--- a/toolsandutils/e32tools/elf2e32/source/pl_elfexecutable.h Fri Jun 25 18:24:47 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// Implementation of the Class ElfExecutable for the elf2e32 tool
-// @internalComponent
-// @released
-#if !defined(_PL_ELFEXECUTABLE_H_)
-#include "pl_common.h"
-#include <list>
-#include <hash_map>
-#include "pl_elfimports.h"
-#include "pl_elfrelocations.h"
-#include "pl_elfexports.h"
-using std::list;
-using std::hash_map;
-class DllSymbol;
-class Symbol;
-class ElfRelocations;
-class ElfExports;
-class ParameterListInterface;
-class ElfLocalRelocation;
-This class is for ELF object carrying the elf header, sections, segments.
-class ElfExecutable
- ElfExecutable(ParameterListInterface *aParameterListInterface);
- virtual ~ElfExecutable();
- PLUINT32 ProcessElfFile(Elf32_Ehdr *aElfHdr);
- void DumpElfFile(char* aFile);
- PLUINT32 ProcessSymbols();
- ElfImports::ImportMap GetImports();
- ElfExports* GetExports();
- DllSymbol* AddToExports(char* aDll, DllSymbol* aSymbol);
- void AddToImports(ElfImportRelocation* aReloc);
- PLUINT32 AddToRelocations(ElfRelocation* aReloc);
- void AddToLocalRelocations(ElfRelocation* aReloc);
- void ProcessVerInfo();
- Elf32_Sym* FindSymbol(char* aSymName);
- PLUINT32 GetSymbolOrdinal( char* aSymName);
- PLUINT32 GetSymbolOrdinal( Elf32_Sym* );
- char* GetSymbolName( PLUINT32 aSymIdx);
- Elf32_Word GetRelocationOffset(ElfRelocation * aReloc);
- Elf32_Word *GetRelocationPlace(ElfRelocation * aReloc);
- Elf32_Word GetROBase();
- Elf32_Word GetRWBase();
- size_t GetROSize();
- size_t GetRWSize();
- size_t GetBssSize();
- MemAddr GetRawROSegment();
- MemAddr GetRawRWSegment();
- Elf32_Word EntryPointOffset();
- ESegmentType SegmentType(Elf32_Addr aAddr);
- Elf32_Phdr* Segment(Elf32_Addr aAddr);
- ElfRelocations::RelocationList & GetCodeRelocations();
- ElfRelocations::RelocationList & GetDataRelocations();
- ElfRelocations& GetLocalRelocations();
- bool ExeceptionsPresentP();
- ElfExports::ExportList& GetExportsInOrdinalOrder();
- Elf32_Sym* LookupStaticSymbol(char * aName);
- /**
- * The elf header pointer which points to the base of the file records
- */
- Elf32_Ehdr *iElfHeader;
- Elf32_Addr iEntryPoint;
- /**
- * The dynamic program header of the elf file
- */
- Elf32_Phdr *iProgHeader;
- PLUINT32 iSONameOffset;
- char *iSOName;
- /**
- * This member points to the base of the section header table.
- */
- Elf32_Shdr *iSections;
- Elf32_Verdef *iVersionDef;
- PLUINT32 iVerDefCount;
- Elf32_Verneed *iVersionNeed;
- PLUINT32 iVerNeedCount;
- Elf32_Half *iVersionTbl;
- PLUINT32 iRelSize;
- PLUINT32 iRelEntSize;
- PLUINT32 iNRelocs;
- Elf32_Rel *iRel;
- PLUINT32 iRelaSize;
- PLUINT32 iRelaEntSize;
- Elf32_Rela *iRela;
- char *iStringTable;
- char *iSectionHdrStrTbl;
- list<char*> iNeeded;
- VersionInfo *iVerInfo;
- /**
- * The dynamic symbol array.
- */
- Elf32_Sym *iElfDynSym;//The ELF symbol
- hash_map<PLUINT32, DllSymbol*> iSymbolTable; //The representation
- /**
- * The static symbol table.
- */
- Elf32_Sym *iSymTab;
- char *iStrTab;
- Elf32_Sym *iLim;
- PLUINT32 iNSymbols;
- Elf32_HashTable *iHashTbl;
- Elf32_Phdr *iDynSegmentHdr;
- Elf32_Phdr *iDataSegmentHdr;
- MemAddr iDataSegment;
- size_t iDataSegmentSize;
- PLUINT32 iDataSegmentIdx;
- Elf32_Phdr *iCodeSegmentHdr;
- MemAddr iCodeSegment;
- size_t iCodeSegmentSize;
- PLUINT32 iCodeSegmentIdx;
- ElfImports iImports;
- ElfExports *iExports;
- ElfRelocations iLocalRelocations;
- ParameterListInterface *iParameterListInterface;
- PLUINT32 iPltGotBase;
- PLUINT32 iPltGotLimit;
- PLUINT32 iStrTabSz;
- PLUINT32 iSymEntSz;
- Elf32_Word *iPltGot;
- PLUINT32 iPltRelType;
- Elf32_Rel *iPltRel;
- PLUINT32 iPltRelaSz;
- Elf32_Rela *iPltRela;
- PLUINT32 iPltRelSz;
- PLUINT32 iJmpRelOffset;
- PLUINT32 ValidateElfFile();
- PLUINT32 ProcessDynamicEntries();
- void ProcessRelocations();
- template <class T> void ProcessRelocations(T *aElfRel, size_t aSize);
- VersionInfo* GetVersionInfo(PLUINT32 aIndex);
- char* SymbolDefinedInDll(PLUINT32 aSymbolIndex);
- void SetVersionRecord( ElfRelocation* aReloc );
-/** This function says if the Symbol is a global symbol
-@return It returns true if the Symbol is a global one.
-@param aSym The reference to the Symbol whose attribute is being checked
-bool GlobalSymbol(Elf32_Sym* aSym);
-/** This function says if the Symbol is Exported
-@return It returns true if the Symbol is an exported one.
-@param aSym The reference to the Symbol whose attribute is being checked
-bool ExportedSymbol(Elf32_Sym* aSym);
-/** This function says if the Symbol is Imported
-@return It returns true if the Symbol is an imported one.
-@param aSym The reference to the Symbol whose attribute is being checked
-bool ImportedSymbol(Elf32_Sym* aSym);
-/** This function says if the Symbol is a Code Symbol
-@return It returns true if the Symbol is of Code type.
-@param aSym The reference to the Symbol whose attribute is being checked
-bool FunctionSymbol(Elf32_Sym* aSym);
-/** This function says if the Symbol is a Data Symbol
-@return It returns true if the Symbol is of Data type.
-@param aSym The reference to the Symbol whose attribute is being checked
-bool DataSymbol(Elf32_Sym* aSym);
-/** This function says if the Symbol is Defined
-@return It returns true if the Symbol is defined.
-@param aSym The reference to the Symbol whose attribute is being checked
-bool DefinedSymbol(Elf32_Sym* aSym);
-/** This function says if the Symbol has a default Visibility
-@return It returns true if the Symbol has a default Visibility
-@param aSym The reference to the Symbol whose attribute is being checked
-bool VisibleSymbol(Elf32_Sym* aSym);
-/** This function finds the segment in which this address belongs
-@return the segment type
-@param aAddr The address within the executable
-Elf32_Word Addend(Elf32_Rel* aRel);
-Elf32_Word Addend(Elf32_Rela* aRel);
-char* SymbolFromDSO(PLUINT32 aSymbolIndex);
-Elf32_Word* GetFixupLocation(ElfLocalRelocation* aReloc, Elf32_Addr aPlace);
-ESegmentType Segment(Elf32_Sym *aSym);
-Elf32_Phdr* SegmentFromAbs(Elf32_Addr aAddr);
-Elf32_Phdr* Segment(ESegmentType aType);
-/** This function processes the linker generated Veneer symbols and
- * creates a relocation entry.
- */
-void ProcessVeneers();
-/** This function processes the ELF file to find the static symbol table.
-void FindStaticSymbolTable();
-/** This function finds the .comment section
-@return the pointer to the comment section
-char* FindCommentSection();
-/** This function finds the value at the address passed in
-@return the value at the address passed in
-@param aAddr The address within the executable
-Elf32_Word FindValueAtLoc(Elf32_Addr aOffset);
-#endif // !defined(_PL_ELFEXECUTABLE_H_)