changeset 56 626366955efb
parent 55 59148e28d9f6
child 57 e69da8462916
--- a/toolsandutils/e32tools/elf2e32/source/elf2e32.cpp	Fri Jun 25 18:24:47 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Implementation of the Class Elf2E32 for the elf2e32 tool
-// @internalComponent
-// @released
-#include "elf2e32.h"
-#include "errorhandler.h"
-#include "librarytarget.h"
-#include "dll_fb_target.h"
-#include "dll_rebuild_target.h"
-#include "exetarget.h"
-#include "polydll_fb_target.h"
-#include "exexp_fb_target.h"
-#include "exexp_rebuild_target.h"
-#include "polydll_rebuild_target.h"
-#include "stdexe_target.h"
-#include "filedump.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-ParameterListInterface * Elf2E32::iInstance=0;
-Constructor for Elf2E32
-@param aArgc
- The number of command line arguments passed into the program
-@param aArgv
- The listing of all the arguments
-Elf2E32::Elf2E32(int aArgc, char **aArgv)
-	iParameterListInterface = GetInstance(aArgc, aArgv);
-	delete iInstance;
-This function creates a single instance of the ParameterManager which is derived from 
-ParameterListInterface which is the abstract base class.
-@param aArgc
- The number of command line arguments passed into the program
-@param aArgv
- The listing of all the arguments
-@return A pointer to the newly created ParameterListInterface object which is the 
- abstract interface
-ParameterListInterface * Elf2E32::GetInstance(int aArgc, char ** aArgv)
-	if (iInstance == 0)
-		iInstance = new ParameterManager(aArgc, aArgv);
-	return iInstance;
-This function is to select the appropriate use case based on the input values.
-1. If the input is only DEF file, then the usecase is the Create Library Target.
-   For Library Creation, alongwith the DEF file input, the DSO file option and 
-   the link as option SHOULD be passed. Otherwise, appropriate error message will
-   be generated.
-@return A pointer to the newly created UseCaseBase object
-UseCaseBase * Elf2E32::SelectUseCase()
-	bool definputoption = iParameterListInterface->DefFileInOption();
-	bool elfinputoption = iParameterListInterface->ElfFileInOption();
-	char * deffilein = iParameterListInterface->DefInput();
-	char * elfin = iParameterListInterface->ElfInput();
-	bool filedumpoption = iParameterListInterface->FileDumpOption();
-	int dumpOptions = iParameterListInterface->DumpOptions();
-	char *filedumpsuboptions = iParameterListInterface->FileDumpSubOptions();
-	bool e32inputoption = iParameterListInterface->E32ImageInOption();
-	char * e32in = iParameterListInterface->E32Input();
-	bool dumpMessageFileOption = iParameterListInterface->DumpMessageFileOption();
-	if (definputoption && !deffilein)
-		throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--definput");
-	if (elfinputoption && !elfin)
-		throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--elfinput");
-	if(filedumpoption && !dumpOptions)
-	{
-		//throw for wrong options
-		throw InvalidArgumentError(INVALIDARGUMENTERROR,filedumpsuboptions,"--dump");
-	}
-	if(e32inputoption && !e32in)
-	{
-        throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--e32input");
-	}
-	iTargetType = iParameterListInterface->TargetTypeName();
-//	if (iTargetType == ETargetTypeNotSet) // Will get this warning in build
-//		cout << "Warning: Target Type is not specified explicitly" << endl;
-	if (iTargetType == EInvalidTargetType || iTargetType == ETargetTypeNotSet)
-	{
-		if (elfin)
-		{
-			if (deffilein)
-				return iUseCase = new ExportTypeRebuildTarget(iParameterListInterface);
-			else
-				return iUseCase = new ElfFileSupplied(iParameterListInterface);
-		}
-		else if (filedumpoption || e32in)
-		{
-			return iUseCase = new FileDump(iParameterListInterface);
-		}
-		else if (deffilein)
-		{
-			iTargetType = ELib;
-		}
-		else if (dumpMessageFileOption)
-			return NULL;
-		else
-			throw InvalidInvocationError(INVALIDINVOCATIONERROR); //REVISIT
-	}
-	switch (iTargetType)
-	{
-	case EDll:
-		if (!deffilein && elfin)
-			iUseCase = new DLLFBTarget(iParameterListInterface);
-		else if (deffilein && elfin)
-			iUseCase = new DLLRebuildTarget(iParameterListInterface);
-		else if (!elfin)
-			throw ParameterParserError(NOREQUIREDOPTIONERROR,"--elfinput");
-		ValidateDSOGeneration(iParameterListInterface, iTargetType);
-		ValidateE32ImageGeneration(iParameterListInterface, iTargetType);
-		return iUseCase;
-	case ELib:
-		if (deffilein)
-		{
-			ValidateDSOGeneration(iParameterListInterface, iTargetType);
-			return iUseCase = new LibraryTarget(iParameterListInterface);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			throw ParameterParserError(NOREQUIREDOPTIONERROR,"--definput");
-		}
-		break;
-	case EExe:
-		if (elfin)
-		{
-			iUseCase = new ExeTarget(iParameterListInterface);
-			ValidateE32ImageGeneration(iParameterListInterface, iTargetType);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			throw ParameterParserError(NOREQUIREDOPTIONERROR,"--elfinput");
-		}
-		return iUseCase;
-	case EPolyDll:
-		if (!deffilein && elfin)
-			iUseCase = new POLYDLLFBTarget(iParameterListInterface);
-		else if (deffilein && elfin)
-			iUseCase = new POLYDLLRebuildTarget(iParameterListInterface);
-		else if (!elfin)
-			throw ParameterParserError(NOREQUIREDOPTIONERROR,"--elfinput");
-		ValidateE32ImageGeneration(iParameterListInterface, iTargetType);
-		return iUseCase;
-	case EExexp:
-	       	if (!deffilein && elfin)
-                iUseCase = new ExexpFBTarget(iParameterListInterface);
-			else if (deffilein && elfin)
-				iUseCase = new ExExpRebuildTarget(iParameterListInterface);
-			else if (!elfin)
-				throw ParameterParserError(NOREQUIREDOPTIONERROR,"--elfinput");
-		ValidateDSOGeneration(iParameterListInterface,iTargetType);
-		ValidateE32ImageGeneration(iParameterListInterface, iTargetType);
-		return iUseCase;
-	case EStdExe:
-		iUseCase = new StdExeTarget(iParameterListInterface);
-		return iUseCase;
-	default:
-		throw InvalidInvocationError(INVALIDINVOCATIONERROR);
-	}
-	return (iUseCase=0x0);
-void Elf2E32::ValidateDSOGeneration(ParameterListInterface *aParameterListInterface, ETargetType aTargetType)
-	bool dsofileoutoption = aParameterListInterface->DSOFileOutOption();
-	bool linkasoption = aParameterListInterface->LinkAsOption();
-	char * dsofileout = aParameterListInterface->DSOOutput();
-	char * linkas = aParameterListInterface->LinkAsDLLName();
-	if (aTargetType != ELib)
-	{
-		bool deffileoutoption = aParameterListInterface->DefFileOutOption();
-		if (!deffileoutoption)
-			throw ParameterParserError(NOREQUIREDOPTIONERROR,"--defoutput");
-		char * deffileout = aParameterListInterface->DefOutput();
-		//Incase if the DEF file name is not passed as an input
-		if (!deffileout)
-			throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR,"--defoutput");
-	}
-	if (dsofileoutoption && !dsofileout)
-		throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--dso");
-	else if (linkasoption && !linkas)
-		throw ParameterParserError(NOFILENAMEERROR,"--linkas");
-	else if (!dsofileoutoption && !linkasoption)
-		throw ParameterParserError(NOREQUIREDOPTIONERROR,"--dso, --linkas");
-	else if (!dsofileoutoption)
-		throw ParameterParserError(NOREQUIREDOPTIONERROR,"--dso");
-	else if (!linkasoption)
-		throw ParameterParserError(NOREQUIREDOPTIONERROR,"--linkas");
-void Elf2E32::ValidateE32ImageGeneration(ParameterListInterface *aParameterListInterface, ETargetType aTargetType)
-	bool e32fileoutoption = aParameterListInterface->E32OutOption();
-	char * e32fileout = aParameterListInterface->E32ImageOutput();
-	if (!e32fileoutoption)
-		throw ParameterParserError(NOREQUIREDOPTIONERROR,"--output");
-	else if (!e32fileout)
-		throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR,"--output");
-	UINT uid1option = aParameterListInterface->Uid1Option();
-	UINT uid1val = aParameterListInterface->Uid1();
-	if (!uid1option) // REVISIT
-		throw ParameterParserError(NOREQUIREDOPTIONERROR,"--uid1");
-	else if (uid1option && !uid1val)
-		throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR,"--uid1");
-	else if (aTargetType == EDll && uid1val != 0x10000079)
-		cout << "UID1 should be set to 0x10000079 for DLL Generation" << endl;
-	else if (aTargetType == EExe && uid1val != 0x1000007A)
-		cout << "UID1 should be set to 0x1000007A for EXE Generation" << endl;
-This function:
- 1. Calls the ParameterAnalyser() which parses the command line options and extracts the inputs. 
- 2. Calls the SelectUseCase() to select the appropriate use case based on the input values.
- 3. Calls the Execute() of the selected use case.
-@return EXIT_SUCCESS if the generation of the target is successful, else EXIT_FAILURE
-int Elf2E32::Execute()
-	int result = EXIT_SUCCESS;
-	UseCaseBase * usecase=0;
-	bool dumpMessageFileOption;
-	char * dumpMessageFile;
-	try
-	{
-		iParameterListInterface->ParameterAnalyser();
-		dumpMessageFileOption = iParameterListInterface->DumpMessageFileOption();
-		dumpMessageFile = iParameterListInterface->DumpMessageFile();
-	 	if(dumpMessageFileOption)
-		{
-			if (dumpMessageFile)
-			{
-				//create message file
-				MessageHandler::GetInstance()->CreateMessageFile(dumpMessageFile);
-				//return result;
-			}
-			else
-			//dumpmessage file name is not provided as input
-			throw ParameterParserError(NOARGUMENTERROR, "--dumpmessagefile");
-		}
-		usecase = SelectUseCase();
-		if (usecase)
-		{
-			result = usecase->Execute();
-		}
-		else if (dumpMessageFileOption)
-		{
-			return result;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			result = EXIT_FAILURE;
-		}
-	}
-	catch(ErrorHandler& error) 
-	{ 
-		result = EXIT_FAILURE;
-		error.Report();
-	} 
-	catch(...) // If there are any other unhandled exception,they are handled here.
-	{
-		result = EXIT_FAILURE;
-		MessageHandler::GetInstance()->ReportMessage(ERROR, POSTLINKERERROR);
-	} 
-	delete usecase;
-	return result;