changeset 0 83f4b4db085c
child 10 d4b442d23379
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolsandutils/productionbldtools/	Tue Feb 02 01:39:43 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
+# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+use strict;
+package ZipLog2Pkg;
+use File::Path;
+use CProgressLog;
+use KitStandardLocations;
+my $log;
+my %stdVars = ();
+# --------------------------------- Start of ZipLog2Pkg() ----------------------------
+sub ZipLog2Pkg($$)
+	my $cmdfile = shift;
+	my $parameters = shift;
+	my @options = grep(/^-/,$parameters);
+	my $verbose = 1;
+	foreach my $option (@options)
+		{
+		if ($option eq "-v")
+			{
+			$verbose = 2;
+			}
+		elsif (($option eq "-batch") || ($option eq "-b"))
+			{
+			$verbose = 0;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			print "WARNING: Option '$option' not understood; ignoring\n";
+			}
+		}
+	# set up hash containing variables defined in
+	foreach my $var (@KitStandardLocations::EXPORT)
+		{
+		$var =~ s/\$//;
+		eval{
+			no strict 'refs';
+			$stdVars{"%".$var."%"} = "$$var";
+			};
+		} 
+	my $PlatformProductToolsDir = $FindBin::Bin;
+	$PlatformProductToolsDir =~ s/common/$KitStandardLocations::Platform/i;    # change "common" to platform name in path to tools directory
+	$stdVars{"%baseline%"} = "$PlatformProductToolsDir\\baseline";
+	$log = New CProgressLog($verbose);
+	open (CMDFILE, "<$cmdfile") or print "Unable to open $cmdfile - $!\n" ;
+	my $packages = {};
+	my @files;
+	my @usedFiles;
+	my $version;
+	my @global_map;
+	$global_map[0] = "";				# global map from
+	$global_map[1] = "[emul]\\";		# global map to
+	foreach my $line (<CMDFILE>)
+		{
+		chomp($line);
+		if ($line =~ /^#/)
+			{
+			print "\n$line\n" # Printable comment
+			}
+		elsif (($line =~ /^\/\//) || ($line =~ /^\s*$/))
+			{
+			# Nonprintable comment or blank line
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			# replace standard variables in @params
+			if ($line =~ /%/)
+			{
+				$line = replaceStdVars ($line)
+			}		
+			my @parms = split(" ", $line);
+			# Recombine quoted entries
+			for (my $index=0; $index < scalar(@parms); $index++)
+				{
+				if ($parms[$index] =~ /^\"/)
+					{
+					# If double quoted
+					my $entry = $parms[$index];
+					while ( ($entry !~ /\"$/) && ( ($index+1) < scalar(@parms) ) )
+						{
+						# If end quote not found, merge following entry 
+						$entry = $entry." ".$parms[$index+1];
+						splice @parms, $index+1, 1;
+						}
+					if ($entry !~ /\"$/)
+						{
+						if ($entry =~ /^\"[^\"]*$/)
+							{
+							die "'$line' invalid: Opening quote must have corresponding close quote\n";
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							die "'$line' invalid: Close quote must come at end of parameter\n";
+							}
+						}
+					# Store combined quoted entries
+					$entry =~ s/^\"//;
+					$entry =~ s/\"$//;
+					splice @parms, $index, 1, $entry;
+					}
+				elsif ($parms[$index] =~ /^'/)
+					{
+					# If single quoted
+					my $entry = $parms[$index];
+					while ( ($entry !~ /'$/) && ( ($index+1) < scalar(@parms) ) )
+						{
+						# If end quote not found, merge following entry 
+						$entry = $entry." ".$parms[$index+1];
+						splice @parms, $index+1, 1;
+						}
+					if ($entry !~ /'$/)
+						{
+						if ($entry =~ /^'[^']*$/)
+							{
+							die "'$line' invalid: Opening quote must have corresponding close quote\n";
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							die "'$line' invalid: Close quote must come at end of parameter\n";
+							}
+						}
+					# Store combined quoted entries
+					$entry =~ s/^'//;
+					$entry =~ s/'$//;
+					splice @parms, $index, 1, $entry;
+					}
+				}
+			my $command = shift @parms;
+			$command = lc($command);
+			if (($command eq "load") or ($command eq "add"))
+				{
+				if ($command eq "load")
+					{
+					# Don't append this; clear first
+					if (scalar(@files)>0)
+						{
+						$log->Warn("WARNING: ".scalar(@files)." files discarded.");
+						}
+					@files = ();
+					}
+				if (scalar(@parms) != 1)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected only one parameter (ziplog filename)\n";
+					}
+				my @new;
+				if ($parms[0] =~ /^#/)
+					{
+					my $file = $parms[0];
+					$file =~ s/^#//;
+					@new = @{readFileList($file)};
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					@new = @{readZiplog($parms[0])};
+					}
+				$log->Progress("");
+				my $orig = scalar(@files);
+				@files = (@files, @new);
+				# Clear any additional duplicated items
+				@files = @{removeDuplicates(\@files, 1)};
+				# Don't load in any lines that were previously loaded
+				# (add in @usedFiles twice, remove all duplicates)
+				@files = (@usedFiles, @usedFiles, @files);
+				@files = @{removeDuplicates(\@files, 0)}; # Removes all
+				        # of the @used files added, plus any of those which
+						# matched the original @files too
+				$log->Progress("Loaded $parms[0]. ".scalar(@new)." files (".(scalar(@new)+$orig-scalar(@files))." duplicates)");
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "patch")
+				{
+				if (scalar(@parms) != 1)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected only one parameter (file list filename)\n";
+					}
+				my $file = $parms[0];
+				if ($file =~ /^#/)
+					{
+					$file=~s/^#//;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					$log->Error("ERROR: Patch file should be prefixed with a '#' to specify filelist.\nAttempting default of filelist.");
+					}
+				# Read file list in
+				my @filelist = @{readFileList($file)};
+				# Add them back in to files to match
+				my $orig = scalar(@files);
+				@files = (@files, @filelist);
+				@files = @{removeDuplicates(\@files, 1)};
+				# Take them out of files already matched
+				# (so a load containing one of them won't eliminate it)
+				@usedFiles = (@usedFiles, @filelist, @filelist);
+				@usedFiles = @{removeDuplicates(\@usedFiles, 0)};
+				$log->Progress("Loaded $parms[0]. ".scalar(@filelist)." files (".(scalar(@filelist)+$orig-scalar(@files))." duplicates)");
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "create")
+				{
+				# Create package list
+				if (scalar(@parms) < 2)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected at least 2 parameters (package name, device name, [dependencies ...])\n";
+					}
+				# Parms: packagePath, device, dependencies...
+				my $packagePath = shift @parms;
+				my $device = shift @parms;
+				my $packageName = $packagePath;
+				$packageName =~ s/^.*[\/\\]//;
+				$packagePath =~ s/[\/\\][^\/\\]+$/\\/ or $packagePath = "";
+				if ($packageName eq "null")
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nCannot create package named 'null'. This name is reserved for files not to be written\n";
+					}
+				$packages->{$packageName} = [$packagePath, $device, [], \@parms, [], [], \@global_map, "", "", "", []];
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "path")
+				{
+				# Parms: packageName, path to add
+				if (scalar(@parms) != 2)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected 2 parameters (package name, path to add)\n";
+					}
+				my $packageName = shift @parms;
+				my $path = shift @parms;
+				my ($packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags) = @{$packages->{$packageName}};
+				push @$paths, $path;
+				$packages->{$packageName} = [$packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags];
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "menu")
+				{
+				# Parms: package name, menu entry, description, working path, file path [arguments, icon path]
+				if (scalar(@parms) < 5)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected at least 5 parameters (package name, menu entry, description, working path, file path, arguments, icon path)\n";
+					}
+				my ($packageName,$entry,$desc,$path,$file,$args,$icon) = @parms;
+				my ($packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags) = @{$packages->{$packageName}};
+				push @$menu, [$entry, $desc, $path, $file, $args, $icon];
+				$packages->{$packageName} = [$packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags];
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "map_global")
+				{
+				# Parms: global map from, global map to
+				if (scalar(@parms) != 2)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected 2 parameters (global map from, global map to)\n";
+					}
+				@global_map = @parms;
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "map")
+				{
+				# Parms: packageName, map from, map to
+				if (scalar(@parms) != 3)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected 3 parameters (package name, map from, map to)\n";
+					}
+				my ($packageName, $from, $to) = @parms;
+				my ($packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags) = @{$packages->{$packageName}};
+				$packages->{$packageName} = [$packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, [$from, $to], $category, $description, $licence, $tags];
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "category")
+				{	
+				# Parms: packageName, category
+				if (scalar(@parms) < 2)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected 2 parameters (package name, category)\n";
+					}
+				my $packageName = shift @parms;
+				my ($packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags) = @{$packages->{$packageName}};
+				my $category = shift @parms;
+				$packages->{$packageName} = [$packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags];
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "description")
+				{
+				# Parms: packageName, description
+				if (scalar(@parms) < 2)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected 2 parameters (package name, description)\n";
+					}
+				my $packageName = shift @parms;
+				my ($packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags) = @{$packages->{$packageName}};
+				my $description = shift @parms;
+				$packages->{$packageName} = [$packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags];
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "licence")
+				{
+				# Parms: packageName, licence file
+				if (scalar(@parms) != 2)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected 2 parameters (package name, licence file)\n";
+					}
+				my $packageName = shift @parms;
+				my ($packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags) = @{$packages->{$packageName}};
+				my $licence = shift @parms;
+				$packages->{$packageName} = [$packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags];
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "tag")
+				{
+				# Parms: packageName, tag name, tag value
+				if (scalar(@parms) != 3)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected 3 parameters (package name, tag name, tag value)\n";
+					}
+				my ($packageName, $tagName, $tagValue) = @parms;
+				my ($packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags) = @{$packages->{$packageName}};
+				$packages->{$packageName} = [$packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, [$tagName, $tagValue]];
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "test")
+				{
+				# Warn if any files match
+				if (scalar(@parms) < 1)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected >1 parameter (expressions to match)\n";
+					}
+				my @files = @{ match(\@files, \@parms, [0], $cmdfile) };
+				foreach my $file (@files)
+					{
+					$log->Warn("WARNING: '$file' matched tests '".join(", ",@parms)."'");
+					}
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "write")
+				{
+				# Write out to a package list
+				my @options = grep(/^-/,@parms);
+				my @parms = grep(!/^-/,@parms);
+				if (scalar(@parms) < 2)
+					{
+					die "'$line' invalid:\nExpected >2 parameters (expressions..., package name)\n";
+					}
+				my $warn = 1;
+				foreach my $option (@options)
+					{
+					if ($option eq "-nowarn")
+						{
+						$warn = 0;
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						die "'$line' invalid:\nOption $option not understood\n";
+						}
+					}
+				my $packageName = pop @parms;
+				# Perform the matching
+				my @package = @{ match(\@files,\@parms, [$warn], $cmdfile) };
+				# Get list of the files that are still to be matched
+				@files = (@files, @package, @package);
+				@files = @{removeDuplicates(\@files,0)};
+				# Record the matched files as used
+				@usedFiles = (@usedFiles, @package);
+				$log->Progress("Matched ".scalar(@package)." files for $packageName");
+				if (defined($packages->{$packageName}))
+					{	
+					my ($packagePath, $device, $merge, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags) = @{$packages->{$packageName}};
+					$merge = [@package, @$merge];
+					$packages->{$packageName} = [$packagePath, $device, $merge, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags];
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					if ($packageName ne "null")
+						{
+						die "\nIn line '$line':\nAttempt to add to non-existent package '$packageName'.\nUse 'create $packageName [device name]' to create the package definition first\n";
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			elsif ($command eq "version")
+				{
+				if (defined($version))
+					{
+					die "\nIn line '$line':\nVersion has already been defined. One script can only have one version\n";
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					if (scalar(@parms) > 1)
+						{
+						die "\nIn line '$line':\nExpected only one parameter (spaces must be quoted)\n";
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						$version = shift @parms;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				$log->Error("ERROR: Command not understood; ignoring: $line");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	close(CMDFILE);
+	# Write out $packages
+	my $device;
+	my $files;
+	my $dependencies;
+	my $paths;
+	my $menu;
+	my $map;
+	my $category;
+	my $description;
+	my $licence;
+	my $tags;
+	my $packagePath;
+	foreach my $pkgName (keys(%$packages))
+		{
+		($packagePath, $device, $files, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $category, $description, $licence, $tags) = @{$packages->{$pkgName}};
+		writePkg($packagePath, $pkgName, $files, $device, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $version, $category, $description, $licence, $tags);
+		}
+sub readZiplog($)
+	{
+	my ($zipLog)=@_;
+	my @package;
+	# read in file
+	open (FILE, "<$zipLog") or die "Couldn't open file $zipLog";
+	# parse for elements we want
+	foreach my $line (<FILE>)
+		{
+		$line =~ s/^\s+// ;
+		if ($line =~ m/^adding: (.*)$/ )
+			{
+			# found line with file on - need to parse
+			my $fileline = $1;
+			# remove (deflated... or (stored... or ( anything   bit at end
+			$fileline=~s/ \(.*\)$//;
+			$fileline =~ s/\s+$// ;
+			# ignore lines ending in slash - probably a directory
+			if ($fileline =~ /\/$/ )
+				{
+				print "Directory?? - $fileline\n" ;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				$fileline =~ s,/,\\,g;
+				$fileline =~ s/^[\/\\]//;
+				push (@package, $fileline);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	close(FILE);
+	return \@package;
+	}
+sub readFileList($)
+	{
+	my ($file) = @_;
+	my @filelist;
+	# Read file list in
+	open (FILELIST, $file) or die "File '$file' not found\n";
+	while (my $filename=<FILELIST>)
+		{
+		chomp($filename);
+		$filename =~ s,/,\\,g ;
+		$filename =~ s/^[\/\\]//;  # remove initial slash
+		push @filelist, $filename;
+		}
+	close(FILELIST);
+	return \@filelist;
+	}
+sub writePkg($$$$$$$$$$$$)
+	{
+	my ($pkgPath, $pkgName, $fileList, $device, $dependencies, $paths, $menu, $map, $version, $category, $description, $licence, $tags) = @_;
+	my $from;
+	my $to;
+	if ($map != 0)
+		{
+		($from, $to) = @$map;
+		}
+	if ($pkgPath ne "")
+		{
+		mkpath($pkgPath);
+		if (-e $pkgPath)
+			{
+			if (!(-d $pkgPath))
+				{
+				die "Couldn't open output dir $pkgPath (file of the same name already exists)\n";
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			die "Couldn't open output dir $pkgPath\n";
+			}
+		}
+	open (FILE, ">$pkgPath$pkgName.pkgdef") or die "Couldn't open output file $pkgPath$pkgName.pkgdef";
+	print (FILE "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO8859-1\"?>\n");
+	print (FILE "\n");
+	print (FILE "<packagedef version=\"1.0\">\n");
+	print (FILE "  <package name=\"$pkgName\" major-version=\"0\" minor-version=\"0\">\n");
+	print (FILE "    <supplier>Symbian Ltd</supplier>\n");
+	print (FILE "    <sdk-version>$version</sdk-version>\n");
+	print (FILE "    <category>$category</category>\n") if ($category ne "");
+	print (FILE "    <description>$description</description>\n\n") if ($description ne "");
+	print (FILE "    <licensing-agreement xml:lang=\"en_US\" document-root=\"".$licence."\"  mime-type=\"text\/plain\"/>\n") if ($licence ne "");
+	print (FILE "    <attributes>\n      <device name=\"".$device."\"/>\n    </attributes>\n") if ($device ne "device");
+	if (scalar(@$tags) > 0)
+	{
+		print (FILE "    <install-path-tags>\n");
+		(my $tagName, my $tagValue) = @$tags;
+		print (FILE "      <tag tag=\"$tagName\">$tagValue</tag>\n");
+		print (FILE "    </install-path-tags>\n");
+	}
+	if (scalar(@$dependencies) > 0)
+		{
+		print (FILE "    <dependencies>\n");
+		foreach my $dependency (@$dependencies)
+			{
+			print (FILE "      <dependency name=\"$dependency\" major-version=\"0\" minor-version=\"0\" build-number=\"0\"/>\n");
+			}
+		print (FILE "    </dependencies>\n");
+		}
+	if (scalar(@$paths) > 0)
+		{
+		print (FILE "    <environment-changes>\n");
+		foreach my $path (@$paths)
+			{
+			print (FILE "      <add-to-variable name=\"Path\" value=\"$path\" how=\"append\" separator=\";\"/>\n");
+			}
+		print (FILE "    </environment-changes>\n");
+		}
+	if (scalar(@$menu) > 0)
+		{
+		print (FILE "    <shortcuts>\n");
+		foreach my $entry (@$menu)
+			{
+			my ($name, $description, $workingDirectory, $filePath, $arguments, $iconPath) = @$entry;
+			print (FILE "      <shortcut shortcut-path=\"Symbian\" file-path=\"".$filePath."\"");
+			print (FILE " description=\"".$description."\"") unless ($description eq "");
+			print (FILE " arguments=\'".$arguments."\'") unless ($arguments eq "");
+			print (FILE " working-directory=\"".$workingDirectory."\"") unless ($workingDirectory eq "");
+			print (FILE ">\n");
+			print (FILE "        <shortcut-name xml:lang=\"en-US\" name=\"".$name."\"/>\n");
+			print (FILE "        <shortcut-icon path=\"".$iconPath."\"/>\n") unless ($iconPath eq "");
+			print (FILE "      </shortcut>\n");
+			}
+		print (FILE "    </shortcuts>\n");
+		}
+	print (FILE "  </package>\n");
+	print (FILE "\n");
+	print (FILE "  <manifest>\n");
+	$fileList=[sort(@$fileList)];
+	$fileList=removeDuplicates($fileList,1); # Remove additional duplicates (may happen with 'patch'ed files)
+	foreach my $line (@$fileList)
+		{
+		print FILE "    <item src=\"\\$line\"";
+		$line =~ s/^$from(.*)$/$1/i;
+		print FILE " dest=\"$to$line\"/>\n";
+		} 
+	print FILE "  <\/manifest>\n</packagedef>\n";
+	close(FILE);
+	}
+sub removeDuplicates($$)
+	{
+	# NB: Case insensitive matching
+	my ($aListRef, $aLeave) = @_;
+	my @list = @$aListRef;
+	if ($aLeave>1)
+		{
+		die "removeDuplicates(\$\$): Cannot leave more than 1 duplicate\n";
+		}
+	my $prevEntry = undef;
+	my $entry;
+	my $index=0;
+	@list=sort(@list);
+	while ($index < scalar(@list))
+		{
+		$entry = lc($list[$index]);
+		if ($entry eq $prevEntry)
+			{
+			if ($aLeave == 0)
+				{
+				# Get rid of the prevEntry as well if we need
+				splice(@list, $index-1, 1);
+				$index--;
+				}
+			while ($entry eq $prevEntry)
+				{
+				# If there's a duplicate, remove the duplicate
+				splice(@list, $index, 1);
+				# then get the next entry to check	
+				$entry = lc($list[$index]);
+				}
+			}
+		$prevEntry = $entry;
+		$index++;
+		}
+	return \@list;
+	}
+# Keep only duplicated entries - and then only keep one of them
+sub keepDuplicates($)
+	{
+	my ($listRef) = @_;
+	my @list = sort(@$listRef);
+	my $index=0;
+	while ($index < scalar(@list))
+		{
+		if (($index<(scalar(@list)-1)) && (lc($list[$index]) eq lc($list[$index+1])))
+			{
+			# Remove all other duplicates except the last one
+			while ((lc($list[$index]) eq lc($list[$index+1])) && $index < (scalar(@list)-1))
+				{
+				splice(@list, $index, 1);
+				}
+			$index++;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			# Not a duplicate; remove it
+			splice(@list, $index, 1);
+			}
+		}
+	return \@list;
+	}
+sub match($$$$)
+	{
+	my @package = @{(shift)}; # Files available for matching
+	my @patterns = @{(shift)}; # List of patterns to match
+	my @options = @{(shift)}; # Options ($warn)
+	my $filename = shift; # This is only used for error messages
+	my ($warn) = @options;
+	my @regexp = grep(/^\/.*\/$/, @patterns);
+	my @leftpatterns = grep(!/^\/.*\/$/, @patterns);
+	my @filelist = grep(/^#/, @leftpatterns);
+	@leftpatterns = grep(!/^#/, @leftpatterns);
+	if (scalar(@leftpatterns) > 0)
+		{
+		foreach my $expression (@leftpatterns)
+			{
+			$log->Error("ERROR: Expression '$expression' not understood (must be /regexp/ or #filename)");
+			}
+		exit($log->getErrorCode());
+		}
+	if (scalar(@filelist)>0)
+		{
+		# Prepare list of files to match
+		my $file = shift @filelist;
+		$file =~ s/^#//;
+		my @tomatch = @{readFileList($file) };
+		@tomatch = @{removeDuplicates(\@tomatch, 1)}; # Remove extra duplicates
+		foreach my $file (@filelist)
+			{
+			$file =~ s/^#//;
+			my @list = @{readFileList($file)};
+			@list = @{removeDuplicates(\@list, 1)}; # Remove extra duplicates
+			@tomatch = @tomatch, @list;
+			@tomatch = @{keepDuplicates(\@tomatch)}; # Keep only matching files
+			}
+		foreach my $regexp (@regexp)
+			{
+			$regexp =~ s/^\/(.*)\/$/\1/;
+			@tomatch = grep(/$regexp/i, @tomatch); # Filter list of files to match
+			}
+		# Match files
+		my @match = ();
+		my @nomatch = ();
+		my $lcentry;
+		foreach my $entry (@tomatch)
+			{
+			$lcentry = lc($entry);
+			my @matches = grep((lc($_) eq $lcentry), @package);
+			if (scalar(@matches) == 0)
+				{
+				push @nomatch, $entry;
+				}
+			elsif (scalar(@matches) == 1)
+				{
+				push @match, $matches[0];
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				die "Fatal error: Failure to clear duplicates\n";
+				}
+			}
+		@package = @match;
+		if ($warn)
+			{
+			if (scalar(@nomatch)>0)
+				{
+				my $object;
+				if (scalar(@patterns) == 1)
+					{
+					$object="file";
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					$object="rule";
+					}
+				$log->Warn("WARNING: ".scalar(@nomatch)." files not matched from $object '".join(" ",@patterns)."'.");
+				$log->ListMissing(@nomatch);
+				}
+			}
+		if ((scalar(@package) == 0) && (scalar(@tomatch) > 0))
+			{
+			if ($warn)
+				{
+				$log->Warn("WARNING: 0 files matched against rule '".join(" ",@patterns)."' [$filename:$.]");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		# Regexps only
+		foreach my $regexp (@regexp)
+			{
+			$regexp =~ s/^\/(.*)\/$/\1/;
+			@package = grep(/$regexp/i, @package );
+			if (scalar(@package) == 0)
+				{
+				last;
+				}
+			}
+		if (scalar(@package) == 0)
+			{
+			if ($warn)
+				{
+				$log->Warn("WARNING: 0 files matched against rule '".join(" ",@patterns)."' [$filename:$.]");
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	return \@package;
+	}				
+sub replaceStdVars($)
+	{
+	my $line = $_[0];
+	$line =~ s/(%[^%]*?%)/$stdVars{$1}/gi;
+	return $line;
+	}