changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolsandutils/productionbldtools/BAK/	Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# Version Info:
+# Version 001: initial version
+use strict;
+use File::Copy; 
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Cwd;
+# ------------------------------------- Global variables -----------------------------------
+my $DevKitPackagesDirectory = "";
+my $TargetDirectory = "";
+my $SrcDefFile = "";
+my $KitBuildID = "";
+my $Version="";
+my $oldLayoutIntroPages = 0; # FALSE
+# start the program
+# --------------------------------- Start of SearchAndReplace() ----------------------------
+# Parameters: <search string> <replace string> <old file name> <new file name>
+sub SearchAndReplace($$$$)
+	# read in file
+	open (FILE, "<$_[2]") or die "Couldn't open file $_[2]";
+	my @file = <FILE>;
+	close(FILE);
+	if ($_[3] eq $_[2])
+	{
+		unlink($_[2]);
+	}
+	open (FILE, ">$_[3]") or die "Couldn't create file $_[3]";
+	foreach my $line (@file)
+	{
+		$line =~ s/$_[0]/$_[1]/gi ;
+    		print FILE $line ;
+	}
+	close(FILE);
+# --------------------------------- CommandLineInterface() ----------------------------------------
+sub CommandLineInterface()
+	my $help;
+	if ( (GetOptions( "devkit|d=s" => \$DevKitPackagesDirectory,
+			  "target|t=s" => \$TargetDirectory,
+			  "help|h|?" => \$help,
+			  "srcdef|s=s" => \$SrcDefFile,
+			  "version|v=s" => \$Version,
+			  "kitbuildid|k=s" => \$KitBuildID ) == 0 ) || ($help == 1) )
+	{
+		Usage();
+		exit; 
+	}
+	# check values received
+	# check that DevKit is in stated directory, exit if not found
+	my @Packages = <$DevKitPackagesDirectory/com.symbian.devkit.*.sdkpkg>;
+	if ( scalar(@Packages) == 0 )
+	{
+		die "DevKit packages not found in directory: $DevKitPackagesDirectory\n";
+	}
+	# check that target location to write extracted files to exists
+	while ( (substr($TargetDirectory, -1, 1) eq '\\') || (substr($TargetDirectory, -1, 1) eq '/') )
+	{
+		chop($TargetDirectory); 		# remove final backslashes
+	}	
+	if (! -e $TargetDirectory) 
+	{
+		mkdir $TargetDirectory;
+	}
+	# check that srcdef (*.srcdef) file exists
+	if ( ($SrcDefFile ne "") && (! -e $SrcDefFile) )
+	{
+		die ".srcdef file not found at: $SrcDefFile\n";
+	}
+	# check that version has been specified
+	if ($Version eq "") 
+	{
+		die "Version number undefined\n";
+	}
+# --------------------------------- Usage() ----------------------------------------
+sub Usage()
+BUILDBAK.PL    Version 1.0    Copyright (c) 2005 Symbian Software Ltd
+                              All rights reserved
+  perl  [options]
+where options are:
+  -d[evkit] <path>        path to directory containing DevKit packages
+  -k[itbuildID] <ID>      Kit build ID (e.g. 03651b_Symbian_OS_v9.1 or 02407 (v7.0s))
+  -s[rcdef] <path>        full path and file name for the .srcdef file
+  -t[arget] <path>        path to directory to build BAK into
+  -v[ersion] <number>     Symbian OS version number (e.g. 7.0s or 9.1)
+# --------------------------------- Start of CopyPreBuiltPackagesAndInstaller() ----------------------------------------
+sub CopyPreBuiltPackagesAndInstaller($$)
+	# underscore required at end of filenames which may be ambiguous (i.e.  com.symbian.bin.GT-arm_ and  com.symbian.bin.GT-arm-data_)
+	my @Files=(	"com.symbian.api.GT-arm_",
+			"com.symbian.api.GT-restricted_",
+			"com.symbian.api.GT-shared_",
+			"com.symbian.api.GT-winscw_",
+			"com.symbian.api.GT-wins_",
+			"com.symbian.api.TechView-arm_",
+			"com.symbian.api.TechView-restricted_",
+			"com.symbian.api.TechView-shared_",
+			"com.symbian.api.TechView-winscw_",
+			"com.symbian.api.TechView-wins_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.GT-arm-data_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.GT-arm_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.GT-restricted-data_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.GT-restricted_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.GT-shared-data_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.GT-shared_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.GT-wins-shared_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.GT-wins-udeb_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.GT-wins-urel_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.GT-winscw-shared_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.GT-winscw-udeb_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.GT-winscw-urel_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-arm-data_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-arm_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-restricted-data_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-restricted_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-shared-data_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-shared_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-wins-shared_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-wins-udeb_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-wins-urel_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-winscw-shared_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-winscw-udeb_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-winscw-urel_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-winscw_",
+			"com.symbian.bin.TechView-wins_",
+			"com.symbian.debug.GT-winscw_",
+			"com.symbian.debug.GT-wins_",
+			"com.symbian.debug.TechView-winscw_",
+			"com.symbian.debug.TechView-wins_",
+			"com.symbian.doc.intro-pages_",
+			"com.symbian.doc.sdl-cpp-examples_",
+			"com.symbian.doc.sdl-java-examples_",
+			"com.symbian.doc.sdl-shared-examples_",
+			"com.symbian.src.GT-general_",
+			"com.symbian.src.open_",
+			"",
+			"",
+			"",
+			"",
+			"",
+			"",
+			"",
+			"",
+			"",
+			"",
+			"",
+			"",
+			"",
+			"",
+	# installer
+			"autorun.inf",
+			"",
+			"data1.hdr",
+			"",
+			"ikernel.ex_",
+			"layout.bin",
+			"Setup.exe",
+			"setup.inx",
+			"ReadMe.html");
+	print "Checking to see what files need copying...\n";
+	foreach my $file (@Files)
+	{
+		my @fullfilename = <$DevKitPackagesDirectory\\$file*>;
+		$fullfilename[0] =~ m/([^\\\/]*)$/i;
+		my $filename = $1;
+		if (! -e "$TargetDirectory\\$filename") 
+		{
+			copy "$DevKitPackagesDirectory\\$filename",  "$TargetDirectory\\$filename";
+			print "  copied:  $filename\n";
+		}
+	}
+# --------------------------------- Start of WriteSetupIni() ----------------------------------------
+sub WriteSetupIni()
+	# write setup.ini with current KitID
+	print "Writing setup.ini...\n";
+	open (FILE, ">$TargetDirectory\\setup.ini") or die "Couldn't open file $TargetDirectory\\setup.ini";
+	print FILE "[Startup]\n";
+	print FILE "FreeDiskSpace=0\n";
+	print FILE "AppName=Symbian OS Kit Installer\n";
+	print FILE "[Languages]\n";
+	print FILE "Default=0x0009\n";
+	print FILE "count=1\n";
+	print FILE "key0=0x0009\n";
+	print FILE "[Symbian]\n";
+	print FILE "KitID=$KitBuildID\n";
+	print FILE "TargetDirectory=Symbian\n";
+	print FILE "DiskSpaceRequirementMessage=Please note that a full installation of the Kit may require up to 2.0Gb of disk space on an NTFS partition or 2.5Gb on a FAT32 partition, in addition to around 500Mb of space in the system Temporary directory.\n";
+	close(FILE);
+# --------------------------------- BuildChangedPackages() ----------------------------------------
+sub BuildChangedPackages()
+	print "Building new packages...\n";
+	SearchAndReplace("X.X", $Version, "com.symbian.api.StrongCrypto.template", "com.symbian.api.StrongCrypto.pkgdef");
+	SearchAndReplace("X.X", $Version, "com.symbian.bak.bin.template", "com.symbian.bak.bin.pkgdef");
+	SearchAndReplace("X.X", $Version, "com.symbian.bak.doc-old.layout.template", "com.symbian.bak.doc.pkgdef") if ($oldLayoutIntroPages);
+	SearchAndReplace("X.X", $Version, "com.symbian.bak.doc.template", "com.symbian.bak.doc.pkgdef") if (!$oldLayoutIntroPages);
+	SearchAndReplace("X.X", $Version, "com.symbian.bak.src.template", "com.symbian.bak.src.pkgdef");
+	SearchAndReplace("X.X", $Version, "com.symbian.bak.tool.template", "com.symbian.bak.tool.pkgdef");
+	system ("buildpkg.exe -v -f -b $KitBuildID -k $KitBuildID com.symbian.api.StrongCrypto.pkgdef");
+	system ("buildpkg.exe -v -f -b $KitBuildID -k $KitBuildID com.symbian.bak.bin.pkgdef");
+	system ("buildpkg.exe -v -f -b $KitBuildID -k $KitBuildID com.symbian.bak.doc.pkgdef");
+	system ("buildpkg.exe -v -f -b $KitBuildID -k $KitBuildID com.symbian.bak.src.pkgdef");
+	system ("buildpkg.exe -v -f -b $KitBuildID -k $KitBuildID com.symbian.bak.tool.pkgdef");
+# --------------------------------- BuildNewNavigationPages() ----------------------------------------
+sub BuildNewNavigationPages()
+	print "Building new navigation pages...\n";
+	system ("rd [sdkroot] /s/q");
+	system ("unzip -q -o $DevKitPackagesDirectory\\com.symbian.doc.intro-pages_0_0* -x package.xml");
+	system ("copy start.html [sdkroot]\\doc");
+	system ("copy readme.html [sdkroot]\\doc\\documents") if (($Version !~ /^7\./) && ($Version !~ /^8\./)); # for v9 and later
+	system ("copy aboutdevkit*.gif [sdkroot]\\doc\\Graphics");
+	SearchAndReplace("X.X", $Version, "com.symbian.doc.intro-pages.template", "com.symbian.doc.intro-pages.pkgdef");
+	system ("buildpkg.exe -v -f -b $KitBuildID -k $KitBuildID com.symbian.doc.intro-pages.pkgdef");
+# --------------------------------- BuildNewSrcDefFile() ----------------------------------------
+sub BuildNewSrcDefFile()
+	SearchAndReplace("%version%", $KitBuildID, "DevKit.srcdef.template", "$KitBuildID.srcdef");
+# --------------------------------- Main() ----------------------------------------
+sub main()
+	# N.B. ensure path contains \epoc32\tools;\epoc32\gcc\bin;
+	CommandLineInterface();
+	$oldLayoutIntroPages = 1 if ($Version =~ /^7\./) || ($Version =~ /^8\.0/); # set TRUE for v8.0 and previous
+	# get required pre-built package definitions and installer
+	CopyPreBuiltPackagesAndInstaller($DevKitPackagesDirectory, $TargetDirectory);
+	# write the new setup.ini file
+	WriteSetupIni();
+	# build changed packages and move to target directory
+	BuildChangedPackages();
+	# build new navigation pages 
+	BuildNewNavigationPages() if (!$oldLayoutIntroPages);
+	# move changed packages to target directory
+	foreach my $sdkpkg (<*.sdkpkg>)
+	{
+		if (move ($sdkpkg, $TargetDirectory) == 0)
+		{	print $!; }
+	}
+	unlink <*.pkgdef>;
+	# build srcdef file for this Kit if necessary
+	my $SrcDefFilePreExisted = 1;
+	if ($SrcDefFile eq "") 
+	{
+		BuildNewSrcDefFile();
+		my $dir = cwd;
+		$SrcDefFile = "$dir\\$KitBuildID.srcdef";
+		$SrcDefFilePreExisted = 0;
+	}
+	# copy the readme.html file and licence text to root of BAK
+	system ("copy [sdkroot]\\doc\\documents\\readme.html $TargetDirectory") if (!$oldLayoutIntroPages);
+	system ("copy [sdkroot]\\doc\\packages\\sdl7.0\\intro_pages\\readme.html $TargetDirectory") if ($oldLayoutIntroPages);
+	system ("copy licence.txt $TargetDirectory");
+	# create XML package source file
+	print "Creating XML source file...\n";
+	chdir $TargetDirectory;
+	system("createpkgsrc -s \"$SrcDefFile\"");
+	unlink $SrcDefFile if ($SrcDefFilePreExisted == 0);