--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolsandutils/buildsystem/test/binaryvariation/test.pl Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# binary variation build test
+# build a variant DLL and an invariant DLL and use them.
+use strict;
+use Test;
+use Digest::MD5;
+# how many tests do we plan to run?
+BEGIN { plan tests => 204 }
+# remember where we started
+use Cwd;
+my $cwd = getcwd();
+# change to the test data directory
+use File::Basename;
+my $dir = dirname($0);
+print "# running in $dir\n";
+# create a local default.hrh, as it varies per OS version
+# (make it just include the product include file)
+my $epocroot = $ENV{'EPOCROOT'};
+my $include = $epocroot . "epoc32/include/variant";
+my $variant = $epocroot . "epoc32/tools/variant";
+my $cfg = $variant . "/variant.cfg";
+my $productInclude;
+open(VARCFG, "$cfg") or die("cannot read $cfg\n");
+while (<VARCFG>)
+ $productInclude = "$1" if /epoc32.+?([^\\\/]+\.hrh)$/i;
+die("no product include file in $cfg\n") unless ($productInclude);
+open(DEFHRH, ">default.hrh") or die("cannot write $dir/default.hrh\n");
+print(DEFHRH "#include <$productInclude>\n");
+print("# testing against product $productInclude\n");
+# copy test files to EPOCROOT (make sure we do not destroy any valid
+# files that are already there and remember to clean up afterwards)
+# /epoc32/include/variant/default.hrh
+# /epoc32/include/variant/variant_a.hrh
+# /epoc32/include/variant/variant_b.hrh
+# /epoc32/include/variant/a/variant_a_extra.hrh
+# /epoc32/include/variant/b/variant_b_extra.hrh
+# /epoc32/tools/variant/default.var
+# /epoc32/tools/variant/variant_a.var
+# /epoc32/tools/variant/variant_b.var
+# /epoc32/tools/variant/variant_c.var
+# /epoc32/include/variant/featurelists/bvtest.txt
+my @created = ("$include/default.hrh",
+ "$include/variant_a.hrh",
+ "$include/variant_b.hrh",
+ "$include/a/variant_a_extra.hrh",
+ "$include/b/variant_b_extra.hrh",
+ "$variant/default.var",
+ "$variant/variant_a.var",
+ "$variant/variant_b.var",
+ "$variant/variant_c.var",
+ "$include/featurelists/bvtest.txt"
+ );
+use File::Copy;
+my $file;
+foreach $file (@created)
+ my $epocDir = dirname($file);
+ my $localFile = basename($file);
+ mkdir($epocDir) if (!-d $epocDir);
+ move($file, "$file.bak") if (-f $file);
+ print "# copy $localFile $file\n";
+ unlink $file;
+ copy($localFile, $file) or die "Failed copy: $!";
+# we need to test the ABIv1 and ABIv2 builds
+# delete test files and restore backed up files to their original state
+foreach $file (@created)
+ if (-f "$file.bak")
+ {
+ move("$file.bak", $file);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unlink($file);
+ }
+# change back to the starting directory
+sub testABI
+ my $platform = shift;
+ # remove the binaries if they already exist
+ my $release = $epocroot . "epoc32/release/$platform";
+ my @binaries = (
+ "$release/udeb/InvariantStaticDLL.dll",
+ "$release/urel/InvariantStaticDLL.dll",
+ );
+ foreach (@binaries)
+ {
+ unlink($_);
+ }
+ cleanVariants("$release/udeb", "VariantStaticDLL.dll");
+ cleanVariants("$release/urel", "VariantStaticDLL.dll");
+ cleanVariants("$release/udeb", "UseStaticDLL.exe");
+ cleanVariants("$release/urel", "UseStaticDLL.exe");
+ # we cannot test the command return values because they are always 0
+ system("bldmake bldfiles");
+ # clean out everything so makefiles have to be recreated
+ system("abld reallyclean $platform.variant_a >nul 2>&1");
+ system("abld reallyclean $platform.variant_b >nul 2>&1");
+ system("abld reallyclean $platform.variant_c >nul 2>&1");
+ system("abld reallyclean $platform >nul 2>&1");
+ # Build variants first to ensure the default makefile is created for invariant dlls
+ system("abld build $platform.variant_a");
+ system("abld build $platform.variant_b");
+ system("abld build $platform.variant_c");
+ system("abld build $platform");
+ # test for the existence of each invariant binary file
+ foreach (@binaries)
+ {
+ print "# checking $_\n";
+ ok(-f $_);
+ }
+ # test for the existence of each variant binary file
+ checkVariants("$release/udeb/VariantStaticDLL.dll");
+ checkVariants("$release/urel/VariantStaticDLL.dll");
+ checkVariants("$release/udeb/UseStaticDLL.exe");
+ checkVariants("$release/urel/UseStaticDLL.exe");
+sub cleanVariants
+ my $dir = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ if (opendir(DIR, $dir))
+ {
+ while (my $file = readdir(DIR))
+ {
+ if ($file =~ /^$name/)
+ {
+ print "removing $dir/$file\n";
+ unlink("$dir/$file");
+ }
+ }
+ closedir(DIR);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "cannot clean $dir/$name*\n";
+ }
+sub checkVariants
+ my $root = shift;
+ $root =~ s/\.([^\.]+)$//;
+ my $ext = $1;
+ my $vmap = "$root.$ext.vmap";
+ # there should be a VMAP file
+ print "# checking $vmap\n";
+ ok(-f $vmap);
+ my $hashDefault = "0";
+ my $hashVariantA = "0";
+ my $hashVariantB = "0";
+ my $hashVariantC = "0";
+ # Variables to hold feature macro values
+ my ( $featDefault, $featVariantA, $featVariantB, $featVariantC );
+ if (open(VMAP, $vmap))
+ {
+ while (<VMAP>)
+ {
+ if (/([0-9a-f]{32})\s+(\S+)\s(\S+)/i)
+ {
+ my $var = lc($2);
+ # Store the data for later
+ ( $hashDefault, $featDefault ) = ( $1, $3) if ($var eq 'default');
+ ( $hashVariantA, $featVariantA ) = ( $1, $3) if ($var eq 'variant_a');
+ ( $hashVariantB, $featVariantB ) = ( $1, $3) if ($var eq 'variant_b');
+ ( $hashVariantC, $featVariantC ) = ( $1, $3) if ($var eq 'variant_c');
+ }
+ }
+ close(VMAP);
+ }
+ # the three hashes Default,A,B should be valid and different
+ ok($hashDefault);
+ ok($hashVariantA);
+ ok($hashVariantB);
+ ok($hashDefault ne $hashVariantA);
+ ok($hashDefault ne $hashVariantB);
+ ok($hashVariantA ne $hashVariantB);
+ # the three feature lists for Default,A,B should be valid and different
+ ok($featDefault);
+ ok($featVariantA);
+ ok($featVariantB);
+ ok($featDefault ne $featVariantA);
+ ok($featDefault ne $featVariantB);
+ ok($featVariantA ne $featVariantB);
+ # Check the feature lists are correct
+ ok($featDefault eq 'FEATURE_VARIANT_A=undefined,FEATURE_VARIANT_B=undefined');
+ ok($featVariantA eq 'FEATURE_VARIANT_A=defined,FEATURE_VARIANT_B=undefined');
+ ok($featVariantB eq 'FEATURE_VARIANT_A=undefined,FEATURE_VARIANT_B=\'123\'');
+ # Check the hash and feature lists match
+ ok($hashDefault eq Digest::MD5::md5_hex($featDefault));
+ ok($hashVariantA eq Digest::MD5::md5_hex($featVariantA));
+ ok($hashVariantB eq Digest::MD5::md5_hex($featVariantB));
+ # hashes A and C should be the same
+ ok($hashVariantA, $hashVariantC);
+ # feature lists for A and C should be the same
+ ok($featVariantA, $featVariantC);
+ # the corresponding binaries should exist
+ print("# checking $root.$hashDefault.$ext\n");
+ ok(-f "$root.$hashDefault.$ext");
+ print("# checking $root.$hashVariantA.$ext\n");
+ ok(-f "$root.$hashVariantA.$ext");
+ print("# checking $root.$hashVariantB.$ext\n");
+ ok(-f "$root.$hashVariantB.$ext");
+ print("# checking $root.$hashVariantC.$ext\n");
+ ok(-f "$root.$hashVariantC.$ext");