changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 18 99082257a271
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/srcanamdw_os/leavescan/test/LET/	Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+import string
+import sys
+import os
+from os import listdir
+from os.path import isdir
+import time
+from optparse import OptionParser
+LEAVESCAN = 'D:\leavescan.exe '
+os_type = 'unix'
+if sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'):
+    os_type = 'windows'
+class TestResult:
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.allOutput=""
+		self.lines={}
+	def setAllOutput(self,allOuptput):
+		self.allOuptput = allOuptput
+	def parseLines(self):
+		tmp_lines=self.allOuptput.splitlines()
+		for tmp_line in tmp_lines:
+			line_no = getLeaveScanMsgLine(tmp_line)
+			self.lines[line_no]=tmp_line
+	def checkResult(self,warnItems):
+		result = ''
+		ok=0
+		for warnItem in warnItems:
+			warnLine = warnItem.line
+			if not warnItem.semi:
+				if self.lines.has_key(warnLine):
+					outputLine = self.lines[warnLine]
+					for keyword in warnItem.checkExist:
+						if outputLine.find(keyword)<0:
+							result= result+ 'CHECK:"'+keyword+'" is expected in the output:"'+outputLine+'"\n'
+							ok=1
+					for keyword in warnItem.checkNoExist:
+						if outputLine.find(keyword)>=0:
+							result= result+ 'CHECK:"'+keyword+'" is expected not in the output:"'+outputLine+'"\n'
+							ok=1
+				else:
+					for keyword in warnItem.checkExist:
+						result= result+ 'CHECK:"'+keyword+'" is expected in the output of line'+str(warnLine)+'\n'
+						ok = 1
+			else:
+				if self.lines.has_key(warnLine):
+					outputLine = self.lines[warnLine]
+					for keyword in warnItem.checkExist:
+						if outputLine.find(keyword)>=0:
+							result= result+ 'SEMI:"'+keyword+'" is expected in the output:"'+outputLine+'"\n'
+							ok=1
+					for keyword in warnItem.checkNoExist:
+						if outputLine.find(keyword)<0:
+							result= result+ 'SEMI:"'+keyword+'" is expected not in the output:"'+outputLine+'"\n'
+							ok=1
+				else:
+					for keyword in warnItem.checkNoExist:
+						result= result+ 'SEMI:"'+keyword+'" is expected in the output of line'+str(warnLine)+'\n'
+						ok = 1
+		if ok==0:
+			return 'OK'
+		else:
+			return result;
+class CheckPoint:
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.line = -1
+		self.checkExist=[]
+		self.checkNoExist=[]
+		self.semi = False
+	def setCheckPoint(self,warnString,semi = False):
+		warnString=warnString.strip()
+		if len(warnString)<=0:
+			return 
+		keywordList = warnString.split(',')
+		for keyword in keywordList:
+			keyword = keyword.strip()
+			if len(keyword)>0:
+				if keyword[0]=='+':
+					self.checkExist.append(keyword[1:])
+				elif keyword[0]=='-':
+					self.checkNoExist.append(keyword[1:])
+				else:
+					self.checkExist.append(keyword)
+		self.semi = semi
+	def printSelf(self):
+		printType = 0;
+		print 'line:'+ str(self.line)
+		if len(self.checkExist)>0:
+			print '		checkExist'
+			printType +=1;
+			for checkWord in self.checkExist:
+				print '				'+checkWord
+		if len(self.checkNoExist)>0:
+			print '		checkNoExist'
+			printType +=1;
+			for checkWord in self.checkNoExist:
+				print '				'+checkWord
+		if printType == 0:
+			print  '	nothing to check'
+class TestcaseConfig:
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.desc =''
+		self.option =''
+		self.expect =''
+		self.warnItems =[]
+ = ''
+		self.type = ''
+ =''
+	def printSelf(self):
+		print 'desc:'+self.desc
+		print 'option:'+self.option
+		print 'author:'
+		print 'type:'+self.type
+		print 'date:'
+		print 'expect:'+self.expect
+		print 'check:'
+		for warnItem in self.warnItems:
+			print '	line:'+str(warnItem.line)
+			printType = 0;
+			if len(warnItem.checkExist)>0:
+				print '		checkExist'
+				printType +=1;
+				for checkWord in warnItem.checkExist:
+					print '				'+checkWord
+			if len(warnItem.checkNoExist)>0:
+				print '		checkNoExist'
+				printType +=1;
+				for checkWord in warnItem.checkNoExist:
+					print '				'+checkWord
+			if printType == 0:
+				print  '	nothing to check'
+def getTestcaseConfig(fileName):
+	file = open(fileName,"r")
+	fileLine = 0
+	testcaseConfig = TestcaseConfig()
+	for line in file.readlines():
+		if not line.endswith('\\'):
+			fileLine += 1
+		line = line.strip()
+		scommnet = line.find('//')
+		if scommnet == 0:
+			if (line.find('desc:'))>0:
+				desc = line[line.find('desc:')+5:].strip()
+				testcaseConfig.desc=desc
+			elif line.find('option:')>0:
+				option = line[line.find('option:')+7:].strip()
+				testcaseConfig.option=option
+			elif line.find('expect file:')>0:
+				expect = line[line.find('expect file:')+12:].strip()
+				#get the content of the file
+				data = open(expect,"r")
+				for dataline in data.readlines():
+					testcaseConfig.expect += dataline
+			elif line.find('expect:')>0:
+				expect = line[line.find('expect:')+7:].strip()
+				testcaseConfig.expect=expect
+			elif line.find('author:')>0:
+				expect = line[line.find('author:')+7:].strip()
+			elif line.find('type:')>0:
+				expect = line[line.find('type:')+5:].strip()
+				testcaseConfig.type=expect
+			elif line.find('date:')>0:
+				expect = line[line.find('date:')+5:].strip()
+		if scommnet >=0:
+			line =line[scommnet+2:]
+			if line.find('check:')>=0:
+				line = line[line.find('check:')+6:].strip()
+				warnItem = CheckPoint()
+				warnItem.setCheckPoint(line)
+				warnItem.line = fileLine
+				testcaseConfig.warnItems.append(warnItem)
+			elif line.find('semi:')>=0:
+				line = line[line.find('semi:')+5:].strip()
+				warnItem = CheckPoint()
+				warnItem.setCheckPoint(line,True)
+				warnItem.line = fileLine
+				testcaseConfig.warnItems.append(warnItem)
+	return testcaseConfig
+def execute(filename , option):
+	commandLine = LEAVESCAN + option + ' ' +filename
+	output=''
+	for outputLine in os.popen(commandLine).readlines():
+		output += outputLine
+	return output
+def analysis(result,testcaseConfig):
+	"""
+	no use in the version
+	for expect keyword
+	"""
+	if not testcaseConfig.expect=='':
+		if testcaseConfig.expect == result:
+			return 1;
+		else:
+			print testcaseConfig.expect
+			if DEBUG:
+				print '------'
+				print result 
+				print '========'
+			return 0;
+def excuteCmd(cmdLine):
+	i, o = os.popen4(cmdLine)
+   	i.close()
+    	out =
+    	o.close()
+	return out
+def getLeaveScanMsgLine(line):
+	p1=line.find('(')
+	if(p1<0):
+		return -2
+	p2=line.find(')')
+	if(p2<2):
+		return -2
+	return int(line[p1+1:p2])
+def getFormatTime():
+	curTime = time.localtime()
+	return str(curTime[0])+"_"+str(curTime[1])+"_"+str(curTime[2])+"_"+str(curTime[3])+"_"+str(curTime[4])+"_"+str(curTime[5])
+def getCurTime():
+	curTime = time.localtime()
+	return "'"+str(curTime[0])+"-"+str(curTime[1])+"-"+str(curTime[2])+" "+str(curTime[3])+":"+str(curTime[4])+":"+str(curTime[5])+".000000'"
+def getTestcaseName(fileName):
+	fileNameList = os.path.splitext(fileName) 
+	return fileNameList[len(fileNameList)-2]
+def runTest(testFile,logFile,reportFile):
+	testcaseConfig = getTestcaseConfig(testFile)
+	cmdString = LEAVESCAN+testcaseConfig.option+' '+testFile
+	logFile.write(cmdString+'\n')
+	startTime = getCurTime()
+	result = excuteCmd(cmdString)
+	endtime = getCurTime()
+	logFile.write(result+'\n')
+	lr = TestResult()
+	lr.setAllOutput(result)
+	lr.parseLines()
+	result=lr.checkResult(testcaseConfig.warnItems)
+	testcaseResult = 'PASS' # for csv file
+	if not result=='OK':
+		logFile.write('ERROR:'+testFile+'\n')
+		logFile.write('DETAIL:'+'\n')
+		logFile.write(result)
+		testcaseResult = 'FAILTURE'
+		print testcaseResult+':'+testFile
+	else:
+		logFile.write('PASS\n')
+	reportFile.write(getTestcaseName(testFile)+','+startTime+','+endtime+','+testcaseResult+'\n')
+	if result=='OK':
+		return 1
+	else:
+		return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	#pass argu
+	testFileList=[]
+	optParser = OptionParser('let -f file_list -o output_dir')
+	optParser.add_option("-f","--file",action = "store",type = "string",dest = "fileListName")
+	optParser.add_option("-o","--outputdir",action = "store",type = "string",dest = "outputName")
+	optParser.add_option("","--std-in",action = "store_true",dest = "listFromStdin",default =False)
+	optParser.add_option("-e","--execute",action = "store",type="string", dest = "exePath", default="")
+	options, args = optParser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
+	#check exe exsitence
+	if not options.exePath == "":
+		if os.path.exists(options.exePath):
+			LEAVESCAN = options.exePath+" "
+		else:
+			print "WARN-"+options.exePath+" dosen't exist"
+			print "WARN-will use default config:"+LEAVESCAN
+	if not os.path.exists(LEAVESCAN.strip()):
+		print "WARN-please set Leavescan's address"
+	else:
+		fileListName = options.fileListName
+		outputDirName = options.outputName
+		if not os.path.exists(outputDirName):
+			os.makedirs(outputDirName)
+		#get each testcase in the list 
+		pwd=os.getcwd()+'\\'
+		if options.listFromStdin :
+			listFile = sys.stdin
+		else:
+			listFile = open(fileListName,'r')
+		for curFile in listFile.readlines():
+			curFile=curFile.strip()
+			if(curFile.find('#')==0):
+				1+1
+			elif os.path.exists(curFile):
+				testFileList.append(curFile)
+			else:
+				print 'WARN-file '+curFile+ 'doesn\'t exist.ignore'
+		#other config
+		DEBUG = 0;
+		totalRun=0;
+		totalPass=0;
+		logFileName = outputDirName+'\\'+getFormatTime()+'.log'
+		reportFileName = outputDirName+'\\'+getFormatTime()+'.csv'
+		logFile = open(logFileName,'w')
+		reportFile = open(reportFileName,'w')
+		reportFile.write('TestCaseId,StartTime,EndTime,Result\n')
+		for testFileName in testFileList:
+		#test it
+			totalRun+=1;
+			totalPass+=runTest(testFileName,logFile,reportFile)
+		#summary
+		print 'RSLT-Total:'+str(totalRun)+';Pass:'+str(totalPass)
+		#environment
+		logFile.close()
+		reportFile.close()