--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bldsystemtools/commonbldutils/bfcClient.pl Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use HTTP::Date;
+my $JOBS_PATH = "autobfc\\";
+my $JOB_QUEUE = 'jobqueue.lst';
+my $CURR_JOB = 'currentjob.bat';
+my $QUIT_BFC = 'quit.txt';
+my $ENV_BFCPOOL = "AutoBFCServerPool";
+SendBFC( ProcessCommandLine() );
+# SendBFC
+# Send a BFC test request to an active Auto BFC server
+# Return 0 if request was successfully added to the BFC queue.
+# N.B: Since this script is invoked during the system build, WARNING/ERROR
+# messages must NOT be printed out in order to avoid affecting the BRAG status.
+sub SendBFC
+ my ($iProduct, $iBuild, $iCodeline, $iServerPool, $iARMVer, $iMWVer, $iWait, $iExtraArg, $iQuit, $iSubType) = @_;
+ # Get server list from ENV or from command line
+ $iServerPool = $ENV{$ENV_BFCPOOL} if (!defined($iServerPool));
+ my $server = FindAvailableServer(split /\#/, $iServerPool);
+ if (!$server)
+ {
+ print "Could not find BFC server \n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my $jobQueue = "\\\\$server\\".$JOBS_PATH.$JOB_QUEUE;
+ # Set basic release info
+ my $request = "Product=$iProduct,SnapshotNumber=$iBuild,CurrentCodeline=$iCodeline";
+ # Set timeout
+ if (defined($iWait) && !($iExtraArg =~ /-o/))
+ {
+ my $nowStr = HTTP::Date::time2isoz(time() + $iWait*60*60);
+ $request .= ",BFCTimeout=$nowStr";
+ }
+ $request .= ",ARMRVCTBLD=$iARMVer" if ($iARMVer);
+ $request .= ",MWVER=$iMWVer" if ($iMWVer);
+ $request .= ",QMAction=$iQuit" if ($iQuit);
+ # Get BuildSubType from ENV or from command line, if specified.
+ $iSubType = $ENV{'BuildSubType'} unless ($iSubType);
+ $request .= ",BuildSubType=$iSubType" if ($iSubType);
+ # Add extra arguments at the end
+ $request .= ",BFCCommand=$iExtraArg" if ($iExtraArg);
+ # Add the request to the server queue
+ open FILE, ">> $jobQueue" or die "Can't open $jobQueue\n$!\n";
+ print FILE "$request \n";
+ close FILE;
+ print "Added request: $request\nto $server\n";
+ return 0;
+# FindAvailableServer
+# Scan the server list and find an available AutoBFC server.
+# Return the first bfc server with no jobs or the bfc server with
+# the least jobs on the queue.
+sub FindAvailableServer
+ my @servers = @_;
+ my %bestServer;
+ foreach my $server (@servers)
+ {
+ # Check autobfc shared dir.
+ my $jobsPath = "\\\\$server\\".$JOBS_PATH;
+ next if !(-d $jobsPath);
+ # This is a valid server.
+ # Check the job list.
+ my $jobQueue = $jobsPath.$JOB_QUEUE;
+ my $currentJob = $jobsPath.$CURR_JOB;
+ push my @jobs, "current" if (-e $currentJob);
+ if (open (FH1, $jobQueue))
+ {
+ push @jobs, <FH1>;
+ close FH1;
+ }
+ %bestServer = ('Server' => $server, 'Jobs' => scalar @jobs) if (!exists($bestServer{'Server'}) || (scalar @jobs < $bestServer{'Jobs'}));
+ last if ($bestServer{'Jobs'} == 0);
+ }
+ return $bestServer{'Server'};
+# ProcessCommandLine
+sub ProcessCommandLine
+ my ($iHelp);
+ my ($iProduct, $iBuild, $iCodeline, $iServerPool, $iARMVer, $iMWVer, $iWait, $iExtraArg, $iQuit, $iSubType);
+ my $ret = GetOptions('h' => \$iHelp,
+ "product=s" => \$iProduct,
+ "build=s" => \$iBuild,
+ "codeline=s" => \$iCodeline,
+ "server=s" => \$iServerPool,
+ "arm=s" => \$iARMVer,
+ "mw=s" => \$iMWVer,
+ "wait=i" => \$iWait,
+ "reboot" => \$iQuit,
+ "type=s" => \$iSubType);
+ $iExtraArg = join(' ', @ARGV);
+ if ((!$ret) || ($iHelp) || (!defined $iProduct) || (!defined $iBuild) || (!defined $iCodeline))
+ {
+ Usage();
+ }
+ if (defined($iQuit))
+ {
+ $iQuit = "reboot";
+ }
+ return ($iProduct, $iBuild, $iCodeline, $iServerPool, $iARMVer, $iMWVer, $iWait, $iExtraArg, $iQuit, $iSubType);
+# Usage
+# Output Usage Information.
+sub Usage
+ print <<USAGE_EOF;
+ Request a BFC
+ Usage: bfcClient.pl -p <Ver> -b <BuildNo> -c <Codeline> -s <ServerPool> [options] -- [bfc extra arg]
+ --product Specify OS product (e.g. 9.1).
+ --build Specify Build Number (e.g. M04191).
+ --codeline Specify Codeline (e.g. Master, Symbian_OS_v9.4)
+ --server Hash separated BFC server list (e.g lon-engbuild20\#lon-engbuild21).
+ Alternatively, set $ENV_BFCPOOL.
+ [Options]
+ -h This help
+ --arm Specify ARM version to be used (435 or 559 or 616).
+ --mw Specify Metrowerk version to be used (3.0 or 3.1.1 or 3.1.2).
+ --wait 0..n Force the bfc process to wait no more than n hours from now.
+ --reboot Force the bfc process to reboot before this task.
+ --type Specify BuildSubType (e.g. Daily, Test).
+ [bfc extra arg]
+ Any other switches will be passed to the bfc process tools
+ exit 0;