFlags);
- void DumpSymbolInfo(E32EpocExpSymInfoHdr *aSymInfoHdr);
- void E32ImageExportBitMap();
- TInt CheckExportDescription();
- void ProcessSymbolInfo();
- char* CreateSymbolInfo(size_t aBaseOffset);
- void SetSymInfo(E32EpocExpSymInfoHdr& aSymInfo);
- inline TUint OrigCodeOffset() const {return OffsetUnadjust(iOrigHdr->iCodeOffset);}
- inline TUint OrigDataOffset() const {return OffsetUnadjust(iOrigHdr->iDataOffset);}
- inline TUint OrigCodeRelocOffset() const {return OffsetUnadjust(iOrigHdr->iCodeRelocOffset);}
- inline TUint OrigDataRelocOffset() const {return OffsetUnadjust(iOrigHdr->iDataRelocOffset);}
- inline TUint OrigImportOffset() const {return OffsetUnadjust(iOrigHdr->iImportOffset);}
- inline TUint OrigExportDirOffset() const {return OffsetUnadjust(iOrigHdr->iExportDirOffset);}
- inline TUint OffsetUnadjust(TUint a) const {return a ? a-iOrigHdrOffsetAdj : 0;}
- inline void OffsetAdjust(TUint& a) { if (a) a+=iOrigHdrOffsetAdj; }
- TInt iSize;
- E32ImageHeader* iOrigHdr;
- TInt iError;
- TFileSource iSource;
- TUint iOrigHdrOffsetAdj;
- TInt iFileSize;
-ifstream &operator>>(ifstream &is, E32ImageFile &aImage);
-void InflateUnCompress(unsigned char* source, int sourcesize, unsigned char* dest, int destsize);
-#endif // E32IMAGEFILE_H