changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolsandutils/buildsystem/extension/base/	Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# To guarantee there is a slash at the end of EPOCROOT in case there is not.
+# This is needed to ensure compatibility with SBSv1. 
+TMPROOT:=$(subst \,/,$(EPOCROOT))
+EPOCROOT:=$(patsubst %/,%,$(TMPROOT))/
+include $(EPOCROOT)epoc32/tools/shell/$(notdir $(basename $(SHELL))).mk
+# Set the source directory
+SRCDIR = $(EXTENSION_ROOT)/nandboot/miniboot
+EPOCINCDIR = $(EPOCROOT)epoc32/include/lubbock/nand
+vpath %.s $(SRCDIR)
+vpath %.ginc $(BUILDLOC)
+# Build directory
+BUILDLOC = $(EPOCBLD)$(call sbsadd,/base/lubbock)
+## Set the target name
+SRC := miniboot.s lubbock.s
+TMPTARGET = $(BUILDLOC)/miniboot.exe
+# Set the code and data base addresses 
+# Since miniboot is PIC this is just to placate the linker
+LINKBASE = 0x0000000
+ARMASM_OUT := $(shell armasm 2>&1)
+ARMASM_OUT_4 := $(word 4,$(ARMASM_OUT))
+# Use GCC toolchain if no other is available
+# NB! Need to keep updating/extending allowable range of RVCT versions!!
+RVCTSTR := $(strip $(findstring RVCT, $(ARMASM_OUT_4)))
+ifeq "$(RVCTSTR)" "RVCT"
+        TOOLVER := RVCT
+        OP := --
+        OB := o
+ifeq "$(TOOLVER)" "RVCT"
+        ASM := armasm
+        LINK := armlink
+        FROMELF := fromelf
+        OBJEXT := o
+        INCEXT := inc
+        ASMINCPATHCMD := $(foreach dir,$(SRCDIR),$(join -I ,$(dir))) $(foreach dir,$(EPOCINCDIR),$(join -I ,$(dir)))
+        ASMINCFBRPATH := $(foreach fir,$(EPOCINCDIR),$(join -I ,$(fir)))
+        ASM_MACRO_CMD := $(foreach macro,$(ASM_MACROS),$(OP)predefine "$(macro) SETL {TRUE}")
+        SYMOPT := $(OP)symdefs
+        ASMTYP := ARMASM
+        LINKFILE :=
+define do_asm
+        $(ASM) $(AFLAGS) -$(OB) $@ $(OP)LIST $(join $(basename $@),.lst) $<
+        LFLAGS := $(OP)ro-base $(LINKBASE) $(OP)entry $(LINKBASE) $(OP)map
+define do_link
+        $(LINK) $(LFLAGS) -$(OB) $@ $(filter %.$(OBJEXT),$^)
+define do_strip
+        $(FROMELF) $(OP)bin $(OP)output $@ $<
+#GCC build options
+ifeq "$(TOOLVER)" "GCC"
+        ASM := as
+        AFLAGS := -mapcs-32 -R -n -I$(BUILDLOC)
+        LINKFLAGS = -n -x --section-alignment 4 --file-alignment 2 -no-whole-archive
+        OBJEXT := o
+        INCEXT := ginc
+        LINKFILE = $(SRCDIR)/miniboot.lnk
+define do_headers
+        perl $(EPOCROOT)epoc32/tools/ $< $@
+define do_asm
+        perl $(EPOCROOT)epoc32/tools/ $< $(join $(basename $@),.s) 
+        $(AS) $(AFLAGS) -o $@ $(join $(basename $@),.s)
+define do_link
+        ld -o "$(TMPTARGET)"  --start $(FULLOBJECTS) --script=$(LINKFILE)
+define do_strip
+        strip -O binary -o "$(TARGET)" "$(TMPTARGET)"
+        $(ERASE) $(call slash2generic,"$(TMPTARGET)") 
+        echo Built $(TARGET)
+        PROCESS_INCLUDES := 1
+OBJECTS := $(foreach f,$(SRC),$(basename $(f)).$(OBJEXT))
+FULLOBJECTS := $(addprefix $(BUILDLOC)/,$(OBJECTS))
+#Include processing
+FULLINCLUDES := $(addprefix $(SRCDIR)/,$(INCLUDES))
+#Object processing
+FULLSRC := $(addprefix $(SRCDIR)/,$(SRC))
+GCCSRC := $(addprefix $(EPOCBLD)/,$(SRC))
+FULLINCLUDES := $(foreach f,$(FULLINCLUDES),$(basename $(f)).$(INCEXT))
+EPOCFULLINCLUDES := $(foreach f,$(EPOCINCLUDES),$(basename $(f)).$(INCEXT))
+#Creation of headers
+	$(do_headers)
+	$(do_headers)
+#Armasm sytax specifc asm rule goes here
+$(call abldquote,$(TARGET)) : $(call abldquote,$(TMPTARGET)) $(call pipe,$(TARGETDIR) $(BUILDLOC)) 
+	$(do_strip)
+$(call abldquote,$(TMPTARGET)) : $(FULLOBJECTS)
+	$(do_link)
+	$(do_asm)
+# make directories
+$(call abldquote,$(TARGETDIR)) :
+	@$(call ifnotexistd,"$(TARGETDIR)")
+$(call abldquote,$(BUILDLOC)) :
+	@$(call ifnotexistd,"$(BUILDLOC)")
+	@$(call ifnotexistd,"$(EPOCBLD)")
+	echo Nothing to do
+	echo $(BUILDLOC)
+	echo Nothing to do
+	echo $(BUILDLOC)
+LIB :
+	echo Nothing to do
+	echo $(BUILDLOC)
+	echo Nothing to do
+	echo $(BUILDLOC)
+	echo Nothing to do
+	echo $(BUILDLOC)
+	echo Nothing to do
+	echo $(BUILDLOC)
+BLD SAVESPACE : $(call abldquote,$(TARGETDIR)) $(EPOCBLD) $(call abldquote,$(TARGET)) $(call sbsadd,$(BUILDLOC))
+	@echo "$(TARGET)"
+	-$(ERASE) $(call slash2generic,"$(TARGET)") 
+	-$(ERASE) $(call slash2generic,"$(EPOCBLD)/*.*") 
+#	-$(ERASE) "$(TARGET)"
+#	-$(ERASE) "$(EPOCBLD)/*.*"