--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bldsystemtools/commonbldutils/SFPostProcessResults.pl Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution
+# Contributors
+# Description: Post processes result CSV file generated by the SFCheckSource.pl
+# Version: 0.5 $optNoIgnore added
+# Version: 0.52 filenameOf added and applied to normalized file names
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use IO::Handle;
+use FileHandle;
+# Constants
+use constant HEADER_LINE => 'Issue,Category,Comment,Distr. ID,Url,Line,Package,PO,Stamp=$build';
+use constant LINE_WITH_LXR => '$issue,$category,$comment,"$distrid",=HYPERLINK("http://s60lxr/source/$filename?v=$lxrbuild#$linenum"),$linenum,$package,$PO';
+use constant LINE_WITH_SOURCEPATH => '$issue,$category,$comment,"$distrid",=HYPERLINK("$sourcepath$filename"),$linenum,$package,$PO';
+use constant LINE_WITHOUT_LXR => '$issue,$category,$comment,"$distrid",$filename,$linenum,$package,$PO';
+use constant NON_NOKIA_FILE => 'Non-Nokia-file';
+use constant SOURCE_ISSUE => 'source-issue';
+my $IGNORE = 'Ignore';
+my $IGNORE_MAN ='Ignore-manually';
+my $IGNORE_PATTERN ='Ignore-by-filename'; # Default comments
+# Global variables
+# Tool version
+use constant VERSION => "0.52";
+my $optNoIgnored = 0;
+my $optBuild = "Undefined";
+my $optPackageOwnerFile;
+my $optManuallyCheckedFile;
+my $optConfigFile;
+my $optIgnorefilepattern; # File patterns to ignore
+my $optIgnorefilepatternComment = ""; # Comment value for file patterns to ignore
+my %packageOwnerHash;
+my %manuallyCheckedHash; # Hash of manually ignored cases
+my @sfDistributionIdArray = (); # Distr ID array
+# Postprocess subroutine
+sub doIt($)
+ my $sourcefile = shift;
+ my $lxrbuild = shift;
+ my $outputfile = shift;
+ my $sourcepath = shift;
+ open(IN,$sourcefile) || die "Unable to open file: $sourcefile\"\" for reading.";
+ my $headerline = HEADER_LINE();
+ $headerline =~ s/\$build/$optBuild/;
+ if ($outputfile)
+ {
+ print OUTPUT "$headerline\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "$headerline\n";
+ }
+ # Collect all files marked as ignored here
+ my %ignoreFilesHash;
+ while(<IN>)
+ {
+ chomp;
+ my $line = $_;
+ my @items = parse_csv($line);
+ my $issue = $items[0];
+ my $category = $items[1];
+ my $comment = $items[2];
+ my $distrid = $items[3];
+ my $filename = $items[4];
+ $filename =~ s/\\/\//g; # Standardize name
+ $filename =~ s/[a-zA-Z]\:(\/)?//i; # Remove possible "drive:/" strings
+ my $linenum = $items[5];
+ # Sometimes the tool produces bad data, ignore them
+ next LINE if (!($issue =~ m/issue/)); # Not issue
+ next LINE if ($optNoIgnored && ($comment =~ m/$IGNORE/i)); # Ignore
+ next LINE if !$category;
+ next LINE if ($optConfigFile && !isSFDistribution($distrid));
+ my $ignoreThis = $manuallyCheckedHash{$category . filenameOf($filename)};
+ if (defined $ignoreThis)
+ {
+ next if $optNoIgnored;
+ $comment = $IGNORE_MAN;
+ }
+ elsif ($optIgnorefilepattern && filenameOf($filename) =~ m/$optIgnorefilepattern/i)
+ {
+ # Ignore by given pattern in file name
+ $comment = $optIgnorefilepatternComment;
+ }
+ # Extract file parts
+ # my ($fname, $filepath, $filext)=fileparse($filename, qr/\.[^.]*/);
+ my $linePattern = LINE_WITH_LXR();
+ if ($lxrbuild eq "")
+ {
+ $linePattern = LINE_WITHOUT_LXR();
+ }
+ if ($sourcepath ne "")
+ {
+ $linePattern = LINE_WITH_SOURCEPATH();
+ }
+ # Create result line using the pattern
+ $linePattern =~ s/\$issue/$issue/;
+ $linePattern =~ s/\$category/$category/;
+ $linePattern =~ s/\$comment/$comment/;
+ $linePattern =~ s/\$distrid/$distrid/;
+ $linePattern =~ s/\$sourcepath/$sourcepath/;
+ $linePattern =~ s/\$filename/$filename/;
+ my $p = packageOf($filename);
+ my $po = packageOwnerOf($filename);
+ $linePattern =~ s/\$package/$p/;
+ $linePattern =~ s/\$PO/$po/;
+ if ($lxrbuild ne "")
+ {
+ $linenum = sprintf("%03d", $linenum); # LXR requires 3 digits
+ $linePattern =~ s/\$lxrbuild/$lxrbuild/;
+ }
+ $linePattern =~ s/\$linenum/$linenum/;
+ if ($outputfile)
+ {
+ print OUTPUT "$linePattern\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print ("$linePattern\n");
+ }
+ }
+ close (IN);
+# Show usage help
+sub usage
+ print "SFPostProcessResults.pl by matti.parnanen\@nokia.com, version " . VERSION() . "\n";
+ print "Generates hyperlinks to filenames using LXR or plain filename links\n";
+ print "Usage:\n";
+ print " perl SFPostProcessResults.pl -input csv-file-from-sfchecksource -lxrbuild LXR-buildname [-outputfile different-csv-file-name]\n";
+ print " perl SFPostProcessResults.pl -input csv-file-from-sfchecksource -sourcepath source-path [-outputfile different-csv-file-name]\n";
+# Parse command line and extract options
+sub parseCmdLine
+ my $opt1;
+ my $opt2;
+ my $opt3;
+ my $opt4;
+ if( ! GetOptions(
+ 'inputfile=s' => \$opt1,
+ 'lxrbuild:s' => \$opt2,
+ 'output:s' => \$opt3,
+ 'pofile:s' => \$optPackageOwnerFile,
+ 'configfile:s' => \$optConfigFile,
+ 'oldoutput:s' => \$optManuallyCheckedFile,
+ 'sourcepath:s' => \$opt4,
+ 'help' => \&usage,
+ 'noignored' => \$optNoIgnored, # Do not included items marked as Ignore
+ 'build:s' => \$optBuild,
+ 'ignorefile:s' => \$optIgnorefilepattern, #Ignore file pattern
+ 'ignorecomment:s' => \$optIgnorefilepatternComment, #Comment used for these
+ '<>' => \&usage))
+ {
+ &usage;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (lc($opt1) eq lc($opt3))
+ {
+ &usage;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return ($opt1, $opt2, $opt3,$opt4);
+# Taken from Mastering Regular Expressions
+sub parse_csv {
+ my $text = shift; ## record containing comma-separated values
+ my @new = ();
+ push(@new, $+) while $text =~ m{
+ "([^\"\\]*(?:\\.[^\"\\]*)*)",?
+ | ([^,]+),?
+ | ,
+ }gx;
+ push(@new, undef) if substr($text, -1,1) eq ',';
+ return @new; ## list of values that were comma-spearated
+# Read the content of old output
+sub readPackageOwnerFile
+ my($filename) = $optPackageOwnerFile;
+ if (!$filename)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $fh = new FileHandle "<$filename";
+ if (!defined($fh))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ my @lines = <$fh>;
+ my $line;
+ foreach $line (@lines)
+ {
+ # Example line
+ #ui,mw,classicui,ari.t.valtaoja@nokia.com,Nokia/S60/A&F/UFO,Beijing,1279685+166558
+ $line = lc($line);
+ my (@parts) = split(/\,/,$line); # Split line with "," separator
+ # print ("DEBUG:readPackageOwnerFile::$parts[1]/$parts[2]=$parts[3]\n");
+ $packageOwnerHash{$parts[1] . "/" . $parts[2]} = $parts[3] ;
+ }
+ close ($fh);
+# Get normalized filename starting from "sf/layer/package"
+sub filenameOf
+ my($filename) = shift;
+ $filename =~ s/\\/\//g; # Standardize name
+ $filename = lc($filename);
+ # There might be some paths before /sf/layer/package if tool run manually in some local directory
+ # structure
+ my ($tmp1,$tmp2) = split(/sf\//,$filename);
+ # print ("DEBUG:sf/" . $tmp2 . "\n");
+ return "sf/" . $tmp2;
+# Get package owner
+sub packageOwnerOf
+ my($filename) = shift;
+ $filename = filenameOf($filename);
+ my (@parts) = split(/\//,$filename); # "sf/layer/package"
+ my $owner = $packageOwnerHash{$parts[1] . "/" . $parts[2]};
+ if (defined $owner)
+ {
+ return $owner;
+ }
+ return "";
+# Get package name
+sub packageOf
+ my($filename) = shift;
+ $filename = filenameOf($filename);
+ my (@parts) = split(/\//,$filename); # "sf/layer/package"
+ return $parts[2];
+# Read the content of cleaned cases manually ignored
+# (these are tool reported case cleared manually=
+sub readManuallyCheckedFile
+ my($filename) = $optManuallyCheckedFile;
+ if (!$filename)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $fh = new FileHandle "<$filename";
+ if (!defined($fh))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ my @lines = <$fh>;
+ my $line;
+ foreach $line (@lines)
+ {
+ my (@parts) = split(/\,/,$line); # Split line with "," separator
+ if ($parts[2] =~ m/$IGNORE_MAN/i)
+ {
+ my $fullfilename = lc($parts[4]);
+ my $category = $parts[1];
+ $fullfilename =~ s/\\/\//g; # Standardize name
+ # print("\nDEBUG:Marked:$category,$fullfilename as ignored");
+ $manuallyCheckedHash{$category . $fullfilename} = "1" ; # Just some value
+ }
+ }
+ close ($fh);
+# Test ID is under SF distribution
+sub isSFDistribution
+ my $id = shift;
+ use constant SFL_DISTRIBUTION_VALUE => "3";
+ use constant EPL_DISTRIBUTION_VALUE => "7";
+ if ($id == "")
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+ # Implicit case
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my $otherOkId = grep { $_ eq $id } @sfDistributionIdArray; # Use exact match
+ return $otherOkId;
+# Read configuation file of the
+# SFUpdateLicenceHeader.pl to get OK distribution IDs
+sub readConfigFile
+ my ($filename) = $optConfigFile;
+ if (!$filename)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ open(IN,$filename) || die "Unable to open file: \"$filename\" for reading.";
+ while(<IN>)
+ {
+ chomp;
+ # tr/A-Z/a-z/; # Do not lowercase pattern
+ my $line = $_;
+ $line =~ s/^\s+//; # trim left
+ $line =~ s/\s+$//; # trim right
+ next LINE if length($line) == 0; # # Skip empty lines
+ next LINE if ($line =~ /^\#.*/); # Skip comments;
+ if ($line =~ /^sf-update-licence-header-config.*/i)
+ {
+ my ($tmp1, $tmp2) = split(/sf-update-licence-header-config-/,$line); # Get version
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^sf-distribution-id/i)
+ {
+ my ($tmp, @parts) = split(/[\s\t]+/,$line); # space as separator
+ my $cnt = @parts;
+ push(@sfDistributionIdArray, @parts);
+ my $cnt = @sfDistributionIdArray;
+ }
+ }
+ # Pre-compile here the source line pattern
+ close (IN);
+# Command line variables
+my $inputfile = "";
+my $outputfile = "";
+my $lxrbuild = "";
+my $sourcepath = "";
+# Initialize
+($inputfile,$lxrbuild,$outputfile,$sourcepath) = &parseCmdLine;
+if ($outputfile)
+ open (OUTPUT, ">$outputfile") || die "Couldn't open $outputfile\n";
+ OUTPUT->autoflush(1); # Force flush
+close OUTPUT;