changeset 37 be14ecca790f
parent 25 85578ba0aa08
child 38 86a1ec9fa7ba
child 42 f532653c45c0
--- a/bldsystemtools/commonbldutils/	Fri Apr 16 16:10:01 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-#! perl
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-sub Usage(;$)
-	{
-	my ($errmsg) = @_;
-	print "\nERROR: $errmsg\n" if (defined $errmsg);
-	print <<'EOF';
-perl [options] specfile
-perl [options] -check specfile 
-Create a tree of empty directories, specified in specfile.
-The specification is one or more lines of the form
-   path/name/separated/by/forward/slash   # optional comment
-Paths should not contain "." or "..". Paths ending in "*"
-imply that other subdirectories are permitted by the -check
-option, but ignored.
-If no specfile is given on the command line, the tool will
-read from standard input.
-The -check option compares an existing directory tree
-with the one which would have been created, and reports 
--r rootdir           root of the directory tree 
--o newspecfile       specfile describing the new tree, 
-                     mostly for use with the -check option
--fix                 attempt to correct directory names which 
-                     have the wrong case - used with -check
-If no rootdir is specified, the tree will be assumed to start
-in the current directory. 
-	exit 1;
-	}
-my $rootdir;
-my $check;
-my $fix;
-my $newspecfile;
-my $help;
-my $verbose;
-Usage() if !GetOptions(
-	'r=s' => \$rootdir,
-	'o=s' => \$newspecfile,
-	'check' => \$check,
-	'fix' => \$fix,
-	'h' => \$help,
-	'v' => \$verbose,
-	);
-Usage() if ($help);
-my $line;
-my %dirnames;		# actual capitalisation
-my %lc_dirnames;	# forced to lowercase
-my %wilddirs;
-while ($line=<>)
-	{
-	chomp $line;
-	$line =~ s/\s*#.*$//;	# hash is comment to end of line
-	$line =~ s/^\s*//;		# remove leading whitespace
-	$line =~ s/\s*$//;		# remove trailing whitespace
-	# also accepts the output of "p4 have"
-	if ($line =~ /^\/\/epoc\/master\/(.*)\/[^\/]+$/i)
-		{
-		# output of p4 have
-		$line = $1;
-		}
-	next if ($line eq "");	# ignore blanks
-	# tolerate some minor errors in the input format
-	$line =~ s/\\/\//g;	# convert any \ to /
-	$line =~ s/^\///;	# remove leading /, if present
-	my $wilddir = 0;
-	if ($line =~ /\/\*$/)
-		{
-		$line = substr $line, 0, -2;	# cut off last two characters
-		$wilddir = 1;
-		}
-	my @dirs = split /\//, $line;
-	my $path = "";
-	my $lc_path = lc $path;
-	foreach my $subdir (@dirs)
-		{
-		my $parent = $path;
-		$path .= "/$subdir";
-		$lc_path .= lc "/$subdir";
-		next if (defined $dirnames{$path});	# already seen this one
-		if (defined $lc_dirnames{$lc_path})
-			{
-			my $fixed_path = $lc_dirnames{$lc_path};
-			print "WARNING: input file has ambiguous case for $path (should be $fixed_path)\n";
-			$path = $fixed_path;	# recover by using the earlier entry?
-			next;
-			}
-		# found a new directory
-		@{$dirnames{$path}} = ();	# empty list of subdirs
-		$lc_dirnames{$lc_path} = $path;
-		push @{$dirnames{$parent}}, $subdir;
-		next;
-		}
-	$wilddirs{$path} = 1 if ($wilddir);		
-	}
-print "* Processed input file\n";
-Usage("No directories specified") if (scalar keys %dirnames == 0);
-# %dirnames now contains all of the approved names as keys
-# The associated value is the list of subdirectories (if any)
-# Subroutine to create a completely new directory tree
-sub make_new_tree($)
-	{
-	my ($root) = @_;
-	my $errors = 0;
-	foreach my $path (sort keys %dirnames)
-		{
-		next if ($path eq "");	# root directory already exists
-		print "** mkdir $root$path\n" if ($verbose);
-		if (!mkdir $root.$path)
-			{
-			print "ERROR: failed to make $root$path: $!\n";
-			$errors++;
-			}
-		}
-	return ($errors == 0);
-	}
-# recursive routine to remove a subtree from %dirnames
-sub remove_subtree($);
-sub remove_subtree($)
-	{
-	my ($subdir) = @_;
-	my @absent = @{$dirnames{$subdir}};
-	delete $dirnames{$subdir};	# delete the parent
-	if (defined $wilddirs{$subdir})
-		{
-		# Remove from %wilddirs as well - directory should exist
-		delete $wilddirs{$subdir};
-		}
-	foreach my $dir (@absent)
-		{
-		remove_subtree("$subdir/$dir");	# recursively delete the children
-		}
-	}
-# recursive routine to check a subtree against %dirnames
-sub check_subtree($$$);
-sub check_subtree($$$)
-	{
-	my ($root,$subdir,$expected) = @_;
-	my $currentdir = $root.$subdir;
-	opendir DIR, $currentdir;
-	my @contents = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir DIR;
-	closedir DIR;
-	printf ("** checking $currentdir - %d entries\n", scalar @contents) if ($verbose);
-	my @confirmed = ();
-	foreach my $expected (@{$dirnames{$subdir}})
-		{
-		push @confirmed,$expected;
-		if (!-d "$currentdir/$expected")
-			{
-			# Note: this does not check the correctness of the case,
-			# that comes in the scan through @contents
-			print "REMARK: cannot find expected directory $currentdir/$expected\n";
-			if ($fix && defined $newspecfile)
-				{
-				print "** removing $currentdir/$expected/... from specification\n";
-				remove_subtree("$subdir/$expected");
-				pop @confirmed;	
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	@{$dirnames{$subdir}} = @confirmed;	# update the description of the tree
-	foreach my $name (@contents)
-		{
-		if (!-d "$currentdir/$name")
-			{
-			next; # ignore files
-			}
-		my $newpath = "$subdir/$name";
-		if ($expected)
-			{
-			if (defined $dirnames{$newpath})
-				{
-				# we expected this one, and it has the correct case
-				check_subtree($root,$newpath,1);
-				next;
-				}
-			my $lc_newpath = lc $newpath;
-			if (defined $lc_dirnames{$lc_newpath})
-				{
-				# expected directory, but wrong name
-				$newpath = $lc_dirnames{$lc_newpath};	# get the correct name
-				if ($fix && rename("$currentdir/$name","$root$newpath"))
-					{
-					print "* corrected $currentdir/$name to $root$newpath\n";
-					}
-				else
-					{
-				    print "ERROR: $currentdir/$name should be $root$newpath\n";
-				    }
-				check_subtree($root,$newpath,1);
-				next;
-				}
-			}
-		# unexpected subdirectory
-		if ($wilddirs{$subdir})
-			{
-			# unexpected directory in a directory which allows "extras"
-			next;
-			}
-		print "REMARK: New subtree found: $newpath\n" if ($expected);
-		# add unexpected subtrees to the $dirnames structure
-		@{$dirnames{$newpath}} = ();	# empty list of subdirs
-		push @{$dirnames{$subdir}}, $name;
-		# no %lc_dirnames entry required
-		check_subtree($root,$newpath,0);
-		}
-	}
-# subroutine to generate a new input file
-sub print_leaf_dirs($)
-	{
-	my ($filename) = @_;
-	open FILE, ">$filename" or die "Cannot write to $filename: $!\n";
-	foreach my $path (sort keys %dirnames)
-		{
-		my @subdirs = @{$dirnames{$path}};
-		if (defined $wilddirs{$path})
-			{
-			print FILE "$path/*\n";	# always print wildcard directories
-			next;
-			}
-		next if (scalar @subdirs != 0);	# ignore interior directories
-		print FILE "$path\n";
-		}
-	close FILE;
-	}
-$rootdir =~ s/\\/\//g if (defined $rootdir);	# convert rootdir to forward slashes
-if ($check)
-	{
-	$rootdir = "." if (!defined $rootdir);
-	print "* checking $rootdir ...\n";
-	check_subtree($rootdir,"",1);
-	}
-	{
-	if (defined $rootdir && !-d $rootdir)
-		{
-		Usage("Cannot create $rootdir: $!") if (!mkdir $rootdir);
-		print "* created root directory $rootdir\n";
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		$rootdir = ".";
-		}
-	print "* creating directory tree in $rootdir\n";
-	make_new_tree($rootdir);
-	}
-if (defined $newspecfile)
-	{
-	print_leaf_dirs($newspecfile);
-	print "* created $newspecfile\n";
-	}