--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolsandutils/e32tools/e32image/imgdump.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32tools/e32image/imgdump.cpp
+#include "e32image.h"
+#include "h_utl.h"
+#include <string.h>
+void PriorityToStr(TProcessPriority aPri, char *aStr)
+ {
+ if (aPri==EPrioritySupervisor)
+ strcpy(aStr,"Supervisor");
+ else if (aPri>EPriorityRealTimeServer)
+ sprintf(aStr, "RealTime+%d", aPri-EPriorityRealTimeServer);
+ else if (aPri==EPriorityRealTimeServer)
+ strcpy(aStr,"RealTime");
+ else if (aPri>EPriorityFileServer)
+ sprintf(aStr, "FileServer+%d", aPri-EPriorityFileServer);
+ else if (aPri==EPriorityFileServer)
+ strcpy(aStr,"FileServer");
+ else if (aPri>EPriorityWindowServer)
+ sprintf(aStr, "WindowServer+%d", aPri-EPriorityWindowServer);
+ else if (aPri==EPriorityWindowServer)
+ strcpy(aStr,"WindowServer");
+ else if (aPri>EPriorityHigh)
+ sprintf(aStr, "High+%d", aPri-EPriorityHigh);
+ else if (aPri==EPriorityHigh)
+ strcpy(aStr,"High");
+ else if (aPri>EPriorityForeground)
+ sprintf(aStr, "Foreground+%d", aPri-EPriorityForeground);
+ else if (aPri==EPriorityForeground)
+ strcpy(aStr,"Foreground");
+ else if (aPri>EPriorityBackground)
+ sprintf(aStr, "Background+%d", aPri-EPriorityBackground);
+ else if (aPri==EPriorityBackground)
+ strcpy(aStr,"Background");
+ else if (aPri>EPriorityLow)
+ sprintf(aStr, "Low+%d", aPri-EPriorityLow);
+ else if (aPri==EPriorityLow)
+ strcpy(aStr,"Low");
+ else
+ sprintf(aStr, "Illegal (%d)", aPri);
+ }
+void nl()
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "\n");
+ }
+void E32ImageFile::Dump(TText *aFileName,TInt aDumpFlags)
+ {
+ if (IsValid())
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "E32ImageFile '%s'\n", aFileName);
+ DumpHeader(aDumpFlags);
+ DumpData(aDumpFlags);
+ }
+ else
+ Print(EAlways, "This is not an E32 image file (error %d).\n", iError);
+ }
+void E32ImageFile::DumpHeader(TInt aDumpFlags)
+ {
+ TUint flags = iOrigHdr->iFlags;
+ TUint abi = E32ImageHeader::ABIFromFlags(flags);
+ TUint hdrfmt = E32ImageHeader::HdrFmtFromFlags(flags);
+ TUint impfmt = E32ImageHeader::ImpFmtFromFlags(flags);
+ TUint ept = E32ImageHeader::EptFromFlags(flags);
+ TBool isARM = EFalse;
+ if(aDumpFlags&EDumpHeader)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "V%d.%02d(%03d)", iOrigHdr->iToolsVersion.iMajor,iOrigHdr->iToolsVersion.iMinor,iOrigHdr->iToolsVersion.iBuild);
+ Print(EAlways, "\tTime Stamp: %08x,%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iTimeHi, iOrigHdr->iTimeLo);
+ char sig[5];
+ memcpy(sig, (const char*)&iOrigHdr->iSignature, 4);
+ sig[4]=0;
+ Print(EAlways, sig);
+ if (iOrigHdr->iFlags&KImageDll)
+ Print(EAlways, " Dll for ");
+ else
+ Print(EAlways, " Exe for ");
+ switch (iOrigHdr->CpuIdentifier())
+ {
+ case ECpuX86:
+ Print(EAlways, "X86 CPU\n");
+ break;
+ case ECpuArmV4:
+ isARM = ETrue;
+ Print(EAlways, "ARMV4 CPU\n");
+ break;
+ case ECpuArmV5:
+ isARM = ETrue;
+ Print(EAlways, "ARMV5 CPU\n");
+ break;
+ case ECpuMCore:
+ Print(EAlways, "M*Core CPU\n");
+ break;
+ case ECpuUnknown:
+ Print(EAlways, "Unknown CPU\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ Print(EAlways, "something or other\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ Print(EAlways, "Flags:\t%08x\n", flags);
+ if (!(flags & KImageDll))
+ {
+ char str[80];
+ PriorityToStr(iOrigHdr->ProcessPriority(), str);
+ Print(EAlways, "Priority %s\n", str);
+ if (flags & KImageFixedAddressExe)
+ Print(EAlways, "Fixed process\n");
+ }
+ if (flags & KImageNoCallEntryPoint)
+ Print(EAlways, "Entry points are not called\n");
+ Print(EAlways, "Image header is format %d\n", hdrfmt>>24);
+ TUint compression = iOrigHdr->CompressionType();
+ switch (compression)
+ {
+ case KFormatNotCompressed:
+ Print(EAlways, "Image is not compressed\n");
+ break;
+ case KUidCompressionDeflate:
+ Print(EAlways, "Image is compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm\n");
+ break;
+ case KUidCompressionBytePair:
+ Print(EAlways, "Image is compressed using the BYTEPAIR algorithm\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ Print(EAlways, "Image compression type UNKNOWN (%08x)\n", compression);
+ }
+ if (compression)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Uncompressed size %08x\n", iOrigHdr->UncompressedFileSize());
+ }
+ TUint FPU = flags & KImageHWFloatMask;
+ if (FPU == KImageHWFloat_None)
+ Print(EAlways, "Image FPU support : Soft VFP\n");
+ else if (FPU == KImageHWFloat_VFPv2)
+ Print(EAlways, "Image FPU support : VFPv2\n");
+ else
+ Print(EAlways, "Image FPU support : Unknown\n");
+ if (flags & KImageCodeUnpaged)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Code Paging : Unpaged\n");
+ }
+ else if (flags & KImageCodePaged)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Code Paging : Paged\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Code Paging : Default\n");
+ }
+ if (flags & KImageDataUnpaged)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Data Paging : Unpaged\n");
+ }
+ else if (flags & KImageDataPaged)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Data Paging : Paged\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Data Paging : Default\n");
+ }
+ if(flags & KImageDebuggable)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Debuggable : True\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Debuggable : False\n");
+ }
+ if(flags & KImageSMPSafe)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "SMP Safe : True\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "SMP Safe : False\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (hdrfmt >= KImageHdrFmt_V && (aDumpFlags&(EDumpHeader|EDumpSecurityInfo)))
+ {
+ //
+ // Important. Don't change output format of following security info
+ // because this is relied on by used by "Symbian Signed".
+ //
+ E32ImageHeaderV* v = iHdr;
+ Print(EAlways, "Secure ID: %08x\n", v->iS.iSecureId);
+ Print(EAlways, "Vendor ID: %08x\n", v->iS.iVendorId);
+ Print(EAlways, "Capabilities: %08x %08x\n", v->iS.iCaps[1], v->iS.iCaps[0]);
+ if(aDumpFlags&EDumpSecurityInfo)
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ for(i=0; i<ECapability_Limit; i++)
+ if(v->iS.iCaps[i>>5]&(1<<(i&31)))
+ Print(EAlways, " %s\n", CapabilityNames[i]);
+ Print(EAlways, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if(aDumpFlags&EDumpHeader)
+ {
+ if (hdrfmt >= KImageHdrFmt_V)
+ {
+ E32ImageHeaderV* v = iHdr;
+ TUint32 xd = v->iExceptionDescriptor;
+ if ((xd & 1) && (xd != 0xffffffffu))
+ {
+ xd &= ~1;
+ Print(EAlways, "Exception Descriptor Offset: %08x\n", v->iExceptionDescriptor);
+ TExceptionDescriptor * aED = (TExceptionDescriptor * )(iData + v->iCodeOffset + xd);
+ Print(EAlways, "Exception Index Table Base: %08x\n", aED->iExIdxBase);
+ Print(EAlways, "Exception Index Table Limit: %08x\n", aED->iExIdxLimit);
+ Print(EAlways, "RO Segment Base: %08x\n", aED->iROSegmentBase);
+ Print(EAlways, "RO Segment Limit: %08x\n", aED->iROSegmentLimit);
+ }
+ else
+ Print(EAlways, "No Exception Descriptor\n");
+ Print(EAlways, "Export Description: Size=%03x, Type=%02x\n", v->iExportDescSize, v->iExportDescType);
+ if (v->iExportDescType != KImageHdr_ExpD_NoHoles)
+ {
+ TInt nb = v->iExportDescSize;
+ TInt i;
+ TInt j = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<nb; ++i)
+ {
+ if (++j == 8)
+ {
+ j = 0;
+ Print(EAlways,"\n");
+ }
+ Print(EAlways," %02x", v->iExportDesc[i]);
+ }
+ Print(EAlways,"\n");
+ }
+ TInt r = CheckExportDescription();
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ Print(EAlways,"Export description consistent\n");
+ else if (r == KErrNotSupported)
+ Print(EAlways,"Export description type not recognised\n");
+ else
+ Print(EAlways,"!! Export description inconsistent !!\n");
+ }
+ TUint32 mv = iOrigHdr->ModuleVersion();
+ Print(EAlways, "Module Version: %d.%d\n", mv>>16, mv&0xffff);
+ if (impfmt == KImageImpFmt_PE)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Imports are PE-style\n");
+ }
+ else if (impfmt == KImageImpFmt_ELF)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Imports are ELF-style\n");
+ }
+ else if (impfmt == KImageImpFmt_PE2)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Imports are PE-style without redundant ordinal lists\n");
+ }
+ if (isARM)
+ {
+ if (abi == KImageABI_GCC98r2)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "GCC98r2 ABI\n");
+ }
+ else if (abi == KImageABI_EABI)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "ARM EABI\n");
+ }
+ if (ept == KImageEpt_Eka1)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Built against EKA1\n");
+ }
+ else if (ept == KImageEpt_Eka2)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "Built against EKA2\n");
+ }
+ }
+ Print(EAlways, "Uids:\t\t%08x %08x %08x (%08x)\n", iOrigHdr->iUid1, iOrigHdr->iUid2, iOrigHdr->iUid3, iOrigHdr->iUidChecksum);
+ if (hdrfmt >= KImageHdrFmt_V)
+ Print(EAlways, "Header CRC:\t%08x\n", iHdr->iHeaderCrc);
+ Print(EAlways, "File Size:\t%08x\n", iSize);
+ Print(EAlways, "Code Size:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iCodeSize);
+ Print(EAlways, "Data Size:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iDataSize);
+ Print(EAlways, "Compression:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iCompressionType);
+ Print(EAlways, "Min Heap Size:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iHeapSizeMin);
+ Print(EAlways, "Max Heap Size:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iHeapSizeMax);
+ Print(EAlways, "Stack Size:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iStackSize);
+ Print(EAlways, "Code link addr:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iCodeBase);
+ Print(EAlways, "Data link addr:\t%08x\n", iOrigHdr->iDataBase);
+ Print(EAlways, "Code reloc offset:\t%08x\n", OrigCodeRelocOffset());
+ Print(EAlways, "Data reloc offset:\t%08x\n", OrigDataRelocOffset());
+ Print(EAlways, "Dll ref table count: %d\n", iOrigHdr->iDllRefTableCount);
+ if (iOrigHdr->iCodeSize || iOrigHdr->iDataSize || iOrigHdr->iBssSize || iOrigHdr->iImportOffset)
+ Print(EAlways, " Offset Size Relocs #Relocs\n");
+ Print(EAlways, "Code %06x %06x", OrigCodeOffset(), iOrigHdr->iCodeSize);
+ if (iOrigHdr->iCodeRelocOffset)
+ {
+ E32RelocSection *r=(E32RelocSection *)(iData + iOrigHdr->iCodeRelocOffset);
+ Print(EAlways, " %06x %06x", OrigCodeRelocOffset(), r->iNumberOfRelocs);
+ }
+ else
+ Print(EAlways, " ");
+ Print(EAlways, " +%06x (entry pnt)", iOrigHdr->iEntryPoint);
+ nl();
+ Print(EAlways, "Data %06x %06x", OrigDataOffset(), iOrigHdr->iDataSize);
+ if (iOrigHdr->iDataRelocOffset)
+ {
+ E32RelocSection *r=(E32RelocSection *)(iData + iOrigHdr->iDataRelocOffset);
+ Print(EAlways, " %06x %06x", OrigDataRelocOffset(), r->iNumberOfRelocs);
+ }
+ nl();
+ Print(EAlways, "Bss %06x\n", iOrigHdr->iBssSize);
+ if (iOrigHdr->iExportDirOffset)
+ Print(EAlways, "Export %06x %06x (%d entries)\n", OrigExportDirOffset(), iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount*4, iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount);
+ if (iOrigHdr->iImportOffset)
+ Print(EAlways, "Import %06x\n", OrigImportOffset());
+ }
+ }
+void dump(TUint *aData, TInt aLength)
+ {
+ TUint *p=aData;
+ TInt i=0;
+ char line[256];
+ char *cp=(char*)aData;
+ TInt j=0;
+ memset(line,' ',sizeof(line));
+ while (i<aLength)
+ {
+ TInt ccount=0;
+ char* linep=&line[8*9+2];
+ Print(EAlways, "%06x:", i);
+ while (i<aLength && ccount<8)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways," %08x", *p++);
+ i+=4;
+ ccount++;
+ for (j=0; j<4; j++)
+ {
+ char c=*cp++;
+ if (c<32 || c>127)
+ {
+ c = '.';
+ }
+ *linep++ = c;
+ }
+ }
+ *linep='\0';
+ Print(EAlways, "%s", line+(ccount*9));
+ nl();
+ }
+ }
+void dumprelocs(char *aRelocs)
+ {
+ TInt num=((E32RelocSection *)aRelocs)->iNumberOfRelocs;
+ Print(EAlways, "%d relocs\n", num);
+ aRelocs+=sizeof(E32RelocSection);
+ TInt printed=0;
+ while (num>0)
+ {
+ TInt page=*(TUint *)aRelocs;
+ TInt size=*(TUint *)(aRelocs+4);
+ TInt pagesize=size;
+ size-=8;
+ TUint16 *p=(TUint16 *)(aRelocs+8);
+ while (size>0)
+ {
+ TUint a=*p++;
+ TUint relocType = a >> 12;
+ if (relocType==3 || relocType==1)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "%08x(%1x) ", page+(a&0x0fff), relocType);
+ printed++;
+ if (printed>3)
+ {
+ nl();
+ printed=0;
+ }
+ }
+ size-=2;
+ num--;
+ }
+ aRelocs+=pagesize;
+ }
+ nl();
+ }
+void E32ImageFile::DumpData(TInt aDumpFlags)
+ {
+ if(aDumpFlags&EDumpCode)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "\nCode (text size=%08x)\n", iOrigHdr->iTextSize);
+ dump((TUint *)(iData + iOrigHdr->iCodeOffset), iOrigHdr->iCodeSize);
+ if (iOrigHdr->iCodeRelocOffset)
+ dumprelocs(iData + iOrigHdr->iCodeRelocOffset);
+ }
+ if((aDumpFlags&EDumpData) && iOrigHdr->iDataOffset)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "\nData\n");
+ dump((TUint *)(iData + iOrigHdr->iDataOffset), iOrigHdr->iDataSize);
+ if (iOrigHdr->iDataRelocOffset)
+ dumprelocs(iData + iOrigHdr->iDataRelocOffset);
+ }
+ if(aDumpFlags&EDumpExports)
+ {
+ Print(EAlways, "\nNumber of exports = %d\n", iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount);
+ TInt i;
+ TUint* exports = (TUint*)(iData + iOrigHdr->iExportDirOffset);
+ TUint absoluteEntryPoint = iOrigHdr->iEntryPoint + iOrigHdr->iCodeBase;
+ TUint impfmt = iOrigHdr->ImportFormat();
+ TUint absentVal = (impfmt == KImageImpFmt_ELF) ? absoluteEntryPoint : iOrigHdr->iEntryPoint;
+ for (i=0; i<iOrigHdr->iExportDirCount; ++i)
+ {
+ TUint exp = exports[i];
+ if (exp == absentVal)
+ Print(EAlways, "\tOrdinal %5d:\tABSENT\n", i+1);
+ else
+ Print(EAlways, "\tOrdinal %5d:\t%08x\n", i+1, exp);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Important. Don't change output format of following inport info
+ // because this is relied on by tools used by "Symbian Signed".
+ //
+ if((aDumpFlags&EDumpImports) && iOrigHdr->iImportOffset)
+ {
+ const E32ImportSection* isection = (const E32ImportSection*)(iData + iOrigHdr->iImportOffset);
+ TUint* iat = (TUint*)((TUint8*)iData + iOrigHdr->iCodeOffset + iOrigHdr->iTextSize);
+ Print(EAlways, "\nIdata\tSize=%08x\n", isection->iSize);
+ Print(EAlways, "Offset of import address table (relative to code section): %08x\n", iOrigHdr->iTextSize);
+ TInt d;
+ const E32ImportBlock* b = (const E32ImportBlock*)(isection + 1);
+ for (d=0; d<iOrigHdr->iDllRefTableCount; d++)
+ {
+ char* dllname = iData + iOrigHdr->iImportOffset + b->iOffsetOfDllName;
+ TInt n = b->iNumberOfImports;
+ Print(EAlways, "%d imports from %s\n", b->iNumberOfImports, dllname);
+ const TUint* p = b->Imports();
+ TUint impfmt = iOrigHdr->ImportFormat();
+ if (impfmt == KImageImpFmt_ELF)
+ {
+ while (n--)
+ {
+ TUint impd_offset = *p++;
+ TUint impd = *(TUint*)(iData + iOrigHdr->iCodeOffset + impd_offset);
+ TUint ordinal = impd & 0xffff;
+ TUint offset = impd >> 16;
+ if (offset)
+ Print(EAlways, "%10d offset by %d\n", ordinal, offset);
+ else
+ Print(EAlways, "%10d\n", ordinal);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while (n--)
+ Print(EAlways, "\t%d\n", *iat++);
+ }
+ b = b->NextBlock(impfmt);
+ }
+ }
+ }