--- a/bldsystemtools/commonbldutils/ExportCBR.pl Fri Apr 16 16:10:01 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# Script to export CBRs to the ODC
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use File::Copy;
-use File::Path;
-use FindBin;
-use lib $FindBin::Bin; # Pickup local modules
-use record_delivery;
-# location of text file on devbuilds
-my $aODCBuilds = "\\\\builds01\\odcbuilds\\CBR_Export";
-# location of templates and email cfg
-my $aSupportLoc = "\\\\builds01\\devbuilds\\BuildTeam\\record_delivery";
-# Process the commandline
-my (%args) = ProcessCommandLine();
-# run the export
-# ProcessCommandLine
-# Description
-# This function processes the commandline
-sub ProcessCommandLine
- my ($iHelp);
- my ($iSnapshot, $iDir, $iProduct, $iNotify, @iComponents, @iTemplates);
- GetOptions('h' => \$iHelp, 'c=s' => \@iComponents, 's=s' => \$iSnapshot, 'd=s' => \$iDir, 'p=s' => \$iProduct, 'n' => \$iNotify, 't=s' => \@iTemplates);
- if (($iHelp) || (scalar(@iComponents) < 1) || (!defined $iSnapshot) || (!defined $iDir) || (!defined $iProduct))
- {
- Usage();
- }
- my %args = ('Snapshot' => $iSnapshot, 'Dir' => $iDir, 'Product' => $iProduct, 'Notify' => $iNotify,
- 'Components' => [@iComponents], 'Templates' => [@iTemplates]);
- return %args;
-# Usage
-# Output Usage Information.
-sub Usage
- print <<USAGE_EOF;
- Usage: ExportCBR.pl [switches]
- [Switches]
- -c component (e.g gt_techview_baseline) [multiple allowed]
- -s snapshot number (e.g. 03445_Symbian_OS_v9.1)
- -d Directory of epoc32 (e.g. M: or CBRGT)
- -p Product (e.g.9.1)
- [Optional]
- -h help
- -n Notify ODC by logging that the export has been completed
- -t Templates for recording deliveries [multiple allowed]
- exit 1;
-# Main
-# Runs the export of CBRs
-sub Main
- my (%args) = @_;
- my $aExportCount;
- # Check to see if this is a TestBuild by looking at the Publish Location Environment variable
- # Do no export if a Test Build
- if ($ENV{'PublishLocation'} =~ /Test_Builds$/i)
- {
- print "Not exporting the Test Build\n";
- exit 0;
- }
- # Open Log file for writing
- my $logname = $ENV{'LogsDir'}."\\Export_CBR.log";
- open (LOGFILE, ">> $logname");
- foreach my $aComponent(@{$args{'Components'}})
- {
- my $line;
- print "\nAbout to export $aComponent ".$args{'Snapshot'}." from ".$args{'Dir'}."\n";
- my $iCmd = "exportenv -vv ".$aComponent." ".$args{'Snapshot'}." 2>&1";
- print LOGFILE "\nCommand: $iCmd\n";
- open (CMD, "$iCmd |");
- while ($line = <CMD>)
- {
- print LOGFILE $line;
- # Count the number of components exported
- if ( $line =~ /successfully exported/)
- {
- $aExportCount++;
- }
- }
- # Write time stamp to logfile
- print LOGFILE $aComponent." exportenv finsihed at ".localtime()."\n";
- print "\nExport Complete\n";
- }
- # Record export of components
- if (($aExportCount >0) && (scalar(@{$args{'Templates'}}) > 0))
- {
- my $delivery = record_delivery->new(config_file => $aSupportLoc."\\email.cfg");
- foreach my $iTemplate (@{$args{'Templates'}})
- {
- eval {
- $delivery->send(Template => $aSupportLoc."\\".$iTemplate, BuildNumber => $args{'Snapshot'}, BuildShortName => $args{'Product'});
- };
- if($@)
- {
- print LOGFILE "ERROR: Failed to record delivery using template ".$aSupportLoc."\\".$iTemplate."\n";
- } else
- {
- print LOGFILE "Sending email to record delivery using template ".$aSupportLoc."\\".$iTemplate."\n";
- }
- }
- }
- close LOGFILE;
- if ((defined$args{'Notify'}) && ($aExportCount >0))
- {
- ©File($logname, $args{'Snapshot'}, $args{'Product'});
- }
- exit 0;
-# copyFile
-# Copies a file with the snapshot to devbuilds
-sub copyFile
- my ($logname, $aSnapShot, $aProduct) = @_;
- # check there is an "Export_CBR.log" present to be copied across before deleting the previous one(s).
- unless ( -e $logname )
- {
- print "WARNING: $logname not found when trying to copy to $aODCBuilds\\$aSnapShot.txt $!\n";
- return;
- }
- # now delete the older text files
- print "\nCMD: del /F /Q $aODCBuilds\\*$aProduct.txt\n";
- system("del /F /Q $aODCBuilds\\*$aProduct.txt");
- print "REMARK: deleting old notify files failed with return of ".($?>>8)."($?)\n" if ($? > 0);
- # and copy the new file
- print "\ncopying $logname to $aODCBuilds\\$aSnapShot.txt\n";
- mkpath($aODCBuilds) if (! -d $aODCBuilds);
- copy($logname, "$aODCBuilds\\$aSnapShot.txt") || print "WARNING: Copy of $logname to $aODCBuilds\\$aSnapShot.txt failed $!\n";