--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv1_os/e32toolp/makmake/makhelp.pm Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+package Makhelp;
+require Exporter;
+ Help_Invocation
+ Help_Mmp
+ Help_Plat
+use strict;
+use E32tpver;
+use featurevariantparser;
+# also requires main module to have loaded platform module(s) and Modload.pm and Trgtype.pm
+sub Help_Invocation () {
+ print
+ "\n",
+ "MAKMAKE - Makefile Creation Utility (Build ",&E32tpver,")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "MAKMAKE {flags} [{MMPFilePath}MMPFileRoot] [Platform[.Feature Variant]]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Flags: (case insensitive)\n",
+ " -D -> create makefile in ", $E32env::Data{BldPath}, "[project]\\[platform]\\\n",
+ " -MMP -> information - basic mmp syntax\n",
+ " -PLAT [platform] -> information - platform-specific mmp syntax\n",
+ " -V -> verbose mode\n",
+ " -ND -> generate no dependencies info\n",
+ " -[debug|no_debug]-> enable/disable generation of symbolic debug information for ARM ABI compliant platforms\n",
+ " -LOGFC -> enable function call logging\n",
+ " -INVARIANT -> force default feature variant processing only, unless FEATUREVARIANT is present in the .mmp file\n",
+ "\n"
+ ;
+ my @Plats=&main::Plat_List;
+ print
+ "Available Platforms: (case insensitive)\n",
+ " @Plats\n"
+ ;
+ my @BuildableFeatureVariants=featurevariantparser->GetBuildableFeatureVariants();
+ if (@BuildableFeatureVariants)
+ {
+ @BuildableFeatureVariants = map{uc($_)} @BuildableFeatureVariants;
+ print
+ "\nAvailable Feature Variants for Supporting Platforms: (case insensitive)\n",
+ " @BuildableFeatureVariants\n"
+ ;
+ }
+sub Help_Mmp () {
+ my @TrgTypes=&main::Trg_List;
+ my $TrgTypes='TARGETTYPE [';
+ my $Spacing=length($TrgTypes);
+ my $LineLen=$Spacing;
+ foreach (@TrgTypes) {
+ $TrgTypes.=$_.'|';
+ $LineLen+=(length($_)+1);
+ if ($LineLen>($Spacing+50)) {
+ $TrgTypes.="\n".(' 'x$Spacing);
+ $LineLen=$Spacing;
+ }
+ }
+ chop $TrgTypes;
+ $TrgTypes.=']';
+ print <<ENDHERE;
+Makmake Project File - Basic Syntax
+/* Use C++ comments if required */
+START BITMAP [target]
+TARGETPATH [emulated_path_on_target_machine]
+SOURCEPATH [.mmp-relative_source_path (default - .mmp_dir)]
+SOURCE [color_depth] [source_bitmaps]
+TARGET [target (default - source)]
+TARGETPATH [emulated_path_on_target_machine]
+LANG [languages (overrides global LANG)]
+UID [uid(s) for resource file]
+EXPORTPATH [location]
+HEADERONLY [export only header file]
+AIF [target] [src_path] [resource] {[color_depth] [bitmaps]}
+DEBUGGABLE [Executable can be debugged in a running system]
+DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY [Only Debug (UDEB) executables can be debugged in a running system]
+DEBUGLIBRARY [libraries - use in addition to LIBRARY for DEBUG builds]
+DEFFILE [{path}{deffile} (default -
+ \[project]\B[platform]\[target basename].DEF)
+ If the path ends in \~\ the ~ is replace by B[platform] ]
+DOCUMENT [sourcepath-relative_documents]
+EPOCDATALINKADDRESS [relocation_address]
+EPOCHEAPSIZE [min_size][max_size]
+EPOCSTACKSIZE [stack_size]
+EXPORTLIBRARY [executables export library name if different from TARGET]
+FIRSTLIB [first link object - overrides EEXE.LIB or EDLL.LIB]
+FEATUREVARIANT [process for all variants when '-invariant' is used in MAKMAKE calls]
+LANG [languages (defaults to SC)]
+LIBRARY [libraries]
+LINKAS [executable's linking name if different from TARGET]
+LINKEROPTION [COMPILER] [rest of line is linker options]
+MACRO [user-defined_macros]
+NEWLIB [override default operator new/operator delete library]
+NOEXPORTLIBRARY [don't generate an export library]
+OPTION [COMPILER] [rest of line is extra compiler options]
+OPTION_REPLACE [oldComplierOption] [newOption]
+RAMTARGET // syntax not yet finalized
+RESOURCE [sourcepath-relative_resources]
+ROMTARGET // syntax not yet finalized
+SECUREID [secure ID]
+SMPSAFE [mark executable as SMP safe]
+SOURCE [sourcepath-relative_sources]
+SOURCEPATH [.mmp relative_source_path (default - .mmp_dir]
+STATICLIBRARY [static_libraries]
+SYSTEMINCLUDE [system_include_path]
+SYSTEMRESOURCE [sourcepath-relative_system_resources]
+TARGET [target]
+TARGETPATH [emulated_path_on_target_machine]
+UID [uid2|0 {uid3}]
+USERINCLUDE [user_include_path - source_dir searched first always]
+VENDORID [vendorid]
+VERSION [MAJOR.minor {explicit} - specify version number of
+ the target. If EXPLICIT specified decorate target
+ filename and DEF file name with version.]
+#if defined([PLATFORM])
+[universal keyword statements restricted to [PLATFORM] ]
+[platform-specific keyword statements]
+// use MAKMAKE /PLAT [PLATFORM] to display these
+sub Help_Plat ($$$$$) {
+ my ($Plat,$CPU,$DefFile,$MmpMacrosRef, $MacrosRef)=@_;
+# list of source macros is incomplete in this function. It may also contain:
+# __MARM_<ABI>__ if the platform CPU is MARM - (ABI may vary according to .MMP contents though)
+# Any macros defined in the .MMP file
+# __DLL__ or __EXE__ respectively if the $BasicTrgType is DLL or EXE
+# WIN32 and _WINDOWS if the project links to Win32 libraries
+# Furthermore, build macros _UNICODE, _DEBUG or _NDEBUG aren't listed - the _UNICODE
+# macro should probably be defined as a permanent macro now that we're not doing Narrow
+# builds anymore.
+ $DefFile= 'B'.$DefFile unless ($DefFile eq 'EABI');
+ print
+ "\n",
+ "Makmake Project File - Platform-specific Syntax\n",
+ "\n",
+ "// Platform -> $Plat\n",
+ "// Default_Def_Dir -> \\[project]\\$DefFile\\\n",
+ "// MMP_Macros -> @$MmpMacrosRef\n",
+ "// Source_Macros -> @$MacrosRef (+ others)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "START [MMP_Macro]\n"
+ ;
+ &main::PMHelp_Mmp if defined &main::PMHelp_Mmp;
+ print "END\n";