--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolsandutils/e32tools/elftools/inc/elffile.h Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined(__ELFFILE_H__)
+#define __ELFFILE_H__
+#include <e32rom.h>
+#include "e32ldfmt.h"
+#include <tools/elfdefs.h>
+#define ELFADDR(rtype, p, o) (rtype *)(((char *)p) + o)
+enum TImportStat {EImpError, EImpSuccess, EImpDone};
+class ELFFile
+ {
+ ELFFile();
+ ~ELFFile();
+ TBool Init(const TText * const aFileName);
+ void Close(void);
+ char *CreateImportSection(TInt &aSize);
+ TBool GetRelocs(Elf32_Rel **aCodeRelocs, Elf32_Rel **aDataRelocs);
+ TUint16 GetRelocType(Elf32_Rel* aReloc);
+ TInt NumberOfImports() const;
+ TInt NumberOfImportDlls() const;
+ TInt NumberOfExports() const;
+ TInt NumberOfRelocs();
+ TInt NumberOfCodeRelocs();
+ TInt NumberOfDataRelocs();
+ TUint iCodeSize;
+ TUint iDataSize;
+ TUint iBssSize;
+ TUint GetCodeSize();
+ TBool HasInitialisedData();
+ TUint GetDataSize();
+ TBool HasBssData();
+ TUint GetBssSize();
+ Elf32_Phdr * GetSegment(TInt idx) {return &iPhdr[idx];}
+ Elf32_Phdr * GetSegmentFromAddr(Elf32_Addr addr);
+ char * GetCode() { return ELFADDR(char, iElfFile, iCodeSegmentHdr->p_offset); }
+ char * GetData() { return ELFADDR(char, iElfFile, iDataSegmentHdr->p_offset); }
+ TBool CodeSegmentP(Elf32_Phdr * s) { return (TBool)(s == iCodeSegmentHdr); }
+ TBool CodeSegmentP(TInt idx) { return (TBool)(idx == iCodeSegmentIdx); }
+ TInt CodeSegmentIndex() {return iCodeSegmentIdx;}
+ TBool DataSegmentP(Elf32_Phdr * s) { return (TBool)(s == iDataSegmentHdr); }
+ TBool DataSegmentP(TInt idx) { return (TBool)(idx == iDataSegmentIdx); }
+ TInt DataSegmentIndex() {return iDataSegmentIdx;}
+ TUint * CodePtrFromAddr(Elf32_Addr addr) { return PtrInSegment(iCodeSegmentHdr, addr); }
+ TUint * DataPtrFromAddr(Elf32_Addr addr) { return PtrInSegment(iDataSegmentHdr, addr); }
+ char * ELFFileBase() { return (char *) iElfFile; }
+ TUint GetExportTableOffset(void);
+ TUint GetEntryPointOffset(void) { return iElfFile->e_entry - iCodeSegmentHdr->p_vaddr; }
+ TBool SymbolPresent(TText *s);
+ Elf32_Sym * FindSymbol(const TText *);
+ TBool GetExceptionIndexInfo(TUint32 &aOffset);
+ TBool SetUpLookupTable();
+ void SetLookupTblBase(TInt);
+ TInt GetLookupTblSize();
+ void GetExportSymInfoHeader(E32EpocExpSymInfoHdr& aSymInfoHdr);
+ TUint GetSymLookupSection(char* aBuff);
+ TBool InitHeaders(void);
+ TBool InitDllData(void);
+ TUint * PtrInSegment(Elf32_Phdr * phdr, Elf32_Addr addr)
+ {
+ return ELFADDR(TUint, ELFADDR(TUint, iElfFile, phdr->p_offset), (addr - phdr->p_vaddr));
+ }
+ TBool IsValidFileHeader(Elf32_Ehdr * aElfHdr);
+ void CopySectionData(TAny *source, TAny *dest, TUint32 fileLength, TUint32 memLength);
+ TBool ProcessRelocData(TAny *relocData,TInt dataSize);
+ ELFFile(const ELFFile&);
+ const ELFFile & operator = (const ELFFile&);
+ TBool iImageIsDll;
+ TBool ImageIsDll() { return iImageIsDll; }
+ Elf32_Addr iLinkedBase;
+ TUint iEntryPoint;
+ TUint iHeapCommittedSize;
+ TUint iHeapReservedSize;
+ TUint iStackCommittedSize;
+ TUint iStackReservedSize;
+ friend class E32ImageFile;
+ friend class E32ImageFile_ELF;
+ TText * iFileName;
+ TInt32 iFileHandle;
+ Elf32_Ehdr * iElfFile;
+ Elf32_Phdr * iPhdr;
+ Elf32_Phdr * iDynamicSegmentHdr;
+ TInt iDynamicSegmentIdx;
+ Elf32_Phdr * iCodeSegmentHdr;
+ TInt iCodeSegmentIdx;
+ Elf32_Phdr * iDataSegmentHdr;
+ TInt iDataSegmentIdx;
+ Elf32_Shdr * iSectionHeaderTable;
+ TInt iSymIdx;
+ Elf32_Sym * iSymTab;
+ class ELFDllData;
+ ELFDllData * iDllData;
+ TCpu iCpu;
+ };