changeset 24 d90029decf65
parent 20 a9d4531388d0
child 33 54aa4a06a075
child 34 5e522efbae7b
--- a/bldsystemtools/commonbldutils/	Wed Mar 31 23:20:42 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
-#!perl -w
-# This script reads data from specified Windows Event Logs and writes the information to a file
-# Output is ScanLog-compatible. First this script establishes a time range by reading the specified Build Log.
-# For info. on Win32::EventLog, see "Win32 Perl Programming" Page 171 et seq.
-use FindBin;
-use Sys::Hostname;
-use Win32;
-use Win32::EventLog;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use strict;
-# For Date calculations
-no warnings;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../buildsystemtools/lib"; # For running in source
-use Date::Manip;
-# Set TimeZone because Date:Manip needs it set and then tell it to IGNORE the TimeZone
-# Check if HiRes Timer is available
-my $gHiResTimer = 0; #Flag - TRUE if HiRes Timer module available
-if (eval "require Time::HiRes;") {
-  $gHiResTimer = 1;
-} else {
-  print "Cannot load HiResTimer Module\n";
-# Capture the name of this script for Help display etc.
-$0 =~ m/([^\\]+?)$/;
-my $gThisFile = $1;
-# Process command line
-my ($gComputer, $gBuildLogstart, $gBuildLogend, $gOutLogFile, @gEventSourcesUser) = ProcessCommandLine();
-$gComputer = (defined $gComputer)? uc $gComputer: hostname();
-# Open logfile, if specified
-my $gOutLogHandle = \*OUTLOGFILE;
-if (defined $gOutLogFile)
-    open ($gOutLogHandle, ">$gOutLogFile") or die "Failed to open $gOutLogFile";
-    my $iTime = gmtime(time);
-    PrintStageStart(0,"Windows Event Log Extracts",$gThisFile);
-    print "Logfile: $gOutLogFile  Opened: $iTime\n";
-    print $gOutLogHandle "Output file: $gOutLogFile  Opened: $iTime\n";
-    $gOutLogHandle = \*STDOUT;
-    PrintStageStart(0,"Windows Event Log Extracts",$gThisFile);     # Start logging Generic Info. as pseudo Build Stage
-    print "Logging to STDOUT\n";
-print $gOutLogHandle "Data extracted from Windows Event Logs for Computer: $gComputer\n";
-# Establish time range. Get build start  time from specified Build Log file.
-unless (defined $gBuildLogstart)
-    my $iMsg = "No Build Log specified";
-    print $gOutLogHandle "ERROR: $iMsg\n";
-    PrintStageEnd(0);     # Stop logging Generic Info.
-    Usage("$iMsg");
-unless (defined $gBuildLogend)
-    my $iMsg = "No Build Log specified";
-    print $gOutLogHandle "ERROR: $iMsg\n";
-    PrintStageEnd(0);     # Stop logging Generic Info.
-    Usage("$iMsg");
-my ($gStartSecs, $gStopSecs) = GetTimeRange($gBuildLogstart, $gBuildLogend);
-unless (defined $gStartSecs)
-    my $iMsg = "Invalid Build Log: $gBuildLogstart";
-    print $gOutLogHandle "ERROR: $iMsg\n";
-    PrintStageEnd(0);          # Stop logging Generic Info.
-    Usage("$iMsg");
-# Establish time range. Get build  end time from specified Build Log file.
-# Determine which Event Logs are to be read. Default is "All three". Specifying one only is really a debug convenience.
-my @gEventSourcesDefault = ('Application','Security','System');
-my @gEventSources;
-if (@gEventSourcesUser)  # Event Log(s) specified by user.
-    foreach my $iSrcU (@gEventSourcesUser)
-    {
-        my $iOKFlag = 0;
-        foreach my $iSrcD (@gEventSourcesDefault)
-        {
-            if (lc $iSrcU eq lc $iSrcD)
-            {
-                push (@gEventSources, $iSrcD);
-                $iOKFlag = 1;
-                last;
-            }
-        }
-        unless ($iOKFlag)
-        {
-            my $iMsg = "Invalid Event Log Filename: $iSrcU";
-            print $gOutLogHandle "ERROR: $iMsg\n";
-            PrintStageEnd(0);     # Stop logging Generic Info.
-            Usage("$iMsg");
-        }
-    }   # End foreach my $iSrcU (@gEventSourcesUser)
-else    # Default to "All logs"
-    @gEventSources = @gEventSourcesDefault;
-PrintStageEnd(0);     # Stop logging Generic Info.
-# Finally read the required Event Log(s)
-$Win32::EventLog::GetMessageText = 1;   # Ensure that we get the message content from each Event Log entry.
-for (my $iIndx = 0; $iIndx < @gEventSources; )
-    my $iEventSource=$gEventSources[$iIndx];
-    ++$iIndx;
-    print "Reading Event Log: $iEventSource\n";
-    ReadEventLog ($iIndx,$iEventSource);
-exit (0);
-# ReadEventLog
-# Read from one Event Log and output to supplied logfile handle.
-# Input: Stage Number, Event Log Name
-# Output: ScanLog-compatible data to log file
-sub ReadEventLog
-    my $iStage = shift;         # Stage number.
-    my $iEventSource = shift;   # Name of Event Log file.
-    # First argument to "new Win32::EventLog()" may be "Application", "Security" or "System";
-    my $iTotalEvents;
-    my $iSeparator = "------------------------------------------------------------\n";
-    PrintStageStart($iStage,"Windows $iEventSource Event Log Extracts",$gThisFile);
-    my $iEventObject = new Win32::EventLog($iEventSource, $gComputer);
-    unless ($iEventObject)
-    {
-        print $gOutLogHandle  "ERROR: Failed to open Event Log: $iEventSource\n";
-        PrintStageEnd($iStage);
-        return;
-    }
-    unless ($iEventObject->GetNumber($iTotalEvents))
-    {
-        print $gOutLogHandle  "ERROR: Cannot read Event Log: $iEventSource\n";
-        PrintStageEnd($iStage);
-        return;
-    }
-    unless ($iTotalEvents)    # Check number of events in log.
-    {
-        print $gOutLogHandle "No event recorded in $iEventSource Log.\n";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        my $iRecNum = 0;     # Ignored unless $iFlag == EVENTLOG_SEEK_READ
-        my $iStopFlag = 0;
-        my $count = 0;
-        while (!$iStopFlag)
-        {
-            my %iHash;
-            unless ($iEventObject->Read($iFlag, $iRecNum, \%iHash))
-            {
-                $iStopFlag = 1;
-            }
-            else    # Successful "read"
-            {
-            my $iEventTime = $iHash{TimeGenerated};
-            if ($iEventTime > $gStopSecs)
-                { next; }
-            if ($iEventTime < $gStartSecs)
-                { last; }
-            ++$count;
-            print $gOutLogHandle $iSeparator;
-            my $iTxt;
-            if ($iHash{EventType} == EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE)
-                {$iTxt = 'Error'; }
-            elsif ($iHash{EventType} == EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE)
-                {$iTxt = 'Warning'; }
-            elsif ($iHash{EventType} == EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE)
-                {$iTxt = 'Information'; }
-            elsif ($iHash{EventType} == EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS)
-                {$iTxt = 'Audit Success'; }
-            elsif ($iHash{EventType} == EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE)
-                {$iTxt = 'Audit Failure'; }
-            else
-                {$iTxt = "*unknown* [$iHash{EventType}]"; }
-            print $gOutLogHandle "EventType: $iTxt  Source: $iHash{Source}  RecNum: $iHash{RecordNumber}\n";
-            my $iTimeStr = gmtime($iHash{TimeGenerated});
-            print $gOutLogHandle "TimeGen:   $iHash{TimeGenerated} ($iTimeStr)\n";
-            print $gOutLogHandle "Computer:  $iHash{Computer}\n";
-            print $gOutLogHandle "User:      $iHash{User}\n";
-            print $gOutLogHandle "EventID:   $iHash{EventID}\n";
-            print $gOutLogHandle "Category:  $iHash{Category}\n";
-            $iTxt = (defined $iHash{Message})? $iHash{Message}: '*none*';
-            print $gOutLogHandle "Message:   $iTxt\n";
-            $iTxt = ($iHash{Strings})? $iHash{Strings}: '*none*';
-            print $gOutLogHandle "Strings:   $iTxt\n";
-            }
-        }   # End while (!$iStopFlag)
-        print $gOutLogHandle $iSeparator;
-        print $gOutLogHandle "Events in specified time range = $count    Events in file = $iTotalEvents\n";
-    }   # End unless ($iTotalEvents)
-    PrintStageEnd($iStage);
-# PrintStageStart
-# Print to log file the ScanLog-Compatible lines to start a stage
-# Input: Stage, Component Name [,Command Name]
-# Output: Start time etc.
-sub PrintStageStart
-    my $iStage = shift;         # Stage number.
-    my $iComponent = shift;     # e.g. Name of Event Log file.
-    my $iCommand = shift;
-    my $iTime = gmtime(time);
-    print $gOutLogHandle "===-------------------------------------------------\n";
-    print $gOutLogHandle "=== Stage=$iStage\n";
-    print $gOutLogHandle "===-------------------------------------------------\n";
-    print $gOutLogHandle "=== Stage=$iStage started $iTime\n";
-    print $gOutLogHandle "=== Stage=$iStage == $iComponent\n";
-    if (defined $iCommand)
-    {
-        print $gOutLogHandle "-- $iCommand\n";
-    }
-    print $gOutLogHandle "++ Started at $iTime\n";
-    if ($gHiResTimer)
-    {
-        print $gOutLogHandle "+++ HiRes Start ".Time::HiRes::time()."\n";
-    }
-# PrintStageEnd
-# Print to log file the ScanLog-Compatible lines to end a stage
-# Input: Stage
-# Output: End time etc.
-sub PrintStageEnd
-    my $iStage = shift;         # Stage number.
-    if ($gHiResTimer)
-    {
-        print $gOutLogHandle "+++ HiRes End ".Time::HiRes::time()."\n";
-    }
-    my $iTime = gmtime(time);
-    print $gOutLogHandle "++ Finished at $iTime\n";
-    print $gOutLogHandle "=== Stage=$iStage finished $iTime\n";
-#sub GetTimeRange
-# Establish start and end times for overall build
-# Typical start line: === Stage=1 started Mon Oct  4 15:55:31 2004
-# Typical end line:   === Stage=115 finished Tue Oct  5 01:47:37 2004
-# Input: Name of Build Log File to read
-# Output: Summary timing info to log file
-# Return: Start/End times in seconds
-sub GetTimeRange
-    my ($iBuildLogstart,$iBuildLogend) = @_;
-    my ($iStartTime, $iStopTime);
-# $iStartTime Time read from $iBuildLogstart
-    unless (open (INLOGFILE, "<$iBuildLogstart"))
-    {
-        print $gOutLogHandle "Failed to open input file: $iBuildLogstart\n";
-        return undef, undef;
-    }
-    while(my $iLine = <INLOGFILE>)
-    {
-        chomp $iLine;
-        unless (defined $iStartTime)
-        {
-            if ($iLine =~ m/^===\s+Stage=\S*\s+started\s+(.+)/)
-                { $iStartTime = $1; last; }
-        }
-    }
-    close INLOGFILE;
-# $iStopTime Time read from $iBuildLogend
-    unless (open (OUTFILE, "<$iBuildLogend"))
-    {
-        print $gOutLogHandle "Failed to open input file: $iBuildLogend\n";
-        return undef, undef;
-    }
-    while(my $iLine = <OUTFILE>)
-    {
-        chomp $iLine;
-        if (($iLine =~ m/^===\s(.*\s)?finished\s+(.+)/))
-            { $iStopTime = $2; }
-    }
-    close OUTFILE;
-    my $iDate = ParseDateString($iStartTime);
-    my $iStartSecs = UnixDate($iDate,"%s");
-    print $gOutLogHandle "Time range taken for Build start time from Build Log: $iBuildLogstart\n";
-    print $gOutLogHandle "Earliest Event: $iStartTime\n\n";
-    $iDate = ParseDateString($iStopTime);
-    my $iStopSecs = UnixDate($iDate,"%s");
-    print $gOutLogHandle "Time range taken for Build end time from Build Log: $iBuildLogend\n";
-    print $gOutLogHandle "Latest Event: $iStopTime\n\n";
-    my $iSecs = $iStopSecs - $iStartSecs;
-    my $iMins = int ($iSecs/60);
-    $iSecs %= 60;
-    my $iHours = int($iMins/60);
-    $iMins %= 60;
-    printf $gOutLogHandle "--Time Range between the build START and FINISH:<< %d:%02d:%02d>>\n\n",$iHours,$iMins,$iSecs;
-    return $iStartSecs, $iStopSecs;
-# ProcessCommandLine
-# Process Commandline. On error, call Usage()
-# Input: None
-# Return: Parameters as strings.
-sub ProcessCommandLine
-  my ($iHelp, $iComputer, $iBuildLogstart, $iBuildLogend , $iOutFile, @iEventSources);
-  GetOptions('h' => \$iHelp, 'c=s' => \$iComputer, 'l=s' => \$iBuildLogstart,'k=s'=> \$iBuildLogend, 'o=s' => \$iOutFile, 's=s' => \@iEventSources);
-  if ($iHelp)
-  {
-    Usage();
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    return ($iComputer, $iBuildLogstart, $iBuildLogend,$iOutFile, @iEventSources);
-  }
-# Usage: Display Help and exits script.
-# Input: Error message, if any
-# Output: Usage information.
-# Return: Never returns. Exits with non-zero errorlevel
-sub Usage
-    if (@_)
-    {
-        print "\nERROR: @_\n";
-    }
-    print <<USAGE_EOF;
-    $gThisFile:
-      Reads the Windows Event Logs for the specified computer.
-      The time range is established by reading the specified Build Log.
-      ScanLog-compatible output is written to specified logfile.
-    Usage: $gThisFile parameters [options]
-    Parameters:
-      -l  Build start Log file
-      -k  Build End Log file
-    Options:
-      -h  Help
-      -c  Computer name (defaults to local PC)
-      -o  Logfile for output (defaults to STDOUT)
-      -s  Event Log Source (defaults to "All")
-          (Supported logs: "Application", "Security" or "System")
-    exit 1;