changeset 24 d90029decf65
parent 20 a9d4531388d0
child 33 54aa4a06a075
child 34 5e522efbae7b
--- a/bldsystemtools/commonbldutils/	Wed Mar 31 23:20:42 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# This script was originally just a test harness for
-# Subsequently it has been included in the MCL build
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use File::Copy;
-use Net::SMTP;
-use Sys::Hostname;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
-use PreBldChecks;
-my $gSMTPServer = '';
-my $gNotificationSender = Sys::Hostname::hostname();
-if (defined $ENV{'USERNAME'}) { $gNotificationSender .= ".$ENV{'USERNAME'}"; }
-my $gXML2EnvVar = 'PreBldChecksXML2';
-# Notes on License Files used by CodeWarrior (CW) and/or ARM
-# The official IS-supported "RVCT2.0.1 to RVCT2.1" upgrade mechanism installs C:\APPS\ARM\LICENSE.DAT.
-# but leaves ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE pointing to License Server(s)
-# The immediate fix was to delete the ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable and edit
-# LM_LICENSE_FILE to read C:\apps\Metrowerks\OEM2.8\license.dat;C:\apps\arm\license.dat.
-# Note on CodeWarrior (CW) Version 3.0 (January 2005)
-# NOKIA now own CodeWarrior. Thus we have a further Environment Variable, named NOKIA_LICENSE_FILE
-# Note on CodeWarrior (CW) Version 3.1 (November 2006)
-# A licence is no longer required for the command line utilities, only for the IDE
-# Capture the name of this script for Help display etc.
-$0 =~ m/([^\\]+?)$/;
-my $gThisFile = $1;
-# Process the commandline
-my ($gXMLfile1,$gLogFile,$gNotificationAddress) = ProcessCommandLine();
-# If XML file specified, get environment variables from that file into %$gXMLEnvRef1.
-# Otherwise assume that all the required variables are already in the predefined hash %ENV
-if (defined $gXMLfile1)
-    my $gXMLEnvRef1;    # Reference to hash containing environment data read from the XML file
-    $gXMLEnvRef1 = PreBldChecks::XMLEnvironment($gXMLfile1);
-    PreBldChecks::MergeEnvironment($gXMLEnvRef1);
-# Now refer to the build-specific XML file for further environment variables
-# In an MCL build, this file has probably not been sync'ed yet. So get it from Perforce into a temporary directory
-my $gP4Location = $ENV{CurrentCodeline};
-$gP4Location =~ s#/$##;      # Remove trailing slash, if any
-if ((uc $ENV{'Platform'}) eq 'SF')
-  $gP4Location = "$gP4Location/os/deviceplatformrelease/symbianosbld/cedarutils/$ENV{BuildBaseName}.xml"; #For Symbian MCL SF and TB91SF
-  $gP4Location = "$gP4Location/$ENV{Platform}/generic/utils/$ENV{BuildBaseName}.xml";  #For Symbian OS v9.5 and earlier
-# The following use of an environment variable to override $gP4Location is provided to make it 
-# possible to test a product-specific XML file from a development branch. This functionality
-# can be used in a manual test build or in stand-alone tests.
-# NB: Remember that you are specifying a location in Perforce, not a Windows directory!
-if (defined $ENV{$gXML2EnvVar})
-    $gP4Location = $ENV{$gXML2EnvVar};
-my $gXMLfile2 = "$ENV{'TEMP'}\\$ENV{BuildBaseName}.xml";
-my $gCmd = "P4 print -q -o $gXMLfile2 $gP4Location 2>&1";
-my $gResponse = `$gCmd`;    # It seems that response is empty when P4 succeeds. On error, it will contain details.
-if (-e $gXMLfile2)
-    my $gXMLEnvRef2;
-    $gXMLEnvRef2 = PreBldChecks::XMLEnvironment($gXMLfile2);
-    chmod (0666, $gXMLfile2);   # Make file R/W
-    unlink ($gXMLfile2);
-    PreBldChecks::MergeEnvironment($gXMLEnvRef2);
-    $gP4Location = undef;   # See reporting text below
-# Having acquired all available environment variables, set up text for eventual message.
-my $gBuildNumTxt = (defined $ENV{'BuildNumber'})? " - Build: $ENV{'BuildNumber'}": '';
-# Run checks.
-my($ErrorsRef,$WarningsRef) = PreBldChecks::AllChecks(\%ENV);
-# Log checks and/or print to screen
-my $errorCount = scalar @$ErrorsRef;
-my $warningCount = scalar @$WarningsRef;
-open BUILDENVOUTPUT, ">$gLogFile";
-print "\n\n";
-PrintLine('Results from pre-build checks:');
-PrintLine('Computer: ' . Sys::Hostname::hostname() . $gBuildNumTxt);
-PrintLine('XML Files used:');
-if (defined $gXMLfile1) { PrintLine("  $gXMLfile1"); }
-if (defined $gP4Location) { PrintLine("  $gP4Location"); }  # Report Perforce location ($gXMLfile2 points to temporary file only
-my @gEMailMsg = ();
-my $gErrMsg = '';
-if ($errorCount)
-    $gErrMsg = 'Errors must be fixed before restarting build!';
-    PrintLine("$errorCount Error(s):");
-    push @gEMailMsg, "$errorCount Error(s):\n";
-    for my $text (@$ErrorsRef)
-        {
-        PrintLine("  $text");
-        push @gEMailMsg, "\t$text\n";
-        }
-    PrintLine('No error.');
-if ($warningCount)
-    PrintLine("$warningCount Warning(s):");
-    push @gEMailMsg, "$warningCount Warning(s):\n";
-    for my $text (@$WarningsRef)
-    {
-        PrintLine("  $text");
-        push @gEMailMsg, "\t$text\n";
-    }
-    PrintLine('No warning.');
-if($gNotificationAddress and scalar @gEMailMsg)
-    my $iHostName = Sys::Hostname::hostname;     # Depends on "use Sys::Hostname;"
-    my $iEmailSubject = "ERROR: PreBldCheck Errors/Warnings!$gBuildNumTxt";
-    my $iMsgIntro = "PreBldCheck Reports:$gBuildNumTxt";     # Message introduction (becomes first line of email body)
-    $iMsgIntro .= "\nComputer $iHostName - Log file: $gLogFile";
-    unshift @gEMailMsg, "$iMsgIntro:\n\n";
-    push @gEMailMsg, "\n$gErrMsg\n---------------------------------------------\n";
-    unless (SendEmail($iEmailSubject,@gEMailMsg)) { ++$errorCount; }
-if ($errorCount)
-    print "\n";
-    # IMPORTANT: In the following text, "ERROR:" is a keyword for ScanLog to identify
-    PrintLine("ERROR: $gErrMsg\n");
-print "\n";
-exit($errorCount);      # End of main script
-# PrintLine
-# Inputs
-# Text to be written. (No CRLF required)
-# Outputs
-# Text to screen and to log file.
-# Description
-# This subroutine takes a line of text, adds CRLF and writes it to both screen and to the logfile.
-sub PrintLine
-    my $iLine = shift;
-    print "$iLine\n";
-    print BUILDENVOUTPUT "$iLine\n";
-# SendEmail
-# Input: Subject, Message (array of lines)
-# Returns: TRUE on success
-sub SendEmail
-    my ($iSubject, @iBody) = @_;
-    my (@iMessage);
-    my $iRetVal = 0;
-    push @iMessage,"From: $gNotificationSender\n";
-    push @iMessage,"To: $gNotificationAddress\n";
-    push @iMessage,"Subject: $iSubject\n";
-    push @iMessage,"\n";
-    push @iMessage,@iBody;
-    # Create an SMTP Client object that connects to the Symbian SMTP server
-    # Client tells the server what the mail domain is.
-    # Debug - just enables debugging information.
-    my $iSMTP = Net::SMTP->new($gSMTPServer, Hello => $ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'}, Debug   => 0);
-    if($iSMTP)
-    {
-        $iSMTP->mail();
-        $iSMTP->to($gNotificationAddress);
-        $iRetVal = $iSMTP->data(@iMessage);
-        $iSMTP->quit;
-    }
-    unless ($iRetVal)
-    {   # Report email failure to log and to screen (NB: "WARNING:" is a keyword for ScanLog to identify)
-        PrintLine ("WARNING: Failed to send email notification!\nSubject: $iSubject\nMessage:\n");
-        print join ('',@iBody), "\n";   # Send email body to screen only. (Will be logged by BuildServer/Client)
-    }
-    return $iRetVal;
-# ProcessCommandLine
-# Inputs
-# Returns
-# $iXMLfile filename of XML file from, which environment data are to be read.
-# $iLogFile filename to write log to.
-# Description
-# This function processes the commandline
-sub ProcessCommandLine {
-    my ($iHelp, $iXMLfile,$iLogfile,$iEMailAddress);
-    GetOptions('h' => \$iHelp, 'x=s' => \$iXMLfile, 'l=s' => \$iLogfile, 'e=s' => \$iEMailAddress);
-    if ($iHelp) { Usage(); }
-    if (!defined $iLogfile) { Usage("Logfile not specified!"); }
-    &backupFile($iLogfile) if (-e $iLogfile);
-    return($iXMLfile, $iLogfile, $iEMailAddress);
-# backupFile
-# Inputs
-# $iFile - filename to backup
-# Outputs
-# Description
-# This function renames an existing file with the .bak extension
-sub backupFile
-	my ($iFile) = shift;
-	my ($iBak) = $iFile;
-        $iBak =~ s/(\.\w*?$)/\.bak$1/;  # Convert, e.g., "PreBldChecks.log" to "PreBldChecks.bak.log"
-	if ((-e $iFile) and ($iFile ne 'NUL'))
-	{   # (NB: "WARNING:" is a keyword for ScanLog to identify)
-	    print "WARNING: $iFile already exists!\n\t Creating backup of original with new name of $iBak\n";
-	    move($iFile,$iBak) or die "WARNING: Could not backup $iFile to $iBak because of: $!\n";	  
-	}
-# Usage
-# Output Usage Information and exit whole script.
-sub Usage {
-    my $iMsg = shift;
-    if (defined $iMsg) { print "\nERROR: $iMsg\n"; }
-    print <<USAGE_EOF;
-    $gThisFile:
-        Carries out various checks on the build environment
-        including disk free space, the state of licensing
-        for CodeWarrion and for ARM RVCT.
-        Writes errors and warnings to the specified log file.
-        Emails notification of errors (but not warnings) to
-        the specified email address.
-        On exit, ERRORLEVEL is set to the Error Count.
-    Usage: $gThisFile parameters [options]
-    Parameters:
-    -l  logfile (output)
-    Options:
-    -x  XML file (input)
-    -e  EMail address for warnings (internet format)
-    -h  Help
-    If no XML file is specified, script will assume that all
-    necessary variables are already in the environment (\%ENV).
-    In any case, script will attempt to locate the relevant
-    build-specific XML file in Perforce and will read any
-    environment variables found in it.
-    Strictly for test purposes, the calculated location of the
-    secondary (product-specific) XML file may over-ridden by
-    setting the Environment Variable $gXML2EnvVar
-	exit 1;