--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bldsystemtools/commonbldutils/GenResult/GenPostBuildResult.pm Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# Script summarise and hotlink autosmoketest logs by reading
+# testdriver generated files
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+package GenPostBuildResult;
+use GenResult;
+use strict;
+use Net::SMTP;
+# Name : getAVResults()
+# Synopsis : To parse a logfile, and ouput results into a common
+# data format for processing.
+# Inputs : $iLogsPublication
+# Output : A single variable that is passed to the final results HTML
+# table.
+sub getAVResults {
+my ($iLogsPublishLocation) = @_;
+my $iAVFileName = "anti-virus.log";
+my $iAVError = "";
+my $iAVLogFileLocation = $iLogsPublishLocation.$iAVFileName;
+my $iAVResult = "<font color = \"Red\">WARNING: Potential virus found, check anti-virus.log</font>";
+my $iAVWarning = "";
+my $oldIdeFile = 0;
+my $errorFound = 0;
+# mcafee specifics
+my $iTotal = 0;
+my $iClean = 0;
+ if(-e $iAVLogFileLocation) {
+ # id header from antivirus.log
+ my $iAVName = getAVProductName($iAVLogFileLocation);
+ open (AVLOGFILE, $iAVLogFileLocation) or die "ERROR: Can't open file: $!";
+ my @iAVLog = <AVLOGFILE>;
+ if ($iAVName eq "SOPHOS") {
+ foreach (@iAVLog){
+ if(m/No viruses were discovered/i){
+ $iAVResult = "<font color = \"green\">No viruses were discovered</font>";
+ $iAVError = "";
+ }
+ elsif(m/(is older than \d+ days)+/i){
+ $oldIdeFile = 1;
+ }
+ elsif(m/errors? (was|were) encountered/i) {
+ $errorFound = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($iAVName eq "MCAFEE") {
+ foreach (@iAVLog){
+ if (m/Total files:\s{1}\.*\s*([0-9]+)/i) {
+ $iTotal += $1;
+ }
+ elsif (m/Clean:\s{1}\.*\s*([0-9]+)/i) {
+ $iClean += $1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($iTotal eq $iClean) {
+ $iAVResult = "<font color = \"green\">No viruses were discovered</font>";
+ $iAVError = "";
+ }
+ } elsif ($iAVName eq "UNKNOWN") {
+ $iAVResult = "<font color = \"Red\"> WARNING: Cannot Identify Anti-Virus product</font>";
+ $iAVError = "";
+ }
+ # generate-html-output
+ if( $oldIdeFile) {
+ $iAVWarning = "<font color = \"Red\"> Virus Definition file needs to be updated</font>";
+ }
+ if($oldIdeFile && $errorFound) {
+ $iAVWarning .= "<br>";
+ }
+ if( $errorFound) {
+ $iAVWarning .= "<font color = \"Red\"> Error(s) encountered. See anti-virus.log</font>";
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ $iAVResult = "<font color = \"Red\">WARNING: Anti-virus.log file not found </font>";
+ $iAVError = "";
+ }
+ close AVLOGFILE;
+return ($iAVResult,$iAVWarning,$iAVError);
+# Identify AV Product
+# - Sophos
+# - McAfee
+# - UnKnown
+sub getAVProductName($) {
+ my $iAVLogFileLocation = shift;
+ my $iMcAfee = 0;
+ my $iSophos = 0;
+ open (AVLOGFILE, $iAVLogFileLocation) or die "ERROR: Can't open file: $!";
+ my @iAVLog = <AVLOGFILE>;
+ foreach (@iAVLog){
+ if(m/McAfee VirusScan for Win32/i) {
+ $iMcAfee = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ if(m/Sophos Anti-Virus/i) {
+ $iSophos = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # does not recognise "both"
+ return ($iMcAfee ? "MCAFEE" :
+ ($iSophos ? "SOPHOS" : "UNKNOWN"));
+# --- REQ9019 ---
+# Name : getSidVidResults()
+# Synopsis : To check if the SID-VID report for ROM images has been created
+# using tools_imgcheck module during the build.
+# Inputs : $iLogsPublishLocation
+# Output : A single variable that is passed to the final results HTML
+# table.
+sub getSidVidResults {
+my ($iLogsPublishLocation) = @_;
+my $iSidVidReportFileName = "sidvid.xml";
+my $iSidVidReportFileLocation = $iLogsPublishLocation.$iSidVidReportFileName;
+my $iSidVidReportResult;
+ if(-e $iSidVidReportFileLocation) {
+ $iSidVidReportFileLocation =~ s/\\/\//g; # swap backslashes to fwd slashes
+ # create browser link
+ $iSidVidReportFileLocation = "file:///".$iSidVidReportFileLocation;
+ $iSidVidReportResult ="<a class =\"hoverlink\" href = \"" . $iSidVidReportFileLocation."\">$iSidVidReportFileName</a>";
+ }
+ else{
+ $iSidVidReportResult = "<font color = \"Red\">WARNING: SID/VID report $iSidVidReportFileName not found</font>";
+ }
+return ($iSidVidReportResult);
+# Name : CDBfiletest()
+# Synopsis : To test if the CDB report was created successfully. Submit
+# result to the postbuild results table.
+# Inputs : $iBCPrevious
+# Output : A single variable that is passed to the final results HTML
+# table.
+sub CDBFileTest{
+my ($iLinkPathLocation, $iProduct, $iSnapshot, $imail) = @_;
+my $iBCPreviousXML = $iLinkPathLocation;
+$iBCPreviousXML = $iBCPreviousXML."cdb-info\\bc-prev.xml";
+my $iBCBaseXML = $iLinkPathLocation;
+$iBCBaseXML = $iBCBaseXML."cdb-info\\bc-base.xml";
+my $iPrevTotal = "XML file not found";
+my $iPrevPublish = "XML file not found";
+my $iBaseTotal = "XML file not found";
+my $iBasePublish = "XML file not found";
+my $size = 0;
+my $errorMessageBase = "";
+my $errorMessagePrev = "";
+my $iBCPreviousHTML = $iLinkPathLocation;
+$iBCPreviousHTML = $iBCPreviousHTML."cdb-info\\BC-prev.html";
+my $iBCBaseHTML = $iLinkPathLocation;
+$iBCBaseHTML = $iBCBaseHTML."cdb-info\\BC-base.html";
+if (-e $iBCPreviousXML){
+ $iPrevTotal = "Keyword 'TotalBreaks' not found";
+ $iPrevPublish = "Keyword 'PublishedPartner' not found";
+ open (BCPREV, $iBCPreviousXML) or die "ERROR: Can't open file: $!";
+ my @iBCPrev = <BCPREV>;
+ foreach (@iBCPrev){
+ if(m/(totalBreaks count=")(\d+)/i){
+ $iPrevTotal = $2;
+ }
+ if(m/(publishedPartner" count=")(\d+)/i){
+ $iPrevPublish = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ close BCPREV;
+ if((uc($iLinkPathLocation) !~ m/TEST_BUILD/) && defined($imail) && $iPrevTotal>50){
+ &SendEmail($iProduct,$iSnapshot,"The BC_Prev breaks are $iPrevTotal for Symbian v$iProduct $iSnapshot" );}
+ #--DEF067716--
+ $size = (stat($iBCPreviousHTML))[7];
+ if ( -e $iBCPreviousHTML){
+ if ($size == 0) {
+ $errorMessagePrev = " [ BC-prev html link invalid ]";
+ } else {
+ my $bool = 0;
+ open (BCPREVHTML, $iBCPreviousHTML) or die "ERROR: Can't open file: $!";
+ while(<BCPREVHTML>){
+ if(m/<HTML>/){
+ $bool = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($bool == 1){
+ $errorMessagePrev = "";
+ }else{
+ $errorMessagePrev = " [ BC-prev: Not a HTML file ]";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $errorMessagePrev = " [ BC-prev.html does not exist ]";
+ }
+ #--------------
+ }
+if (-e $iBCBaseXML){
+ $iBaseTotal = "Keyword 'TotalBreaks' not found";
+ $iBasePublish = "Keyword 'PublishedPartner' not found";
+ open (BCBASE, $iBCBaseXML) or die "ERROR: Can't open file: $!";
+ my @iBCBase = <BCBASE>;
+ foreach (@iBCBase){
+ if(m/(totalBreaks count=")(\d+)/i){
+ $iBaseTotal = $2;
+ }
+ if(m/(publishedPartner" count=")(\d+)/i){
+ $iBasePublish = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ close BCBASE;
+ if((uc($iLinkPathLocation) !~ m/TEST_BUILD/) && defined($imail) && $iBaseTotal>400){
+ &SendEmail($iProduct,$iSnapshot,"The BC_Base breaks are $iBaseTotal for Symbian v$iProduct $iSnapshot" );}
+ #--DEF067716--
+ $size = (stat($iBCBaseHTML))[7];
+ if ( -e $iBCBaseHTML){
+ if ($size == 0) {
+ $errorMessageBase = " [ BC-base html link invalid ]";
+ }else {
+ my $bool = 0;
+ open (BCBASEHTML, $iBCBaseHTML) or die "ERROR: Can't open file: $!";
+ while(<BCBASEHTML>){
+ if(m/<HTML>/){
+ $bool = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($bool == 1){
+ $errorMessageBase = "";
+ }else{
+ $errorMessageBase = " [ BC-base: Not a HTML file ]";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $errorMessageBase = " [ BC-base.html does not exist ]";
+ }
+ #--------------
+ }
+return ($iPrevTotal, $iPrevPublish, $iBaseTotal, $iBasePublish, $errorMessagePrev, $errorMessageBase);
+sub SendEmail
+ my (@body, @message, $sender_address, $notification_address,$iProduct,$iSnap);
+ ($iProduct,$iSnap,@body) = @_;
+ $sender_address = 'I_EXT_SysBuildSupport@nokia.com';
+ $notification_address = 'I_EXT_SysBuildSupport@nokia.com';
+ push @message,"From: $sender_address\n";
+ push @message,"To: $notification_address\n";
+ push @message,"Subject: Break Threshold CDB Notification $iSnap Symbian v$iProduct\n";
+ push @message,"\n";
+ push @message,@body;
+ my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('smtp.nokia.com', Hello => $ENV{COMPUTERNAME}, Debug => 0);
+ $smtp->mail();
+ $smtp->to($notification_address);
+ $smtp->data(@message) or die "ERROR: Sending message";
+ $smtp->quit;
+# Name : CBRTime()
+# Synopsis : To obtain the time of export for both the gt_techview and
+# gt_only files and to report the status of the exported
+# CBR's.
+# Inputs : Export_gt_only_baseline.log,
+# Export_gt_techview_baseline.log
+# Output : To display the times in the post built results table.
+sub CBRTime{
+ my ($iLogsPublishLocation, $iProduct, $iSnapshot) = @_;
+ my $iOnlyResult = "<font color = \"black\"> Export Unsuccessful</font>";
+ my $iTechViewResult = "<font color = \"black\">Export Unsuccessful</font>";
+ my $iOnlyTimes = "";
+ my $iTechViewTime = "";
+ # Error
+ my $iOnlyResultError = "";
+ my $iTechViewResultError = "";
+ my $iExportError = "";
+ if (-e $iLogsPublishLocation."Export_CBR.log")
+ {
+ open (ILOG, $iLogsPublishLocation."Export_CBR.log") or die "ERROR: Can't open file: $!";
+ my $iOnlyExportFound = 0;
+ my $iTechviewExportFound = 0;
+ while (my $line = <ILOG>)
+ {
+ if( $line =~ m/Environment gt_only_baseline.*?successfully exported/i)
+ {
+ $iOnlyResult = "<font color = \"black\">Export Successful</font>";
+ $iOnlyExportFound = 1;
+ }
+ if( $line =~ m/gt_only_baseline.*?exportenv finsihed at\s+(.*)/i)
+ {
+ $iOnlyTimes = "<font color = \"black\">".$1."</font>";
+ }
+ if($line =~ m/Environment gt_techview_baseline.*?successfully exported/i)
+ {
+ $iTechViewResult = "<font color = \"black\">Export Successful</font>";
+ $iTechviewExportFound = 1;
+ }
+ if( $line =~ m/gt_techview_baseline.*?exportenv finsihed at\s+(.*)/i)
+ {
+ $iTechViewTime = "<font color = \"black\">".$1."</font>";
+ }
+ if( $line =~ m/ERROR: Failed to record delivery using template/i)
+ {
+ $iExportError = "<font color = \"red\"> Record Delivery Failed </font>";
+ }
+ }
+ if($iOnlyExportFound == 0)
+ {
+ $iOnlyResultError = "<font color = \"red\"> [ Export Unsuccessful ]</font>";
+ $iOnlyTimes = "--";
+ }
+ if($iTechviewExportFound == 0)
+ {
+ $iTechViewResultError = "<font color = \"red\"> [ Export Unsuccessful ]</font>";
+ $iTechViewTime = "--";
+ }
+ close ILOG;
+ } else {
+ $iOnlyResult = "<font color = \"black\">Cannot find file</font>";
+ $iOnlyTimes = "<font color = \"black\">Cannot find file</font>";
+ $iOnlyResultError = "<font color = \"red\"> [ File not found ]</font>";
+ $iTechViewResult = "<font color = \"black\">Cannot find file</font>";
+ $iTechViewTime = "<font color = \"black\">Cannot find file</font>";
+ $iTechViewResultError = "<font color = \"red\"> [ File not found ]</font>";
+ }
+ return ($iOnlyResult, $iOnlyTimes, $iTechViewResult, $iTechViewTime, $iOnlyResultError, $iTechViewResultError, $iExportError);
+# Name : generatesPostBuildSummary()
+# Synopsis: Creates Post Build Table in Build Results.
+# Inputs : Function parameters returned from genResult.pm that are to be
+# implemented in the Post Build Results table.
+# Outputs : HTML code that will be part of the HTML report generated
+# for the final build results table.
+sub generatesPostBuildSummary{
+my ($iLogsPublishLocation, $iLinkPathLocation, $iProduct, $iSnapshot, $imail) = @_;
+my @CDBResArr = &CDBFileTest($iLinkPathLocation, $iProduct, $iSnapshot, $imail);
+my @CBRResTime = &CBRTime($iLogsPublishLocation, $iProduct, $iSnapshot);
+my @AVResults = &getAVResults($iLogsPublishLocation);
+my $SidVidReportURL = &getSidVidResults($iLogsPublishLocation);
+my $SidVidReportResult = "SID/VID report generated.";
+if( $SidVidReportURL =~ /WARNING/){
+ $SidVidReportResult = $SidVidReportURL;
+ $SidVidReportURL = " ";
+my $postbuild_html = "\n
+ <br><table border=\"1\" width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
+ <tr>
+ <td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\" bgcolor=\"#006699\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"2\"><b>Post Build Results</font></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td bgcolor=\"#006699\"> </td>
+ <td bgcolor=\"#006699\"> </td>
+ <td bgcolor=\"#006699\"> </td>
+ <td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#006699\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"2\"><b>Defects</font></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td bgcolor=\"#006699\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"2\"><b>AntiVirus</font></td>
+ <td > " . $AVResults[0] . " </td>
+ <td> <b>" . $AVResults[1] . " </td>
+ <td> <b>" . $AVResults[2] . " </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td bgcolor=\"#006699\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"2\"><b>SID VID Reports</font></td>
+ <td>".$SidVidReportResult."</td>
+ <td>".$SidVidReportURL."</td>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td bgcolor=\"#006699\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"2\"><a class =\"hoverlink\" href = \"" . &GenResult::setBrowserFriendlyLinks($iLinkPathLocation."cdb-info\\BC-prev.html")."\"><b>[CDB PREVIOUS]</a></td>
+ <td>Total Number of Breaks: <b> " . $CDBResArr[0] . " </td>
+ <td>Breaks at Published Partner and Above: <b> " . $CDBResArr[1] . " </td>
+ <td> <b>" . "<font color=\"Red\" size=\"2\">" . $CDBResArr[4] . " </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td bgcolor=\"#006699\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"2\"><a class =\"hoverlink\" href = \"" . &GenResult::setBrowserFriendlyLinks($iLinkPathLocation."cdb-info\\BC-base.html")."\"><b>[CDB BASE]</a></td>
+ <td>Total Number of Breaks: <b> " . $CDBResArr[2] . " </td>
+ <td>Breaks at Published Partner and Above: <b> " .$CDBResArr[3] . " </td>
+ <td> <b>" . "<font color=\"Red\" size=\"2\">" . $CDBResArr[5] . " </td>
+ </tr>";
+ # If it is a test build then do not evaluate the CBR Export time component, else implement the export table.
+ if(GenResult::isTestBuild() eq "0"){
+ $postbuild_html=$postbuild_html."
+ <tr>
+ <td bgcolor=\"#006699\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"2\"><b>[CBR Export] GT_Only</td>
+ <td>Status: <b> " . $CBRResTime[0] . " </td>
+ <td>Time of Export: <b> " . $CBRResTime[1] . " </td>
+ <td> <b> " . $CBRResTime[4] . "</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td bgcolor=\"#006699\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"2\"><b>[CBR Export] TechView</td>
+ <td>Status: <b> " . $CBRResTime[2] . " </td>
+ <td>Time of Export: <b> " . $CBRResTime[3] . " </td>
+ <td> <b> " . $CBRResTime[5] . "</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td bgcolor=\"#006699\"><font color=\"#FFFFFF\" size=\"2\"><b>Record Delivery Errors</td>
+ <td>  <b> " . $CBRResTime[6] . " </td>
+ <td> </td>
+ <td> </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <br>
+ ";
+ }
+ else{
+ $postbuild_html=$postbuild_html."
+ </table>
+ <br>";
+ }
+return $postbuild_html;