changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bldsystemtools/commonbldutils/	Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# This module is intended to be run at an early stage when starting a Master Codeline build (or analogous "steady state) build.
+# As such it is called from It can also be called by
+# It will check for disk space and other aspects of the build environment.
+# It issues errors and/or warnings by pushing texts onto global arrays and returning references to these arrays.
+package PreBldChecks;
+use strict;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin\\..\\tools\\build\\lib";
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin\\..\\buildsystemtools\\lib";
+use XML::Parser;
+use IO::Socket;
+use Socket;
+use Date::Manip;
+# Set TimeZone because Date:Manip needs it set and then tell it to IGNORE the TimeZone
+my @Errors = ();
+my @Warnings = ();
+# XMLEnvironment
+# This is a public interface to this module
+# Reads supplied XML file and resolves back references (i.e the %<varName>% syntax!).
+# Inputs
+# Name of input XML file
+# Returns
+# Reference to hash containing environment data read from XML file, or undef on error.
+sub XMLEnvironment
+    my $iXMLfile = shift;
+    my %iXML_ENV;       # Hash whose reference will be returned
+    @SubHandlers::gXMLdata = ();     # Clear global array. This allows this subroutine to be called twice.
+    my $iParser = new XML::Parser(Style=>'Subs', Pkg=>'SubHandlers', ErrorContext => 2);
+    unless (-e $iXMLfile)
+    {
+        push @Errors, "XML File not found at: \"$iXMLfile\"!";
+        return undef;
+    }
+    # Pass XML data source filename to the XML Parser
+    $iParser->parsefile($iXMLfile);
+    for (my $iIndx = 0; $iIndx < scalar @SubHandlers::gXMLdata; $iIndx++)
+    {
+        my $iHashRef = $SubHandlers::gXMLdata[$iIndx];
+        unless (defined $iHashRef) { next; }
+        # Resolve references to preceding variables in the current XML file or in the Windows environment
+        while ($iHashRef->{Value} =~ m/%(\w+)%/)
+        {
+            my $iVarName = $1;
+            if (defined $iXML_ENV{$iVarName})
+            {   # First substitute from our own XML file data
+                $iHashRef->{Value} =~ s/%\w+%/$iXML_ENV{$iVarName}/;
+            }
+            elsif (defined $ENV{$iVarName})
+            {   # Secondly substitute from the Windows environment
+                $iHashRef->{Value} =~ s/%\w+%/$ENV{$iVarName}/;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $iHashRef->{Value} =~ s/%\w+%//;  # Undefined variables become 'nothing'.
+            }
+        }   # End while()
+        $iHashRef->{Value} =~ s/%%//g;      # Any remaining double % become single %
+        $iXML_ENV{$iHashRef->{Name}} = $iHashRef->{Value};
+    }   # End for()
+    return \%iXML_ENV;
+# MergeEnvironment
+# This is a public interface to this module
+# Merge supplied environment variables into %ENV. It seems that %ENV is a form of tied hash which supports
+# Windows (case-preserving) variable names. Names are always returns (by key function) in upper case.
+# Input: New variables to be added to %ENV (hash ref.)
+# Output: Modifications to global %ENV
+# Return: None
+sub MergeEnvironment
+    my $iEnvRef = shift;            # Environment variables to be added to %ENV
+    for my $iName (keys %$iEnvRef)
+    {
+        $ENV{$iName} = $iEnvRef->{$iName};
+    }
+# AllChecks
+# This is a public interface to this module
+# It checks various items in the build environment and reports any anomalies.
+# Inputs
+# Reference to environment hash. This may be the hash populated by a previous call to sub XMLEnvironment()
+# or may be the predefined hash %ENV
+# Returns
+# Two array refs: \@Errors,\@Warnings
+sub AllChecks
+    my $iEnvRef = shift;
+    my $iXMLerror = 0;
+    checkdiskspace($iEnvRef);  # Check Disk Space
+    checkCWlicensing();        # Check CodeWarrior licensing
+    checkARMlicensing();       # Check ARM licensing
+    return \@Errors,\@Warnings;
+# checkdiskspace
+# Inputs
+# Reference to hash containing environment variables
+# Outputs
+# Pushes error/warning texts onto global arrays
+sub checkdiskspace
+    my $iEnvRef = shift; 
+    my $iPublishLoc = $iEnvRef->{'PublishLocation'};    # Directory (network share) to which build is to be published e.g \\Builds01\DevBuilds
+    $iPublishLoc =~ s/([^\\])$/$1\\/;                   # Ensure trailing backslash   
+    my $iCBRLocation = $iEnvRef->{'CBRLocation'};       # Directory (network share) containg CBR archive(s)
+    unless (defined $iCBRLocation) { $iCBRLocation = '\\\\Builds01\\devbuilds\\ComponentisedReleases'; };
+    $iPublishLoc .= $iEnvRef->{'Type'};                 # Append Type to gaive a real directory name for DIR to check
+    my $iPublishMin = $iEnvRef->{'PublishDiskSpaceMin'};# Space in gigabytes required on that drive
+    my $iLocalMin = $iEnvRef->{'LocalDiskSpaceMin'};    # Space in gigabytes required on local (current) drive
+# Check disk space on local drive (assumed to be the Windows current drive)
+    unless (defined $iLocalMin)
+    {
+        push @Errors, "Unable to check disk space on local drive!\n\tCheck environment variable \"LocalDiskSpaceMin\"";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        my $free = freespace('');
+        unless (defined $free)
+        {
+            push @Errors, 'Unable to check disk space on local drive!';
+        }
+        elsif ($free < ($iLocalMin * 1000000000))
+        {
+            push @Errors, "Insufficient space on local drive! $iLocalMin gigabytes required.";
+        }
+    }
+# Check disk space on "Publishing Location"
+    unless ((defined $iEnvRef->{'PublishLocation'}) and (defined $iEnvRef->{'Type'}) and (defined $iPublishMin))
+    {
+        push @Errors, "Unable to check disk space on \"Publishing\" drive\"!\n\tCheck env. var\'s \"PublishLocation\", \"Type\" and \"PublishDiskSpaceMin\"";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        my $free = freespace($iPublishLoc);
+        unless (defined $free)
+        {
+            push @Errors, "Unable to check disk space on \"$iPublishLoc\"!";
+        }
+        elsif ($free < ($iPublishMin * 1000000000))
+        {
+            push @Warnings, "Insufficient space on \"$iPublishLoc\"! $iPublishMin gigabytes required.";
+        }
+    }
+    # Check disk space on CBR location
+    unless ((defined $iCBRLocation) and (defined $iPublishMin))
+    {
+        push @Errors, "Unable to check disk space on \"CBR\" drive\"!\n\tCheck env. var\'s \"CBRLocation\" and \"PublishDiskSpaceMin\"";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        my $free = freespace($iCBRLocation);
+        unless (defined $free)
+        {
+            push @Errors, "Unable to check disk space on \"$iCBRLocation\"";
+        }
+        elsif ($free < ($iPublishMin * 1000000000))
+        {
+            push @Warnings, "Insufficient space on \"$iCBRLocation\"! $iPublishMin gigabytes required.";
+        }
+    }
+# freespace
+# Inputs
+# Drive letter or share name (or empty string for current drive)
+# Returns
+# Free space in bytes or undef on error.
+sub freespace
+    my $drive = shift;  # Typically 'D:' (including the colon!) or '\\Builds01\DevBuilds'
+    my $free = undef;   # Free bytes on drive
+    if (defined $drive)
+    {
+        open FDIR, 'DIR /-c ' . $drive. '\* |';
+        while (<FDIR>)
+        {
+        	if ($_ =~ /\s+(\d+) bytes free/) { $free=$1;}
+        }
+    }
+    return $free;
+# checkCWlicensing
+# Inputs
+# None. Environment variables must come from the Windows environment (via global hash %ENV)
+# Outputs
+# Pushes warning texts onto global arrays
+# (Licensing problems are always treated as warnings because new compiler versions
+# tend to create apparent errors and it takes a finite time to update this script.)
+sub checkCWlicensing
+{   # Environment variables: LM_LICENSE_FILE and/or NOKIA_LICENSE_FILE
+    my @licensefiles;
+    if (defined $ENV{'MWVER'})
+    {
+         if($ENV{'MWVER'} gt '3.0')
+         {
+            ####???? print "No CodeWarrior licence required!";   For debugging
+            return;
+         }
+    }
+    if (defined $ENV{'LM_LICENSE_FILE'})
+    {
+        push @licensefiles, split /;/, $ENV{'LM_LICENSE_FILE'};
+    }
+    if (defined $ENV{'NOKIA_LICENSE_FILE'})
+    {
+        push @licensefiles, split /;/, $ENV{'NOKIA_LICENSE_FILE'};
+    }
+    unless (@licensefiles)
+    {   # Environment variable(s) not set up
+        push @Warnings, 'Neither LM_LICENSE_FILE nor NOKIA_LICENSE_FILE defined!';
+        return;
+    }
+    foreach my $licensefile (@licensefiles)
+    {
+        if (-e $licensefile)
+        {   # File exists. So open and parse
+            if (parseCWlicensefile($licensefile))
+                { return; }     # If parsing subroutine returns TRUE, do not look for any more files
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            push @Warnings, "Environment specifies file $licensefile but not found!";
+        }
+    }   # End foreach()
+    push @Warnings, "No valid CodeWarrior license found!";
+# parseCWlicensefile
+# Inputs
+# Filename
+# Outputs
+# Pushes error/warning texts onto global arrays
+# Returns TRUE if relevant license information found. FALSE means "Try another file."
+sub parseCWlicensefile
+    my $fname = shift;
+    my $return = 0; # Default to FALSE - "Try another file."
+    unless (open (LFILE, "$fname"))
+        {
+        push @Warnings, "License file ($fname) cannot be opened!";
+        return $return;     # "Try another file."
+        }
+    my $wholeline;  # Used to assemble continuation lines into one entry
+    while(my $line = <LFILE>)
+        {
+        chomp $line;
+        $line =~ s/^\s*//;     # Remove leading spaces
+        $wholeline .= $line;
+        if ($wholeline =~ s/\\$//) { next; }    # Trailing backslash means entry continues on next line
+        if ($wholeline =~ m/^FEATURE.+symbian/i) # FEATURE is CW usage (not ARM !?)
+            {
+            if ($wholeline =~ m/permanent/i)
+                {        
+                $return = 1;    # Licence OK. "Do not try another file."
+                last;
+                }
+            if ($wholeline =~ m/(\d{1,2}-\w{3}-\d{2,4})/i)
+                {
+                my ($date2) = Date::Manip::ParseDate($1);
+                unless (defined $date2)
+                    {
+                    push @Warnings, "Failed to parse CodeWarrior license expiry date! (License file $fname)";
+                    last;   # "Try another file."
+                    }
+                my $expirytext = Date::Manip::UnixDate($date2,"%Y/%m/%d");
+                my $delta = Date::Manip::DateCalc("today",$date2);
+                my $Dd = Date::Manip::Delta_Format($delta,'0',"%dt");
+                if ($Dd < 1)
+                    {
+                    push @Warnings, "CodeWarrior license expired on $expirytext! (License file $fname)";
+                    }
+                elsif ($Dd < 7)
+                    {
+                    push @Warnings, "CodeWarrior license expires on $expirytext! (License file $fname)";
+                    }
+                $return = 1;    # Licence expiry date parsed. "Do not try another file."
+                last;
+                }
+            }
+        $wholeline = '';
+        }   # End while()
+    close LFILE;
+    return $return;
+# checkARMlicensing
+# Inputs
+# None. Environment variables must come from the Windows environment (via global hash %ENV)
+# Outputs
+# Pushes warning texts onto global arrays
+# (Licensing problems are always treated as warnings because new compiler versions
+# tend to create apparent errors and it takes a finite time to update this script.)
+sub checkARMlicensing
+{   # Environment variables: LM_LICENSE_FILE and/or ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE
+    my @licensefiles;
+    if (defined $ENV{'LM_LICENSE_FILE'})
+    {
+        push @licensefiles, split /;/, $ENV{'LM_LICENSE_FILE'};
+    }
+    if (defined $ENV{'ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE'})
+    {
+        push @licensefiles, split /;/, $ENV{'ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE'};
+    }
+    unless (@licensefiles)
+    {   # Environment variable(s) not set up
+        push @Warnings, 'Neither LM_LICENSE_FILE nor ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE defined!';
+        return;
+    }
+    my $iLicenceFound = 0;
+    foreach my $licensefile (@licensefiles)
+    {
+        if($licensefile =~ m/^(\d+)\@([-\w\.]+)$/)
+        {
+            if(VerifySocket($2,$1))
+                { $iLicenceFound = 1; next; }
+            push @Warnings, "Apparent licence server cannot be accessed. (Host=$2 Port=$1)!";
+        }
+        elsif (-e $licensefile)
+        {   # File exists. So open and parse
+            if (parseARMlicensefile($licensefile))
+                { $iLicenceFound = 1; next; }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            push @Warnings, "Environment specifies file $licensefile but not found!";
+        }
+    }   # End foreach()
+    unless ($iLicenceFound)
+        { push @Warnings, "No valid ARM license found!"; }
+# parseARMlicensefile
+# Inputs
+# Filename
+# Outputs
+# Pushes error/warning texts onto global arrays
+# Returns TRUE if relevant license information found. FALSE means "Try another file."
+sub parseARMlicensefile
+    my $fname = shift;
+    my $return = 0; # Default to FALSE - "Try another file."
+    unless (open (LFILE, "$fname"))
+        {
+        push @Warnings, "License file ($fname) cannot be opened!";
+        return $return;     # "Try another file."
+        }
+    my $wholeline;  # Used to assemble continuation lines into one entry
+    while(my $line = <LFILE>)
+        {
+        chomp $line;
+        $line =~ s/^\s*//;     # Remove leading spaces
+        $wholeline .= $line;
+        if ($wholeline =~ s/\\$//) { next; }    # Trailing backslash means entry continues on next line
+        if ($wholeline =~ m/^INCREMENT.+symbian/i) # INCREMENT is ARM usage (not CW !?)
+            {
+            if ($wholeline =~ m/permanent/i)
+                {        
+                $return = 1;    # Licence OK. "Do not try another file."
+                last;
+                }
+            if ($wholeline =~ m/(\d{1,2}-\w{3}-\d{2,4})/i)
+                {
+                my ($date2) = Date::Manip::ParseDate($1);
+                unless (defined $date2)
+                    {
+                    push @Warnings, "Failed to parse ARM license expiry date! (License file $fname)";
+                    last;   # "Try another file."
+                    }
+                my $expirytext = Date::Manip::UnixDate($date2,"%Y/%m/%d");
+                my $delta = Date::Manip::DateCalc("today",$date2);
+                my $Dd = Date::Manip::Delta_Format($delta,'0',"%dt");
+                if ($Dd < 1)
+                    {
+                    push @Warnings, "ARM license expired on $expirytext! (License file $fname)";
+                    }
+                elsif ($Dd < 7)
+                    {
+                    push @Warnings, "ARM license expires on $expirytext! (License file $fname)";
+                    }
+                $return = 1;    # Licence expiry date parsed. "Do not try another file."
+                last;
+                }
+            }
+        $wholeline = '';
+        }   # End while()
+    close LFILE;
+    return $return;
+# VerifySocket
+# Verify that the specified host+port exists and that a socket can be opened
+# Input: Hostname, Port number
+# Return: TRUE if socket can be opened
+sub VerifySocket
+    my $iHost = shift;
+    my $iPort = shift;
+    my $iSocket;
+    # Attempt to create a socket connection
+    $iSocket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $iHost,
+                                PeerPort => $iPort,
+                                Proto    => "tcp",
+                                Type     => SOCK_STREAM);
+    unless ($iSocket) { return 0; } # FALSE = Failure
+    close($iSocket);
+    return 1;   # TRUE = Success
+package SubHandlers;
+our @gXMLdata;       # Stores data as read from XML file. Is accessed by PreBldChecks::XMLEnvironment() only
+# SetEnv
+# Description
+# This subroutine handles the callback from the XML parser for the SetEnv tag in the XML file.
+# Multiple instances allowed
+# In the Build System context, each call to this subroutine corresponds to one environment variable.
+# Inputs
+# Reference to an instance of XML::Parser::Expat
+# The name of the element ('SetEnv')
+# A list of alternating attribute names and their values.
+# Outputs
+# Adds data directly to global array @gXMLdata
+sub SetEnv
+    shift;   # Hashref (instance of XML::Parser::Expat)
+    shift;   # Always 'SetEnv'
+    # Read the attributes of the tag into a hash
+    my %iAttribs = @_;
+    # Add this hash (representing a single tag) to the array of SetEnv tags from this file
+    push @gXMLdata, \%iAttribs;